• Published 20th Jan 2022
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The tales of Royal Scroll - Never-After-All-Readings

Royal Scroll the Adopted son of Celestia and the Student of Luna he has the whole world in his hooves, that is until that very world is tuned upside down he is force to walk it with different hooves

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Prolog: The Journals of two immortals

Prolog : The Journals of two immortals

It is a dark and starry night, the Moon hangs high in its perch, the silhouette of a dark unicorn carved in its surface, as it overlooks the newly built castle of the Equestrian kingdom. It is here that the start of this tale takes place, in the highest tower of the castle, in the room of Princess Celestia herself, is where we will find the journal of one of, if not the most powerful beings in the world. It is for this reason that she is now grieving, for even with all of her power she is not without fault, for with such divinity, she is not without sin. It is with nothing but sorrow that she writes in hollow words. She is the one who lost everything, and now she writes an apology to fix a shattered world.

To my dearest Sister Luna,

How long has it been since I have written to you? How much time has truly passed? it used to be that I could blink my eyes and the days would pass as if seconds, but now it feels as if those seconds have turned to days, and those days once so short, have turned into years. Has it truly only been five years since that horrible day?, are those days of happiness that we once all felt really gone, is this not some nightmare that I have let fester on for too long, will I soon not awake from it, so that I can see you with your student once again. How long is it going to take before I awake from this nightmare to see him leaned against you on that midnight basked balcony, having fallen asleep from a lesson that dragged into the night for too long. How long must I wait so that I may come and take him from you so that I may tuck him into the bed like I had from the day I took him as my own. How much longer must I grieve over all three of our sins. How much longer must I wait for you two to come home?

Signed Princess Celestia, Sole ruler of Equestria Dated 05 CR (Celestial Rule)

It is far off on the other side of the world that the story we have continues from the perspective of another, one that held the world in his heart, that now has nothing but the cloth on his back and a staff in his hooves. There he sits, a fire in the learning, the only light to see by as he writes what little thoughts he can muster in a journal that was not his own.

To my Dearest Mentor,

I can only hope that you will not mind me writing in this journal. It has taken me years now to even muster the courage to open it , for if I were to fail you another time I think that I could no longer call myself your pupil. It was one of the few items that survived your violent transformation that I could dig from your room after I left. Your journal was one such object, and even as I write in it now I dare not read a word that you yourself have written.

I can only imagine the pain hidden in the pages of this book, the secrets of an immortal goddess poured onto a blank page like painting on canvas, how many of the pages detail my failing to you, how many pages detail the failures of Mother, How many pages detail your own shortcomings if any can be found? Was it we that drove you to this, was it Mother and I that caused you to turn in such a way that you would threaten the very world that you once so cared for?, Could it have been the ponies of Equestria themselves, those that spit the venom of hate into your kind soul, not out of their own true hatred of you, but of the fear of your unknown night causing them.

The more I Think on such a thing the more I feel a fool for not seeing, Mother blinded by her own grace gave not the love you need to see your own beauty, the mortals of this world not understanding the night and what it gave to the very world that it blanked in its soft embrace, and me your very student for not noticing such pain, we have all wronged you some more so them others, and for that, For wronging the very thing that I swore help, and love, I shall carry some of those sins I created.

Signed Royal Scroll dated 7 LB (Luna’s Banishment)

To my Dearest Mentor,

What a mockery is I to the world of mortal soul, what a mockery is I to the pantheon of immortal beings. I, but, a humble earth pony so relegated to the throws of fate that it dares to spit misery into my face and laugh as I suffer. What have I become?, I am in the body of a mortal, yet never aged a day past the one that you left, to watch as the very souls around me turn to the dust that the very world itself was once made of. What had caused such a change that now makes me walk past the friends that I once held so dear as they fall and die around me at the blink of an eye.

Is this truly as there is to the gifted course of immortality, there is no wisdom to be had in such a life, by the time I learn of who someone is they die and all that is left in the end is me, alone with the grief of a thousand lives. The scariest part is that for one so old, I am truly young. How is it that you and mother stayed sane, was it the comfort that you shared with one another, but what of now, as the three of us are so far apart is it still possible to connect with each other as we once did, does the family covenant that we once filled so long ago still bind us or has the sands of time worn down that as well.

Please hurry home. It is now more than ever that I find myself needing your guidance.

Signed Royal Scroll dated 178 LB

To my dearest Sister Luna,

Why is it that only now after all this time I realized I have failed you both, why is it now while I sit in my study alone basking in the guilt of dreams left to die, that I come to know but only a fraction of your pain and my unforgivable sins.

He sent me a letter today. It was the first time that I had heard from him after your banishment, and for now it will seem to be the last time for Faust only knows how long that I may hear from him again. He has pushed himself into self exile, and with the action I fear that I lost the closest thing to a son I have ever had. He left after we banished you. "I just need some time to think” is all he said as he walked off. I had not the power or will to stop him, and now as I sit and ruminate on our past sins it almost breaks my already torn heart to think about what he is going through. For while my own sister betrayed me, you were his teacher and while you may not have seen it, a second mother to a foul with little family left. You betrayed me, forcing my hoof to stop you and in the midst of battle, I betrayed my only son to a life of cursed misery. He never should have been there, He never should have taken that stone in his magic, he never underwent the change. He wasn't ready. He used the elements with me and because of this, he did change.

