• Published 14th Dec 2021
  • 608 Views, 6 Comments

The Lord of Chaos - Guillermo

The life of the lord of chaos, Discord, was always a mystery, it just appeared one day out of nowhere and was left. But a discovery in the castle of the Two Sisters will shed light on his past.

  • ...

Winter spirits

The years went by, and little by little, the world (and I would dare to say, the entire universe) was recovering from the death of the goddess of harmony. Her six daughters took the place of her mother together, keeping harmony alive in the cosmos, but Discord became the sole Guardian of the balance between harmony and chaos. As for myself, for four years I held my place as a nanny, cook, and housekeeper, and in turn, Celestia and Luna increasingly saw me as an integral part of their family.

Just like her older sister, Luna ended up getting her cutie mark, and as you may well know, she did it by raising the moon. That day we were in her room, combing her mane, while we waited for the indicated time when she would have to raise the moon, at which, according to Discord, she had a great connection, just as Celestia had with her sun. Although the little alicorn is not that she was very confident of that.

"What if I fail?"

"You won't, Luna," I said with a small smile, still combing the long bluish mane. "It's in your genes."

"But ... what if it's not my destiny?"

"Of course it is!"

We both focused our attention on the door, where we saw a 12-year-old Celestia with a half-arrogant smile. I can't help but sigh to myself as I went back to combing Luna's mane. The mischievous little filly I knew became much more mischievous, arrogant and rebellious, although thanks to the Firsts she still had a good heart, full of kindness ... although there were times when it was difficult to find it.

"You are my sister, after all. And if you fail, well ... I'll raise the moon for you until you make it!"

"Can you ever speak without looking like a damn arrogant?" Luna said looking at her with a frown.

'Here we go again' I thought to myself as I focused on combing the mane. The fights between the two had become common, but at least I was certain that they loved each other with all her heart, even if it did not seem like it.

"Hey, no insults! On top of that I come to support you" said the solar alicorn raising her snout.

"You could do it without making me look useless, Miss Perfect Lady" answered Luna, turning away from me and facing her sister, causing I to sigh with resignation.

"Okay, calm down, you don't have to ..."

"I don't need it either, you do it yourself," Celestia commented with her frown as well, interrupting my attempt to calm the situation, sticking to Luna's face.

"Celestia, don't talk like that about your sist ..."

"At least I do not spend the day in the forest, eat more cakes than allowed and escape from Discord classes, lazy!"

"Luna, please ..."


"Eat cakes!"

"Library mouse!"

"ENOUGH!" I shouted loudly, I will be ignored and getting up from my place, approaching the girls, who immediately separated and looked at me with fear in their eyes, they knew what could happen when I got angry with them. "What have I told you about discussing among yourselves?" silence, because the girls preferred to look at the ground than to answer. "I have asked a question, young ladies."

"Sisters who love each other don't fight," they said at the same time, in a synchronized tone, but without looking up.

"What about the insults?" No answer again, making me start to get impatient, as my helmet showed, hitting the ground repeatedly. "Well?"

"It's wrong ..." said Celestia.

"... and even more between the family" term Luna.

"Well, at least you remember that," I said with a raised eyebrow, before focusing on Luna.

"Luna, you shouldn't have talked to your sister like that when she was just giving you support."

"But ...!" She said raising her head, but she fell silent when she saw my stern look.

"No buts, I don't want to hear a single word!" My gaze quickly turned to Celestia, who was trying to hide her giggling. "What makes you so funny, miss?"

"N ... nothing!" She said, taken by surprise.

"Ah, I was saying ... As for you, your sister is right, there is a way to support her without seeming to be laughing at her, much less without insulting her."

"She did too ..." she said in a whisper.

"Do you see that I congratulated her on that? It was not well for either of the two, but you are the oldest, it is time for you to show it. Now, I'm going to go tell Discord, stay here."

"Are you going to tell Discord ?!" the two yelled in unison.

The mention of her older brother made them look up immediately, daring to look at me. For me to tell Discord that they had been arguing usually meant that I was going to punish them one way or another and wanted to make sure that punishment was carried out.

