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MLP EG: Minecraft (Impulse Writing)

"Where are we?" Rainbow asked. She looked around her. It looked like they were in the middle of a landscape and almost everything was made of blocks. "Why does everything look so weird?"

"I don't know..." Twilight said. "I think when one of my inventions malfunctioned it bought us to this place...but I don't understand how."

"Minecraft..." Sunset gasped.

"Excuse me, what?" AppleJack asked with confusion.

"Minecraft," Sunset repeated. "I used to play this game. We're in Minecraft, you girls!"

"Umm is that a good thing or a bad thing, darling?" Rarity asked.

"Well we can't stay here forever," Sunset reasoned. "I think there's only one way out. We have to defeat the Ender Dragon."

"OOOOOH I'm so nervousited!" Pinkie squealed. "Let's go right now!"

"We can't yet, Pinkie. We're not ready yet."

"So what's this EnderDragon? Is it big and scary?" Fluttershy asked nervously.

"It's not that scary, but he is big." Sunset said.

They started to walk around the landscape. "Alright Sunset since you know all about Minecraft what do you suggest you do?"

"Well we-" she was cut off when Rainbow fell into a lava pit.

"AGGGGGHHHHHH" Rainbow panicked. She started to catch on fire. "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow"

"RAINBOW!" Twilight shrieked as she tried to help her friend but she too fell into the lava pit. Now both were on fire and they both died.

"RAINBOW, TWILIGHT!" Rarity screamed as she stared in horror, then to her shock Rainbow and Twilight were behind them at the same spot they started.

"What in tarnation?!" AppleJack asked confused. "You were just dead and-"

"They respawned, AppleJack. Are you girls okay?"

"Yeah, but it didn't feel like I was burning. It felt like someone was punching me over and over again." Rainbow said.

"Same here," Twilight agreed.

"So we can't die here," Fluttershy said. "So what was it you were going to say?" she asked Sunset

"We gather the wood first."

Rainbow walked torwards the tree and looked at it. "I need an axe or something,"

"Just punch it!" Sunset told her.

"Are you kidding me?! That's not going to work!"

"Trust me, Rainbow. I played this game before."

"Ugh fine! She punched the wooden trunk making it disapear and a small wooden piece fell out."

"The fuck? This is some weak-ass tree. Now what?"

"Now you create 4 planks to create a crafting table," Sunset said.

"The hell we do that? All I got is this fucking piece of wood."

"Just give it here," Sunset said. She took the wood and opened her "inventory" and created 4 planks and then a crafting table. "There." she palced it down. "We need more wood so we can build a shelter." The girls saw it was getting dark fast. "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that at dark monsters come out."

"Are they scary?" Fluttershy whimpered a little.

Just then Pinkie looked in Rarity's direction. "OH SWEET CUPCAKES IT'S A HIDEOUS ZOMBIE!"

"Pinkie! I know Rarity doesn't look her best right now, but we do not say those things about her when she's with us!" Rainbow scolded.

"Excuse me?" Rarity gasped.

"No, behind her!" Pinkie said. A zombie was behind Rarity and slowly walking torwads them.

"AGGGHHHHH please don't eat us Mr. Zombie!" Fluttershy screamed.

"Mmmmm tasty flesh...." the zombie moaned.

"Wait, you can talk?"

"Of course I can fucking talk!" the Zombie snapped. "You think I enjoy doing this?"

"Um yeah?" Rainbow said. "You're a literally zombie."

"Well I don't. I can't tell you how many times my boss got on my ass about me not kiling enough people!"

"your boss?" Twilight asked.

"yeah, he's a complete dickhead who tells us what to do!"

"Tell us about it."

"oh oh you think your life is hard? I have to put up with his complete bullshit and then when I get home, I have to deal with my wife who sits on her FAT ASS-"

"Okay can you tell us where the nearest shelter is?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah, there's a village right down there," the Zombie said pointing in the direction. The girls left leaving the Zombie alone. "I fucking hate my job."

On their way torwards the village Fluttershy saw a wolf and squealed. "OH MY GOODNESS!" She ran up to it.

"Fluttershy I would be careful if I were you!" Sunset called out.

The latter ignored her and knelt down. "OH YOUR SO CUTE!" She tried to 'pet' it but ended up hitting instead. This made the wolf angry and it's eyes turned red. Now five more wolfs around the area started to chase down Fluttershy who screamed in horror. "WAIT I'M SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN TO HURT YOU!" They chased her all around until they caught her and she was killed.

"Great, now we gotta go back!" Rainbow muttered.

"I'll go back, the rest of you go to that village over there," Sunset suggested. She started to head back while the others continued on thier way. At the village there were a plethora of carrots, wheat,, and potatoes. "Yes! This is exactly what we need! I'll go see what's in thier chest, the rest of you go get as many crops as you can get!" They split up and Sunset went into the blacksmith and opened up the chest. A diamond chestplate, 10 obsidian blocks, iron ingots, goldenvingots, and two golden apples. "Wow, this shit's really good!" She took all of it and placed it into her inventory.

Meanwhile Rarity and the other girls were taking all the crops. "Uhhh isn't this stealing?" AJ asked.

"Come on, AJ. They don't seem to mind!" Rainbow said. A villager approached her.

"Greetings, Miss. How would you like a trade?"

"A trade? What have you got in mind?"

"For only 64 emeralds can get each of you girls a diomand sword! The villager said proudly.

"That sounds mighty expensive..." AJ said uncertain.

"Don't worry I got this." Rarity said. Luckily they still had thier powers so she used her magic to create some gems.

"Rarity, that's not gonna work." Rainbow said deadpanned.

"Of course it is, darling! You just gotta believe!" She handed the 'emeralds' over to the villager. "Here you go! I believe that should cover it!"

"I'm sorry but we can't take this."

"WHATEVER YOU MEAN?! These right here are the most gorgious gems I ever seen!"

"Miss, we only accept emeralds here and this is not even a real gemstone. It's just glass that looks like a diamond. I'm sorry." The villager said apologetically.

"WHAT?! THERE IS ABSOLUTLEY NO WAY IT'S JUST GLASS!" Rarity was beginning to have another of her 'metldowns'

"Well lemme just talk to my supervisor," the villager quickly left and came back with another villager. This one had purple clothing.

"What seems to be the problem, Miss?"

"This guy, won't accept my gems as payment!"

"Ma'am I think he already explained to you that we don't accept any other form of payment except emeralds."

"This is ridiculous!"

"Excuse me? At least we don't steal other people's crops!"

"Well maybe if you done a better job at protecting them we wouldn't have gotten them so easily!"

"You guys! We can go now! We got enough materials!" They saw Pinkie carrying the diamond swords and a few other valuable items too.

On the way out Rainbow asked Pinkie. "How did you get all those?"

"Those villagers were really eager to give me thier stuff!" Pinkie replied. "Everyone was so excited you know."

"They were?"

"Yes! Everyone was rushing in giving me such nice things! They're so generous!"

"Hey, girls, what we miss?" Sunset asked. She and Fluttershy just came back. She noticed Pinkie with a lot of valuables. "Oh, umm I see Pinkie got a lot of trades."

"No, they gave it to me for free!"

"Hold up, I don't think so."

"They did! They were all excited to see me!"

"Um I don't think they-" Sunset stammered

"And they were like 'Here take as much as you want!' and some of them even got on the floor and started praying to me! I told them you don't have to do that!"

"Well as long as you got them I guess." Sunset sighed.

"Also look at this cool item I found!" Pinkie said excitedly waving around a flint and steel.

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