• Published 1st Nov 2021
  • 155 Views, 1 Comments

Hearts of Hay - bahatumay

Apple Bloom's simple night of chaperoning Pound and Pumpkin for Nightmare Night suddenly gets a lot more complicated when she finds a filly who hasn't even heard of Nightmare Night before.

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Chapter 4

Like Cornsilk had said, all the scarecrows quickly made their way to a cave to wait out the storm. A few pulled out some corn or other vegetables they’d brought with them, and this was soon shared among their friends.

Apple Bloom glanced around. It was at least sheltered from the wind. It was a little chilly, but she had the distinct impression that a suggestion of a fire would be a Very Bad Move, so she found a comfortable spot on a log and tried to huddle inside her costume to stay warm. The other scarecrows were still hesitant, and gave her a wide berth.

All but one, that is. Crystal Eyes climbed onto the rock across from her. She leaned forward, one hoof raised. “May I?” she asked.

Apple Bloom nodded.

Crystal Eyes gently brushed a hoof against her cheek, then up against her mane.

Apple Bloom wasn’t sure what she was feeling for (or even if she could feel with a hoof made of burlap), but it seemed like she needed this.

“You’re quite the pretty pony,” she finally said.

“You don’t look so bad yourself,” Apple Bloom said, mostly because she wasn’t sure how to respond.

Crystal Eyes scoffed. “I’m old and patchy, and we both know it,” she said dismissively. “I’m surprised I’m still alive.”

“I’m surprised you’re even alive at all. Begging your pardon,” Apple Bloom added quickly, realizing just how rude that might have sounded.

Crystal Eyes smiled, amused. Somehow, her button eyes seemed to twinkle. “Well, now, that’s quite the story.”

A movement behind her made her jump, but she recognized the scarecrow there. Seemingly summoned by the promise of a story, Cornsilk climbed onto the log and snuggled close, and Apple Bloom wrapped a foreleg around her. Scarecrows must have really liked cuddling, which was fairly welcome right now.

Crystal Eyes took a steadying breath. “Once upon a time, far up in the north where it always snows, there was an old berry farmer. Though he grew the sweetest berries, this farmer had no family, and very few friends. All he had was the scarecrow he’d made to help guard his fields from the birds.”

Apple Bloom glanced around and realized that a couple other scarecrows had approached, drawn in by the story. They sat close, resting against each other, though Apple Bloom was still given a bit of a berth.

“As a pony is wont to do, he became lonely, and began to speak to his scarecrow like she was a real pony. Day after day, he poured out his heart to her, telling her his thoughts, fears, dreams.

“And then one day, he’d given enough love to her that she came to life.”

“Just like that?” Apple Bloom asked.

Crystal Eyes nodded. “Just like that. And she loved him right back, because love shared is love returned. Love never runs out, you know. Once it’s shared with another pony, there’s always more.”

“Oh, yeah, like the changelings learned to share love,” Apple Bloom said.

Crystal Eyes paused, and the burlap over her eyes furrowed, somehow looking just like eyebrows. “The what?”

Right. They wouldn’t have known that story. Apple Bloom waved her down. “Never mind. Keep going.” She smiled expectantly, fully aware that it was just a bit too wide.

Thankfully, Crystal Eyes didn’t read too much into this, and continued. “She worked in the fields as his partner, his equal. She ate with him, and she would share his bed in the night. And as time went on, their love only grew stronger.”

“It’s the button eyes,” another scarecrow suggested. “We’re adorable.”

The scarecrow he was laying on batted his hat down playfully.

“And then one dark day, the city was overtaken by an evil king.”

“Oh, I know this part,” Apple Bloom said, her ears pricking.

Crystal Eyes squinted. “You do?”

“Yeah. He was a wicked one. Enslaved the ponies with dark magic and mind-control helmets and made them march on Equestria. The two princesses came and fought him, but he cast a crazy curse, and the empire disappeared.”

“That… is what happened next,” Crystal agreed. She squinted harder. Who was this mysterious living pony who knew this ancient story she couldn’t possibly have known?

“I’ll tell you some of my stories if you finish yours,” Apple Bloom promised.

Crystal Eyes gave her a narrow look and a little nod, as if saying ‘I’ll hold you to that’, and then continued. “She waited for years, faithfully tending the little crop in hopes for his return, but she could not tend it alone. Eventually, her hopes faded, she accepted that he was not coming back, and she set out on her own.

“She crossed the snowy desert, wandering further south, until the snow began to melt, and the grass began to return under her hooves. Soon, she found another farm, with farming ponies. She was so relieved to find a new place.

“But where she expected love, she found fear. They could not comprehend a living scarecrow. Convinced she was a monster, a terror, or an omen of bad harvests to come, every pony that saw her chased her away with pitchforks and fire.”

Apple Bloom winced, and most of the scarecrows around her did, too.

“She continued wandering, and though she came across the occasional scarecrow, none were alive like she was. She was all alone.

“She wandered across the land, eating corn as she found it, chasing crows as she found them, occasionally hiding as a lifeless scarecrow in a field to avoid the fear of the living ponies.

“Eventually, she took refuge in a sprawling forest that the living ponies already feared. She became a legend, just a story meant to frighten foals into staying close to home.

“And then one fateful morning, while hiding in the forest, she saw a young family traveling, and she got an idea. With what she could find or take from the surrounding farms, she patterned a small filly out of burlap, and stuffed her with hay. She began carrying her around everywhere she went, speaking to her, caring for her. She laid her down for naps, pretended to feed her.

“It took almost three whole seasons. But then she, too, came to life.”

Apple Bloom let out a cheer, and then quickly covered her mouth, not wanting to interrupt the story.

The other scarecrows seemed amused by this. If anything, this little outburst was almost endearing, and if she didn’t know any better, she’d think some of the other scarecrows were getting a little more comfortable, maybe even getting closer to her.

“And from two scarecrows, a family was born; and from there, a village, and now, everyone you see here. We’re creatures of love, sustained not just by the food we grow, but by the love we share. As long as there is love, there will be scarecrows.”

“That’s so sweet!” Apple Bloom said, grabbing Cornsilk and nuzzling her tightly.

Cornsilk giggled. “See?” she said. “All love, no scares. Unless you’re a crow,” she corrected herself.

“Hate crows,” a couple other voices chimed in.

“And now I think you owe us a story, miss living pony,” Crystal Eyes said pointedly.

Apple Bloom gently set Cornsilk down and stood. She turned to face the gathered scarecrows, looking back at her with their large button eyes. She inhaled slowly to steady herself. Crystal Eyes wouldn’t have known this part, and she knew this revelation would rock her world. “So, what she said about the land way up north where it snows all the time? Well, us living ponies, we have a story like that, except we call that place the Crystal Empire.”

As Apple Bloom had expected, Crystal Eyes’ ears pricked. She hadn’t used that name in her retelling, but she clearly recognized it.

“And we tell it a little bit differently…”