"Yes" I said as I went to the door. "I have to explain to he why I am going to punish you without dessert for a week, starting from tomorrow because today is very important, but you do not have your luck, understood?" when I see them nod angrily, I smiled with joy. "Well, I leave you to apologize. Celestia, I don't finish combing her mane, do it yourself, we don't want her to be badly combed in her moment of glory. Oh, and if you're in another fight when I come back, you'll be in even more trouble, is that clear?"

"Yes Miss Cake" said the two in unison, looking at the ground again, knowing that it was useless to try to protest.

Satisfied with those words, I left the room and headed to Discord's study, praying those two didn't kill each other while I was gone. After a minute of walking, I arrived at the indicated door, knocking on it and entering when I heard the forward coming from inside. Inside, I found the lord of chaos sitting in his favorite chair while he drank a cup of chocolate milk and ate one of my cupcakes while reading one of the library books. Throughout those years he had gotten used to eating my cupcakes instead of the ones he created, which were infinitely better, I never knew why.

"What happened this time?" He said, unable to help but hide the amused tone in his voice.

"The usual" I said with a sigh.

I approached the other floating chair, stroking Stol, the doggy stool, before going up the invisible stairs ... I said that I served a lord of chaos, that's not the weirdest thing I've seen around him. After sitting comfortably, I let out a tired sigh as I grabbed the cup of chocolate milk that had materialized in front of me and took a small sip.

"Seriously, those girls are going to kill me one of these days. Aren't the gods supposed to be wiser and less prone to give in to instincts?"

"Ah, the unfounded idea that we are perfect, didn't I already tell you about Ares?" Discord said as he turned a page of his reading with a lock of hair from his tail, taking a sip of his own drink. .

"Yes, you did it."

"There you have it, the gods are not perfect. We make mistakes and are as prone to fights as mortals, you would be surprised at the fights I had with my brothers in the past."

"It seems that it is a divine decree that there are always fights between brothers" I said, remembering with laughter the fights that Celestia and Luna had had over the years.

"If so, I swear to you that I was not the god who made that law" Discord said smiling.

We spent a while more talking quietly to each other, at least until we noticed that sunset was approaching.

"You better go find those two" Discord said as he pulled the mug away from him, which disappeared into nothingness, and let his book fly to his place.

"If they haven't already killed each other" I said with a sigh, finishing drinking my drink, which was not refilled, and imitating Discord, knowing that the cup would not fall to the ground.

I descended the invisible stairs again and headed for the door, giving Discord one last hello before leaving to search for the fillies. As he walked, I thought of some additional punishment if I ran into them in the middle of a battle of insults or, First forbid, hitting. Forbid them to leave their room? It is an option, really, but it would not be necessary, because when I opened the door, I found them talking peacefully while Celestia finished preparing the mane of her little sister. With a smile, I saw the tender scene, remembering how those little alicorns changed my life, before deciding to intervene.

"Well, I see that you are still alive, it is an achievement."

At once, the two of them turned to look at me, giving me a happy look, although Celestia's was much wider than Luna, and I could see the hope in her eyes.

"Does that mean we can have dessert tomorrow?" Celestia ask in the most innocent voice she could muster, making me laugh.

"Nope, you are still grounded with that. Now come on, you have work to do."

Celestia pouted a little before sighing in resignation. The two left the room and went with me to the balcony used for sunsets and to see the rising of the moon, which until then, the unicorns had done without delay ... until today. There, Discord was, sitting on a chaise longue while he waited, giving his youngest sister a huge smile before reaching over to give her a hug.

"Are you ready, Lulu?" He said, pulling away to look at her.

"I ... I think so."

"You'll do well," her brother said reassuringly. "It's in you."

Luna nodded, still very nervous, watching her sister walk to the balcony and prepare to do her homework. Before meeting her, Celestia turned her head to give her a look designed to reassure and encourage her little sister, this time, without arrogance involved.

"Do you want to come here? We will do it together so you won't be so nervous."

