• Published 9th Dec 2021
  • 1,782 Views, 26 Comments

To Be Cared For - Nido_King

Silverstream LOVES to volunteer at the Ponyville Daycare, but new and strange feelings leave her questioning about her own childhood. What happens when the Caregiver is the one wanting to be cared for?

  • ...

Dreams Realized

“Ok, I'm ready, Nana!”

In the short time since Silverstream's trip to the bathroom, a pair of sheets had been hung up in the middle of the nursery to act as makeshift curtains as Silverstream bustled behind them. Patiently waiting not far away was Velvet Song, sitting down with a small xylophone in front of her. Upon hearing her cue, Velvet began to tap the keys of the xylophone in a steady rhythm, producing a little jingle in turn.

The curtains were pushed aside as Silverstream proudly stepped out, now dressed in a purple onesie that matched the color of her eyes. Like a model on a runaway, Silverstream strolled ahead in her new outfit, happily showing it off to her adoring audience.

“Smile for the camera, dear!” Velvet Song called out, causing Silverstream to pause for a moment before striking a pose and making a pouty face for the “cameras.” Once the Hippogriff had strolled back and forth enough times along the imaginary runway, Velvet called out, “Costume change time!”

Hearing this, Silverstream ducked back behind the curtains, where the sounds of rummaging could be heard. Moments later, Silverstream once more emerged, but this time she was wearing a light blue princess dress that flowed down to her ankles, a plastic crown on her head completing the look.

While washing her hands in the bathroom, Silverstream had worked up the courage to ask Velvet if she could dress up for a bit. And so, once Velvet had changed Silverstream back into a cloth diaper at her request, she had been lead her over to a closet and pulled it open. Just like when she had first walked into the nursery, Silverstream was completely floored by the sheer treasure trove of outfits and costumes that lay before her. Again and again she would pull out an outfit she thought would look cute on her, only for her eyes to immediately fall upon another outfit that was just as tantalizing.

As a good sized pile of options began to form, Silverstream's original plan of dress-up had quickly evolved into a full blown modelling show. Velvet had offered to help, but Silverstream had been adamant that she wanted each outfit to “be a surprise for Nana.” Not wanting to get in the way of Silverstream's bout of childish energy, Velvet was more than happy to sit by to serve as both the audience and emotional support if the need arose.

Recalling some princess etiquette she had picked up from her cousin Skystar, Silverstream strolled forward with the grace and confidence that a princess would, even one with a diaper hidden beneath her dress. Waving to the imaginary audience, she pinched the sides of her dress as she pulled off a perfect curtsy. Skystar would be so proud of me!

“Costume change!”

Princess Silverstream quickly disappeared behind the curtain, emerging moments later as Maid Silverstream, complete with feather duster in her hand that she used to dust the air, occasionally bending down enough to give Nana a clear view of her diapered bottom.

Back and forth this went for nearly an hour, time zooming by as Silverstream changed from costume to costume one after another. Maid Silverstream soon became Baby Silverstream once more, dressed in a sea-blue onesie this time as she shook a rattle in her hand. As she reached the end of the “runaway”, she plopped her padded rear down and popped her thumb into her mouth, sucking happily as she shook her rattle even faster.

Soon Baby Silverstream turned into Construction Worker Silverstream, a plastic hardhat perched atop her head and a bright orange vest on her body. After another stroll up and down the runway, she quickly changed into Summertime Silverstream, dressed in a bright yellow sundress and a large brimmed sunhat as she happily pranced through an imaginary field of daisies and sunflowers.

Continuing with the summer theme, Silverstream then emerged as Beachtime Silverstream, wearing a snorkel and a pair of inflatable water wings on her arms. A pair of plastic pants with little fishes on them had also been pulled up over her diaper, causing her to crinkle slightly with each step. As she passed in front of Nana, Silverstream briefly activated the pearl shard she wore around her neck, causing Nana to let out a gasp of surprise as Silverstream switched to her Seapony form for a moment before turning back into a Hippogriff again.

Beachtime Silverstream was soon followed up by Sailor Silverstream, wearing a sailor pony's uniform and a little cap as she mimed being on lookout and gazing out across the sea for any danger. In a twist fitting an adventure novel, Sailor Silverstream briefly disappeared behind the curtain before revealing that she had been a pirate the whole time, now wearing an eye-patch, pirate's hat and carrying a toy sword in her hand.

