• Published 29th Dec 2021
  • 1,114 Views, 29 Comments

Equestria Girls The Abandoned Factory - SomePonyy

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Rainbow the 'Fearless'

"Girls girls! Quit worrying! Maybe Huggy is just waiting to surprise us!" Pinkie squealed joyfully.

"You mean he's going to eat us all one by one!" Fluttershy squeaked.

"No silly! I mean he's going to surprise us with a huge party because he's a super duper nice creature even if he does look a bit creepy!"

"But where could he have gotten off to?" Sunset muttered.

"I already told you! He went on a bathroom break and going to throw us a REALLY REALLY HUGE WELCOME PARTY!" Pinkie yelled hyperly. Rainbow spotted another bluehandprint door and opened it with her hand cannon. The door opened to reveal a hallway. Up until this moment the girl's (except for Fluttershy and Sunset). Were excited about exploring this abandoned factory but now they're beginning to have second thoughts. The ventured down the new hallway. There were red, blue, and yelllow colored tiles spreaded from eachother. The walls had some pink wavy streak on both sides of it. At the end of the hallway were giant blocks that seemed to block whatever entrance was at the end. The only other way was the door at the very left near the end. As they got closer torwards the door, they noticed a long blue and furry arm slip into the room they were headed.

"I wanna go home!" Rarity wailed. Fluttershy couldn't have agreed more. Spike started to whimper.

"Are my eyes decieving me or is that statue really alive?" AppleJack asked not really wanting to know the answer. Rainbow tried to think of every possibility they had just witnessed. But there were no other explanation. That motherfucking statue was alive. Pinkie looked down the dark hallway.

"HELLO! EXCUSE ME! MR. HUGGY SIR!" She shouted down the hallway. No reply came. Rarity yanked her friend back.

"Pinkie! What are you doing?!" she hissed. "You're going to get us killed!"

"No silly! Oooh maybe this is where Huggy is throwing us a surprise party!"

"Pinkie!" Rainbow said exasperated. "What makes you think he's throwing a party?! Why in the fucking name of sweet Celestia would he throw a party in a place that's been abandoned?!"

"Because Rainbow...He's probably just lonley and wants some friends to spend time with...duh!" Come on! Let's not keep him waiting!" Pinkie said bubbly jumping up and down.

"Sweet Celestia tell me Pinkie is okay." Twilight prayed to the almighty gods above. The hallways that Huggy had slipped into was very dark. Pinkie looked down the hallway. She was the only one who didn't seem nervous let alone terrified of what was happening. Thier was a door on the other side where Huggy had went into. It was a stairwell way but was locked.
AppleJack tried to use her strength to break it open but sweet celestia this door his fucking strong! The sound of pouring rain and thunder was still audible so they were basically trapped inside.

"Okay..." Rainbow gulped.

"What's wrong, Rainbow? Weren't you the one telling everyone that this would be fun?" Rarity teased.

"Shut up!" Rainbow said quickly.

"Scared, huh?" AppleJack smirked.

"Hey! You know I'm not afraid of anything!"

AppleJack pointed down the hallway. "Okay then go down the hallway and we'll follow you!"

Rainbow shook her head. "Um well I can't because-"

"You're scared." AppleJack started to laugh. Rainbow face turned red with embarssment.

"You know what?! Ima prove to you all why I'm called Rainbow the Fearless!"

"You were never called that." Twilight stated flatly.

"I will be called now! I'm going to go down the hallway so calmly you would be so shocked!" Rainbow huffed as she went down the dark hallway. There was light at the end of it. There was a door that led to yet another room. Above the door was an artwork of Huggy Wuggy wearing a construction hat and holding a hammer. She gulped and started to walk down the hall. I have to do this! I can't let them know I'm beyond terrified!. Rainbow went further down the hallway. She was slowly walking and her heartbeat thundered in her chest. Damn it! Why is the door so far away?!


Rainbow screamed at the top of her lungs and turned around so quickly. Her mind in a state of utter panic as she kicked
Rarity in the crotch area. Although she didn't know it was her due to the hallway being dark. The fashion girl gave a loud cry of pain as her hand went down to where she had been kicked. "Oh Sweet Mother fucker what the hell was that for!" She gritted through her teeth. "Damn it Rainbow! That really hurts!"

"Wait? Rarity?!" Rainbow's eyes adjusted to the dark to see her friend grabbing her crotch area. The spot where she had been kicked. Rarity gritted her teeth in pain.

"I thought you said you were 'Rainbow the Fearless!'" Rarity glared death stares at her friend.

"Sorry. Okay maybe I'm not totally fearless," Rainbow admitted sheepishly. "But if I had known it was you I wouldn't have kicked you! But why does it even hurt anyway? Doesn't it only hurt for guys?"

"It hurts for us ladies too you know!" Rarity muttered angrily.

"You should have told me you were going to follow me!" Rainbow arugued.

"I didn't really think I had to since you said you weren't afraid of anything."

The rest of the girls showed up. "Hey Rarity you alright?" AJ asked.

"I was until Rainbow decided to go attack mode on me!" Rarity said annoyed. AJ gave Rainbow a flat look.

"Okay so I'm not really Rainbow the Fearless hehe." The athlete chuckled nervously. "Okay I'm afraid of the dark!"