• Published 11th Nov 2021
  • 310 Views, 0 Comments

Take A Nap - CalmHeart

Rainbow Dash pulls a prank, Rainbooms fill the sky, and two pegasus ponies fall asleep on a cloud. (Thomas and Friends crossover)

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Take A Nap

The sky blue pegasus was curled up on the ground, her chin resting in between her hooves, and her rainbow-colored tail curling up to her face. She was resting peacefully, feeling the cool of the two steel rods she lay in between.

However, her position here would be most troublesome to the big blue engine, whom was getting quite annoyed.

"Please, can anybody wake up RD already?"

He was speaking specifically to her other 5 pony friends, who were all hesitant in doing so. His friends in the sheds had awoken to the commotion, and were trying to help. The six engines all had a small pendant hanging from their smokeboxes, minus Gordon.

"I think it would be kind of rude to move her. She looks so peaceful." Fluttershy commented, looking at her, standing horizontal to the sleeping mare like the rest of her friends. Gordon sighed, and looked down at the pegasus again.

James groaned loudly.

"I'll just blow my whistle, and she'll wake-"


The main 5 yelled in unison, making all the engines flinch.

"That would be even ruder than waking her up ourselves!" Rarity proclaimed, though directing her comment to James specifically.

Gordon was growing tired of their unwillingness to even ask her to wake up.

Just then, a blue car rolled up near the sheds.

It was the head of the railway, Sir Toppham Hat.

When he stepped out of his car, he was most puzzled.

"...Why is Rainbow Dash sleeping in front of Gordon?"

"Stay of out this!" "Sir!"

The main 5 and Gordon shouted again, glancing at the stout man, then back to their situation.

Pinkie Pie decided to try and explain it to the engines. The more she talked, the quicker the sentences became, and the more she jumped around in panic.

"If we wake up rainbow dash, she'll be angry, and if she's angry we might fight with her, and if we fight with her she might not want to be our friend, and if she not friend we'll be broken, and without her friendship will fail, and all of Equestria will fall apart, and their will be no one, and we will be crushed! And it will be all ,our, fault!" Pinkie Pie fell to the ground in dramatic fashion, making all the engines eye roll in slight annoyance.

Sir Toppham hat blinked.

...It was best that he sit this one out until they resolved it on their own.

Pinkie quickly stood.

"Which, you know, would be pretty bad."

Gordon had finally had enough.

"Stop! Just, stop. If none of you are going to do something about it, than I guess I have to."

He looked over to Twilight.

"Twilight, can you hand me my pendant?"

"But you said you didn't to wear it-

"Just give it to me!"

Twilight sighed, and teleported the pendant to her. Then, she levitated it over to the engine, and placed it over his smokebox.

"Thank you."

He closed eyes, and focused his mind on one thought.

Purple smoke formed around him, and engulfed him. The others were not fascinated by this, as they have done and seen this done numerous times. The process of being turned into a pony.

Although, Sir Toppham Hat could not wrap his mind around this, or pony magic in general.

What emerged from the now fading smoke was a sky blue pegasus, with a grey, frizzled mane and tail. His eye color remained a shining black. His wings were big, and slightly sharp.

This was Gordon's pony form.

He muttered with annoyance as he picked up the blue mare.

"I always have to do everything when it comes to her.."

He lifted off the ground, Rainbow Dash in his hooves. He glanced up, and noticed a small, puffy cloud passing by. He flew up to the cloud, gently placing Rainbow on said cloud.

As soon as he placed her down, Rainbow Dash stretched long, grunting.

"I didn't know you liked me that much.."

She was awake.

Gordon stared at her for a second, before making noises of frustration. After all that, she finally decides to wake up.

"Oh come on!"

Rainbow Dash started to snicker holding back full blown laughter.

Gordon herd her friends giggle as well.

That's when he realized he had been duped.

It was a prank.

Instead of yelling out, he landed on the cloud Rainbow Dash was laying on, and stared at her with an unamused look on his face.

"I hate you."

Rainbow Dash smiled sweetly back at him, and raised her hoof, booping his nose.

"You're cute when you're angry."

Gordon's face flushed a bright red. 'Every time she...'

He was about to say something when Rainbow Dash stood.

"Well, I best be on my way to Naphard."

She flew up into the air.

"Got to make sure I gain bragging rights today."