With a small smile, Luna advanced until she was next to her sister, giving her sister an affectionate gesture before Celestia turned to the sun, already on the edge of the horizon, and she closed her eyes. Unlike when she was little, the star king was hidden without any problem, and her rays stopped illuminating the world, although it was not yet dark. Before the unicorns in the Unicorn Empire used his magic to bring night, Discord snapped his fingers, preventing them from doing so and giving his little sister time to do it herself.

Closing her eyes tightly, she focused on seeking the connection with the moon, just as her sister had told her that she did with the sun, and illuminated her horn. After about two minutes, she found him, and forced the night orb to slowly come out and show her splendor, illuminating the night much more than other times. When it was all over, Luna collapsed in exhaustion, unaware of the white flash that covered her flanks. Celestia moved forward to sit next to her with a gigantic smile on her face.

"I told you you could, dwarf."

"Thank you, Tia" Luna said with a small, grateful smile.

"I'm proud of you" I said as I approached and caressed Luna's head with a smile, a smile that the little alicorn gave me back. "Now let's go inside, we have to celebrate that you have raised the moon ... and that you got your cutie mark."

Eyes wide open, Luna stared at her flanks, seeing the cutie mark that symbolized her connection to the moon and her role as goddess of the night. With great joy, she started bouncing around the balcony, completely joyous, before being lifted up by Discord, who placed her on his shoulders as she headed for the dining room.

"This deserves a feast!" he said happily.

Luna gave a joyous cry as she urged Discord to go faster, with Celestia full behind her. With a smile, I followed what she considered a family, ready to celebrate little Luna's cutie mark, symbol of how she was growing up.

Once I made sure those girls were asleep, which was not very difficult, since the celebration lasted two hours, I went to Discord's private room. The party had gone relatively well, and knowing that this would be the last day they could eat sweets, at least for a week, both alicorns ate as much as possible, I was almost afraid they would choke. After a few minutes, I reached the door, knocking before entering. At the window I found the lord of chaos, his arms folded behind him, watching, not the nightscape or the forest, but a projection unfolding on the glass.

"Anything interesting, sir?" I said as I approached he.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Stol lying next to the fireplace, and although the fire was close to the ceiling, since it was upside down, the heat came perfectly.

"More than interesting, it's sad and disappointing," Discord said with a sigh.

With a raised eyebrow, I sat next to Discord and gazed out the window, seeing what appeared to be an overland market, but the vision focused on a particular stall that seemed to sell all kinds of vegetables. A pegasus mare, who looked hungry and had a foal between her legs, was trying to get the earth pony merchant to sell her some of the vegetables he sold. Which, by the way, did not seem to work, since the earth pony refused, even threatening to call the guard if she was still there.

"I thought that the earth ponies were obliged to share their food with the other races" I said confused and somewhat angry, seeing sadly how the mare and her son had to leave without being able to take something to eat.

"And they are, at least with the big merchants, pegasi and unicorns, but as for the rest ... they reserve the right to deny their products or to sell them at exorbitant prices."

"I know where that is going" I said with a sigh, remembering how they sold me a map for almost 1000 bits, and on top of that it was false, although I had to admit that if it weren't for that, I wouldn't be there.

"Two centuries, and they still haven't learned to live in peace" Discord said with a disappointed sigh, turning away from the advantage, which dissolved the vision, and approached the fire, absently stroking Stol. "If this continues, my sisters. they can never guide you."

"I know it's disappointing, and it's maddening, but we tend to learn hard. Unless we face extinction, I doubt the three pony breeds will unite” I said as I approached, giving a graceless laugh.

"Extinction ..." Discord said, seeming to ponder those words, before a smile crossed his face. "Cake, you're a genius."

"Wait... What?

With a snap of his fingers, we were transported to the highest tower in the castle, where Discord was teaching his sisters about astronomy, Luna being the most interested in that. The night sky was visible above our heads, with no roof to obstruct the view of the stellar vault, and in the normally empty center, Discord made a gigantic cauldron appear, which he approached.

"I know how to steer the ponies out of their current state of hatred and chaos," he said as he looked at the cauldron full of calm waters.

"And what do you plan to do to avoid it?" I said as I placed me next to he, curious.

