• Published 9th Nov 2021
  • 194 Views, 1 Comments

The Sword of Friendship - Musical_theatre_demon

There's an ancient sword that has been recently discovered in a distant land, and is known as the most powerful object in all of Equestria. But what if it got into the wrong hooves?

  • ...

Part I. The Legend of the Sword

Author's Note:

I finished this last night, but then lost some of the work I typed due to an unexpected wifi outage. So where the saving left off, I'm trying to do from memory the best I can, so it won't be as good.

Several years earlier, Canterlot Castle, 12:00 A.M.

Twilight was in Princess Celestia's study, looking through all of the books on the bookshelf just like she had multiple times before. That was when Princess Celestia trotted in and saw the young pony with her muzzle buried in what seemed like a million books.

"It's awful late, my faithful student," Princess Celestia said. "A pony your age shouldn't be up this late. You should get some sleep."

Twilight looked up at Princess Celestia with bags under her eyes and bags under those bags. There was no doubt the young pony was tired, but she just couldn't stop studying. That was how it was with Twilight. She was the studious type --- so much that she didn't know when to stop.

Princess Celestia used her magic to pick up the books and put them back on the bookshelf. Twilight used her magic to try and pull them back, but she was no match for Princess Celestia. She knew that Princess Celestia cared for her like a mother more than a teacher-student relationship and she could see it in the way that she wanted Twilight to get some rest.

"Come on, Twilight," Princess Celestia said with a chuckle. "You helped make the mess. You're as much responsible as I am."

"I wanna study more," Twilight said.

"That's what I'm afraid of, Twilight," Princess Celestia said, putting a reassuring hoof on Twilight's chin. "You're studying way too much even for the average pony. Yes, you're the smartest pony I've met because of it, but you know that too much can cause burnout. That's why I'd like to send you to Ponyville to make friends."

Twilight chuckled. It soon turned into a scoff. "Come on, Princess. You know I have no time for friends," she says. "There's always so much to research --- so much to learn!"

"I have an idea," Princess Celestia said. "And I advise you listen close, my faithful student."

Twilight leans close.

"You can learn so much about friendship. More than you ever could with those dusty old books," Princess Celestia said. "That's a lot coming from me, but trust me, my faithful student, it's worth it." She smiled, kissing Twilight goodnight after placing her in bed. "Tomorrow when you leave for Ponyville, I shall tell you more. Goodnight, my faithful, student."

Princess Celestia trotted to her and Luna's bedroom, and plopped on the bed. She instantly fell asleep as Luna was just rising to start the night shift.

The next morning, 11:00 A.M.

"Rise and shine, my faithful student!" Princess Celestia said. "Oh my, is it that time already? I'm surprised, Twilight. You're generally a really early riser like me." She chuckled. "Looks like we both got our well-deserved rest, eh, Twilight?"

Twilight smiled, grabbing Spike out of his small dragon bed. "Yeah. We were both up really late last night, so it's to be expected," Twilight said.

"Were you in the study again, Twilight?" Spike asked.

Twilight nodded.

"Dammit, Twilight! You know staying up that late isn't good for you!" Spike cried.

"My bad," Twilight said. She turned to Princess Celestia. "So we're starting out to Ponyville now, aren't we?" She inhaled very deeply, then exhaled the same exact way. "It won't be that bad, Spike. Just make one friend and then we're done. Right, Princess?"

"Oh, it's a lot more than that," Princess Celestia said. "Make friends with everypony you meet if possible. Then, you will realize that there are such things as friendship lessons. Whenever you learn something valuable about friendship, I would like you to report to me by sending me letters."

"Will do, Princess," Twilight said.

Years later, Castle of Friendship

Twilight searched her bookshelf. "I know it's here somewhere, Spike," she said.

"If this is about a legend pertaining to the Elements of Harmony and the Magic of Friendship, then you shouldn't worry yourself too much," Spike said.

"You're right, Spike," Twilight said. She put everything down just to continue searching a couple seconds later.

Spike facepalmed. "Oh, Twilight. If Princess Celestia could see the pony she transformed into the Princess of Friendship now. Sometimes the apple doesn't fall far from the past."

"Oh, Spike!" Twilight said with a chuckle. "It's 'the apple doesn't fall far from the tree'". And the context is totally off. You're confusing the expression. 'The apple doens't fall far from the tree' refers to ponies who show abilities similar to their parents. Princess Celestia is not my mom, Spike. You and I both know that. She's my teacher. Sure, there's been times she's treated me like her own daughter, but that still doesn't make it right."

"Yeah, whatever," Spike said. "Keep looking, I guess. I'll be in the other room doing what needs to be done on my long Princess Assistant List."

"OK. You do that," Twilight said.

Then she saw it. It had a shiny cover despite being so old. It was also nothing like Twilight had ever seen.

"Spike!" Twilight called.

Spike came running in. "What is it, Twilight?" He saw the excited look on Twilight's face. That grin only meant one thing. At that moment, relief came over Spike. "Oh my Celestia! You shouldn't ahve startled me like that."