And with that, she zoomed off, leaving Gordon caught off guard.

he was stood there on the cloud for a minute.

"You better get going, then."

Gordon snapped out of his bewildered state, and looked down to the pony who said that.

Applejack looked up to the blue stallion.

"You wouldn't want her telling everybody about this morning, would you?"

Gordon suddenly drew a determined face, and sped off, the main 5 chuckling at how flustered the proudest engine on Sodor could be.


"I was most flattered by your request to visit Sodor, sir. And since my brother lives here, I have decided to take up the offer, and, well, here I am."

"I am most pleased that you were able to come. Thank you. You may drop by Tidmouth sheds to visit before you go to find a shed of your own."

"Thank you sir."


After a long day's work, Gordon could finally pull away from the express coaches, leaving Percy to shunt them back to the yards. Rainbow Dash flew alongside Gordon, both heading to Tidmouth sheds. Rainbow dash glanced at Gordon.

"Wanna race to Tidmouth?"

Gordon sighed heavily.

"No. Not today."

Rainbow groaned in annoyance.

She flew in front of him.

"Come on, G! You've been acting all stuck up today, cut me some slack!"

"Maybe I wouldn't be if you didn't do what you did this morning, especially what you said."

Rainbow sighed, and ascended up a tad, backing up to land on top of him.

she layed casually, and set her eyes down at him.

"All I said was that you were cute. I wasn't trying to upset you."

Gordon glanced at her,then sighed lightly.

"Well, it didn't sound like that."

Rainbow took a second to respond, slightly embarrassed at what she was about to say.

"...I think you are actually quite handsome, pony form or no."

Gordon slowly stopped puffing, eyes slightly dilated, attentive to that statement.

She meant it?

He glanced back at her, Rainbow still waiting for a response.

Gordon exhaled, and closed his eyes, beginning the transformation.

Rainbow got off of him, and hovered in the air. She was a little confused.

He emerged from the smoke, smiling softly.

"Alright. You got me."

Rainbow gasped happily, and quickly flew down to him.


"No. But I would like to see if we both could pull off that rainboom stunt at the same time."

She beamed wide at his request, pulled him into a hug, flying swiftly up into the air.


Gordon blushed, but hugged her back politely.

They let go from the embrace, Rainbow holding his hoof.

"Come on! I think we could do it this time!"


Back at Tidmouth sheds, Henry was the last engine to back into his birth.

The main 5 were there with them, taking this time to relax.

"Have you guys seen Gordon and Rainbow Dash yet?" Twilight asked, whom was sitting on the floor next to Thomas.

"We haven't seen them since me and Pinkie took away Gordon's coaches." Percy responded. Pinkie was in laying down in Percy's cab.

"It seemed like they were arguing a lot more today than usual." Fluttershy chimed in, frowning.

Twilight sighed with worry.

"I hope they're okay."

"Guess who, Gordon!"

Suddenly, the Flying Scotsman appeared next to the sheds, slowly hauling his puff.

The rest of the engines were not expecting that, evident by their gasps.

"Scotsman!"Thomas gasped. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm going on tour in Europe, so I wanted to rest in Sodor for a few days before i left off. And to see my brother of course."

He glanced over at the sheds, and noticed the empty birth.

"Where is Gordon?"

"We don't know." Twilight answered, looking over to Scotsman.

Scotsman had met the mane 6 at the great railway show a few months back, so he was not surprised to see them here.

"Him and Rainbow seem to be a little frustrated with the other today." Fluttershy informed him.

"Oh. well, I hope they're okay right now."

A minute or two passed, before Rarity started to speak, looking up to the sky.

"I think they're just fine."

The ponies looked to the sky, and saw two small, blue pegasi steadily accelerating upwards.

Scotsman was a little puzzled, until he saw the grey mane and tail of the second blue pegasus.

"Wait a second. Is.. Is that Gordon up there?!"

"Sure is." Twilight answered, her eyes still on the two pegasi. Scotsman looked to the engines and ponies, in shock and confusion.


"If you've noticed, we've all got necklaces over our smokeboxes." Emily explained, putting attention to the pendants on each of them.

Edward helped to explain. "If you focus your thoughts hard enough, the magic inside of it transforms whomever is wearing it into a pony."


He had focused his eyes on his brother, full of wonder.

