• Published 12th Jun 2022
  • 408 Views, 2 Comments

A Canterlot Wedding - ultspideyfan

Peter and the gang are invited to a Canterlot wedding, however not everything is as it seems.

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A Ride to Canterlot II

Applejack had called over Peter when she noticed him returning from his talk with Ditzy. The young stallion had made his way over and took a seat next to the farm pony.

“I see y’all are getting acquainted with everypony on this train.” Applejack said.

“Yup. Might as well, right?”

“Yeah. Say, this ride sure gives us a nice view huh.” Peter follows Applejack’s gaze out the window. The orange hue in the sky mixed in with a light blue and the white of the clouds made it all look like a painting. “I like these kinds of things. Allows ya to take in everything and just be in the moment.” Aj pulls away from the window and looks to Peter, who was enthralled by the artpiece before him. Aj giggles at Peter’s foal like stare.

“Have you ensnared Peter with the gorgeous view from outside Applejack?” Rarity’s voice cuts through the two, prying Peter’s gaze away from the window and to the fashion designer.

“Well I did till you went ahead and ruined it.” Applejack chuckled.

“Oh hush.” Rarity said whilst holding a smile. Suddenly, a lightbulb turned on in Rarity’s mind. “Peter dear, Trixie mentioned that the two of you lived in Manehattan before coming here. I have to ask, what was it like living there?”

“Oh, uhh…,” Peter scrunched up his brow thinking of ways to describe his old home, “very noisy. Couldn’t go a day without something exploding in your neighborhood. The ponies were nice though. Majority of them were friendly, even on their bad days. I knew most of everyone on my block.”

“Do you miss it?” Applejack asked.

“Can’t say I don’t. My aunt is back there taking care of everything on her own. I don’t like the idea of letting her overwork herself. But she insisted I move to Ponyville when Trixie agreed to let me stay at her place.”

“Manehattan sounds like a roller coaster of a place to live in. Your aunt probably wanted you to live in a more quiet neighborhood.” chimed Rarity.

“And I wouldn’t worry too much about yer aunt sugarcube. If she’s anything like her nephew, she’s no doubt one tough cookie.” Peter shared a warm smile with the mares. The trio sat in silence, staring out the window, admiring the scenery. As the ride continued, the warm colors were slowly being replaced with cooler, vibrant, blues.

“The nightly colors are so soothing. I like to spend these moments working away in my boutique.” The words escaped Rarity with little to no thought. She hadn’t even realized her thoughts had been spoken aloud.

“Speaking of, how did you get into fashion design?” Peter asked.

“Oh well I’ve always loved the idea of making the most fabulous outfits for ponykind—by the way I do need to get your measurements dear—so when I was old enough my parents bought me my first sewing kit! My first outfit was a disaster, but little me sure loved it then. It still holds a special place in my heart if I’m being honest.”

“Her first successful one was given to Sweetie Belle. If you ever see her she’s usually wearing it.” Applejack chimed in.

“Yes; it’s her favorite out of all the things I’ve made. Hopefully my next gift blows that one out of the water!” Rarity chuckles. Peter smiles at her enthusiasm.

“It’s nice that you’re thinking of your sister.” He said.

“It’s no big deal really. It’s what big sisters do.” Rarity gives Aj a knowing look, the latter nodding in agreement. A mild tingle rang in Peter’s cranium, pulling him away from the two mares. He sat more upright in his seat, the tingle feeling stronger when he faced the front of the train.

“Uh I think I’m gonna check up on Fluttershy and Mr. Uchiha. It was nice getting to know you a little more Rarity. Hopefully we can continue this soon.”

“Thank you dear for sharing a bit about Manehattan. Though next time, I hope to learn more about you personally Peter.” Rarity said.

“Yeah, sorry about that. Next time though.” Peter got up and maneuvered his way to the couple, swiftly taking a seat behind them. “Everything okay?”

Fluttershy jumped in her seat. She placed her hand over her chest, taking in a few gulps of air.

“I am so sorry Fluttrtshy! I didn’t mean to spook you.”

“It’s alright Pete. Flutters has always been jumpy.” William said. “And to answer your question, everything’s fine. I just have a really nasty headache.” He groans as he rests his head in his palm. Fluttershy rubs his back.

“He said it’s been this recurring thing that happens sporadically.” Fluttershy chimed in.

“That’s not good. You should get a doctor to check up on you. Make sure you’re not sick or something.” Peter said.

“I’m fine. It’ll pass, it always does.” Fluttershy and Peter look at each other worryingly. William lifts his head up with a small smile. “See? It passed,” he turns in his seat to face Peter, “so how’s Ponyville been treating you Pete?”

“It’s been good. Some very crazy things have been happening lately. Not as bad as Manehatten though.”

“Not having to deal with super-pony activity every day must be a breath of fresh air.” Fluttershy says.

“Yeah, it really is.” Peter says, chuckling. "So, William, how did you get into the whole pizzeria thing?"

"Well, me and my pal Henry always wanted to run our own business one day. And hey, Ponyville was short on pizza restaurants. So we started a small little diner, Fredbear's Family Diner we called it. We hired some actors who could sing and perform on stage for the kids. Then after a while, we struck gold! Now we have various Freddy Fazbear's all over Equestria."

"That's really cool. Whatever happened to Henry?"

"He retired young. All the bits we made, it was enough to keep him and his marefriend going in life. Now it's just me and Fluttershy running the pizzeria in Ponyville."

"How did the two of you meet?"

"Well," Fluttershy chimed in, "we met during the last Grand Galloping Gala. I got cold hooves and stumbled my way into this beautiful garden they had outside. So many lovely animals congregated there. And that's when I met William." She smiles, nudging into him.

“Why were you there?” Peter asked.

“Some prick kept annoying me. Needed some fresh air. Best decision of my entire life.” William answered. Peter nodded.

“Well I’ll let you two get back to chatting amongst yourselves. It was nice talking to you.”

“Likewise.” William said with a small smile. Peter returned to the back of the train, taking the seat next to Spike once again. The young dragon was still fast asleep, though his head was resting against his shoulder. It looked rather uncomfortable. Gently, Peter lifted Spike’s head and began moving him to the window.

“Hmm.” Spike murmured in his sleep causing Peter to freeze in place. Spike shifted out of Peter’s hand and rested his head on his shoulder. He immediately went back to sleeping soundly. Peter could only chuckle. After getting into a comfortable position for the two of them, Peter took one last look out the window. Nightfall would overtake the skies, clearing away the orange hue the sun gave. Now was a good opportunity to get more sleep and Peter was more than happy to take it. Closing his eyes, he allowed the blanket of sleep to begin wrapping itself around him like it did Spike. By morning they would be in Canterlot; and he wanted to be awake for the new sights this wedding allowed him.