• Published 27th Sep 2012
  • 1,027 Views, 30 Comments

Sentinel of Equestria - Traintrax

A teenage dud is dragged to Equestria. For most that would be a dream come true,

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Chp.2) Haunting Dream

Chapter 2: The Haunting Dream

A/N: This is your friendly neighborhood author here with the disclaimer. I do not own the rights to My Little Pony, I believe these rights belong to Hasbro. I only own my OC, Ryan.

Darkness, all around me. This haunting never ending darkness. It stretched on endlessly, to my left, my right, above and below me. There was nothing, no sound, and no life.The silence, oh God the silence. It ripped at me like a blade. Am I dead? No. Death would mean I'd be somewhere, hell it'd be a blessing compared to this, but right now I'm nowhere. Like I'm in a stasis, a void so to speak. Outside of my body, yet capable of feeling. I exist, yet at the same time I don't. I'm...I'm scared. I want out, this is hell. Get ME OUT! And then I'm swept with wave after wave of my own emotions. The first one was hatred. Hatred for whoever did this to me. A burning wrath and desire for absolute vengeance. Next I felt lonely and sad, like no-one cared about me. Actually that was fairly true. Yet, now I feel absolute joy, and happiness. Each day I live was a gift from God. It's as if something, or someone, is copying me. Like literally making a copy of all that I am. Scanning me bit by bit, till they have a full picture. But, that's not possible, is it? Wait, I feel something new now. A tug, it's light but it's there, and growing stronger. Something, is pulling me. I can see a bright glow everywhere. And, what's this? I, I hear voices. Oh thank God, I can hear again. Or, at least I hear fragments of what might be a conversation. I think I heard:

"Almost..got..it, wai...i'm...osin...gri. No! So...clo"

And then the voices fade away. The darkness returns. All the feelings that were tugged away come flying back at me. And, I'm falling. Very rapidly I see a figure approaching. It's laying on it's back. Wait...That's me. I'm flying back down into my body.

. . .

My eyes flew open, as I breathed in a couple quick shallow breaths. I jerked myself upright. What...what in the hell was that? Nervously, I wipe the sweat drenching my forehead off and slowly get to my feet. I was still in the living room. Thankfully, my family had left me undisturbed. That was so thoughtful of them. I quickly checked around the living room and noticed that I was all alone. Suddenly, my stomach roared in aggravation at me. I walked towards the kitchen in the hopes of soothing the savage creature that is my appetite.

As I entered the kitchen I began scouring the fridge.

"Cheese, milk, eggs, yogurt, eggnog."

I listed the individual foods out loud. Twas an old habit of mine to list things in that manner. After a couple more minutes of this I realized I was getting nowhere, and gave up on searching the fridge. Next was the pantry. Alas, there was nothing there either that sounded good. It seemed the more I looked the less there was to find. Typical, nothing to eat, as usual Finally, after a couple more minutes of fruitless searching, I settled on some carrots and ranch dressing (yeah, I eat healthy, sue me). I sat down at the kitchen table and checked the face of my watch. I then proceeded to frown in disappointment. 2:00 A.M.Damn. Can't risk going back to sleep, not if it means facing that again. Whatever, 'that' was. What to do, what to do? Well, could always play video games. I can almost hear the Skyrim callin'. Nah, too simple. Perhaps I could bust out the harmonica. I pondered to myself. There were so many things that could be done, and most of which would never get done because they were pointless, in my opinion.

After going over every possible thing I could do, I finally decided I'd just take a walk. Nothing too long, just a simple stroll through the park. Walking at the dead of night always made me feel relaxed. Hell, doing anything in the dead of night makes me feel relaxed. The dark sky, moonlight reflecting off the dew on the grass and giving it the shimmering appearance of diamonds, It's just a magical hour. Wait, cant forget this. I thought as I quickly grabbed my butterfly knife and dog whistle off the table. Never know who or what might confront you in the middle of the, well, night. Seriously, lots of things go bump in the dark. There was always a chance that I might run into that non-existent zombie I'd been fighting for the past few weeks. I hated him so much.

Carefully stepping outside, so as not to wake the family, I was greeted by the chillingly bitter cold air. I was thankful for the hoodie that covered me. Without it I wouldn't be nearly as warm as I was. Shivering, I shut the door behind me, made my way down the driveway, and then proceeded down the sidewalk. As I walked along, the feeling of being watched suddenly crept over me, but I paid it no heed. I usually never did, and probably never would. The scenery quickly began to transform around me, but I was oblivious to it, wrapped up in my own mind and thoughts.That tends to happen a lot. I get so wrapped up in thinking and personal monologues to myself that I don't tend to notice what goes on around me. Todays topic: reviewing the odd dream, or nightmare, I'd just suffered through. Humming to myself 'Animal I Have Become' by 3 Days Grace, I continued along my merry stroll through the forest unaware of everything. Until,


I smacked into the very wonderful tree that sat right in the middle of my path.

"Fuck that smarts!" I yelled out rubbing at my nose. Jesus, what idiot just puts a tree in the middle of a sidewalk?

It was then that I realized there was no sidewalk. Or, town for that matter. All there was, were trees and bushes, far as the eye could see.

"Odd, I don't recall leaving the town." I spoke aloud to myself. The woods were at least an hours walk away. I shouldn't have been able to make it here in such a short amount of time. This was... weird. Something felt decidedly out of place. Actually, lots of things felt like that, but the feeling was stronger now than it had ever been before.

I quickly turned around and started back on the trek home. The woods at night was just too cliche for me. I mean, really, how many times have I seen that scene in the horror movie where the poor hero is stupid enough to run right into the woods, and then die? Too many, that's for damn sure.

