• Published 18th Sep 2012
  • 6,330 Views, 179 Comments

The Force of Dreams - Deathscar

Rainbow's dream is about to come true! But if it does, is Twilight willing to accept it?

  • ...

Chapter 4: Afterthoughts

Rainbow hovered her trembling hoof inches away from the library’s wooden door.

M-maybe I should just go. Rainbow thought to herself as she retracted her hoof, but almost immediately extended it back to the spot it was before. N-no, Rainbow! You have to do this! You have to—


The pony in question jolted away from her dream-like state, darting her head to her left to find the source of the voice.

“AJ?” Rainbow asked instinctively, staring at the orange Earth pony.

“Yeah, Rainbow. You alright? Ya look like ya’ve seen a ghost!” AJ’s eyes lowered to Rainbow’s packed saddlebags, her eyebrows furrowing quickly. “Ya...ya’re leaving?”

Rainbow looked down to the dirt beneath her hooves. She was silent, but AJ didn’t need Rainbow to say anything for her to understand the message.

“Why didn’t ya tell us?”

“I wanted to.” Rainbow sighed. “But it was just so hard. I’ve known you girls for so long now! Leaving Ponyville just... doesn’t feel right,” she explained. “Actually, I was supposed to leave an hour ago, I’m really late.”

“Then what in tarnation are ya still hanging around here for?”

“I... I need to, I mean I w-want to,” Rainbow dug at the ground with her right hoof, kicking dust up into the air. “I wanna say goodbye to Twilight before I go.”

“Wow, Twi must really mean something if she’s the only pony ya can say goodbye to.”

Rainbow jolted her head up into the air, staring right into AJ’s eyes.

“W-wait! I didn’t mean it like that! W-what I meant was—”

“Relax, Rainbow. Ah’m just teasing ya.” Rainbow quickly nodded several short times. “It ain’t that hard! Just trot in and say goodbye!”

Rainbow once again sunk her head down, letting out a huge breath. “I wish it were that easy...,” she muttered softly to herself.

Applejack craned her head forward and tilted it to one side, trying to make out what Rainbow had just said.

“Ah’m sorry, sugercube. What did ya say?”

“N-nothing!” Rainbow shouted, taking a few steps back. “Just... thinking out loud!”

Applejack shook her head, knowing all too well it was more than just a stray thought. She opened her mouth to press the matter, but Rainbow’s voice quickly interrupted her before she could begin.

“AJ, can you say goodbye to Twilight for me? And the rest?”

“Ah don’t get it, why don’t ya just say goodbye to her yourself?”

Rainbow quickly felt a stabbing pain in her chest. She resisted the urge to dart her hoof upwards to cling on to the last remnants of composure she had left, knowing that Applejack would interrogate her on it. She swung around, away from Applejack, spreading her wings as a tear flowed down her cheek.

“I... I’m late. Tell her I’ll see her in a month, alright?”

Applejack tried to trot forward, stopped in her tracks by Rainbow’s voice once more.

“And AJ?”


“I... didn’t think before I spoke. I’m sorry.” With one flap of her wings, Rainbow lifted herself into the sky, disappearing into the wide blue yonder as she blended with the clouds.

Applejack wanted to chase after her, wanted to catch her and ask questions, scream at her for what she had just said. However, she knew it would do nothing but damage her friendship with Rainbow. With the pegasus gone for a month, the last thing AJ wanted was her to leave on a bad note.

Applejack paced up and pushed open the door to Twilight’s library.

Late morning sunlight bathed the sleeping unicorn in her bed. Without warning, Twilight shot up from her bed, sweat rushing down her face with tears flowing from her eyes.

Why can’t I push the thoughts away? Twilight gripped her head, clenching her teeth tight. They need to go away!

The same few images continued to cross Twilight’s mind. Images of Rainbow in a long, flowing white gown, trotting up the aisle with the widest smile Twilight had ever seen. However, the smile only sent daggers into Twilight’s heart as she pressed her hoof tightly to her chest, just over where she could feel her heart beating. The pain she felt was unlike any other she had ever felt before.

