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Hijack Halt

"Wow!" Mikey said, staring through the window of the toy store.

On their way to Sweet Apple Acres for their annual Christmas party, Mikey was hanging out with Snips, Snails, Derpy, and Bulk Biceps looking around, doing a little window shopping.

“I know, right?” Snips agreed as he and Snails joined Mikey in looking at the toys.

“Too bad we made our Christmas lists a dozen times already.” Snails pointed. “One more time and my parents are only giving me clothes.”

Mikey then noticed the DinoFeels action figures had a sign that said ‘Sold out’. “Man even here the new DinoFeels toy’s popular.”

“Yeah. They’re even out of stock online.” Derpy shared.

“Those new toys go like hot cakes.” Bulk shared. “I even heard one shopper started a riot trying to steal from another customer.”

“Who could blame them? Robot Dinosaurs powered by feelings and spread friendship and love, sounds awesome!” awed Mikey.

Snips asked Mikey, “you guys ever thought of getting into the toy business?”

Then there was a crash in the alley.

“Hold that thought.” Mikey answered.

Suddenly, they heard someone cry out in alarm. They peeked around the corner and saw, at the delivery station, a stout man with mint green skin and pink hair was surrounded by Night Terror and three of the Purple Nightmares.

"What do you want?" The man asked in fear.

"Oh nothing. Except your truck!" Night Terror answered, motioning to a truck that was parked near by.

"And all the toys inside!" Crunch Bar added.

"You can't steal this truck!" The man protested. "These toys are being donated to a children's home!"

"Aww!" Night Terror said, in faux sweetness. "Then allow me to make my contribution." And he pounded the man in the head with his fists, knocking him out.

The five watching gasped as they hid back around the corner.

"What are we gonna do?!" Derpy asked, in worry.

"We gotta stop them!" Mikey said, with determination.

"How are gonna do that?" Snails asked.

"Yeah, we don't even have our ninja weapons," Snips pointed out.

"Then it's a good thing Master Splinter taught me 'A ninja must always be prepared'," Mikey pulled his arms into his shell and popped them back out, now holding the four's weapons.

"Nice!" Snips said, as Mikey handed him and Snails their sparing stick.

"Yay!" Derpy smiled, pulling on her hand claws.

"Awesome!" Bulk put on his gloves.

Mikey took out his nunchucks. "Okay, guys, get ready." He said, as they all peeked back around the corner, glaring. "Things are about to get rough!"

“Alright, boys! Time to amscray!” Night Terror declared. Suddenly, smoke bombs rolled up to the Purple Nightmares, exploding causing a huge smokescreen.

“What’s going on?” One of the nightmares cried.

“What’s next? A red nosed reindeer?” Night Terror glared.

“No!” Suddenly, a red gloved fist punched him in the kisser. “how about a red fisted dude?”

"Cowabunga!" Snips and Snails ran out and wacked Clubs and Riff in the heads from behind.

"Booyakasha!" Mikey leapt out and back-fisted the two before they had the chance to attack Snips and Snails.

"It's one of those Turtles!" Crunch Bar got out her chain, when suddenly, Derpy flipped over her, grabbed her by the shirt, and throwing her into a wall.

"You!" Night Terror growled, getting up.

"What up, Night Terror!" Mikey grinned.

"Don't just stand there!" Night Terror ordered his nightmares. "Get them!”

Mikey battled Night Terror with help from Bulk Biceps while Snips and Snails fought Clubs and Riff and Derpy took on Crunch Bar. Despite their lack of training, Snips and Snails were able to knock down Clubs and Riff with their dumb luck and stupidity. Derpy, on the other hand, was a lot more skilled than Crunch Bar imagined. Mikey was able to hit Night Terror a couple times while he wrestled with Bulk. After Bulk threw him, Night Terror turned to his Purple Nightmares.

"Get the truck!" Night Terror called, then cracked his neck as he turned to Mikey and the others. "I'll deal with them!"

