• Published 15th Nov 2021
  • 571 Views, 6 Comments

Merrywood Times - Someoneirrelevant

Argyle finds things, he finds history, super important magic artifacts. How does he know so much? Why does he vote for acceptance. Find out his past and know more about Sunny and Izzys future.

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The Beginning

The Beginning
Have you ever been bored before? Bored of life, maybe bored of your job, or the scenery. Sometimes things at home just aren’t enough. Especially when everyone around you is just as boring as the most boring of boring things. That’s a bit too much of the same word, but you get what I mean. I want to go see something. Maybe the badlands, or anywhere that isn’t Maretime Bay. My parents always tell me “Argyle, the outside world is filled with Unicorns and Pegasi! You can’t possibly want to go out there with them lurking around!”. Yeah yeah, mom and dad, I get it, pegasi and unicorns are dangerous, but isn’t anything to a certain degree? Maybe like Dragons, or changelings? Like what, are you going to say that a pony with wings is more dangerous than a big snake the size of a factory with wings?? They are at least the same level, if not more.

Sometimes I wonder if Pegasi and Unicorns are just legends, made up by the corporate companies to keep us here in this little town…. I’ve read all the books in the library (even the ones I’m not supposed to) and none of them even have the same description of them. Some say Unicorns have little horns all over their bodies, while others say that there is only one Horn from the top that’s as sharp as the sharpest knife. Dragons and changelings have about the same description in every book, leading me to believe that they are most likely real species, not in fact made up like Unicorns and Pegasi. I mean let’s be real here, why in the world would a pony have a horn? It would be so inconvenient, same for wings. You wouldn’t be able to sleep properly with wings, and the horn? You might accidentally poke someone with that. Imagine they go in for a kiss, only to get a stab on the forehead. I mean come on. They are mere myths.

Anyway, the point of this is that I’m thinking of leaving. There isn’t much for me here, I am grateful to my family and this town for raising me and giving me a place to stay but I think it’s time I leave the coup. I am almost a grown stallion after all. Why shouldn't I go and see the world?

-Argyle, diary entry 124, book 3.

-Date 2/6/2005

Argyle closed his diary. He placed it on his bed stand. He had gotten a little worked up over the inconsistencies of pony history in his latest diary entry, but he did that with a lot of entries. Ever since he found a restricted book in the library when he was a foal, he had been sneaking and reading all the books he could find, including copying some of the most important parts that made little sense to him or were too interesting to let go.

He could be considered a conspiracy theorist to some, or maybe just a crazy pony that shouldn't be paid any mind. He wasn’t necessarily denying that Pegasi and Unicorns were dangerous, he believed that. A universally powerful magic user who can both levitate heavy objects on top of you, or kill you with one look, or a pony who can fly and grab you whenever scary. But something about all the contradicting literature did not sit right with him whatsoever. Some would say that the War between the 3 tribes was won by the Earth ponies, but others would say that the Earth Ponies contributed to the war but were wise and peaceful unlike the other races, and went to found Maretime bay to get away from the stupid fighting. When he was a foal he believed everything he was told, even the contradicting parts. Until he found the truth, the truth was that the high powers were hiding something. He didn’t know what, but it was something.

His room was a mess, books, and papers all over. His parents were not pleased with his conspiracy-like research but did not completely stop or ban his search for the truth. Since it didn’t affect them too much, nor did he deny that the other tribes were dangerous, they let him keep his things. Though they would prefer that he would just stop. And also get rid of the terrible goatee he was beginning to grow on his face. It was horrid and an obvious sign of teen rebellion.

Argyle looked to his bed stand with his diary on it. He might want to sleep now, but his ranting had made his heart rate go up. He got up and started walking to the kitchen, maybe a nice glass of water or a small snack would be nice. He walked down and opened the fridge and grabbed a snack and a drink. As he began to walk back to his room the window caught his eye. He went over and opened it, causing the moonlight to come in. It was wonderful. From out of the window he could see the old lighthouse, it looked peaceful. He thought maybe from the top of the lighthouse he might be able to see the starlight. Light pollution from the town caused stars to be much harder to see. Up there. Maybe he could see them shine like sparkles? He shook the thought, maybe tomorrow night. For now, it was time to go back to bed.