"Make them see that their current path will only lead to their perdition. So ... I'll try what you told me, Cake" when he said it, he extended his eagle claw over the cauldron before turning his palm towards the sky and, between his index finger and his thumb, generate a red and yellow ball. "A pinch of chaos" he dropped the drop, and the water bubbled and behaved like a sea of ​​rage, the drops rose to start spinning in different directions, and the color turned reddish and yellowish, stirring nonstop. Then Discord's tail settled over the cauldron, grasping a black ball between its folds. "A bit of hatred, anger, and sadness." The ball fell, turning the waters deep black as a plaintive scream came out of it the same ones, causing me a chill that ran through my entire body. To finish, he raised his lion claw to his face, palm up. "And a little ... of cold."

He blew, and a white mist came out and fell on the waters, turning them the same color. The mist came out and completely covered the room, covering my paws and making me shiver with cold. Three moans, filled with all the hatred and sadness in the world, were heard in the room, originating from the cauldron. A second later, three ghostly figures shot into the sky. They looked like ponies, but their heads were sharper, their undersides ended in a long tail, and their eyes seemed to contain all the evil in the world. Plaintive screams came from those beings, and they did not stop until the figures disappeared into the night.

"W... what w... was th... that?" I said with fear in my body, rubbing myself to try to keep warm.

"Spirits of chaos, fueled by bad feelings, and the more there are, the colder there will be."

I swallowed hard, thinking of the dark times ahead for the ponies, praying they would soon find out what they had to do.

For a year both Discord and I watched the ponies progress with the Windigos, named after them, and there weren't many. The cold was advancing, creating a blizzard of snow that could not be controlled by anyone, not even pegasi. Heartbroken, I watched hundreds of earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns die from cold, hunger, or attacks in search of food. Although the Lord of Chaos seemed to be affected, he was unwilling to stop any of this, as, according to him, it was the only method to prevent his own destruction. That night I came to the room where we saw everything, the place of creation of those spirits, observing the cauldron full of water, and to my amazement, I saw something that I did not expect to see.

"Is this happening?" I said incredulously.

"Yes, it is" Discord commented without taking his eyes off the cauldron.

It was showing us a meeting between the three leaders of the three races, something that had not happened since the day the Firsts stopped moving the sun and the moon. Even more impressive than that was the fact that the earth pony Chancellor had offered his house as a meeting place, and even more so that the proud unicorns and pegasi had accepted. A smile crossed my face, pleased by what I saw, before sitting down and being ready to watch the assembly.

"At last they will settle their differences."

"They will only meet to discuss what to do, not to ally" Discord commented unceremoniously.

"Distrustful" I said with a frown.

In response, Discord shrugged and kept watching, doing the same. At first, everything was going well, debating possible solutions, but everything fell apart when they began to accuse each other of what happened. After an hour of insults and accusations, the three leaders parted ways, with no intention of collaborating again. I couldn't help but sigh in defeat, instead, the draconequs next to me just raised his eagle hand to his chin, seeming to debate with himself.

"Is something wrong, sir?" I said with some curiosity.

"No, Cake, you can go easy. Goodnight."

Not quite sure, I left the room and headed for my room, wondering what Discord had in mind.

When I woke up, due to an alarm clock that Discord gave me, I got out of bed with a yawn, stretching and setting my bed. When I finished, I left my room to go wake up the alicorns, who had to hide the moon and raise the sun. My first target was the most sleepy, Celestia, entering her room and seeing her, as I expected, sound asleep in her bed, causing a small smile to appear on my face. I walked over to her bed and tried to gently wake her up.

"Come on, Celestia, you have work to do" I said in a calm and soft voice.

"Five more minutes ..." she answered, still sleepy, and I already knew where this would go.

"Don't even dream about it, the last time you were twenty minutes late. Get up."

"No" and with that, she pulled up her thick blanket and covered her face, completely ignoring me.

"Don't force me to get up the hard way" she turned, still inside the blanket, to turn her back on me, making me sigh, it was always the same with her, and she is supposed to be the incarnation of the sun "I'm going to count to three, Celestia, and you'd better get up on your own, one" nothing, "two" the alicorn let out a snore, and I was sure it was only to challenge me, "three."