I just need to take my mind off this. Just need to keep myself busy Twilight leapt off her bed, the images playing repeatedly in her head. Not a second later, she was met with the pile of books, toppled from the bookcase, which now stood empty beside her bed. I’ll...start from the living room and work my way up she organized everything in her mind, trotting down to the floor below.

The living room wasn’t any cleaner. Stray books and toppled tomes only served as a reminder as to what happened last night. Twilight tried to push the memories out of her mind, but her effort was futile. The memories slowly weakened her already vulnerable state, shattering her fragile mind.

Tears dripped off her chin and onto the floor below as her horn lit up, surrounding the toppled books with a pink aura before lifting them back onto the shelves they belonged.

There were no more thoughts that entered her mind. No more images or pictures of anything. Her heart was numb as well. Guilt, sadness, pain, all the emotions she should’ve felt, were gone. She could neither shed tears nor speak words as she continued to tidy up her library. What had destroyed her, had also left her empty within.

Before she knew it, there was only one piece of paper left on the floor. She picked it up, only to be greeted with the tear-stained paper of Celestia’s riddles.

“Riddle #1: Everypony sees themselves in me, but I don’t reflect. Everypony chases me, yet few are able to catch me. Everypony has me, yet most ponies lose me. What am I?” Twilight read the riddle once more to herself. “Uh huh. Yeah. I’ll solve this in my dreams.”

Twilight sat the paper down onto the table, turning to trot towards her kitchen when suddenly, her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. W-wait a minute...

Twilight twisted her head back around, her eyes locked onto the paper fluttering on the table...

The wooden door squeaked on its hinges as Applejack pushed it open, revealing the first floor of the library, which was currently empty save for a few books which laid around on the floor. She proceeded to the staircase, ascending the steps to the floor above.

“Twi? Ya here, Twi?” Applejack shouted, hoping for a reply. Upon reaching the second floor, her eyes fell on Twilight, who was frantically scribbling words down on a piece of paper. “Twi?”

“Hey, AJ!’ Twilight called out to her friend, her gaze fixated on the paper she was writing on. “I did it!”

“Ya did... what?”

“I solved the first riddle!”

“The one Celestia gave ya?”

“Yes! It was so obvious! The answer was ‘Dreams’!”

Applejack took a few steps forward, making sure to not make any sudden movements.

“Umm, Twi?” Applejack continued to inch her way closer to the unicorn.

“I should’ve seen it! I mean, it was right there in front of me! I don’t know why the Princess would give me this riddle though, but it doesn’t matter! I did it! I figured it out!”

“Twi!” Applejack called out a second time. Twilight fell silent, looking at the Earth pony in her eyes, silence enveloping the two.

“Well? What’s up, AJ?” Twilight inquired.

Applejack shook her head. “Ah’m sorry. Ah just... didn’t expect you to listen to me so soon. Anyway, what happened last night? With Rainbow?”

Twilight turned her attention back to the paper, continuing to write, a frown on her face.

“Twilight? Did ya even he—”

Twilight cocked her head up to her window, gazing out as the sun reached its peak in the sky.

“Oh wow! Noon already? AJ! Get the girls! We’re going for lunch!”

“But Rainbow left and she sa—”

“Get the girls, AJ!” Twilight’s horn glowed the familiar purple hue as she spoke, covering Applejack entirely with her magic before tossing her out the door. “Okay, I’ll wait for you here! When you’ve gotten the girls, come find me! I’ll be here!” Twilight spoke rapidly before slamming the door shut.

Applejack sat on the ground, still for a few seconds, her mind trying to comprehend what had just happened. Reluctantly, she trotted off towards Sugercube Corner, hoping that Twilight would give her straight answer at lunch.

Several knocks echoed through the library, reaching Twilight’s ears and causing her to race down to the door, flinging it open. Just outside stood the familiar white unicorn who Twilight had helped three days ago.