The elements changed him. His very soul changed, yes, the purest magic in all existence cascaded around us, the power cosmic rushed through his very soul rewriting the very nature of his being, but his body couldn't keep up. It had stayed in the form of an Earth pony, his birth race. An immortal Earth pony, such ways that fate toys with us, for even with all the power he holds, and grows to hold, he will ever wield it with the expertise of a unicorn. The spells that he studied so late into the night, the spells that he spent years of his life crafting so that all of the pony kind could benefit. He may never be able to fully understand, with what ease a unicorn of a caliber equal to him could do, He could have done so much more, could have been so much more, But we all failed.

Signed Princess Celestia, Sole ruler of Equestria Dated 267 CR

To my Dearest Mentor,

It is after all these years that I have finally managed it, I walked the dreams of my ponies for the first time. The nightmares have gotten worse since you left, they run unchecked and corrupting even the nicest of dreams, but it is my duty to you to stop them. I have much practice to go before I am able to master such an old magic, it is unlike anything that I have ever seen. How even a god could handle such mental stress for so long is beyond me, such things that the nightmares are as they swarm and feed off the worst emotions. I fear that your fall from grace happened for so many more reasons than Mother and I will ever truly know.

Signed Royal Scroll dated 452 LB

To my dearest Sister Luna,

You would be proud to know that he is still out there, learning all the world has to offer him, and giving even more back. I have seen many books with his name bared to the front in gold letters, each one with a letter in the back to his dear mentor and mother thanking them for the seed of knowledge that sprang into a tree, thirsting for evermore things to learn.

You would be even more proud to learn that even after these last 900 years he hasn't let go of the moon. He stepped up in your place sister, as not only the moons guild, but as the keeper of dreams as well. From the very night you were sealed away he took up that mantel, the only thing he has dared to to touch is the very starry night that you had so expertly crafted for the day of rebellion, and while for him and I it might stand as a reminder of all that happened, it truly was a work of art.

He has traveled so far, your student. Learned more than we could have ever hoped to teach him. I have heard passing rumors of a magic using earth pony draped in a black cloak of mourning, passing from town to town giving help to all those who need it, yet he has not come home to me. oh what have we done to deserve such a separated fate, I would not wish not even this on our worst enemies, I only pray that we may be a family once more.

Signed Princess Celestia, Sole ruler of Equestria Dated 926 CR

To my dearest Sister Luna,

It is indeed a sad day for Equestrian history. A delegation sent to the land of the griffons was .... slaughtered, there was only a single surviving member and it was a magically bound griffon in the middle of a body and blood stained road. He was captured by a griffon guard force not long after being found, by a passing merchant and was questioned, yet I almost wished I had not learned of what happened to the delegation. they were brutality murdered by the bandit group that this griffin lead, and as such he now hangs from a gallows in the griffon capital.

What little good news was to be had was told before the hanging, during the integration. The truth is what had really happened. The griffon flock had attacked and killed most of the delegation that was sent, they saw us as weak, that we didn't belong as an ally of the griffon nation. They killed off the delegation one at a time listening to the begging only to turn and strike them down with no mercy, they continued that for as long as they could soaking in the pain and blood as if it was a last meal, that was until they were stopped.

They had killed their way down to all but two fillies, One was the daughter of two unicorn nobles sent as good will and faith, the other a student of my school earning extra marks for a class. They were going to take them ransom to prove the ultimate point, to drop them at the foot of their king to show him how weak the ponies truly were.

It was while they were looting that the bandits were ambushed by a single earth pony, wearing a black cloak, Wielding a staff, and that stank of powerful magic. He killed them one by one as the griffons had done, only stopping for a moment when a griffon prisoner had nerve asked for mercy. The griffon leader said that the newcomer would bend down low to look them in the eyes as he killed them the words “did you stop” following from his lips like fire. The Griffon said his eyes shone like amber suns, the magic he wielded dancing around him like wrath filled spirits come back from the dead to avenge the fallen. It was only after he finished with the last griffon and hogtying the leader that he had made off with the two fillies.

I can only hope that it was him, and that the two fillies that he saved are comming home to us soon.

Signed Princess Celestia, Sole ruler of Equestria Dated 987 CR

To my dearest Sister Luna,

He didn't send one today. Even after leaving he always sent a flower to me on this very day, yet no flower greeted me on my awakening, I fear what mig-

Celestia looked up, a knock sounding from the door to her study. She closed the journal with her golden magic, turning while she laid on her reading cushion to face the door and with a practiced voice spoke “Enter"

It was a guard that entered the room giving a low bow before he speaking "I am sorry for the intrusion your highness, but there's a pony requesting an audience"

Celestia lifted an eyebrow at this, the sun had not set but an hour ago and the moon had already started its ascent into the night sky. The time for allotted petitioners has long passed. The guard raised himself from the bow "what should I tell him your Highness" Celestia thought for a second. 'It could be a late positioner having come from afar, not knowing that the time for such things have passed, or more so that it is important matter' Celestia let out a tired sign "did they say their name and reason for visit"

The guard gave a nod as he spoke "yes ma' am" he pulled out a parchment from a compartment in his armor and read the name that was given. "a one Royal scroll, your highness, he is here for…" the guard was stopped mid-sentence as Celestia jumped from the reading cushion she was laying on. She was over to the guard in an instant, almost causing the well trained guard to fall over from not only the surprise, but also the not so regal princess of the sun in his face.

"Where is he now?" she asked in a voice that demanded more than questioned. The guard fought to get his composure back as he answered, "out... outside the throne room doors your highness, would y...''

Again the guard was cut off as a surge of magic surrounded them both and a teleport spell was cast.

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