• Published 22nd Oct 2021
  • 476 Views, 36 Comments

A Pony's Guide to Gunpla - Mystic Sunrise

A new world awaits Pearl as she discovers the joys of model kit building.

  • ...

Ch. 5

Twilight rubbed her snout irritably. “You are sure of this, captain?”

Steel Wing nodded. “Yes ma'am. This is the tenth threat to your student’s life in the past month. They did not even try to hide it this time.”

Twilight sighed. She had been afraid of that. “And what of Pearl? Has anything happened to her or her family?”

Steel shook her head, “No. We have them on constant surveillance. Her parents know though they won’t say how since none of us have told them per your orders.”

Twilight smiled a bit at that. Cirrus and her husband always seemed to know more than they should about some things. It was part of why she liked the two Pegasi.

Steel’s frown grew. “Permission to speak freely ma’am?”

Twilight blinked. “Granted, You know you can always speak freely to me, Steel.”

The Pegasus nodded. “This is becoming more and more blatant. A time is coming when they will move to do something. I have a daughter Pearl’s age. I worry every time she goes out.”

Twilight frowned. “Then what are you suggesting, Captain Steel?”

Steel shook her head. “Bring the hammer down. Use the Ultima. These backward fools need to be put in their place. Do what Celestia or Luna never did.”

Twilight’s frown grew. “Do you know what you are asking me, Steel? You ask me to invoke the most powerful magic known to ponykind, second only to the Omega Oath itself, for this?”

Steel did not respond, but her downcast eyes said all that was needed, and it took much of the fight out of the princess as she sighed. “No, Steel. I will not invoke the Magisterium. Not yet.” Twilight shook her head sadly as she looked out a nearby window. “Not until there is no other choice. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna never used it for a reason.”

Steel gritted her teeth, but there was nothing she could do. Princess Twilight was not someone she could give orders to like in the Household Guard of the Royal Guard.

Twilight’s ears fell. She hated to say it like that. But to invoke the Magisterium Lex Ultima was to invoke a kind of magic that even she knew better than to get near. “That is all that I will say on the matter.”

Steel saluted. She didn’t like it. But there was little she could do if Princess Twilight said so. For Pearl’s sake, she hoped nothing would ever come of this, as she backed out of the room.

Twilight sighed, thumping her head on the table. She knew the threats on Pearl’s life were things she needed to worry about, but there was so much else that needed her attention.

How had Princess Celestia and Princess Luna done it for so long? She didn’t know, and it was driving her crazy.

A knocking on the door interrupted her brooding before Spike entered a moment later. “Hey, Twilight. Long day? Steel didn’t look very happy.”

Twilight nodded. “She wants me to do something drastic about those who want Pearl dead. I don’t think I can do it, Spike. Even when I know it would be the right thing to do.”

Spike frowned. He had a few ideas of what to do with those ponies himself. “Come on, Twilight. Why do you even keep them around? At least Fancy Pants and Fleur only come to you if they need help with something really big.”

Twilight did smile a bit at this. As much as the two of them had gotten off on the wrong hoof, she counted Fancy Pants and his wife as two of her closest and most sincere supporters.

Spike could see this wasn’t going to end quickly so he changed tack. “Come on, Twilight. I know what will cheer you up. Lunch! It’s past noon anyway. You need to take a break anyway.”

Twilight pouted, before her stomach growled, getting a smirk from her #1 Assistant. “Okay, fine. I am feeling a little hungry. Sugarcube Corner as usual?”

Spike nodded as the two left the room. “Deal. I heard Pinkie’s trying a new cupcake recipe.”

Twilight shuddered a bit at the thought. “Hopefully it's better than her last idea. Jalapenos and cupcakes do not mix.”

The two shivered in disgust at the memory. But as they passed by the Side Library, Twilight stopped as she heard something from inside. “Spike. Is someone supposed to be in here?”

Spike paused. After a moment, he too could hear a commotion of some kind going on inside. “I don’t think so. And did we leave the portal on? I think I can hear it too.”

Twilight frowned. That wasn’t possible. She never left the portal on. The risk was too great. But as she strained her ears, she could definitely hear the hum of the World Mirror.

Spike tried to put on a brave face. “Maybe Starlight went through? You know how much she likes spending time with Sunset.”

Twilight shook her head. “And not tell anyone? Somepony would know if she had.” Her frown grew by the second. “Something isn’t right, and I don’t like it.”

Before Spike could stop her, Twilight rushed into the room, her horn ablaze with power and ready to deal with whatever it might be. But what she found took her by surprise.

Books were scattered all over the place as if a tornado had gone through the room. The World Mirror itself sat fully open, and with the Journal in place, showing someone had been using it.

And in the center of it all, her mane a disheveled mess sat. “Pearl? What are you doing here?”

The Pegasus looked at her, and Twilight was taken aback to see fear in her student’s eyes. “Twilight? Where am I? Why the hell are you a pony? And why the hell am I a pony?!”

Twilight was confused. “What do you mean? You’ve always been a pony. As have I. How did you get in here? You know you’re not supposed to be here unless I or Spike are also here.”