“Hello, Rarity!” Twilight greeted, gazing past her to see her other friends standing behind, looking curiously at her.

“Why, hello, darling. Are you alright, Twilight?” Rarity asked.

“Of course I am! Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Well, it’s just that... Applejack told us that you were acting pretty odd.”

“AJ told us about how kooky you were!” Pinkie added, quickly receiving a glare from Rarity. However, Pinkie simply stood with a smile plastered onto her face.

“Kooky? I’m not kooky!” Twilight argued.

“Really? Applejack told us that as soon as she mentioned Rainb—”

“Oh wow! We better get going for lunch! You know, before it gets crowded!” Twilight galloped past her friends, heading straight down the street. The others quickly sped forward as well, hoping to catch up to the escaping unicorn.

Twilight darted down the street, stopping just outside a small restaurant with a large signboard that read “Saladhouse: Home of the Best Salads in Ponyville” hung right at the top. There were very few tables inside the establishment, most of them empty. The restaurant’s decor consisted of several vines which wrapped around the nearby railings and entrances, while the wallpaper was a fairly bright orange, accenting the intricate artwork which hung from the walls. The intoxicating smell of hayfries and veggie burgers filled Twilight’s nose, pulling her to the entrance just in front of a waiter.

“Table for how many ponies, madam?” the waiter asked in a posh tone.

“Si-I mean, five. Table for five.”

“Very well, this way please.”

As Twilight took her first steps into the restaurant, the other ponies soon caught up to her.

“Twilight! Why did you run off like that?”

“I got us a table! Come on!” Twilight ignored Rarity’s question, darting instead to the table before sitting down and lifting the menu right up to her face.

The other ponies swiftly settled down as well, all of their eyes shifting from the menu to Twilight.

“The table is pretty quiet without a certain pegasus here, isn’t it?” Rarity started, looking up to the ceiling as she spoke.

Twilight didn’t budge, the menu held high up to her face to block the stares of the four pairs of eyes. Rarity elevated her left hoof, using it to nudge Fluttershy before giving her a wink.

“O-oh yes. I do miss my best friend!” Fluttershy added, but yet again, Twilight didn’t have any reaction.

The others sighed, lowering their heads to the menu to take an actual look through the items available. Twilight calmly set her menu back down onto the table, raising her right hoof high into the air to signal that she was ready to take an order. Not a second later, a waiter was already present at the table, notepad in hoof.

“Ready to order, ma’am?”

“Yes! I would like a Lunight Salad please!” Twilight replied.

“And for the rest of you?” the waiter inquired, looking at the four ponies who were still looking through the menu.

“Ah’ll have the... Apple Salad!”

“I want the Candy Crouton Cranberry Salad!” Pinkie giggled. “That’s so fun to say! Candy Crouton Cranberry! Candy Crouton Cranberry! It’s almost as much fun to say as... Kumquat!”

Rarity quickly intervened, knowing full well what Pinkie did when she went on one of her tangents. “I’ll have the Exquisite Lettuce and Tomato Coleslaw with a touch of Red Wine Vinaigrette dressing please!”

“I’ll just have the carrots. Angel wants one when I go back home,” Fluttershy said in a meek tone, quickly passing the menu to Rarity.

“Is that all?”

“Yes, many thanks!” Rarity said with a warm smile, passing the collected menus back to him.

As if on cue, the silence returned. The atmosphere got thicker with each passing second, until Rarity finally spoke, cutting away at the awkward air.

“Well, it certainly is much quieter without Rainbow to chat with us!”

Twilight stared blankly at Rarity for a few seconds before changing her attention back down to the table.

“That’s it!” Applejack slammed her hoof onto the table, shocking everypony, including Twilight, into staring at her. “Ah wanna know how long you’ve been in love with Rainbow!”

“Hey!” Twilight recoiled. “That escalated pretty quickly! Why the sudden outburst!? And I’m not in ‘love’ with Rainbow because if Rarity hasn’t told you, I don’t believe in love!”

