• Published 13th Dec 2021
  • 3,123 Views, 119 Comments

The Anti-Friendship Lesson - Ezekiel Namuh

A depressed, anti-social teen recently turned brony is somehow transported into the land of Equestria, which he'll hopefully grow to love now that he's fending for his life.

  • ...


After the ponies waited for Twilight to go upstairs and say goodbye to Spike, they headed through town towards the town hall. Pinkie was leading the tour, much to the dismay of Ty's eardrums. As she hopped along, she rambled, seemingly more to herself than the ones she was guiding.

"That's the Quill and Sofa store. I forget what they have. There's Sugar Cube Corner, where I work. Golden Oaks Library, where Twilight lives."

"Yes, Pinkie. I know. I was just held hostage there," Ty grumbled while Pinkie pointed in the direction they were walking away from. Twilight just whistled behind him.

"Hehe... yeah, crazy..." she laughed nervously.

Pinkie shrugged and moved on. "Dr. Hooves's timey-wimey place, Ponyville Confectioner, Stale Pretzels..."

"Stale Pretzels?" Ty shot Pinkie Pie a very confused glance.

"Sure! I go there all the time! Mr. Pretzels is really nice!" she shouted.

Rarity leaned over and whispered to Ty, "Tends to talk to his bedroom wall, for some reason."

The ponies discussed small matters with Ty as Pinkie continued to ramble. Whether it was general stuff about their lives like their recent adventure at the Equestria games or personal stuff like Twilight's position as Princess of Friendship.

Ty always responded the way he felt fit, while providing them with some of his recent escapades they hadn't seen, like with Diamond Tiara or the zebra. He never mentioned any names. The majority of the elements started to feel he was more trustworthy than previously thought, despite being a bit sardonic.

Ty was going to carry the conversations farther when an ear-splitting shriek cut him off. "Here we are, town hall!" Pinkie said happily. It was a large building with a corkboard out front. Lost dog, found dog, reward: changeling, recently spotted, the like. Several streams of water floated near it. Pinkie noticed these and jumped in, splashing water everywhere.

Ty, who was now soaked, asked, "Is she always like this?" He felt like he already knew the answer.

"Pretty much," Rainbow Dash answered. "You get used to it."

Pinkie came back up with eyes closed and a mouthful of water. She spit it out in a stream and wiped her eyes, seeing Ty now even more soaked than earlier.

He grit his teeth and said dryly, "Somehow, I doubt that."

"Sorry!" Pinkie rushed up to him and pulled a towel out of... a place. She did her best to roughly dry him off. As she pulled it off, his mane seemed to get even more frayed, and the "bags" in his eyes seemed to dilate, filling more of his irises. "It's just there hasn't been a new resident in Ponyville for a while and I'm so excited and how could you not be." She dashed around talking to anypony and anything that would listen, even grabbing what seemed to be thin air. "Aren't you?"

Ty walked over. "Wait a minute." He grabbed where Pinkie had and felt something rectangular. On the end was a circle that reflected slightly. Ty instantly recognized the device. It was a camera.

"We're on air!?" He was shocked. So that was why characters like Pinkie and Discord could screw with the elements of the shows. The shows were filmed in-universe. Of course, that isn't what he was thinking at the time.

He reached for the camera and shook it around, bringing it towards his face. "Someone get me outta-" He was cut off as the camera disappeared. It just wasn't there anymore, bringing Ty's grip on it with it.

He fell, getting his muzzle stuck in the ground, sighing. He proceeded to pull it out before letting off, in an impeccable southern accent, "Dag nabbit, naggit, daggit..." He pounded a hoof against the floor in frustration. "Darnit!"

Well, I guess that confirms I'm in the canon universe. It explains why I was censored earlier at least. But how is Twilight an alicorn now? Is this an alternate timeline or some future where Twilight became an alicorn? Second option seems more likely since they're still in Ponyville and not much else seems to have changed.

He looked back at everypony, who were all understandably confused. All except Applejack, who was in a mix of shock and stifling a laugh.

She eventually couldn't hold it in anymore, on the brink of tears. "Now that is the best imitation of an Apploosan accent Ah've ever seen!"

Ty looked almost as confused as everypony else. "Okay... Not entirely sure whether you mean the accent itself or the near-swearing..." He looked around awkwardly.

'This doesn't feel right. I knew this was a cartoon but to this degree? I'm gonna lose the rest of my sanity if I spend more time here.

Here goes nothing.' He sighed, "If I give you a reason to trust me, will you let me go and live in the forest or something?"

Several ponies just looked at him in confusion. Pinkie even looked a bit let down. "But I was already planning a 'Welcome to Ponyville' party."

"I'm not quite sure that's a good idea. I just don't fit into this town." Twilight tried to ask what he meant by that, but he kept going. "This place practically runs on friendship, I can tell. I don't belong in a place like that."

"That's funny, because I thought we could have been friends." Ty snapped around and looked back at Pinkie.

"...What the hay are you talking about?"

"Well I just thought-" Pinkie was interrupted by Ty as his face contorted into pure rage and confusion.

"No, what in the name of the goddesses are you thinking? You pulled me out here for no good reason, and upon seeing something unique that doesn't immediately attempt to befriend you ya' immediately assume 'Oh, look everypony! It's the major antagonist of season seventeen!' And after everything I go through because of you, you honestly think I want to be friends!?"

Pinkie just staggered. "I-well, yeah! Isn't that the way the show works?" she asked, turning back to her friends.

They weren't much help. "Show?"

Ty turned towards Fluttershy and shouted, "That's what you're concerned about right now?"