With his snack and drink, he made his way back to his room and sat down. Maybe one day, he could finally find his place in the world.


Elaine opened the door to her house in a rather groggy manner, as did many Unicorns. All of them felt something was missing in their lives. None were very excited about anything. There were however some young adults who took it upon themselves to start playing games and whatnot in Crystal Tearoom, it was some Unicorn named Bittle who convinced his mother to let them use her teahouse to do it. It was enticing, but nonetheless not her cup of tea. (haha) The only thing keeping her going nowadays was walking through the forest by herself or with a few animal friends. It was much more peaceful and nice than going to a teahouse that was probably polluted by boring inserts to get you to buy their tea. Not to mention the constant feeling of uneasiness that came from being around other unicorns, they were all just so depressed. She knew that she herself was also depressed, but most of it was just her being affected by the feelings of those around her. She never cared much about being around them. The animals in the forest were a lot more like living beings than the unicorns. They never took anything for granted, and always cherished the life they were given, unlike the ponies in her town.

She knew that her parents hated it, they told her she was going too close to the edge, and that some earth pony or pegasus would see her. She had never in all the days going to the edge seen either pegasus or earth pony, so she chalked it up to paranoia on their part.

Elaine began to walk out of her house, passing rather mopey ponies on her way out. Nopony said hello to each other or anything, keeping their heads low. As Elaine trotted down the path all she could think about was the forest, her safe haven. As she passed her unenthused neighbors, she thought maybe she’d actually enjoy seeing an earth pony or pegasus, they would for sure be more interesting than the ponies of her town. She saw the usual scenery, no foals playing, no unicorns talking, not even any greetings. She sometimes wondered how unicorns had survived this long speaking so little to each other. The only ones who really spoke were Bittle and his friends, they would promote the teahouse and whatnot. It was really just a scam to get their hooves on items.

“Hey hey hey citizens of Bridlewood! Want to play games? WE GOT YOU, want to drink some tea? WE GOT YOU! Best and only Teahouse in all of Bridlewood” Bittle yelled in front of the Teahouse. He was speaking too loud but nonetheless, his tactics worked. With the town being so quiet all the time, it only makes sense the only one screaming is going to get everyone's attention. Unicorns walked in, being at least a little curious to see what he was peddling.

*sigh* Bittle, why of all times did you have to pick morning to peddle your little scam? Couldn’t you have picked the afternoon, when I'm not here, to yell and shout? I don’t want your tea or your “games”. I just want to go to the forest.

Elaine was annoyed, Bittle didn’t usually yell during the morning. He was a least smart enough to know that no one wants to hear yelling during the morning. If he was yelling now, it was either because he drank too much caffeine, or saw something of someponies he really wanted to take. Elaine folded her ears down and continued to walk, ignoring the yelling as best she could. Suddenly Bittle popped right in front of her, causing her to stumble when she tried to step.

“Hey there, Elaine was it? I’ve never seen you go into the Crystal Teahouse, wanna come in?” He said

Elaine was a bit shocked. He usually never personally stopped ponies in the path.

“Oh....Uh, Bittle? Um, I was kind of heading somewhere.” she said shyly.

“Come on, you're the only pony who has never come into the shop before, it wouldn't hurt to try once would it?” He said

Elaine tried to disagree but found herself overcome by the stares of the other unicorns, another disadvantage of ponies never talking to each other was that she didn't many social skills, nor did she have any confidence to disagree.

“Oh um, I guess not.” She said instantly regretting her decision right after she said it.

“Wonderful!” He said excitedly, “I knew you’d come around, everypony who has come into our teahouse has left with an experience of a lifetime!”

He was smug as he led her into what could only be described as an emotional meltdown. As Elaine was led into the teahouse, she became more and more uneasy, the surrounding “auras” of all the unicorns made her feel sick. Obviously whatever he had in the teahouse was definitely an experience, but not the one she wanted to have.

This was going to be a complete disaster.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone, welcome to my story. I am not at all a professional nor do I have good skills in writing. I just thought this would be a fun idea. Got it from DRWolf001. Also I drew the cover art.