More importantly, this far out I was most likely somewhere near the wolves territory. Where I live, treading upon the hunting grounds of wolves is pretty much saying that you want to die. Wolves out here are vicious, ruthless, animals. That's why I always took my dog whistle wherever I went.

I stopped my brisk walk for a moment and closed my eyes. There was something, a sound maybe? Quickly, I ducked into some conveniently placed bushes and held my breath. Finally, I heard what I was listening for, voices. Or more accurately I was hearing an argument. It sounded violent. If only I'd brought some popcorn, then I could fully enjoy this. Don't judge me.

"Are you sure he went this way?" a distinct female voice asked.

"Quiet bitch, he'll hear us," a masculine voice I knew was familiar, but couldn't quiet place, responded. Kinda rude, really. I mean, who just calls someone a bitch? Well, besides me. Also, what were these 2 people doing this far out...didn't they realize it wasn't safe? The voices started up again.

"Come on Daryl, let's go. This place is creepin the fuck out of me," the female said to who I've now identified as Daryl. The name sounded oddly familiar to me. Could it have been?

Yep. It was the infamous bully, Daryl McCullin. Scottish jackass. Or...was it Irish? Eh, doesn't matter. What did matter was that the bully was here in the woods. Actually, bully is a rather kind way of saying a bastard child who has murdered three students, has robbed 1 gas station, and even put a police officer in the hospital (he'd be in prison, but he's still considered a minor. Which, by the way, I think is a giant heap of shit. Just sayin.). In short, he's a monster. Then again, who isn't? Philosophy aside things were afoot. The voices were getting louder. That meant they were most assuredly heading in my direction. Finally, they walked into view, or stumbled more like it.

Daryl came first, wearing his signature white wife beater, and a pair of dirty black sweat pants. Honestly, that was just idiotic. A wife beater, in 30 degree weather. Idiot. At least I was wearing a hoodie. Then came the other one. A, surprisingly, sexy, tall raven haired girl wearing a purple sweatshirt and...

Damn, look at that rack!

The way she bounced it around with each step was mesmerizing and hypnotic. I shook myself out if the trance that had encompassed me for that brief couple of seconds. Now was not the right moment for such perverse and distracting things, no matter how huge, bulging, bouncy, and sexy that chest is...

Stop it brain, I don't need that shit from you right now. I need to focus!.

Both of them were walking headlong into the most frequented hunting spot in the area. And, were not too far from my hiding place. As I watched them it became clear from their arguing that they'd been following me for some time now. It was also clear that they were absolutely and utterly ignorant. At the volume with which they were speaking I'd be surprised if they didn't get jumped by a renegade band of bloodthirsty pirates. Or wolves, whichever came first.

I let that thought sink in for a moment. Daryl, getting mauled by wolves. Oh God that'd be wonderful. It really would. No more hassling, no more death threats, no more beat downs from his gang. Oh what a joyous thing that would be. It fills me with sunshine and rainbows just thinking about it. Wait...what's happening? Oh yeah. Bully, stalking me. And sexy sister. Hnnnnnnnng. Must...exercise...self control.

Just then a deep and extremely aggressive growl sounded off, and shook me from my inner monologue. If I wasn't already shivering from the biting cold, my spine would have tingled. The growl had come from my right, and had sounded loudly enough to gain the attention of the 2 stalkers. It also sounded very guttural. Not a good sign.

"Come out and get your beating like a man, Ryan." Daryl challenged to the bush next to me. Was he really that stupid? That obviously was an animals growl. He's just...nevermind. Not worth my time.

Then from the bushes next to me, oh thank goodness I dove into this bush and not that one, came a large black wolf followed by a bunch of lighter gray wolves. What are the odds? Just, my luck. Oh how I bless my good fortune. Daryl's face lit up with terror as he realized his mistake. He turned around to try and run for it, but his path was blocked by a wall of wolves. Wolves are evil. And I'm honestly surprised they were awake at this hour. Hell, what were the odds that tonight of all nights my arch enemy would meet his doom at the furry paws of common animals? Either I'm a lucky S.O.B, or his luck was total shit. Of course, restating what's already been said, but still. What are the odds?

Let the slaughter begin, I thought to myself as the angry pack of wolves began closing in on the 2 helpless teenagers (watching the event unfold kinda felt like watching an old timey black and white horror movie). Katherine had froze up and just looked like a statue, which meant she'd be helpless. Hackles raised, each and every wolf let out a deep and aggressive growl. Their eyes glowing bright yellow, it was a sight to behold. And it was then I realized, this was wrong. I mean, sure, this could possibly be the best and most wonderful thing ever, but I'm not a killer. I couldn't just sit here and watch this. I want to, but I can't. Letting 2 innocent people die, it's just in-human. Well, technically speaking only one of them is innocent. But, no one really gives a fuck about technicalities. So, I pulled out my dog whistle, thank God I remembered to grab it, and blew as hard as I could into it. What happened next I can't quite recall, except for wolves. I remember lots of angry wolves. Lucky me.

A/N There's chapter 2. Before I decided to post this it needed some serious editing. This leads me to the subject of editors. And proofreaders. I am in need of them. If you feel you've got what it takes, then answer the call. Also, please review. I, unlike some authors, value what you think of my writings. Also, this is my first fic, so don't give me too much hate. Criticism, yes. But, hate, no. And, earlier I said you could view this story on fanfiction if you wanted to see what happened next, but please don't do it. The one on Fanfiction is much less thought out than this one. And, things in this version of the story will be different from the events in that one. Meaning that if you read that story and think you know what's going on, you can and will be wrong. The next chapter is finished, I just have to go through and edit it *coughcough editor coughcough*. Peace.