The three Nightmares scrambled into the truck and Crunch Bar started the engine and pulled away.

Night Terror closed in on the five friends. "Now your gonna be sorry!"

"Oh, we're sorry alright," Mikey said. "Sorry, to leave you in the dust!" He pulled out his skateboard and hoped on. Then he threw one end of his numchucks at the truck. The small blade popped out and latched onto the back. "Later!" He saluted as he was pulled along. Snips, Snails, Bulk, and Derpy hoped aboard too.

"What the? Hey!" Night Terror ran after them, but soon the truck picked up speed and left him in it's wake. "NINJAS!" He yelled, shaking his fist.

He looked around for any mode of transportation, when he spotted the FlimFlam Brothers approaching in their car and grinned. Then he stopped the car with his foot.

"Evening, gentlemen," Night Terror greeted. "I need a ride. And that won't be a problem, will it?!" He pulled out his sword.

Flin and Flam gulped and smiled nervously. "Hop in."

Meanwhile, Clubs looked out the side mirror and saw Mikey, Snips, Snails, Bulk, and Derpy hanging onto the chain as they were being pulled along.

"What the?" He turned to his fellow Nightmares. "That ninja punk and those four doofuses are riding on the back!"

"Not for long!" Crunch Bar swerved the truck to the right, making a sharp turn.

Unfortunately, the skateboard made a wide turn and the five were heading straight for Wallflower!

"Look out!" They shouted.

"Huh?" Wallflower looked up and screamed, diving out of the way and dropped a small box that the skateboard ran over, destroying what was inside.

"Oh, no!" She exclaimed.

"Sorry!" Mikey called back. “Boy am I in trouble.” he gulped.

Suddenly, there was a bang.

“So are we!” Snips cried while Snails screamed.

The bang was Riff, leaning out the passager window, while aiming a construction bolt gun, firing bolts at them.

"Lean to the Right!" Mikey shouted, and they leaned right moving the skateboard out of the range of fire.

"I can't reach 'em!" Riff said.

"Then I'll make it easer," Crunch Bar replied, as she swerved the truck to the left onto a curve, leaving the skateboard white open. "That better?"

"Oh, yeah!" Riff leaned out, taking aim. "Eat bolts, ninjas!" But right before he pulled the trigger, Mikey threw a surikin that stuck in the spout of the gun, making it blow up. "Dang it!"

"Hang on," Crunch Bar advised. "Im gonna try to shake them off!"

Mikey and the students screamed as crunch swerved the truck, trying to lose them. But they still held on.

“Hang on guys!” Mikey cried.

Bulk looked back and gasped. “Night Terror!”

They all looked back and screamed at the sight of Night Terror in the Flim Flam’s car.

Flim then noticed Mikey with the students. “Wait. Didn’t we see that turtle before?”

“Well you’re seeing him now!” Night Terror threatened. “Now drive!”

Acting quickly, Mikey threw a couple shruikens and shot out the car’s tires.

“Aw crud!” Night Terror growled.

Flim and Flam just screamed as they skidded off the road.

"They're still back there!" Clubs said.

"Okay, if they wanna catch the truck, then we'll let 'em!" Crunch Bar grinned wickedly, slamming her foot on the brake and the truck came to a stop.

"Hey, they're stopping!" Bulk said.

"But we're not!" Derpy cried. They all screamed as they slammed, faces first, into the back of the truck.

"Ooo!" Clubs winced.

"I'll bet that hurt!" Riff chuckled.

Back inside the truck, Crunch Bar said, "Now go back there and finish them off!"

Riff and Clubs ran around the back and jumped out with their crowbar and club, but they weren't there.

"Hey, where'd they go?" Clubs asked aloud.


The two looked up just in time to see Mikey, Bulk, Derpy, and Snips & Snails jump down and knock them out.

