• Published 27th Nov 2021
  • 382 Views, 0 Comments

Warriors Of Equestria: Origins - Christianpony777

The Pony Of Shadows was returning, and Twilight tries to use the Elements to destroy him with her friends, leading to their deaths. This lead Shining Armourr to pick up where she left off.

  • ...

End Of Harmony

Twilight was wandering through the dream realm, one by one, helping ponies have better dreams, but she was afraid. Afraid of the dream that plagued her for the past month. She knew what it was, but she was in denial. Hoping it might be something else, just a nightmare.

Twilight Trotted through the dream realm, many ponies were having pleasant dreams, thanks to her, but she was hoping for at least one nightmare, or even a slightly bad dream. Anything to keep her mind off the shadows, but there was nothing but pleasant dreams, and she refused to force a pony to have a nightmare just to fix it. She was trying to hide her panic, though, nopony was noticing her. But she soon found herself in a void. This was her own dream, the dream she avoided so adamantly.

"No..." Twilight murmured to herself. "This isn't good."

She tried to open a portal to another dream. But with each try, all she could manage was a couple sparks.

"Twilight..." The shadows whispered to her.

Twilight stumbled back. She was terrified. He couldn't be back, he was trapped in Limbo.

"NO!!!" Twilight shouted. "YOU'RE TRAPPED IN LIMBO!!!"

"Twilight" The shadows whispered again.

Twilight huddled herself down, putting her hooves over her head, hoping that the shadows would just go away.

"I am very close to escaping." The shadows whispered. "And when I do, I'm coming for your student first. Then, I'm coming for you. All will fall to me. All of Equestria will be trust into darkness."

Tears begin to stream from Twilights eyes as the shadows whispered to her, but it went silent. She looked up, tears still flowing. She looked into the distance and saw two glowing white eyes. They started coming closer. As they did, it got faster, faster, faster. Soon an outline of what was coming toward her was visible. The Pony Of Shadows. It got close enough to swallow her whole. Thankfully though, twilight awoke before he could.

Twilight bolted awake, panting. She looked around, trying to get a grasp on her surroundings, to figure out whether or not she was still a dream. She felt the softness of her bed, the shrowd of comfort that was her blanket. She stopped panting and tears began to stream down her face. Every night it happened. As she wept, she worried. The Pony Of Shadows was returning. This was something she thought that would never happen. She thought that Limbo was inescapable.

"What do I do?" Twilight asked herself. "Wait a minute. The Elements!"

She smiled.

"If I bring the Elements Of Harmony into the dream world along with my friends, we'll be able to destroy the Pony Of Shadows!" Twilight thought out loud.

This caused Spike to wake up. He rubbed his eyes, groggily. He opened his eyes as he heard Twilight yelling about the Elements.

"What's wrong Twilight?" Spike asked as he slowly woke up.

Twilight turned to face Spike as she had this idea.

"I'll tell you later." Twilight replied.

She got out of bed and turned to look at the clock. It was 6:00 AM on the dot. She used her magic to grab Spike and put him on her back, as she bolted from the library and flew to off.

Twilight entered the laboratory, the same one that they used to combine their dream in order to stop the Tantubus. Spike was also still on her back, and clearly nauseous.

"Why did you do that?" Spike asked, groggy and near the point of puking. "I can fly, remember? I have wings."

"I'm sorry Spike." Twilight responded, only thinking about what Spike said. Ignoring his tone and the shakiness of his voice. "But we needed to get here as fast as we could."

Right after Twilight entered, she was immediately followed by Fluttershy.

"So Twilight." Fluttershy began. "Why are we here?"

She was followed by Pinkie Pie who bounced in, humming a tune to herself.

"Because Fluttershy." Twilight answered, as Rarity Rainbow Dash and Applejack entered. " The Pony Of Shadows is beginning to escape from Limbo."

Everypony gasped.

"What the hay?!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "That can't be possible!"

"Well apparently it is." Twilight responded. "For a month now, while I've been monitoring the dream realm, the Pony Of Shadows has been tormenting me. His presence is getting stronger by the day, so we need to destroy him in order to save not only Equestria, but the world."

Each of Twilights friends looked incredibly worried. However, they knew what they needed to do.

"Count me in!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Me two!" Fluttershy shouted.

"Me three!" Pinkie Pie cheered

"Me four." Applejack said.

"Me five." Rarity responded.

Twilight smiled. Her friends were still willing to stand by her, to fight alongside her. She felt as though there was nothing to fear. The six ponies looked at the machine they were going to hook themselves into. They each laid onto a metal bed. It wasn't very comfortable, so Spike handed out some melatonin. They each took two tablets.

"I hope this works." Twilight said.

Spike turned on the machine and the six ponies began to fall asleep. And within a half an hour, they entered REM sleep.

The six ponies found themselves in the dream realm. All of them gathered within Twilights dream. It was a black void. The only things visible in this void were Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack.

"Um..." Pinkie Pie murmured. Clearly worried about Twilights state of mind "Where's the dream?"

"This is the dream." Twilight sighed. "The Pony Of Shadows infected my dreams. Now, they're like this."

"That's depressing." Rainbow Dash groaned.

At that very moment, a face, the face of the Pony Of Shadows showed itself.

The six ponies got ready to use the Elements, confident that they'll defeat the Pony Of Shadows. But a tendril reached out and grabbed Fluttershy. As it wrapped around her, she began to scream.

"HELP ME!!!" Fluttershy screamed as she was enveloped by darkness.

Thinking quickly, Rainbow Dash flew at the tendril while Rarity and Twilight began to shoot magic beams at it.

"LET OUR FRIEND GO!!!" Rainbow Dash demanded.

Three more tendrils manifestation and wrapped themselves around the three attacking ponies.

"Applejack, Pinkie Pie!" Twilight shouted. "RUN!!!"

The two earth ponies began to run, but another two tendrils formed and enveloped them as well. And within seconds, they all dissapeared into nothingness. The Elements fell to the ground as their colours faded to grey. It was over, with the Elements power gone, there was little hope for the Pony Of Shadows to be defeated. This was the end of Harmony.

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