I grabbed the blanket with my magic and ripped it off her hooves, and before she could complain, I lifted the mattress and dropped it to the floor. As I replaced the bed, Celestia appeared from the other side, her pink hair disheveled and her face dreamy of a championship, glaring at me reproachfully. She seemed to be about to say something, but seeing my raise an eyebrow in her direction, daring her to say anything, she decided to groan in frustration and walk to her dresser, ready to comb her hair and fix a little bit. After finishing making the bed, I nodded satisfied and went to the exit, not without looking at the girl first.

"I'll go wake up Luna, you better be ready when I'm done."

"Yes, mom," she said in a tired and sarcastic tone, although we both knew that that sarcastic "mom" held much more meaning.

Going out the door, I went to Luna's room, right next to Celestia's, carefully opening it and seeing her in her bed, still sleeping peacefully. Since the moon alicorn was more likely to wake up without problems, I approached without making much noise, standing next to her head and bending down to whisper in her ear.

"Luna, come on, wakes up."

Little by little, the little girl woke up, giving a big yawn before sitting down on the bed. Somewhat sleepy, she stood up and went to her dresser, pulling out a comb and starting to comb her hair while I made her bed. After finishing, I approached Luna, seeing with amusement that she had gotten stuck in a knot. I gripped the comb with my magic, giving the alicorn a resigned sigh and letting me comb it myself.

"How did you sleep?"

"Good" Luna replied, still removing the remains of her sleep. "And you?"

"Like a baby."

After a few minutes, I finished combing her mane, going out into the hall and heading to the balcony destined for dawn. As I feared, Celestia was not there, forcing us to wait for her, as always. From time to time, I glanced at the clock placed by the entrance to the terrace, placed there at my request, to make sure that the young solar goddess arrived on time. Two minutes after sunrise time, and just as I was about to come in and drag that young mare out, Celestia suddenly appeared, almost suffocated.

"It was about time!" I said angrily, fixing my gaze on Celestia.

"Sorry, I ran into a rebellious knot" she said as she combed her mane with her right hoof, giving a slight nervous laugh, that she died as soon as she saw me.

"If you see that you are going to be late, you take care of the knot after raising the sun!"

"Luna could have started without me" said the alicorn, shrinking a little.

"And leave the world in suspense, in a state of moonless darkness? Very good idea, yes sir."

"Well, seen like this ..."

- Put yourself in your place!

Jumping at my scream, she moved to the railing, joining Luna soon after. This she closed her eyes and bowed her head, lowering her precious moon, and when it disappeared, Celestia prepared to raise the sun, bringing the world a new day. I nodded satisfied when I saw they, amazed at how much they had grown, because it was no longer difficult for them to do that job.

Once done, guide them to the dining room, where breakfast had already been served, including the sweets that I prepared the day before, but contrary to other times, Discord was not there. A little confused, I sat in my place, deciding to wait for him to arrive, or to go find him later. As for the girls, they did not seem to notice the absence of her brother, starting to eat without pause, especially Celestia, who only deigned to eat the sweets.

"Celestia," I said as I grabbed an apple, ready to eat it, "would you like to eat something else besides sweets?"

"You fon't fay anyfhing to Funa" she said reproachfully, while her mouth was full of a cupcake.

"What did we say about talking with a mouth full of her?" When I saw her swallow, I deigned to answer. "Luna is eating in a civilized way, and she also eats something else besides sweets."

"Ugg, it's fine," said the girl as she grabbed a pear and took a big bite and looked at me as if to say 'happy?'

After breakfast, and sending the girls to do their homework, I went to where I knew Discord would be, in the room where he had his cauldron. And sure enough, there he was, watching himself, showing earth pony Chancellor mare Puddinghead talking to her most trusted advisor, stallion Smart Cookie.

"Is something wrong?" I asked as I sat next to him.

"The first fruits of my plan," said the lord of chaos as he snapped his fingers and showed the unicorn king talking to his daughter, Princess Platinum, and that young Star Swirl apprentice, Clover the Clever.

"And that plan is ...?"

