• Published 20th Nov 2021
  • 519 Views, 19 Comments

Glimmering Spells - StormLuna

After taking over the friendship school, Starlight Glimmer begins to get frustrated. It isn't running the school itself that is frustrating her, it is one particular individual and his interest in her.

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Spell Writing

That night Starlight didn't sleep all that well because of the plans she had made for the day. It wasn't just that though, she was also a bit worried about leaving Trixie alone, assuming she was still not feeling so well. She was also concerned about getting caught casting the spell she wanted to cast. She then realized something, such a simple spell shouldn't require her to have to go to Celestia's old castle to do some research. She figured that she should be able to write something like that herself.

Once the sun rose she got up and first went to check on Trixie. She knocked on Trixie's door and heard a cough, *cough*, "Come in."

Starlight headed in and found her friend laying in bed, looking worse than she did the previous night. She sat down on her bed and commented, "Trixie, you look like you feel terrible."

Trixie sarcastically replied, "Oh really? What gave you that idea?"

Starlight said, "Ok, with you feeling like this I'm not going to go out of town. I just need to go over and water Phyllis...."

Trixie interrupted, "And ask her for advice on what to do to Sunburst, right?"

Starlight gave her a sheepish grin, "Mayyybeee." She then became more neutral and asked, "Ok, is there anything you want to eat before I go take care of Phyllis?"

Trixie replied, "Some oats and warm cider sounds good."

"Oats and warm cider, got it. I'll be right back."

Starlight felt bad that morning that she would be leaving Trixie alone for a brief while but she did promise Phyllis more water and she did want to consult with her some more since she had changed her plans. It didn't take her long to prepare Trixie the meal she wanted. Once she delivered it to Trixie she asked, "Ok, is there anything you need while I'm out and about?"

Trixie threw in a snide comment, "Yeah, a friend who won't put a plant ahead of her sick friend."

Starlight groaned in frustration as she headed out of the castle. She knew that she should simply be staying home with Trixie but she always goes in and waters Phyllis every single morning. She did promise to come in and water her after all and she wasn't going to break it.

Once Starlight got to the school she headed to her office to get the cup she uses to water Phyllis. She gave the plant a smile and said, "Alright Phyllis, I'll be right back."

Starlight quickly went and got Phyllis some water and once she got back to her office she gave her some water. She said, "Alright Phyllis, change of plans. Trixie is still sick so I can't go to Celestia's old castle, I'll need to just write my own magic at home."

Starlight stared at the plant and thought she heard something, "What's that? You have some plans to take care of this?"

Again nothing but silence but Starlight continued, "Ok, you're saying I should give him a sex change operation, age regress him, give him a different cutie mark, dye his coat, dye his mane and tail and alter his personality?"

She gave the plant an uncertain look before continuing, "Well that will be tough but you're right! If I do that, everypony will think he, well she, is a new student and everypony will think that Sunburst just ran off! That is the perfect plan!" She thought she heard one more thing, "Oh and tribe swap him too? You know what Phyllis, once I get this taken care of I'm promoting you to vice-headplant!"

A leaf fell off of her and Starlight finished, "And I think you're going to need some plant food too."

Starlight then left the school and headed back to the castle. Once she got home the first thing she did was go up and check on Trixie. When she peeked into her room she saw that Trixie was asleep. While it would normally be rude to disturb somepony from their slumber she still wanted to make sure she was ok. She said, "Trixie, are you ok?"

Trixie grumbled, "Ugh, yes Trixie is fine so just let her sleep. You go work on a crazy spell or whatever it was you were going to work on."

Starlight sighed, "Alright but I will be checking on you every now and then."

"Ugh, fine. Just let Trixie sleep!"

Starlight closed Trixie's door and headed to her bedroom. Once she got there she sat at her desk, grabbed some paper and a pen and began to think before writing spells down.

"Ok, first I have to make him a her....this shouldn't be too difficult!"

"Right now the pony is a he and that simply cannot be,
The problem there is that a he often does not agree,
For now the pony shall be a she since they more often agree,
The great thing about a she is that she will always agree!"

"Ok, there is spell number one! Now to age regress her...hmmmm, how about twelve.

"The pony is old and that is very bad,
At a younger age the pony will be glad,
The age of twelve will be great,
At that age there shall be no hate!"

"Alright, that is done so now for the mark. Well I'm thinking of the name Sunshine so a simple sun should do the trick!"

"The mark and name Sunburst has is just not right,
For a new mark will cause her to not engage in a fight,
The new name of Sunshine and the mark of the sun it shall be,
With these changes nopony will suspect a thing and she won't have to flee."

"Ok, that's good now for the coat. It has to be different and more feminine!"

"For a coat the color tan is bad,
And that color must be changed more than just a tad,
The color pink it shall now be,
All shall love what they will see."

"Alright, good! Now for the mane and tail. She can't have that putrid color she has now!"

"The light brown color is uglier than hay,
That is something that certainly cannot stay,
For now the color dark pink it shall be,
And throw in a black stripe for all to see!"

Ok, that sounds good! Now to write one to alter her personality because we can't let her have the same one now can we!"

"Right now the pony is just a little bit out of whack,
That may be ok for some but for this the cuteness would lack,
The young mare's personality must not be that of a geek,
Her personality shall be that of the valley, which is something all will seek."

Alright, that is good. Now to tribe swap her, we can't have anypony thinking it could be Sunburst now can we?"

"For some being a unicorn is great,
But for others it is something they hate,
With some they would prefer to not have magic,
Others prefer the strength of the earth and not having it would be tragic."

"Ok, that's good. Now we have to wipe out all her memories of being Sunburst. If I don't do that, I could wind up in Tartarus."

"Memories of the past can cause issues,
Remembering some can cause one to need tissues,
Memories of the past will be no more,
Without them her memories will not make her sore."

"That sounds great, now to fix that vision. You know what, I'll be nice and give her 20/20 vision. That should hide this easily!"

"Right now the pony has poor sight,
And that simply isn't right,
The pony's vision 20/20 it shall now be,
A life without glasses shall set her free!"

Starlight exclaimed, "Alright, this didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would. Now to go check on Trixie."

She got up and headed to Trixie's room. She knocked on the door and heard, "Ugh, Trixie is fine!"

Starlight headed in and saw that Trixie was still laying there, feeling downright miserable. She asked, "Trixie, do you want me to stay in here with you?"

Trixie sighed, "No, Trixie will be fine. Just come back up when it is lunch time."

Starlight replied, "Alright Trixie, I'll be back at noon!"

Trixie sighed in frustration and tried to get back to sleep. As Starlight was leaving Trixie's room, she did feel a bit guilty leaving Trixie alone the way she did and seeming like she wasn't putting her first but this was too important for her. She returned to her room to read over the spells she wrote to see if they would need any altering. She thought to herself, "Come this time Monday, my problem will be gone!"