Pinkie’s laughter drew all the attention to the pink mare, her face twisted in intense mirth. After a few seconds, Pinkie regained enough composure to speak once more. “Silly Twilight! Love is all around you! Just look!” she pointed to a couple sitting at another table, their lips interlocked in a passionate kiss.

“Since Rarity didn’t tell you girls, I’ll say it again. Love is just a word made up by ponies who have nothing better to do with their lives than sit in front of each other all googly eyed!” Twilight explained.

“Excuse me, madams. But your food is here,” the waiter’s calm voice froze Applejack and Twilight in their aggressive position as he laid the respective plates down in front of the ponies.

“Twi! Tell me what happened last night!” Applejack demanded, leaning as far as she could across the table, into Twilight’s face.

“N-nothing happened last night, AJ! What in Equestria makes you think something ‘happened’!?” Twilight defended herself, sitting down to eat her meal.

“Oh, Ah don’t know. Maybe it was seeing Rainbow break down in front of yer house last night? Or maybe that she was standing outside yer house, an hour late for her training with the Wonderbolts, trying to find a way to say goodbye to ya!?”

Tense silence filled the table, all eyes locked onto the two bickering ponies. Applejack didn’t move an inch, her eyes piercing daggers towards Twilight. However, Twilight didn’t make eye contact, eating her salad slowly, chewing and slowing as if nothing had ever happened.

“Ugh, this salad isn’t the best,” Twilight remarked.

Applejack felt an almost un-pony like rage fill her at that moment. Her eyes widened and her hooves tensed, resisting the urge to tackle Twilight to the ground.

“Oh yeah! I love mine though! It’s all candy!” Pinkie added, wearing an innocent and unaware smile on her face.

Twilight picked up the last piece of lettuce before putting it in her mouth. “Now if you girls will excuse me.” Twilight reached into her saddlebag before pulling out several bits. “I have to go and figure out the last riddle. I’m already four days behind!” she nonchalantly said before trotting out the door.

Applejack stared at the unicorn with her mouth wide open. The anger in her boiled her blood. If it was audible, everypony would have heard her snap. Applejack took off towards the library, each step emitting the anger the other girls had never seen before.

Applejack slammed her hoof against the library’s door, forcing it open with a loud ‘thud’. She rushed in, her breaths deep and enraged as she took one step after another into Twilight’s home.

“Welcome to the Golden Oaks Library! How may I—” Twilight appeared, trotting down the steps.

“Twilight!” Applejack screamed, startling the unicorn. “Ah’m getting real tired of ya, Twi!”

Twilight quickly regained her composure, standing calmly near the steps. “What books would you like, AJ? Here for another apple bucking tec—”

“Don’t ya dare change the subject!” Applejack yelled as loud as she could. “Ah’ve had enough of ya avoiding my questions! Ah wanna know what happened last night! Ah wanna know what you did to Rainbow and Ah ain’t gonna leave til Ah get my answers!”

By now, Applejack was right in front of Twilight’s face, staring the unicorn down menacingly. Twilight locked her gaze, looking into Applejack’s lime-green eyes, not showing any sign of giving in.

“Twilight,” Applejack muttered through clenched teeth. “Ah ain’t leaving. Ya better tell me what ya did to Rainbow before Ah show you how angry Ah can really get.”

A lump appeared in Twilight’s throat as Applejack spoke, her hooves starting to shake a little. “Maybe I... overreacted.”

“By how much?”

“She didn’t tell me that she was going away for a month!”

“How much did ya overreact?” Applejack repeated her question.

“When she came, I started to freak out! I asked if she was ever gonna tell me. We had this fight and... and... R-Rainbow said I wasn’t her friend...”

“She said what?” Applejack’s mouth dropped in disbelief. “Ya must’ve heard it wrong, Twi! There ain’t no way that Rainbow would say such a thing!”

“Yeah? Well, she did!” Twilight yelled at the top of her lungs. “She said that I wasn’t her friend!”

