• Published 2nd Nov 2021
  • 618 Views, 55 Comments

A Guard's Candy - KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

A mare named Candy is saved from a horrible future by King Sombra.

  • ...


Moonlight's P.O.V:

I felt...betrayed. Sombra had found another mare while I was gone. He had...replaced me.

For the last few days, he's been trying to tell me that it's not what I think it's like, but I don't believe him.

He was the only one that I truly trusted, and now...now I don't trust him anymore.

I gave my heart to him, and when I was gone, he gave it away.

He gave his heart to somepony else. Candy.

I hated her now. She came and dared to take Sombra away from me.

She would pay dearly for this. I would get my revenge. There was a knock on the door, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Who is it?", I asked.

"It's Candy.", was the reply. "I know that you're angry at me now, but if you let me explain-"
I cut her off. "NO! I don't want to talk to you, or even see your face."

Candy's P.O.V:

I felt guilty for what had happened, even though King Sombra told me that it wasn't my fault.

I felt like I needed to apologize to Moonlight. So I went.

I asked Flash, and he told me where her room was. When he asked me why, I told him that I wanted to talk to her.

I reached the door, and knocked. "Who is it?", I heard a voice ask.

"It's Candy.", I replied. " I know that you're angry at me now, but if you let me explain-"

I didn't get to finish my sentence, as I was cut off by an angry, "NO! I don't want to talk to you or even see your face!"

"Please, give me a chance.", I pleaded.

"No! I will not give you a chance. I hate you, Candy. You took my Sombra away from me.", was the reply.

I sighed. Talking to Moonlight would be harder than I thought it would be.

When Flash saw me with a sad expression on my face, he asked, "I take it that Moonlight didn't let you talk to her?"

"She told me that she hated me, and wanted nothing more than for me to rot in Tartarus because she thinks that I took King Sombra away from her.", I told him.

"Oh. Talking to Moonlight when she's upset or angry is impossible.", he said.

"How do you know?", I asked him.

"Once King Sombra pranked her by putting a fake spider inside her bowl of cereal. She hates spiders, and didn't talk to him for a whole week after that. He even tried making crystal flowers for her.", Flash replied.

"Oh, okay.", I said.

"You still feel guilty and sad, am I right?", he asked.

"Yes.", I replied.

"It wasn't your fault, Candy.", he said in a soft voice.

"I know, but the feeling doesn't go away.", I sighed.

After talking to Flash, I felt better.

King Sombra's P.O.V:

It was as I had feared. My lover thought that I had betrayed betrayed her.

As I walked to calm myself, a sigh escaped my mouth. This will take some time to fix. Sometimes I wished that Moonlight would be more understanding.

I wonder, what caused her to jump so quickly to such assumptions?

"Sir? Are you okay?" One of my guards, his voice full of concern as I walked past.

"I'm fine, just lost in thought." I replied with a weak smile to show that I appreciated the guard's concern.

Nonetheless, I went after my own duties, and the time passed, making it midday. I was heading to much, when the door to the dining room opened, and Moonlight walked in with a much calmer expression than before, causing me to smile slightly.

"I'm glad that you decided to join me, my little bat.", I smiled at her.

"Well, I can't work with an empty stomach, can I?", she asked as she sat down. "I'm still going to keep my eyes on Candy. How did she even get here in the first place?"
King Sombra's P.O.V:

It was as I had feared. My lover thought that I had betrayed betrayed her.

As I walked to calm myself, a sigh escaped my mouth. This will take some time to fix. Sometimes I wished that Moonlight would be more understanding.

I wonder, what caused her to jump so quickly to such assumptions?

"Sir? Are you okay?" One of my guards, his voice full of concern as I walked past.

"I'm fine, just lost in thought." I replied with a weak smile to show that I appreciated the guard's concern.

Nonetheless, I went after my own duties, and the time passed, making it midday. I was heading to much, when the door to the dining room opened, and Moonlight walked in with a much calmer expression than before, causing me to smile slightly.

"I'm glad that you decided to join me, my little bat.", I smiled at her.

"Well, I can't work with an empty stomach, can I?", she asked as she sat down. "I'm still going to keep my eyes on Candy. How did she even get here in the first place?" She sounded distrustful.

I raised my voice slightly. "I would've told you if you hadn't run off in your anger. She was captured by slavers, and had managed to escape. The guards saved her, and what else should I have done? Left her to a terrible fate?"

In my mind, a smile formed as she blinked in surprise. "I suppose not."

"And being friendly to her is the least that I can do. I never would've left you for her, Moonlight.", I added.

Then I heard somepony laughing, and Flash stood in front of the doors, as it was his turn to guard. His expression was one of guilt as he saw us.

He rubbed the back of his head while smiling sheepishly. "Sorry Sir, Candy just told me something so funny that it won't leave my head."

Hoping that it would bring a smile to Moonlight's face, I asked, "And it is?"

He replied, "While Candy was still a nurse, she once had a patient who had a toy stuck in his nose.The funny thing is that he wanted to know how his son managed to get the same thing done!"

He burst into laughter once again, and we both laughed. Moonlight commented, "Some ponies are really stupid, aren't they?"

Moonlight's P.O.V:

I was walking to Candy's room, to apologize to her. I had been rude to her, and Flash Sentry told me that she was feeling sad and guilty.

I knocked on her door, but heard no answer. I knocked again, but still getting no answer, I got worried.

I opened the door, and walked in. What I saw next nearly made me scream.

Candy was sitting on the balcony's railing, looking as if she was about to jump off. "Candy?! What are you doing?!", I screamed, and she jumped at my voice.

She screamed as she fell, and I flew after her, managing to catch her just before she hit the ground.

"Thanks for saving me.", she said.

"You're welcome.", I replied. "What were you trying to do?"

"I felt terrible after what happened a few days ago, and after hearing what you said to me this morning, I felt guilty. I did my best not to make Flash worry, and then I...", she explained, but trailed off as she reached the end.

"I'm sorry for making you feel that way, Candy. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions so quickly." My ears drooped as I said that, realizing that I made her feel so bad that she had wanted to end her own life. "Will you forgive me?"

"I forgive you.", she smiled. "I guess the King told you about how he found me?"

"Yes, Sombra told me." I got an idea, and asked, "You used to be a nurse, right?"

"Yes, I did.", she replied. "Why?"

"Do you still want to be a nurse?", I asked.

"I would love to."

"Then you could be a nurse at the Crystal Hospital. If you want."

Author's Note:

'Last christmas I gave you my heart, but the very next day, you gave it away. This year, to save me from tears, I'll give it to someone special.'

This inspired me for the first part of the chapter. And now you all know what the suicide tag was for. It took some time, but me and Bronycommander worked hard on this. I hope you enjoyed this, and don't forget to vote/like and comment.