• Published 2nd Feb 2022
  • 1,186 Views, 15 Comments

I Lied - SuperPinkBrony12

Daring Do finds out that Ahuizotl was lying about being a guardian, despite using the Truth Talisman of Tonatiuh. And when the ruse is exposed, Ahuizotl reveals what his reason for lying to Daring Do was.

  • ...

Lies and Half Truths

Daring Do sighed, leaning back in a chair. She was still wearing the glasses and robe that she always wore when operating under her "civilian" name of A. K. Yearling. Even now that her two greatest enemies were no longer a threat, old habits died hard. Besides, who knew what other threats might be out there, waiting for the chance to strike? She was just glad to have weathered the storm of having her secret identity exposed.

Her latest book was finally starting to sell well, despite having to compete against not only Doctor Caballeron but also Ahuizotl. And having both of them as allies was a great benefit to Daring Do. To think, she'd once thought she couldn't trust anyone and could handle all her problems on her own. "Rainbow Dash was right," She thought to herself, recalling her first meeting with the pegasus. "Sometimes, you can trust others." Maybe she could see about recruiting Caballeron the next time she embarked on one of her adventures.

But as the adventurer was preparing to head out and do some research (hoping to find where she should take her search for ancient artifacts now that the Tonatiuh Basin was protected), she heard a sound she had thought she'd never hear again. It was an unmistakable sound to her well trained ears, a sound she'd heard on so many adventurers prior. It was the call of wild jungle cats. And that could only mean one thing!

Rushing back into her cozy little cottage, Daring retrieved her trusty pith helmet and threw aside her glasses and robe! Daring Do was ready for action once again! Whoever it was that was stirring up the jungle cats for what was surely an evil purpose, they were going to realize the error of their ways in a very short amount of time.

And that was assuming Daring herself got to them first. With any luck, she would arrive on the scene only to find the day had already been saved thanks to Ahuizotl. After all, the basin was his to protect now.

The pegasus mare dashed from her cottage and leapt into action! There was no time for hesitation, the basin's treasures could not fall into the hooves, paws, talons or other appendages of evil! "Guess my next novel will be written sooner than I expected." She thought as the gears in her mind started turning. "Focus, Daring! Worry about the book after you take care of that evil doer!"

So the brave adventurer rushed into the basin as she already was contemplating who or what she was up against this time. She regretted that she didn't have time to call on Caballeron for assistance, but the basin being so close to her house and its magical secrets still so vaguely understood meant that time was of the essence when dealing with a new threat.

Yet to the surprise of Daring Do, she hadn't traveled far when who should come into view of her moderate rose eyes but Ahuziotl himself? And he seemed to be surrounded by the jungle cats, almost as if he had been the one calling them. But that couldn't be. Ahuizotl wasn't evil anymore, Daring Do knew this. What was going on here?!

If Ahuizotl was at all surprised by Daring Do's sudden presence, he didn't show it outwardly as the jungle cats surrounded him on all sides. "Ah, Daring Do," He greeted with what sounded like a hiss. "What an unexpected surprise. Didn't I tell you already that the basin is my domain?"

"Yes you did, but I see no reason why your jungle cats need to be involved," Daring protested. "Something isn't right here. Someone or something is threatening the basin," She then did her best to sound respectful. "I'd... appreciate you helping me track down the one responsible."

Ahuizotl only laughed. "You mean you haven't figured it out yet? I would've thought a pony smart enough to disguise herself while selling exaggerated tales of her adventures would have realized the truth by now."

Daring stepped back, blinking a bit. She didn't like where this conversation was going. "Truth? What are you talking about? You're not acting like yourself, Ahuizotl. This isn't you! You're not a bad guy! You told me!" Then she gasped as an awful realization struck her! "Somepony must have you under some kind of spell! Don't worry, Ahuizotl! I'll break it and restore the real you!"

The creature just laughed further as he swung a paw at Daring Do. "No spells, no curses, nothing of that sort. This is the real me you see before you, Daring Do."

The pegasus mare frowned, leaping into the air to keep out of Ahuziotl's reach (as well as that of his jungle cat army). "Stop it! I know you're lying! I heard the real Ahuizotl confess in those ruins! The Truth Talisman of Tonatiuh is absolute, whenever you posses it you must tell the truth!"

But Ahuizotl only flashed a toothy grin as he reached up his tail to try to knock Daring down to the ground. "Must I spell it out for you? Clearly, I gave you too much credit for the way our previous encounters always ended," And it was then that he willingly confessed. "Don't you think it's odd that you'd never heard of those guardians before, but I did? That's because what I told you back there was a lie!"