What they didn’t see was the five jumped off the skateboard and held on to the side of the trailer. Mikey used shuko spikes, Derpy used her weapons, and Bulk had a good grip on the trailer while Snails held on to him with one arm and had Snips by the leg with the other. As they all successfully climbed on the roof, Night Terror looked up and glared.

Crunch Bar saw everything and quickly got out her phone. "It's Crunch Bar. The heist went south; one of those Turtles showed up with two dumb kids, a strong guy, and a cross-eyed girl. And they just took out Riff and Clubs! We need back up!" After a few seconds, she smirked.

"Got it!" The she stepped on the gas and drove the truck off.

The Turtle and the four high schoolers quickly jumped onto the back footplate before the truck could get to far away.

"Now what?" Snips asked.

Before anyone could answer, there came a loud thud. Then they slowly looked up and saw Night Terror glaring down at them.

"Now you get a beat down!" He grabbed Mikey and body slammed him across the roof.

Mikey groaned. "How'd you get here so fast?"

"Wouldn't you like to know!" Night Terror cracked his knuckles. But before he could pound Mikey...

"Hey!" He turned around to find Bulk, Snips, and Snails had climbed back onto the roof.

"Leave our friend alone!" Snips yelled.

"Yeah!" Snails added.

Night Terror just laughed. "Oh this'll be fun!"

Snips and Snails tried to double team against Night Terror only to get smacked away, causing Snips to fall off. Luckily, Snails was able to grab him by the leg. Again.

“Not again!” Snips gasped while Snails struggled to pull him back up.

“Hang on!” Bulk tried to hurry and help, but Night Terror barred his way.

“Round two, tough guy!” He smirked as they wrestled once again.

While the boys were fighting against Night Terror. Derpy used her weapon to crawl across the side off the truck until she jumped onto the front window, startling Crunch Bar.

"You stop this truck right now!" She ordered.

"If you say so," Crunch Bar smirked, hitting the breaks and making Derpy fall off. "See yah, cross-eyes!"


"What?!" Crunch Bar jerked toward the driver door to find Derpy there.

The cross-eyed girl kicked the Purple Nightmare back and took the wheel. Crunch Bar got up and tried to back fist her, but Derpy caught it.

"Oh, no you don't!" She said, and the two girls began fighting over the wheel, making the truck turn left and right. Until Crunch Bar started pushing Derpy down.

"You and your looser friends aren't gonna stop us, cross-eyes!" She said.

Derpy glared as she struggled. "My name... is not... cross-eyes!" And she threw a punch right in Crunch Bar's face, leaving her dazed. Then Derpy opened the door and tossed Crunch Bar out and into a dumpster. Then fastened her seatbelt and took the wheel. "I win!" But her victory was short lived. As she drove, she looked ahead and saw a black mustang car. Inside were Riff and Clubs, and Stryke was driving. And they were driving straight at her! "Oh, no!"

And if that wasn't enough, she looked in the side mirror and saw two motorcycles being driven by Switchblade and Pierce. Derpy started to panic. "What am I gonna do! What would a ninja do? What would Raph do?" Then right after she said that, she knew exactly what Raph would do and slammed her foot down on the gas, speeding the truck right at the Nightmares's car.

"Uh, Stryke," Riff said. "She's not stopping!"

Stryke wasn't fazed and sped up. "She wants to play chicken, huh? Well we'll see who backs off first!"

The two vehicles came closer and closer, neither one turned another direction. Riff was getting scared. "Stryke, I think you should turn!"

"Quiet!" Stryke yelled. "I'm no chicken!" But she was starting to sweat from fear.

Then in an act of panic, Riff grabbed the wheel pulled the car to the right, barely missing the truck. Stryke shot him a nasty glare. Riff smiled sheepishly and shrugged. "I panicked? Ow!" Stryke had punched him in the arm and drove after the truck.

Meanwhile, back on the roof, Bulk and Night Terror continued to wrestle each other while Mikey hurried to Snails and helped him pull Snips back up.

“I think I grew a muscle.” Snails breathed.