After Pirate Silverstream had made the poor crew walk the plank, she changed themes entirely as she then emerged wearing a bright pink ballerina's tutu, prancing and galloping around like a real ballerina performing a dance on stage. After a quick performance, she gave a bow, earning her a resounding applause from Nana.

As Silverstream once more disappeared behind the curtain, Velvet Song couldn't help but feel proud of how far Silverstream had come in such a short time. More often than not it usually took at least two to three sessions before her clients really felt comfortable enough to indulge so readily in their desires, but Silverstream was one of the rare occasions that took to ageplay like it was the most natural thing in the world.

Yes, being able to witness firsthoof as a pony, or Hippogriff in this case, allowed themselves to momentarily put aside the needs to be an adult and truly embrace their inner child was always the most rewarding part to Velvet.

Several more costume changes later, Silverstream was starting to feel rather parched. Poking her head out from behind the curtain, she said, “Nana, I'm thirsty!”

“Oh, you poor dear!” Velvet replied in her usually motherly tone. “Nana will get you a nice refreshing drink right away. Would you like it in a normal glass, a sippy cup, or a bottle?”

At the mention of “bottle”, Silverstream was instantly transported back to the moment that had started this whole journey for her, the moment she had witnessed a foal being fed a bottle by one of the nursery caregivers.

Her answer was immediate. “Baba, please!”

Velvet giggled. “Alright, you stay right here while Nana goes and warms you up a fresh baba.”

While she waited for Nana to return, Silverstream once more looked over the pile of outfits she had modelled so far, trying her best to pick which one she liked the most. After more than one round of “Eenie Meenie Miny Mo”, she finally settled on wearing the sea-blue onesie, recalling that it had made her feel the most childish out of all the other outfits.

Soon enough, Velvet returned with a warm bottle of milk. “Here you are, sweetie.”

Silverstream reached out to take the bottle of milk, but paused for a moment, her arm pulling back slightly. As she stared at the offered bottle of milk, the image of the young foal being fed remained burned into her mind, refusing to leave her. She bit the inside of her cheek, some kind of mental barrier still holding her back from asking the one thing she really wanted the most.

“What's wrong?” Velvet asked, noticeable concern in her voice.

“I... uh... It's just...” Glancing down at the floor, her cheeks starting to blush, Silverstream stuttered nervously, “Do... do you remember how... how I mentioned the thing that made me want to act this way?”

Velvet smiled, knowing exactly where the Hippogriff was going with this. “Aww, does my little one want Nana to feed her her baba? Is that it?”

Still unable to meet the mare's gaze, Silverstream nodded her head.

“Aww, no need to be shy!” Velvet said, patting Silverstream lightly on the head in an attempt to ease the young Hippogriff's worries. “I'm more than happy to feed such an adorable baby like you.” Taking Silverstream's hand in her hoof, Velvet gently lead her over to a rocking chair that was tucked into the corner of the nursery, one that Silverstream hadn't even noticed until now.

“Sitting down in the rocking chair, Velvet gestured for Silverstream to sit in her lap. “Come one, little one, no need to be afraid. Hop up so Nana can feed you your baba.”

Flapping her wings, Silverstream flew up and settled down into Velvet's lap, her head supported by the mare's other hoof.

“Comfortable?” Velvet asked.

“Mmhhmmm,” Silverstream squeaked out as her heart hammered away in her chest. This was it, the moment she had dreamed of since these feelings of hers had first appeared. It had all been leading up to this moment!

“Open wide for Nana!”

Opening her beak, Silverstream felt the nipple of the bottle enter her mouth. Like an old instinct resurfacing after a long time, Silverstream instinctively began to suckle like it was the most natural reaction in the world. Her efforts were soon rewarded with a steady stream of warm milk that filled her mouth and steadily flowed down into her belly, leaving a warm, soothing feeling to settle in her belly as she fed.

The sensations that ran through Silverstream's mind were practically indescribable. A sense of warmth, love, and security in knowing that she had someone like Nana to care for and look after her. All her cares seemed to just melt away in an instant. She didn't have to worry about school, about any of her responsibilities, or even what her friends would think if they ever saw her like this. No, all that mattered in this moment was giving in to the comforting feeling of being little more than a baby.