"It doesn't look like they're gearin' up for a race though..." Applejack thought aloud.

Pinkie Pie jumped out of Percy's cab with excitement, and bounced out of the birth to look to the sky. "Ooh! Ooh! I think they're gonna do a rainboom!"

"A what now?"

"The Rainboom is the hardest stunt for a pegasus to preform. Only one pony has ever done it." Henry told him.


The ponies grinned at Scotsman, and looked up.

Scotsman knew what they were implying.

Rainbow Dash and Gordon flew away from each other, and started to dive down at an angle.

"Rainboom! Rainboom!"Pinkie chanted excitedly.

Scotsman watched with curiosity.

Cones of air started to from around the two, starting curved but quickly changing into more of a spear shape. Faster, and faster, their speed increased, making their way to cross the other.

They entered hyper speed and crossed over, the rainbows blooming fourth brightly, huge rings of color expanding across the sky.

Blues and Greys mixed with the rainbow ring making the sky bright, and and creating a a new space in between the two.

The females equines celebrated with glee, as well as all the engines in the sheds.

Scotsman's eyes widened.

He never had he seen something as extraordinary as this.

Two streaks flew over them, the ponies turning to follow with their eyes, beaming widely.

The two looped back to the front of Tidmouth sheds. Rainbow was the first to arrive, landing swiftly, with confidence.

"That was amazing!"

Her friends trotted up to her, and congratulated her on yet another successful rainboom stunt.

However, they weren't overly ecstatic for Rainbow Dash.

Gordon suddenly swooped down, and pulled her up into a hug.

"We did it! We finally did it!"

Rainbow Dash blushed at how unexpected the hug was, but returned it nonetheless.

Gordon let go, and flew down to the ground.

He was met with excitement from the main 5, surrounding him, and complementing him on successfully doing a rainboom.

"I can't believe you did it!"

"Ooohhh it was so exiting, the way you dived into the ground, and then boom!"

"I'm so excited, I could fly around in circles myself."

"Astonishing darling."

"Never thought a feller like you could ever do it, but you proved me wrong."

Rainbow only looked on, with pride and fondness.

Finally, Gordon noticed the shocked face of the visiting green engine.

Gordon smirked, and walked towards him.

"Hello, brother."

Scotsman was rendered speechless. There was not a big enough word to describe the amount of shock in his face.

Gordon was relishing in his brother's surprise. It was one of those rare times, that Scotsman was genuinely impressed by his brother.

Finally, Scotsman spoke.

"How in the world did you just do that?!"

Gordon walked towards his brother.

"3 things: Lots of flight training, Chimicherrychangas, and losing 100 times to best pony."

He glanced at Rainbow, and smiled smugly, giving her a wink.

Her cheeks flushed a sudden pink, and her face turned sour, embarrassed. Her best friends giggled on the inside, fully aware of her feelings.

"So, What are you doing here on Sodor?"

Scotsman's shock had slowly fizzled away now, though the fallout was still present, according to his slow response.

"Oh! Yes. Well Gordon, I am going on a trip all around Europe, and people from all over are going to see me, puffing along the mainland."

Unexpectedly, Gordon smiled for his big brother.

"Really? Well, that sounds like a once in a lifetime opportunity."

Scotsman was surprised at his brothers cheeriness to this news.

"...Yeah it is. Say, why aren't you all.. Upset about it?"

Gordon flew into the air, Rainbow following.

"Why would I be upset? I have other things happening in my life right now."

He turned to Rainbow.

"Hey RD, I just had the greatest idea!"

Gordon flew over to her, and whispered something into her ear.

"Uh-huh. Yeah.." Rainbow suddenly gasped. She pushed him away.

"You stole my idea!"

Gordon gave a hearty laugh, and quickly turned to Scotsman.

"It was nice seeing you brother, but me and RD have to fly."

They were about to leave before Scotsman interrupted.

"Hey, Do have any idea where I could stay for the night Gordon?"

He turned to his engine brother.

"You can use my birth tonight. I don't think i'm going to change back into an engine for quite a bit."

Scotsman was really surprised at that.

"Oh. Uh, Thanks Gordon."

"No problem."

He turned back to Rainbow, and took her hoof.

"come on, We've got no time to waste!"

Rainbow Dash smiled back at him, and they both flew off, leaving Scotsman with a thought:

'He's.. different.'