The news hit Daring Do as if she'd been smacked in the face! She fell to the ground in shock as her wings ceased to function for the time being. "No, that can't be!" She began desperately racking her mind to find an explanation for the contradiction presented to her. "You must be an impostor! Or the Ahuizotl I encountered in the ruins was an impostor!"

Ahuizotl laughed as he approached his downed foe. "I only wish I had thought of that possibility a long time ago. Had I known you'd be so easily tricked I would've indeed used an impostor," He reached out a paw to grab hold of the mare while his jungle cats moved in with hungry looks in their eyes. "There is a way for even something as powerful as The Truth Talisman of Tonatiuh to be outsmarted. It doesn't require one to tell the whole truth. And if one truly believes the lie they tell, they can overpower the talisman."

"So all of it was a lie?!" Daring hissed as she stepped back and narrowed her eyes!

The fiendish creature grinned. "Not entirely. There are guardians of this basin, and they are quite mad that treasures within it keep disappearing. However, I was not a member of them and never will be. What you heard in the ruins was a half truth."

Still in a state of shock, Daring Do still prepared herself for the fight she was certain was about to unfold. "How is it you knew more about that talisman than I did? I've studied those ancient artifacts my whole life. I've made it my life's purpose to research them and deliver them safely to museums where they can do no harm."

Ahuizotl continued to prattle as his jungle cats crept ever closer. He seemed so sure of himself, so proud of his deception. "You think you're the only one who can learn, Daring Do? How quickly you forget, we met even before those books of yours claim we did. Ever since your first artifact hunt, I've been on your tail. Like you, I've dedicated myself to learning all there is to know about this basin, about its treasures. Treasures that should be mine alone to use as I see fit! But those guardians, in their 'infinite wisdom' see otherwise."

The adventurer grit her teeth. Despite the jungle cats closing in on her, she wasn't going to go down without a fight. And she wasn't about to let Ahuizotl see her in a state of fright, she wouldn't give him that pleasure. "You're just like Caballeron until he turned over a new leaf, you only care about yourself," And she raised her front hooves. "If you thought your little 'lie' could keep me in the dark forever, you've got another thing coming! I've stopped you before and I can do so again!"

"Yes, but unlike you I learn from my mistakes," Ahuizotl boasted and gave a whistle. "I knew I couldn't fool you forever. Sooner or later, I knew you would catch on to me. And this time, I intend to make sure you don't walk away from this encounter. This will be the last time we meet. Or do you somehow think you can take on every jungle cat in this basin all at once?"

Daring Do proceeded to look around, seeing eyes that she knew hadn't been there a second ago in the nearby bushes. Everywhere she looked, she could see a hungry jungle cat just waiting to pounce. If all attacked her at once, she wasn't sure she'd have the strength to fend them off. Just her luck she had decided to go it alone this time.

But Daring never had the chance to find out if she could've stood her ground. Without warning, she felt something strike her on the plot, and the next thing she knew her eyes were growing heavy.

"Sweet dreams, Daring Do." Ahuizotl mockingly called, and it was the last thing the mare heard before she lost consciousness.

For how long the headstrong mare with a dusty gold coat was asleep, she did not know. But suddenly she was roused from her slumber and slowly fluttered her eyes open. Had it all been a terrible dream? Had she just imagined that entire encounter?

Alas, Daring Do soon saw that she hadn't. She was deep within a dungeon in what was surely an ancient pyramid or temple. In typical fashion she found herself tied down, this time quite thoroughly to the point where even her wings were incapable of moving. And all around her were Ahuizotl's jungle cats, all of them licking their lips as they growled and roared, no doubt anticipating their next meal.

And standing right over Daring on the wooden slab she found herself bound to, was none other than Ahuizotl in all his newly revealed evil glory. "At last, I will have my revenge on you for making a fool of me these many years!" He roared in triumph. "And when I'm done, those guardians who denied my ancestors and I what was rightfully ours will be next! The basin will be mine alone to rule, my kind will be the ones to inherit the great powers the artifacts bestow! And no one, not even your 'comrades' will be able to stand against us! They will learn to leave us be if they wish to live."

The adventurer squirmed and struggled in vain against the heavy iron chains that kept her shackled and captive bound. This couldn't be how it all ended for her! "Those guardians were right not to let you have the artifacts!" She valiantly protested. "This basin doesn't belong to you alone!"