“Cmon! Bulk Biceps needs our help!” Mikey declared.

The three hurried over to help their friend. But just as they rushed forward, Night Terror threw Bulk on top of them.

"So, you guys give up? Or are you hungry for more!" Night Terror smiled maliciously.

"Ah man, this guy's really tough!" Bulk said.

"We can't let them steal this truck!" Mikey declared.

"But how are we gonna stop Night Terror?" Snails asked.

"Hey... why don't we play Buck-Buck?" Snips suggested.

"Buck-Buck?" Mikey asked.

"Buck-Buck, Tony on a Pony," Bulk explained, as he got off them. "Some people call it Johnny on a Rock."

"How's that gonna?" Before Snails could finish, Mikey cut him off.

"Wait! Yeah!" He said, getting an idea. "Let's play Buck-Buck! With Night Terror!" Then they huddled together as he explained his plan.

"Well?" Night Terror spoke up, growing impatient. Then Mikey, Snips & Snails, and Bulk stood up and got into a stance. Night Terror laughed. "You four really are as stupid as you look!" He cracked his knuckles ready for round three.

Derpy was still trying escape from the Nightmares.

Stryke kept hitting the side of the truck in hopes of knocking it down. But Derpy hit the breaks, causing the car to miss. After the car swerved, Derpy hit the gas again, leaving them in the dust again.

"Rrrr!" Stryke growled and yelled. "Do something!"

"Been saving this bad boy for a special occasion!" Clubs held up a Kraang blaster. "Get closer! I'll blow out her tires!"

"You got it!" Stryke said, stepping on the gas.

As they got closer, Clubs leaned out the window and took aim. However, Derpy saw everything through the side mirror. She smiled mischievously and hit the breaks, stopping the truck. Unfortunately for the Nightmares, they didn't notice until too late.

"Not that close, not that close!" Clubs cried, as the car smashed into the back of the truck, spun around, flipped, and landed on two parked cars upside down.

Derpy laughed. "Tailgaters!"

As she sped ahead, she noticed more Purple Nightmares had barricaded the roads ahead. But she still put a determined face on as she pressed on more gas.

“She’s crazy!” One Purple Nightmare said.

“She’ll never get through our barrier!” Another said.

Back on top of the truck, Mikey shouted, "As Leo would say, Ninjas, taken him down!"
Snips & Snails rushed forward. In slow motion, Night Terror swung his fist, but Snips deflected it with one of his sticks. Then linging arms with Snails, he swung his friend forward as he kicked Night Terror in the face. Then they got down on their hands and knees as Mikey jumped off them and landed a drop kick right into Night Terror's stomach. Then he dropped on all fours and Bulk Biceps ran up the three like stools and jumped at Night Terror, nailing him with his fist and knocked him off the truck.

Right at that moment, Derpy plowed the truck through the barricade and Night Terror landed with smash right on one of the cars.

"Booyakasha!" Bulk said.

With the Purple Nightmares out of the way, Mikey and the guys scurried to the drivers cockpit and climbed in.

“Nice driving!” Mikey grinned at Derpy, who grinned back.

“So now what?” Bulk asked.

“If we return with the truck, they’ll think we stole it!” Feared Snips.

“That and it’ll expose Mikey.” Snails pointed out.

Mikey thought for a moment before he had and idea. "Head for Sweet Apple Acres, girl" he told Derpy.

"Got it," she replied, but then she asked, "Where's that?"

To be continued

Author's Note:

Fun facts:
-It is inspired by the 2003 'Christmas Aliens'.

-The DinoFeels toy was thought up by me. Imagine The DinoBots from Transformers combined with Care Bears.

-The Buck Buck scene is like the scene in the 2014 TMNT movie

-Just letting you know, these remaining chapters are gonna be connected to each other.

Next Time: Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo are waiting for Santa, But Angel doesn't believe. Can the CMCs convince her that he's real? Find out in 'He Delivers'!