Pinkie kept going anyway. "Every time we do something like this, the pony who rejected us wants to be friends at the end!"

"Yeah," Rainbow Dash counted on her wings. "There's Princess Luna when she was Nightmare Moon, the buffalo, Cranky, Trixie, Discord..."

"And I figured you would be like the other ponies!"

"I'm not a pony!" Ty shouted, unaware of who had heard him.

"Uh... Yer' not?" Applejack was bewildered.

I've gotta find a way to play that off. "No, ponies are friendship-obsessed dipwads who have no way to tell when they've gone too far. I'm not saying that they're all like that, that's racism. So no, I don't think I'm just a traditional pony you can slap in the background. I'm a misanthrope for a reason, and you're not helping that change!" He raged.

He sighed. "Holy crud, I just want to go home now."

"You have a home?" Rarity said. Ty just hung his head and turned around.

"*Sigh* No. I have my bush, my toque, and my very small will to live." Ty started to storm away. "I can't believe I'm stuck with a bunch of moronic, clingy, cartoon-" He was interrupted when he bumped into something. Being warm and fur-coated, he figured it was a pony.

"Whoops. Sorry, I..." He trailed off as he looked up at who he had bumped into. It was another white-covered horned mare with a mane in a spectrum of colors. Then he noticed the crown and wings on her back.

'Oh, no,' Ty thought. Twilight shot up to her while the rest of the elements bowed. Ty stood still, frozen. "Yay, more royalty for me to inevitably anger. There goes the last of the will to live."

"Hello again, Twilight," Princess Celestia greeted. "How's my ex-student?"

"She's overreacting, as usual." Princess Celestia looked down at the pony who'd bumped into her.

"Oh, you must be that strange stallion Twilight told me about," Celestia didn't know how strongly he would react.

"Hello, Sun-butt. I'm Ty and please excuse me for a second." He turned sharply in Twilight's direction. "Care to tell me the meaning behind what she just said?"

Rainbow Dash flew slightly above them, sulking. "Yeah sure tell her your name-"

"Yes!" Ty looked up in rage. "I'm not going to tell a bunch of oppressive strangers something I don't want them to know, but maybe it would be a good idea to be on more personal terms with the literal goddess who can send me to the moon if she wanted to! That would probably be an improvement over my current situation!" He snapped back over to Twilight. "Now what did you tell her about me!?"

Twilight's eyes zipped back and forth, mostly from shame but also out of shock. He'd bluntly insulted the princess of the sun, then admitted he knew what she could do. She didn't know if he feared her for it. "Oh, that. Remember when I went to say goodbye to Spike?"

"Twilight..." Ty groaned.

"I had him send a letter telling her about your recent appearance."

"Twilight... I knew you could get obsessive over the smallest things but really? You just had to contact the princess?"


"Twilight." Princess Celestia looked at Twilight with a stern expression. "Is there something that wasn't in the letter that you want to tell me?" Everypony's eyes slowly moved to Twilight, who was lightly sweating in anxiety. "Is there a reason this pony is acting in such a fashion?"

"Well, I-"

"He seems mad about something but you never told me what. Also you mentioned he ran away at first. I'm assuming the reason he didn't do that again was that you convinced him he had nothing to fear?"

"That, wasn't the first thing we..." Twilight trailed off as Celestia had already figured what she did, shaking her head lightly in disappointment.

"Ty, I greatly apologize for anything these ponies may have subjected you-and he's gone."

The elements looked around and saw what Celestia meant. The pony they now knew was Ty had vanished.

"W-where did he go?" Fluttershy stuttered. Nopony answered since there wasn't an answer.

"Great..." Pinkie sulked. "We really screwed this one up."

Twilight walked over and put a hoof on her shoulder. "It's all right Pinkie. It isn't your fault."

"Yeah!" Rainbow agreed, landing right next to her. "It's not our fault he ran."

Twilight turned to her. "That's just it Rainbow Dash, it is our fault. If we would've been more considerate, he would've felt welcome. Now we'll never make it up to him."

"You'll be fine, Twilight," Applejack told the alicorn. "Ah got a feelin' he'll be back."

"I am never going back there!" Ty near-shouted through clenched teeth as he trudged through the Everfree forest.

"I don't know what they thought they were doing, and I don't care anymore. I'm never gonna' feel welcome there, and they can try and make me feel that way, but this whole race is the problem," Ty kept disagreeing with everything those mares had thought one horizontal rule ago, just as you would expect someone like him to argue with a bunch of cartoon characters. He agreed with one thing they said, though. This was their fault.

"I'm not a pony!" Ty shouted. In an adjacent alley, a pony watched intently. She pulled out a suitcase with a strange insignia on the front. It slowly opened, revealing several pairs of sunglasses, a grappling hook, and several papers. The mare grabbed a paper with a thumbtack still stuck to the top. It read, "Wanted : Changeling. Recently spotted on the outskirts of Ponyville in the Everfree forest." Said changeling looked like if you mixed a changeling with a changeling with Queen Chrysalis, retaining some of her elements like her eyes and mane but otherwise a normal changeling.

The mare smiled to herself as she whispered, "S.M.I.L.E.'s got you now, creep."

Author's Note:

Holy crap this goes on forever. I honestly had to split this into two chapters, this and the last one. I guess it's for the best since we're moving past the intro.

Also, thanks to everyone who took the time to let me know what I screwed up on. I'll try to improve with the future chapters. I went back and fixed a few errors in the earlier chapters, too. It might not always look like it, but feedback is always welcome, no matter how harsh. Ignore that last part, I now know what a baby I am.