"It should be!" Ahuizotl hissed back! "My father used to tell me of the great power our ancestors wielded when this basin was new, when we were the only inhabitants besides the local wildlife. But once ponies started making their way onto the land, the guardians insisted we were to give up those powers and live in peace. A peace we were denied because of ponies like you!"

"I know nothing of your silly feud!" Daring bitterly snapped! "So stop talking and leave me to my fate! I know what you intend to do, you want me to be lunch for those hungry pets of yours."

The vile creature just narrowed his eyes. "You pride yourself on your daring escapes," He pounded a paw on the slab! "The moment I leave you will surely find a way to escape, and then you'll come after me and we'll do the same song and dance we've always done. You'll kick my tail, I'll swear revenge, you'll taunt me some more and then we won't see each other for a while. And then the whole cycle will repeat itself the next time we meet. But this time shall be different! This time, I have every intention of seeing you meet your doom!"

The pegasus pouted and protested. "Then cease your talking and get on with it. I could care less about your feud with those guardians. I see now that I was right all along to fear you like my father told me."

"And who do you think it was that put that fear in your father's heart? Who do you think it was that made your mother worry so much every time your father rushed off to adventure?" Ahuizotl taunted. "You're looking at him. And you know what else I am responsible for as a result!"

Daring's eyes widened in shock! "It was you, wasn't it?! You were the one who attacked my father and stole his life's work, leaving him for dead!"

Ahuizotl clapped his paws. "Precisely, Daring Do. I'm every bad day you and your family ever had. Your father learned the hard way not to mess with the likes of me. My attack on him was meant to be a warning to you, to anypony who dared follow in his hoofsteps," He then ceased his clapping. "It seems you chose to ignore it. A shame, really. If you had, you would not be about to become fresh meat for my loyal jungle cats. Oh well," He then whistled again. "Go on, my precious pets. Feast to your hearts' content."

Yet as the big cats drew close, their sharp fangs ready for a bite, Daring Do reached out the one free hoof she had. And she grabbed the only thing she could in her captive state, her pith helmet. She pulled it off her head and held it close to her heart.

Ahuizotl mockingly replied. "Making peace with your final moments, Daring Do? It won't save you. This time, you face the final curtain for sure! But don't worry, I'll tell anyone who asks that you fought valiantly until the end. And if it makes you feel any better, you were the closest I ever had to a worthy adversary."

The pegasus with a dusty gold coat said nothing in response to that declaration. She just arched her moderate rose colored eyes up towards the ceiling. Without saying a word she hurled her pith helmet up towards the spot her eyes had examined!

There was silence for a moment as even Ahuizotl wondered what his soon to be no more nemesis was thinking. Did she not want anything left behind to identify her?

Suddenly, however, light came flooding in from above! Ahuizotl looked up and realized with horror that Daring Do had outsmarted him again! She had spotted a hatch that opened up the roof, allowing sunlight to bath the interior and blind everyone.

What's more, the sunlight shone down on the chains and began to melt them. Soon, they had weakened enough for Daring to muster up a strength she had never known before and break them! She leapt from the wooden slab, now free once again! And she flew up to retrieve her pith helmet, before heading up towards the roof and the exposed sun.

Ahuizotl immediately let out a thunderous roar and ordered his jungle cats! "After her, quickly! Do not let her escape!" His pets obeyed without hesitation, all of them scrambling out through a door as fast as they could.

But once he was alone in the temple's interior, Ahuizotl turned his gaze away from the sunlight and just snickered. There was something he had wisely avoided telling Daring Do about. He really had meant it when he said he learned from his mistakes. After learning about the book series she'd written, he'd come to realize that he prattled on too much about his plans and how they could be stopped. The first few times it might have been forgivable, but after a while he'd run out of excuses when he saw just how clever his nemesis was.

This time though, he had made sure the most important information was not disclosed to her just in case she might find a way to defy the odds yet again. Making sure he was alone, Ahuizotl lifted a small hatch and smiled. Stored in a small compartment just out of sight, was an entire trove of rare and powerful artifacts from across the entire Tonatiuh Basin. They would help him in his quest. And he'd managed to swipe them all during the time when he'd fooled Daring Do into believing that he was good.