Pearl pulled her legs close. “I don’t know. One minute I’m outside the school, and the next I’m here. Wherever here is.”

Twilight’s confusion grew. But as she looked the young Pegasus over, things began to click. Her older appearance, and the fear in her eyes… “You’re not my Pearl. You’re the Human World’s Pearl.”

Pearl blinked, remembering the conversation from a few months ago. “You mean. I’m in that other me’s world? I wasn’t going crazy?”

Twilight nodded. “Indeed. I’m not sure how you got here, however.”

Pearl gulped. She didn’t like the sound of that. “Am I stuck here, Twilight? I don’t want to be. I just wanna go home. This is too weird for me.”

Twilight’s heart ached. No matter what, this was still her student in some way. She smiled as she hugged the filly. “No, Pearl. You are not stuck here. It’s a simple matter to get you home without anyone noticing,”

Pearl sighed in relief. “Oh good.” She looked around. “So what the hell am I anyway? I look like Pegasus from ancient Greece or something. And I don’t even know what you are. Unicorn with wings?”

Twilight chuckled. “You are a Pegasus, Pearl. And I am what is called an alicorn. It’s very complicated, however. Ask other me if you want to know more.”

Pearl rolled her eyes as she stood. “If I can get Twily’s head out of her books, I will.”

Twilight giggled as she led them back to the portal. “What were you doing at Canterlot High anyway? You don’t go to the school.”

Pearl nodded. “There was a Gunpla Club meeting today. We just got out and I was waiting by this statue out front. Next thing I know. I fell through and ended up here.” She looked around. “Where is other me then? I almost thought she’d be there.”

Twilight shook her head. “My Pearl is on vacation with her family, and won’t be back for several weeks. As for joining the club? I would have nothing against it, and I doubt her parents would either. It’s the only thing she talks about anymore.”

“But?” Pearl prompted.

Twilight sighed. “She has also stated on more than one occasion how frustrating that first build was. I saw how close she was to quitting entirely. More than Sunset or other me did. I’m not sure if a second build would help. And there is also the fact that she wouldn’t know where to start.”

Pearl’s ears fell, for those were feelings that she knew well herself. “Kohaku’s told me what they talked about. If that doesn't work, I don’t know what will. Maybe “I” just need to watch the anime.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “And how would she? Equestria does not have the technology your world does. Cirrus is willing to let my Pearl visit your world again since it went so well that first time.”

Pearl tapped her chin. “Let her stay with me, then. Or with me and Twily when we’re over together. We can punch out a series over a weekend, and have time to grab a kit on Monday.”

Twilight tapped her chin in thought. It seemed like a sound plan to be sure. “I will talk with them about it. I don’t see why not. Right now, however, let’s get you home before we start a dimensional incident. I am so not ready for that.”

Pearl giggled as they stepped through the portal.

“Other me wants to do what?” Pearl asked, unable to believe what she had just heard. A feeling her parents shared as well.

Twilight rubbed her snout. “She wants the two of you to spend a weekend watching one of Gundam’s anime. Or with her and Sci me, and still have time to get a new kit on a Monday.”

Pearl slumped. That’s what she thought. “Okay, fine. I do want to do another kit. But how? Equestria doesn’t have that kind of tech. And look at how much trouble “me” had when she was here.”

Her father scratched his chin. While he still did not understand most of this, the effect that one trip had on his daughter was beyond comparison. “Didn’t you watch the original series?”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “Yeah, we did. But then there’s whether I wanna stay in the Universal Century, or branch out to one of the Alternate Timelines. And there’s a few of those.”

Twilight nodded. “I’ve talked with my counterpart. Between her and Pearl’s counterpart, they have almost all of the series to watch. You can take your pick of which one you want.”

Pearl smiled. That helped at least. “What about my lessons with you?”

Twilight chuckled. “Pearl. I think I can handle one weekend with nothing going on. I trust Sci me to not let anything happen, and you have friends on the other side. You would be fine.”

Cirrus and her husband shared a concerned look. Their worries about the other world had decreased significantly since nothing had gone wrong the first time. But they still remained.

Pearl saw it, and her ears fell. She was starting to seriously think about this whole idea. “Come on, mom and dad. Look what happened last time. What could happen this time?”

Twilight nodded. “I’ve met my counterpart's parents. Aside from the obvious differences, they are like my parents here. They would take good care of Pearl. I assume the same goes for your counterparts as well.”

Cirrus and Stratus shared a look. They were not completely sold on the idea of their daughter visiting another world. But they trusted Princess Twilight understood this better than they did.

And they could not deny that this, Gunpla, had so much of an impact on Pearl’s life. Even if it had just been one time, it was all she ever talked about. It had lit a fire in the filly’s life. Who knew where it might lead her one day?

Finally, Stratus sighed. “I cannot see a reason why Pearl can’t do this. If you think it would be safe, Princess Twilight, then I’m inclined to trust your judgment.”

Cirrus nodded. “But if anything happens to my baby girl. Then I don’t care if you are the Princess of Equestria or not. Nothing will save you.”

Pearl squeed in delight, while Twilight gulped but nodded all the same. She had plans to make.