“That can’t be! Rainbow wouldn’t say such a thing!” Applejack’s mind raced to find an explanation. She knew that Rainbow was headstrong, but she would never say something like this to any of her friends, Applejack knew it. Then she remembered what Rainbow told her in tears this very morning.

”I... didn’t think before I spoke. I’m sorry.”

“It was a mistake, Twi!”


“Yeah! Rainbow never meant to say that she ain’t your friend! She meant th—”

“Well, I don’t care what she meant. She’s gone and that’s all that matters!”

Applejack stood with her mouth agape.

“Rainbow’s gone.” Twilight turned away from Applejack, staring at a tall bookshelf right next to the staircase. “I don’t care about her.”

“Ah don’t believe you, Twi! Why are ya so stubbon!?”

“Stubbon!? Why are you treating me like the bad mare here, AJ!?” Twilight shouted with her gaze still on the books. “Rainbow was the one who didn’t tell me anything! And she just up and left! Years from now, she’ll be walking down the aisle at her wedding!” Twilight felt tears flowing down her cheeks. “She’ll be happily trotting towards the colt of her dreams! I might not even be invited, just because she didn’t tell me she was leaving for a month! Then she’ll be happy, she’ll move away and we’ll never talk again!” Sobs laced each of Twilight’s words. There was no hiding it now. “And I’m going to be forced to sit here, thinking if maybe, just maybe, she told me about her plans that we wouldn’t be apart!”

Twilight’s whimpers were quiet, but each one carried sadness Applejack had never seen Twilight succumb to before. Applejack was always there to offer advice to all of her friends, always knowing what to say. However, this time, she was dumbfounded. Each word that entered her mind seemed to only make the situation worse. For once, she was clueless.

“One moment,” Twilight whispered. “That was all it took for all our years of friendship to fall.”

Applejack walked up to Twilight, putting her hoof on her shoulder. “Ah’m... Ah’m sorry, Twi.”

Twilight lifted her own hoof up to Applejack’s.

“But ya know Rainbow still thinks of ya as a friend!”

“Maybe, maybe not. I’ll never know. A month later, it’ll be too late. It’ll be as if we never met.”

“You’re just overthinking things, Twi!”

Twilight kept silent.

“She’ll always be there for ya, and so will we. Ah don’t want you to forget that, alright?”

“I know you girls will be there for me.” Twilight stood up. “Thanks, AJ.”

Twilight wrapped her hooves around Applejack’s body. The hug was a small gesture, but one that was much needed for the unicorn’s weakening mental state.

“AJ, I need some time to myself, to think about things.”

“Ah understand. Go on. Ya know where to find me if ya need me.”

Twilight gave a nod before watching Applejack trot out the door. The library was quiet once again. No noise except for the birds, giving Twilight some much needed space to think. She trotted up to her bedroom, the one place she had yet to clean. With a glow of her horn, the books which had fallen off her bedside bookshelf started to fly up onto the bookshelf.

“Ugh maybe I just need to forget about her. Maybe Rainbow’s better off without a stupid unicorn after her.”

Through the barrage of books, Twilight’s eyes caught something.

“Wait a moment....” Twilight ceased her magic on the mountain of books. Instead, she brought up one specific book up to her face. The colorful cover of the book was a bittersweet reminder to Twilight of what she and Rainbow shared .However, there one recognizable feature which Twilight had forgotten about, was the soft blue feather sticking out at the top of it.

She froze on the spot, time seemed to slow down as memories of her time with Rainbow flashed through her mind.

””Daring Do sped through the damp caves, the boulder catching up with each passing second. The whole temple was crumbling down! The ceilings were dislodging and slamming down onto Daring, threatening to turn her into nothing more than a splat on the ground! And there it was, in sight, the exit. The glimmer of light was a symbol of hope, that she may see her partner, Raider, once again! She raced forward and-” Twilight slammed the book shut with her magic.

“And!? And what!? Twi!” Rainbow yelled, snuggled closely beside Twilight on a pile of mattresses, the library lights illuminating the two mares.