Ahuizotl rubbed his paws together with fiendish glee. Everything was falling into place despite this little setback he'd just endured. "Go ahead and run, Daring Do," He thought, mentally imagining taunting her while she made her escape. "Write everything down in those books of yours. They'll do you no good. I already have what I need. I will have my revenge! The basin will be mine and mine alone! And there is nothing you or anyone else can do to stop me, not even those princesses!"

Author's Note:

Ever since A Man Undercover pitched his own idea of a continuation for his own alternate ending to "Daring Doubt", I'd wanted to do a story like this.

I didn't want to go for the cliche "You killed my father" trope when providing Ahuizotl's backstory (alongside Daring Do's).

Ahuizotl's explanation is based around the fact that lie detector tests are not admissible in a court of law. They can be defeated, particularly because there's what known as a "Lie by omission", in which certain details are intentionally left out but the statement itself is still true at face value.

Comments ( 15 )

Well done, I remember the debates about whether or not he was bullshitting, especially if one knows their mythology

Wow now this is what I call a real twist better than the episode itself, glad you steered away from the old cliche

Hmm...while I do think that this is better than other attempts at the idea, I still think it falls short. That's not a reflection on you as a writer, that's more me just having a problem with that "plot twist" as a whole. I don't really think there's much of anything that can be done to salvage it at that point (aside from headcanoning that it didn't happen if one wishes too).

Still, I at least applaud the effort, so have an upvote from me.

Eh, I prefer the idea that he was genuine when he spoke

This, but with a bit more thought put into it he's worryingly proactive. Any guardian who goes "the most efficient way to deal with the problem of invaders is to burn the whole world with these rings I happen to be guarding" and then tries to actually go through with it is one who should not be allowed to roam free.

Even though this story has the AU tag, I’ve actually immediately seen this kind of event happening in the official canon of the show. Especially considering he was never present during Twilight’s coronation.

Everything about this one-shot was truly an amazing read, and it’s once again an example of you being able to tackle the kind of concepts I had in mind better than I could do myself. The explanation for how he was able to overcome the effects of the Talisman made so much sense too. Heck, you definitely have a point on lie detectors not always being very reliable, and the Talisman was basically the artifact equivalent of a lie detector.

I don’t know whether this would be too much to ask, but I deeply hope that you could make sequels to this story. Because now, I’m wanting to see where things would be going from here more than anything.

Ahuizotl rubbed his paws together with fiendish glee. Everything was falling into place despite this little setback he'd just endured. " Go ahead and run, Daring Do, " He thought, mentally imagining taunting her while she made her escape. " Write everything down in those books of yours. They'll do you no good. I already have what I need. I will have my revenge! The basin will be mine and mine alone! And there is nothing you or anyone else can do to stop me, not even those princesses! "

Once again, I feel like that this is a good tidbit for a sequel?


"There is a way for even something as powerful as The Truth Talisman of Tonatiuh to be outsmarted. It doesn't require one to tell the whole truth. And if one truly believes the lie they tell, they can overpower the talisman."

Sure is good he managed to convince himself he was a guardian then.

Daring's eyes widened in shock! "It was you, wasn't it?! You were the one who attacked my father and stole his life's work, leaving him for dead!"

"It was me Daring Do. The author of all your pain."

What's more, the sunlight shone down on the chains and began to melt them.

This time though, he had made sure the most important information was not disclosed to her just in case she might find a way to defy the odds yet again.

Or you could have launched your plan to take over the Basin without drawing her a map to the fact that you were evil. Just saying.

Making sure he was alone, Ahuizotl lifted a small hatch and smiled. Stored in a small compartment just out of sight, was an entire trove of rare and powerful artifacts from across the entire Tonatiuh Basin. They would help him in his quest. And he'd managed to swipe them all during the time when he'd fooled Daring Do into believing that he was good.

Again, if you had launched your scheme without the need to gloat, you might have gotten away with it.

Now what's to prevent Daring from assuming you already have artifacts and coming back with a army to look for them?

Seriously why is it that supervillains always think their clever for doing the bare minimum?

True, but then we could say the same about Discord.

Alondro #12 · Feb 3rd, 2022 · · 5 ·

We all knew he was lying about being a good guy.

The show writers didn't. :trollestia:

It wasn't the whole world he was focused on. Just the basin would have gotten those centuries of heat.

To be brutally honest, I wasn't a fan of this story. It just seems like too much of a turnaround to be believable.

"You must be an impostor! Or the Ahuizotl I encountered in the ruins was an impostor!"

Daring Do: "Ahuizotl is sus!"


Of that's the case. Then that Truth Talisman sucks!

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