• Published 28th Oct 2021
  • 154 Views, 0 Comments

YFS,BB - Side Stories! (1st and 2nd one) - BUGFlower413

Some stories to know more about the characters from my fanfic, Your Faithful Student, Buggy Brush ;3

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Side Story 1 - A Filly's Cutie Mark

Side Story 1: A Filly’s Cutie Mark

It was late at night, it was raining outside and Darky and Buggy were “watching” a movie just before going to sleep. They were lying down on a couple of pillows in front of the television. It was so comfy that Buggy fell asleep, while Darky wasn’t even paying attention to the screen. Nights like that always made her feel a little nostalgic. She looked at her friend and smiled, then looked at her flank remembering something.


There was a certain house near the frontiers of Canterlot, where 2 young ponies, a filly and a colt, were having fun together during night, refusing to go to sleep. It was their first sleepover, and they wanted to have as much fun as possible, especially because of the occasion. What occasion? Nothing less than a new cutie mark! The colt, even still being pretty young, got his cutie mark the day before, and of course he would want to show it to his best friend. His talent seemed to be something related to painting, or drawing, or something along those lines since his cutie mark was a brush. He was so happy that he even said that, from that point on, he wanted to be called Buggy Brush.

“So, how does it feel?” said the filly to her friend. They were both laying on the floor while watching tv and eating some snacks.

“How does what feel?”

“Getting a cutie mark. The moment you get it. Does it tickle?”

“No, I didn’t feel tickled. It just appeared.”

“How did you notice then?”

“I was with mommy and she noticed it first.”

“I always knew your talent would be something about drawing. You are good at it.”

“Thanks Darks :)” he replied smiling.

“So, you will become a famous artist now?”

“I’m not sure. Maybe one day.”

“Oh, oh! Can you draw that?” She pointed to the screen.

“I… think? Just a second to finish this drawing first.”

“I guess I’m still not ready to know what my talent is,” said the filly while looking at the cutie mark she didn’t have in her flank yet.

“Can ‘daemonoquus’ get cutie marks?”

She giggled.

“It’s ‘daemonequus’, and yes, we can.”

“What do you think it’s going to be?”

“I’m not really sure.”

“Then what do you want it to be?”

She thought for a second, but she wasn’t sure about that either. There were some many things she loved, so many options, so many possibilities.

“I don’t know. As long as it’s not something boring, I think it will be fine.”

“I’m sure it won’t be. You’re like, the most awesome pony in Equestria! I’m sure your cutie mark will be the best ever!”

She couldn’t help but blush a little after hearing that. She giggled again.

“Oh shush, you.”

They both laughed, then Darky got closer to him to hug him. She tried to hug him with her wing first, but it was (still) too small to give hugs, so she gave up and just used her hoof.

They spent a while more talking about random things while Buggy kept drawing. Eventually Darky decided to grab a sheet of paper too along with a pen, but not to draw something, she wanted to write, she felt inspired.

“Oh! You’re going to write another story?”


“Can I read it when you finish it?”

“Of course! Why do you even like my stories, by the way?”

“They’re so so good! And I don’t even like to read!”

“They’re not. I just like doing it.”

“But they are! Don’t you remember what the teacher told you when she read it?”

“She was probably just being kind.”

“Nuh-uh, she really loved it. I saw it in her eyes.”

She looked away.

“I don’t know, Bug.”

“C’mon, Darks. What if we show your story to my parents when it’s done? So they can tell us what do they think about it.”

“I won’t feel comfortable with that.”

“Oh, sorry.”

Buggy thought for a little, watching at Darky writing.

“Can I try it too?”

“Try what? To write?”



She grabbed some papers, a couple of pens, and walked to the table. Buggy followed her.

“It’s your first time writing, right?”

“Yes. I have never tried it before.”

“Ok, let’s start with the basic then. What do you want to write about?” she asked smiling in excitement.

“Hmm… Something cute I think.”

“Something cute, hm? What about a cute animal?”


“What is the first animal that comes to your mind?”

“Bunnies, lot of bunnies.”

“Fluffy bunnies?”

“Fluffy bunnies!”

“The fluffiest of the bunnies!!”

They laughed.

“Where would be the bunnies?”

“In a field I guess (?). That’s where bunnies live, right?”

“I think. What are they going to do in that field?”

“Have a lot of adventures!”

“What kind of adventures?”

“Oh, eeh… I don’t really know.”

“Well, time to figure it out, then.”

She kept asking him questions and helping him whenever they got stuck like that. The minutes passed by and the 2 of them were writing their own stories. Buggy had around half of his story done when Darky fully completed hers.

“Aaand finish!” the little filly said.

“How do you write so fast??” The colt replied. She just giggled as an answered.

Buggy read her whole story, it took him some minutes, since he wasn’t really good at reading, but once he finished, he didn’t waste a second to let his friend know how much he loved it.

“Every time you write a story, they keep getting better and better! How do you do it?”

“Thanks a lot, Bug. I just like to write a lot when I’m bored, but I don’t think it’s that good.”

Before Buggy could reply to that, she asked him if she could read what he had been writing, he agreed and passed the paper to her.

“Hey, this is not bad at all!”


“Yeah! Only one thing, ‘bunny’ is spelled with 2 n’s.”

“I forgot the second one, didn’t I?”

“No, worse, you wrote it with 3!”

She couldn’t help but chuckle a little, then they both burst out laughing.

“Do you want me to help you think about the rest of the story?”

“Yes, please! Thanks, Darky. How do you know so much about writing?”

“Aside from writing myself, I read sometimes, and I got interested into stories and how do they work.”

The room started to light up slowly as she was speaking.

“I like to think that, the most important part about writing is not to be a professional or complicated. I think-“

She started to float a little.

“-that the most important thing is… just to have fun.”

The room was turned white by a bright, shining light coming from Darky, that started to slowly fade away. Buggy was looking at her in awe, while she was trying to understand what just happened.

“W- What was that??”

Then he realized.




She looked at her flank still confused and, instead of her light blue coat, she saw the picture of a yellowish feather with some purple ink, her cutie mark.


Everypony in Buggy’s house, and maybe even in that side of Canterlot could her shouts of happiness. She wasn’t a blank flank anymore, she finally got her cutie mark, and in something she loved! She had never been so happy in her entire life.


“Psst, Bug.”

He opened his eyes, still half asleep.

“Wha? Was I sleeping?”

“Hehe, yeah, you were. Maybe it’s time to go to bed now.”

“You’re aight.”


’Right’ I meant.”

“Gosh, Bug, you’re barely awake!”

She helped him to stand up.

“Let’s go get some rest. After all, tomorrow is the castle tour, and we better be well rested for it.”

She turned off the tv and they both went to sleep. Tomorrow was going to be an exhausting day.