Again the moment in the nursery appeared in her mind, only this time the caregiver was replaced by Nana Velvet, and the baby replaced with Silverstream as she was now: dressed in a sea-blue onesie that did little to hide the cloth diaper she was wearing while she happily fed from a bottle of milk.

She felt herself shift slightly as she nestled further into Nana's fur, the feeling of Nana's warm body adding to the warmth she was already feelings. Her ears twitched slightly as she picked up the sound of Nana's voice. Was Nana... singing?

“Hush now, quiet now, it's time to lay your sleeping head... Hush now, quiet now, it's time to go to bed...”

As the stream of milk began to slow down to a mere trickle, Silverstream felt her eyelids began to grow heavy, the soothing sounds of Nana's voice gently lulling her to sleep. As the last few drops of milk filled her now full belly, she felt herself be moved slightly as her head settled comfortably on Nana's shoulder. She felt a soft bump against her back, then a second one, and finally a third one as she felt a bubble of gas steadily rise up her throat before she let our a massive burp that made her spit up slightly on Nana's shoulder. Normally Silverstream would have been embarrassed by the fact that she had just been burped like a baby, but in that moment she was far too content and happy to care.

Nana's hoof began to rub small circles against her back as she slipped even further to sleep. As her eyes closed and she fully gave in to sleep's warm and inviting embrace, she couldn't remember a time she had ever felt so relaxed and content as she did in this very moment.

A few hours later, Rarity strolled up to Velvet Song's abode and knocked against the door. She only had to wait a moment before she heard the door creak open as Velvet Song appeared on the other side.

“Rarity! Welcome back. How was your walk around Canterlot?"

“Marvelous, my dear Velvet,” Rarity replied as she strolled into Velvet's home. “Nothing like a nice walk through Canterlot's Fashion District to really get my creativity flowing!” As she walked deeper into Velvet's home, she noticed that a certain individual seemed to be missing. “Where is--”

“She's napping in the nursery,” Velvet was quick to reply. “Tired herself out from all the excitement.”

“Ah, I see,” Rarity said, having been made aware of the existence of Velvet Song's nursery some time ago. “I know there's only so much you can say, patient-client privacy and all that, but how did she do? Any progress made?”

“Oh, we made great strides today, more so than I was expecting, honestly.” Velvet's smile spoke volumes as she met Rarity's gaze. “In my professional opinion, you were right to bring Silverstream to me today. Poor dear had so much built up anxiety that it would have only been a matter of time before it overwhelmed her. Thankfully, with a just little coaxing from me, I was able to help her overcome some of her fears and allow her to act upon her feelings earnestly. She probably won't be needing another session with me for a long while after the strides we made today, but I would be more than happy to see her again in the near future.”

“That's excellent news! Oh, I can't thank you enough for being willing to see Silverstream on such short notice.”

“Oh, believe me, it was my pleasure. I'm always happy to help a little one like her in need.”

Smiling, Rarity glanced up at the clock on the wall. “Well, it's still a few hours until our train back to Ponyville leaves, so I'll let her enjoy her nap for a while longer. Though, if it's not too much to ask... may I take a peek in on her for a moment?”

Velvet Song seemed to consider the request for a moment, before nodding her head. “Only if you're very quiet, we wouldn't want to disturb her nap after all, right?”

Rarity nodded, miming the action of zipping her mouth closed and pressing a hoof to it to show she wouldn't make a peep. Quietly, the pair tiptoed down the hall towards the nursery. Once they were standing outside it, Velvet Song carefully opened up the door just enough for the pair to peer inside and catch a glimpse of the crib within.

Rarity had to resist the urge to let out an “Awww!” at the sight of Silverstream, all tucked in beneath the blankets and cuddling a plush shark while she slept. She had even started sucking her thumb as she slept, only further enhancing the utter adorableness of the moment. The look of absolute peacefulness on Silverstream's face in that moment reassured Rarity even more that she had been right to seek out Velvet Song's expertise.

As the nursery door closed once more, Silverstream didn't so much as stir, her dreams filled with childish wonders and fond memories that she had long thought forgotten, secure in the comfort and security of the being able to live out her desires of once being the baby Hippogriff she truly was deep down.