"Sorry, Spike. But I think I've discovered soething! Something truly extraordinary!" Twilgiht cried, using her magic to set the old book on the table.

Twilight's Discovery Lyrics

Twilight: You wouldn't believe it
Not a rip, not a tear
Looks like it's been
Handled with care

I've gotta see
What's in it
What wonders of knowledge
Awaits me
Show me what I long to see!

You see, Spike
This is a special book
I've never seen it before
So it doesn't hurt to explore

Just one look
And you're hooked
I can't believe my eyes

So there's a legend
Could it be true?
Spike, could it be true?

Spike (spoken): I have no idea what you're getting yourself into, Twilight.

(looks at the picture of the sword)

(sung): Whoa, is that real?
Look at it
Probably made of real steel

Twilight: So much it can reveal
The Sword of Friendship
So that's what it's called
What can it do?
How can I experience that shit too?

The Princess of Friendship
Comes with its perks
But there's nothing like
A longing to research and learn
That hurts

Is it just a legend?
That I long to find out someday
But you're right, Spike
Today's not that day

I'll leave it alone
I'll leave my desires astray
And try to focus on today!

But maybe someday
Somepony will find it
And congrats to them
If they do

Because I know
That I might never
Get to it before they do

Is it too good
To be true?

A legend in disguise
A picture that's shrouded in lies

I knew I couldn't believe my eyes

Twilight put the book back on the shelf. "That's enough for now, Spike," she said. "As cool as it is, it's only a legend. I can't let those things get to my head."

Spike ran up to Twilight. "So what are you going to do now?" he asked.

"What else is there to do?" Twilight said. "Call up my friends unless there's some sort of Princess-y work that needs my attention." She laid back. "All this for being the Princess of Friendship and I never get a day of relaxation like I used to."

"Hey, don't work yourself too hard, Twilight! You've got me, remember?" Spike said. "And I finished half of the list already!"

"Spike, do you know what this means? Half of the list is nothing because there's still the other half to do!" Twilight panicked. "You know how I am when unfinished business is, well, unfinished."

The dragon raised an eyebrow. "When you were Princess Celestia's student, she always told you to take breaks. She'd always tell you like I am now that it isn't healthy for you to stress so much."

"Then what else am I supposed to do, Spike?" Twilight cried.

"Don't ask me. It's your work," Spike said. "But I'd say go to the spa with Rarity for the day."

"This better not be because of the crush you used to have on her," Twilight said.

"No, no. I'm totally over her," Spike said. "Sure she's beautiful as hell, but she's not the pony for me. Applejack is more my type."

Twilight smiled at her little assistant. "You know what, Spike? You're right. I'll go over to the Carousel Boutique right now and see if Rarity's busy! If not, we can go to the spa and have a chill day! How's that sound?"

"I just said that," Spike said.

"Great," Twilight said, running off.

"Twilight, wait!" Spike cried.

But she was already gone before she could hear Spike.

* * *

"Hey, Twilight," Rarity said. "You look really stressed. What's going on?"

"Oh, nothing at all!" Twilight said with a nervous smile. "Sorry to bother you! Uh, are you busy?"

"No," Rarity said.

"Great!" Twilight exclaimed. "Because Spike totally didn't suggest that I take a break because I'm totally not stressed about all the work that comes with being a princess and all."

"So, you're meaning to tell me that you'd like to take a relaxation day at the spa?" Rarity asked.

"Uh, I think I forgot something back at the castle," Twilight said. "I'll be right back. I promise when I get back, I'll tell you all about how I totally don't need to take a break!"

"Twilight, wait!" Rarity called.

But she was gone before she could even hear Rarity.

* * *

"Spike, I'm back!" Twilight said.

"You didn't ask her, did you?" Spike said. "You avoided anything about taking a break from all the stress you obviously have."

"What else am I supposed to do? I don't want my friends to worry about me!" Twilight said. She sighed. "I should really tell Rarity the truth, shouldn't I?"

Spike nodded.

"I mean, of course! You can trust your friends with anything! Thanks, Spike!" Twilight said.

The bookshelf started glowing again. Instantly, Twilight flew up to grab the glowing book with her magic and put it in her pouch.

"What are you doing?" Spike asked.

"Isn't it obvious? I need to know more about The Sword of Friendship," Twilight said. "I can't get all the information from just a few pictures and the overall legend behind it!"

"Fine," Spike said. "Take it if it makes you feel better."

Twilight hugged Spike. "Thanks, Spike! I knew you'd understand!"

"Yeah, yeah. You're welcome," Spike said. "And don't forget to tell Rarity the truth!"

"Sure thing, Spike!" Twilight said with a smile. "Bye!"

"Bye, Twilight!" Spike said.

* * *

Twilight entered Carousel Boutique.

"Sorry for the wait, Rarity. I was talking to Spike," she said.

"It's OK, Twilight," Rarity said. She suddenly switched gears. "You know I can tell when something's going on, darling. If you need to talk, you know you have a friend right here you can trust."

"Thanks, Rarity," Twilight said. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you that I was stressed about all the work that comes with being a princess earlier. I just saw how worried Spike was about me and I didn't want any of my friends to feel the same."