“Oh? Do you really wanna know?” Twilight teased.

“Come on, Twi! Don’t do this! Read it!”

“And what if I don’t?” Twilight mocked with a chuckle.

“Please, Twilight!” Rainbow begged.

“Oh? Are you... begging me? Is the Rainbow Dash begging me?”

“You know that I’ll get back at you for doing this to me, right?”

“You say that every time!”

“That’s because I will! You just wait, Twi! You just wait!”

“If you say so, Rainbow!”

Laughter echoed through the library. The warmth both mares felt at times was enough to brave even the toughest of winters. Once the giggling had died down, Twilight reopened the book.

“She raced forward and dived, barely managing to escape being crushed underneath the titanic rock. She was safe once again! Another successful adventure for...”

“Daring Do!” Both ponies said in unison.

“That. Was. Awesome!” Rainbow yelled out. “Daring Do is undeniably, undoubtedly...”

“Unstoppable!” Twilight shouted along with Rainbow.

“Hey, that’s my line!” Rainbow pointed out.

“Can it be our line?”


“Come on!”


“Please! Please please please please please!”

“Alright, alright! It’ll be our line!”

“Yes!” Twilight shouted, thinking she was victorious.

“You’ll have to pay me bits for using it though. I can’t just go around letting ponies use my trademark line willy-nilly!” Rainbow said with a smirk across her face.

Twilight couldn’t help herself but laugh, which quickly spread to Rainbow as well. The joyful atmosphere carried them till the morning sun rose over the horizon...

Twilight sat on her bed, running her hoof up and down the feather, feeling its soft texture. She gave a wide grin at the memory which played in her mind, one which did not fill her with pain, but instead, warmth. She lifted the feather out from the grips of the pages it was between, tucking it carefully behind her ear.

It seemed as if the feather was enchanted, giving Twilight a sudden burst of energy and motivation. She continued the clean-up as usual, except that this time, she was humming. She hummed tunes as she wiped the walls. A spring in each step as she mopped the floor. It was as if something had taken over Twilight as she cleaned the entire day away.

Twilight glanced out the window, the sun having been replaced with an almost full moon and the diamond stars glittering in the sky.

“It’s a beautiful night tonight!” Twilight told herself chirpily. “It’s a perfect night for a walk! I haven’t done that in a while!” She bounced down the steps, past the crystal clean library floors, before trotting out the door.

Twilight approached the Ponyville park fountain, the sound of rushing water getting louder with each step. She sat on the edge, a smile stretched across her lips as she swayed back and forth. Without warning, she felt a realization within her. She swiftly reached up to the blue feather on her ear and took it down, staring at it with a disgusted look.

At the same time, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie and Fluttershy were trotting past the fountain together.

“Ah’m telling you, we need to be there for her!”

“Is it that bad?”

“Yeah! Rainbow leaving really hit her hard. Not to mention all that drama that happened just last night. It’s a lot for a pony to take,” Applejack explained.

“Umm, excuse me,” Fluttershy whispered. “But isn’t that Twilight over there?”

The others gave a quick turn of their heads to see that Fluttershy was right! Twilight was sitting at the edge of the fountain, a small blue feather in her hoof.

“Oh! We should go say hi!” Pinkie yelled out, but was quickly silenced by Rarity.

“I think we should wait and see what she’s up to.”

The others cautiously approached the fountain, making sure to stay out of sight but within earshot.

Twilight gave a heavy sigh, the feather gripped in her hoof.

“What’s the matter with me? You think a mare would learn...” Twilight pushed herself off the fountain’s edge.

”If there’s a prize for rotten judgment,” Twilight sung in a beautiful voice. ”I guess I’ve already won that.” Twilight took a few steps forward, staring intently at the feather she held. ”No mare is worth the aggravation.” With a flick of her hoof, she tossed the feather away from her, landing just on the edge of the fountain where she had sat moments ago. ”That’s ancient history, been there, done that!”