"Go in search of new lands, I induced that idea in their mind last night" he said while snapping his fingers again, this time showing the pegasus leader, Commander Hurricane, and his direct subordinate, Captain Private Pansy, for what I had understood, the first mare to reach that position, and she was very good at her job.

"Can you get into dreams?" I asked, somewhat surprised, he had never told me I could do that.

"Does that really surprise you?" he said with a smile, to which I returned another.

"You have a point."

After laughing a bit, Discord returned to his serene demeanor, staring at the cauldron.

"In two months, three at the most, they will be here."

"In the Everfree?" I said completely confused.

"No, on the grounds near the Everfree."

"Why so close, sir?"

" My sisters will have to guide them one of these days, and it is better that they are close, don't you think?"

I couldn't help but nod, watching the pegasus leader discussing the details for his next expedition. Internally, I wondered how the hell this would all end.

After almost four months of travel, three groups of earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns, with two hundred ponies in each, arrived at the base of the mountain of the first river, deciding to climb it, each race by a different place, in order to claim it as their own. And, even from a distance, you could clearly see the great esplanade near the top, and each leader wanted it for a different reason. Commander Hurricane for his height, since that way the pegasi could build some houses there in which they built a flying city at the height of their race, Chancellor Puddinghead because that way they would have a strategic view of all the new territory and be able to see possible enemies from afar, while Princess Platinum wanted her to start building a castle there that would represent the greatness of unicorns.

Unfortunately for them, they found themselves at the top, sparking a major feud that almost escalated into battle. However, the Windigos arrived first, drawn by the hatred there, although I suspect that the proximity of their creator and source of all chaos had a lot to do with it. When the snow began to cover the place, the ponies had to advance higher and higher, reaching a gigantic cavern. Unfortunately, many of them froze to death immediately, leaving just a dozen in the three groups.

While the soldiers and subordinates of the leaders tried to keep warm, the chancellor, the commander and the princess began to fight without respite, causing those called by the ponies as winter spirits to enter the cave and freeze them. Although Discord was in charge of keeping them alive, since even if the remaining ponies found out how to survive, they would need those idiots so that the ponies would not see that fact as heresy.

Once the leaders were frozen, the groups began to gather more, in a vain attempt to warm up, but without making efforts to live together in harmony. It wasn't until Clover the Clever, Private Pansy, and Smart Cookie started talking and getting to know each other, as a last act before they died, that they didn't realize the effect that simple gesture had. Snow and ice seemed to flee from the three ponies, and the Windigos themselves were fleeing from them, unable to bear the harmony and friendship that was forging between the three.

Following the example, the rest began to talk among themselves, not only among their own race, but with anyone at their side, be it pegasus, earth pony or unicorn. Throughout the night, they kept talking non-stop, telling stories, anectoids, and more than ponies locked up, they seemed to be enjoying a beautiful party. When dawn brought the sunlight, the three leaders thawed out and saw everything that had happened around them.

Although at first they viewed their subordinates as traitors, they soon saw that what they said was true. And after much deliberation, a conclusion was reached, the discovered lands would not be for a single race, it would be for all three, since they were no longer part of the Unicorn Kingdom, the Pegasus Empire or the Earth Pony Republic, they were the new leaders and founders of Equestria, a place where all ponies would live in harmony. But back in their homelands, the ponies saw this as heresy and outrage. The unicorn king disinherited his daughter, the earth ponies elected a new chancellor, and the pegasus proclaimed a new commander. But as the months passed, their home continued to wrap itself in snow, while the ponies in the new Equestria did not have to worry about the Windigos.

Little by little, the unicorns abandoned their king, who stayed in his castle, and migrated to the new kingdom, following Star Swirl as their new leader until they were reunited with his princess. The earth ponies decided to leave and the pegasi set their immense floating city towards the same destination as the other races. Only a few earth ponies stayed in their ancestral home, refusing to leave. Seeing that this group was stubborn, Discord took pity on them, and by putting together the feelings of love, harmony and friendship gathered in the new Equestria, he created an artifact that would help them survive, teaching their leaders to use it, who named the artifact after Crystal Heart.