"Of course we'd be worried about you! We care about you, Twilight!" Rarity said. "When something is off, we instantly realize it. You know that. By not telling us, what you didn't realize at first, only gets us even more worried."

"I understand," Twilight said. "So, what's that about the spa day?"

Rairty smiled. "I go there practically everyday for daily beauty practices. I practically have a membership!" she exclaimed. "Oh, and when I'm feeling stressed, I also like to go because it reminds me that there's always a safe place that you can go to relax."

Twilight smiled. "Then, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" she exclaimed. "Maybe we'll meet Rainbow Dash since she's also a regular there."

Rarity chuckled. "Even though she hates to admit it."

"Yeah," Twilight said.

* * *

Ponyville Spa

"Hello, Princess Twilight and Rarity," said Aloe and Lotus Blossom. "How may we serve you today?"

"Nice to see you again, Aloe and Lotus," said Rarity. "My friend here just needs a relaxation day."

Aloe and Lotus frowned. "Is everything OK, Princess?"

"Thanks for the concern, girls, but after today, I'm sure it'll be just fine," Twilight said.

"Of course," they said. "Follow us, girls."

On their way to their treatment area, they ran into Rainbow Dash, as expected.

"Hey, Twilight! Hey, Rarity!" she said. "I'm just relaxing in the hot springs if you wanna join me!"

"Sure, Rainbow Dash," Twilight said. "We'd love to!"

So Rarity and Twilight hop in.

"So, Twilight, I'm guessing you've been Twilighting again?" Rainbow Dash said.

"Twilighting?" Twilight said. "Oh, yes. The term Pinkie coined to refer to my panic attacks. Very nice."

"And yes, just that."

Rainbow Dash pointed to the glowing book coming out of Twilight's pouch. The pouch was sitting on a spa chair near the hot spring.
"May I ask why that book's glowing?" she asked.

"Honestly, I don't really know," Twilight replied. "I found it on my bookshelf today like it just suddenly appeared. It was weird. Apparently it mentions a legendary sword that was used way before the Elements of Harmony were discovered."

"But I thought that the Elements of Harmony were around since the beginnig of time!" Rainbow Dash cried.

"Seems like there's more to it than that," Twilight said. "Nopony knew about the Elements of Harmony or the Tree of Harmony existed in the ancient time of the alicorns when this sword was prominent. At least, that's according to the legend. There's no telling if it's actually true or not."

"Then we'll need to discover it together!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Girls, may I remind you that today is a relaxation day?" Twilight said. "I will find out more about the sword tomorrow and I promise you, I'll tell you all about it."

So they relaxed.

* * *

That night...

"That was refreshing! Thanks for the idea, Twilight!" Rarity said. "Are you feeling better?"

"I feel like a completely different pony!" Twilight said with all honesty. "But I feel like there's something missing. A longing to know more about The Sword of Friendship. I'll research it in the morning."

"I can't wait! it seems magnificent, darling!" Rarity exclaimed.

"Yeah, yeah. Maginificent. Right," Twilight said.

"Is something the matter, Twilight?" Rarity asked.

"I'm sure I'll sleep it off," Twilight said. "Goodnight, Rarity."

"Goodnight, Twilight!" Rarity said.

* * *

The next morning

"I called you all here this morning to report my findings on The Sword of Friendship," Twilight said, placing the glowing book on the table. "According to the legend, the sword's existence dates back to when the only land ponies knew about was the land of the alicorns, as the legend states was called The Royal Mountains. What I think is really fascinating is that The Sword of Friendship is able to adapt to the power and energy of the wielder."

"That being said, does that mean that the sword can also change its shape depending on who has it?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yes," Twilight said in reply. "Let me continue. Due to the Sword of Friendship being the most powerful object in Equestria, nopony really knows much about it. In fact, its power is said to be so great that it is indestructable. But here's something we need to be exteremely careful of. If the Sword of Friendship for any reason were to get into the wrong hooves, it could be extremely fatal or go the more preferrable route of reformation. That means if somepony like Grogar gets the sword way before we have the chance to go afer it, things could be much worse."

"You mean the one Discord impersonated?" Pinkie asked.

"No," Twilgiht replied. "I mean the big and bad Grogar. The real one. He longs for power and will not stop at any cost to get the power he so desires. So that means we set out now and search all over Equestria."

"But what is the chance that we'll find this majestic sword?" Spike asked.

"It's said to be a legend, so there's no guarrantee that we'll find it," Twilight said. "But we've got to try."

So they set out to find The Sword of Friendship, only to find out that somepony got to it before them.

Twilight and her friends gasped. "It's gone!" they cried when they got to the Royal Mountains.

"But how is that possible?" Twilight said. "The map said it was right here. How could we have failed? How could we have let Grogar take it?"

"I don't think he did, Twilight," Spike said. "I think somepony else--- a young pony that lives here --- discovered its magic and is figuring out how to use it."

"I hope you're right, Spike," Twilight said. "And I hope we find that pony someday. I hope they take great care of the sword while it's in their possession."