Rarity quickly trotted up to the feather, picking it up as they followed behind Twilight. They, too, started to sing harmoniously. ”Who’d you think you’re kidding? She’s worth Equestria to ya!” Twilight slumped herself down onto a nearby park bench. ”Try to keep it hidden, Twilight we can see right through you!”

”Oh no, no!” Twilight bursted out as the others continued. ”Twi, you can’t conceal it! We know how you feel, and who you’re thinking of!” As they sang, Rarity passed Fluttershy the feather, nudging her towards Twilight. Fluttershy hovered over the unicorn, dangling the feather in front of her face, but Twilight simply stood up again, trotting away, causing the pegasus to hang her head low with a sigh.

”No chance! No way! I won’t say it, no, no!” Twilight waved her hooves in front of her face, trotting past the trees in the park.

”You swoon, you sigh! Why deny it? Uh oh!” The others followed suit, trailing the unicorn.

”Too unrealistic! I won’t say I’m in love!” Twilight continued to deny in song. The other mares could only shrug as Twilight trotted past Rainbow’s former house. ”I never thought I’d have this feeling.” She gazed up to the floating cloud home, the rainbow fountains having been shut off. ”The scene looks so good in my thoughts.” A small poster fluttered by, advertising the Wonderbolt auditions in Ponyville. She picked it up with shaky hooves, continuing to sing, ”But her dreams outweigh all of my needs. And I still wanna cry my heart out!” She crushed the paper in her hoof before tossing it away.

”You keep on denying! Who you are and what you’re feeling.” The others continued the song, trailing right behind Twilight. "Twilight, we aren’t buying, cause we saw you hit the ceiling!” The feather was passed to Pinkie, who zipped further ahead of Twilight, laying the feather down onto the ground of the an empty field where she was sure to walk. ”Face it like a grown up! When you gonna own up? That you got, got, got it bad?” They watched intently as Twilight trotted closer to the feather.

”No chance! No way! I won’t say it, oh no!” Twilight’s eyes immediately caught sight of the feather. She leaned down to pick it up before holding it close to her heart, a dream-like smile sprayed across her lips.

”Give up! Give in! Check the grin, you’re in love!”

”This scene, won’t play!” Twilight quickly dropped the feather, galloping away back to her library. ”I won’t say I’m in love!” Applejack swiftly swept the feather off the ground, racing after Twilight.

”Twi, come to grips! Read our lips! You’re in love!” Applejack handed the feather over to Fluttershy, whispering in her ear.

”You’re way off base, I won’t say it!” Twilight pushed open the door to her library, racing up the steps.

”She won’t say she’s in love!” Fluttershy darted upwards to Twilight’s bedroom window, reaching it to place the feather on Twilight’s bed.

”Get off my case, I won’t say it!” Twilight sprinted up the next flight of steps to her bedroom, approaching her bed.

Fluttershy hovered just outside Twilight’s window, continuing the song in her melodic tone.”Twi, please just see. It’s okay, you’re in love”

Twilight gawked at the flawless and familiar blue feather laying on her bed, under the glow of the moonlight. She scooped it up in her hoof, and almost instantly, all of her doubts seemed to flow away. On her face grew a smile, a special grin she only wore during ‘Daring Do nights’ as she lay on the soft mattresses, leaning against Rainbow.

”At least out loud...” Twilight slipped the feather to the back of her ear. ”I won’t say I’m in...” She lowered herself onto her bed, her head resting comfortably on her pillow before drifting off, beaming. ”...love.”

Fluttershy looked down at her friend’s anxious faces before landing and giving a reassuring nod. They gathered around, rejoicing that, even though it was just for tonight, they could rest easy knowing that Twilight could finally sleep without staining her pillow with tears.

Just as they were about to part ways and head home, Applejack turned around and spoke towards the library, staring up at Twilight’s bedroom window, “good night, Twi. A real good night this time.”

Proofreading done by Jay!

Shouldn't get the joy away from you people! Here's the song I was referencing