He smirked, and said goodbye to the engines and ponies, chuffing away to explore the island.

'Now I have something new to tease you about.'


"Bam! An entire of replica of my cloud home!"

After another attempt at preforming some stunts, Rainbow Dash and Gordon were making things out of clouds. Rainbow had just finished making a full scale replica of her cloud house back in Equestria, and had called Gordon over to observe it. It was evening, and sky was turning into a dull orange.

"Wow. That's quite impressive."

Gordon hovered next to Rainbow and admired her work, Rainbow Dash beaming proudly.

"Much more impressive than what I did."

Rainbow turned to him with a smile.

"Let's see what you got then."

They flew over to another part of the sky, Gordon talking as they went.

"Okay, I know this is super egotistical, but,"

The cloud molded his engine form perfectly, down to the smallest detail. Rainbow Dash started to smile even bigger.

"I just had to."

She turned her gaze from Gordon's could sculpture, to him.

"I think it's definitely 20% cooler than anypony else's cloud sculpture."

Gordon smiled back with the same wide smile, however it turned small, and a little embarrassed.

"I also decided to make another piece, one that I think you'll appreciate."

Rainbow Dash was lightly curious at that.

"Alright. Let's see it."

Gordon guided rainbow dash higher, to a notable figure made of cloud.

She gasped lightly.

The pegasus sculpture was a mare, with multiple strands of clouds to make the mane and tail. She was curled up, sleeping, with her tail flowing down, making it look sort of like a heart.

"...Scootaloo asked me to help her make a sculpture of you for her Rainbow Dash fan club, so I decided to make a prototype out of clouds." Gordon rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"..Do you like it?"

She turned to him, her cheeks hinting at a non-visible blush. That quickly faded though, and Rainbow smirked.

I bet that's not why you made this though, G."

Gordon gulped nervously, as Rainbow Dash flew over, and close behind him.

"You're really crushing on me hard, aren't ya?"

Gordon blushed furiously at her comment, and froze.

"Uh, well, I.."

Rainbow chuckled, and started to fly back down.

"I'm just messin' with ya Gordon."

Gordon chuckled nervously.

"Oh. Heh, uh, I knew that."

He tried his best to shake off his fluster, and followed her.

Rainbow glanced back at him, and smiled smug.

'He's so oblivious.'

She landed on top of the house, and layed down to stare up at the sky.

Gordon decided to follow suit, and layed down next to her.

They both watched as the orange light mixed with the last of the blues of the day, and the black and purples of the night.

The wind had blown so that the cloud sculptures were almost unrecognizable. Only Rainbow's house was still conceivable to the common eye.

It was the hour of twilight, the newborn night sky shining its glory and vastness all around. The moon was just coming into the sky, greeting each star warmly and openly.

Gordon wad been wrestling with this one thought stuck in his mind this whole time:

'Should I tell her?'

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash had already made up her mind. She was just waiting for the moonlight to fall upon the two. And she got it.

Gordon was still deep in thought when he felt a hoof touch his.

He blinked out of thought, and glanced over at Rainbow Dash.

She didn't look at him. She was blushing, staring up at the stars.

"I know your feelings towards me."

She switched her gaze from the sky, to Gordon, whom was starting to blush lightly. She leaned closer to him.

Gordon was still processing what this meant, when she softly pressed her lips onto his.

The amount of shock and surprise in Gordon was imminent, his blush turning crimson.

He had never experienced something as emotional as this. It..

Was his first kiss.

The joy of the situation washed away the shock however, and he closed his eyes, kissing back.

He layed his other hoof over hers.

Rainbow was tremendously happy. After months of being chicken, she took her friends' advice, and finally reached for it.

After a minute or two, they both departed lips.

It was so silent, that they could hear the light inhales and exhales the other took.

Rainbow Dash chuckled, and lowered her head to the cloud."Try to be less obvious next time."

Gordon gave a chuckle back, and used his wings to scoot her close to him, as he put his head under hers.


They fell asleep, Gordon laying over like a blanket.

And turns out, somepony did make the moon's light shine upon them. only, it wasn't Luna.

Her friend smiled softly.

"You're welcome you two."

Author's Note:

And no, Twilight didn't manipulate the moon, just the moon's rays. This was so fun to make. I really enjoyed it. I'll write you later!

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