A few days later, Pearl watched as Twilight powered on the portal once more. Her parents watched as well, her dad giving the whole thing the stink eye.

Twilight nodded as the connection was made. “Okay. Other me and your counterpart should be waiting for you on the other side, Pearl. Since Canterlot High is on Summer Break, we do not need to worry about getting on school time.”

Pearl gave her a look. “So what does that mean?”

Twilight giggled. “It means that if you do get another kit, and want to stay an extra day, then you can and do not need to worry.”

Pearl smiled. That was a weight off of her shoulders then, as her mother added her saddlebags to her back, getting an oomph out of her. “Sheesh, mom. Did you add bricks to this?”

Cirrus chuckled. “No dear. But I remember how you said you had to borrow a set of pajamas from the other you. So I thought I’d add one of your own.”

Stratus nodded. “And since you love these… Conan books, so much. I added them as well. As well as a few more things.”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “Dad. I’m only gonna be gone a few days. I’m not moving there.”

Twilight giggled as her parents pulled her into a hug for a moment before Pearl moved to step through. The alicorn put a hoof on the filly’s shoulder. “Remember what we discussed, Pearl.”

The Pegasus sighed. “Don’t cause an inter-dimensional incident. I get it, mom. You’d think I was some sort of three-tailed pain in the flank that screws with ponies.”

She blinked as what she had just said caught up with her. Where had that come from? Everypony shared the same thought as well, as they exchanged glances.

Pearl pushed it from her mind as she stepped through the World Mirror. It was probably nothing anyway.

“Well shoot. I thought I would be in time to walk through with her,” a voice came from the open door behind everypony.

Twilight and Pearl’s parents turned and went wide-eyed. Twilight’s eye twitched rapidly as she couldn’t believe what she was actually seeing. Standing there was the same Kohaku she had met on the other side of the mirror. While she could guess he would be bold enough to come through the mirror, what shocked her was that he was still human, save for his ears and three tails behind him.

“How.. wah..” Twilight’s stammering caught a chuckle from the boy who just leaned against the door frame. Dressed in sneakers, cut-off jean shorts, and a sleeveless ‘No Fear’ shirt. Munching on a large red apple.

“Ya know, these are much tastier than the ones in our world. Probably due to all the magic around here.” Pocketing his half-eaten apple he picked up a small basket and walked forward. Cirus and her husband quickly flew up to a rafter as Twilight just stared looking him up and down.

“How… when?” Slapping herself in the face with a wing twilight violently shook her head. “When did you get here?”

“Hmm? OH about an hour ago. Nobody was around so I thought I’d wait, then I got hungry. I didn’t know you had a Pinkie Pie here too. She gave me a few cupcakes and directed me to a place with the best apples.” Kohaku chuckled. “I’ve been curious about this place ever since you visited our world. Not sure what the hype is. Well, I’ve taken up a bit more of your time than I probably should have. I’ll see myself through. Laters.”

Twilight opened her mouth as she watched the boy leap up and dove headfirst into the mirror.

“Twilight... WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!!!” Cirus cried out as she shook the princess who sat there sure that her ears were billowing smoke from what just happened.

Pearl oomped as she landed on the ground. “Sheesh. You should put a mattress here or something.”

Twi and Pearl laughed. “Yeah, we probably should, or at least some stairs.” Twi helped the young girl up to her feet. “But we don’t want it to be obvious there’s a portal here.”

“I guess so.” Pearl brushed herself off and looked around. The area was devoid of people. “So are we ready?”

“As soon as my pain in the ass arrives,” Human Pearl sighed and leaned up against the statue.

“Oh not him again. He was a headache the last time I saw him,” Pony Pearl crossed her arms as Twi nodded.

“Yeah, he wanted to be here but got impatient.” Twi started to slightly pace back and forth looking at her watch.

“So he just ran off somewhere?” Pony Pearl looked to her human counterpart.

“Wait… you didn’t meet him before walking through the portal?”

“He wha??” Pearl’s eye twitched rapidly. “Okay, no big thing right? I mean one extra pony in the world won’t hurt anything. Will it?”

“If he was a pony…” Human Pearl muttered a little louder than she wanted before the portal swirled. All three girls looked as Kohaku dove out of the portal and shoulder rolled to a standing stop. Spinning on his sneakers he smiled.

“Greetings people of Earth! I come bearing apples and cupcakes!” Kohaku grinned wide, his larger-than-average canines made pony Pearl back up slightly.

“Took you long enough!” Human Pearl growled at him. “You couldn’t just wait here like the rest of us. NO! You have to be Indiana Jones and dive through on an adventure of your own making.”

“Hey, you know how well I handle boring situations. You honestly thought I'd let YOU have all the fun? Going through without me!” Kohaku crossed both arms and huffed. Human Pearl rolled her eyes and walked up to him.

Looking down she reached out and hugged her friend tight. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have excluded you. Please tell me you were careful though?”

“Yes, I was careful. I did draw a lot of odd looks. You think they’ve never seen a human before.” Smiling up at his friend he almost laughed aloud when he saw the confused looks on their faces. “Well since she’s here I’ll leave you three to have your fun. I have to get to the guard station before sundown, Kade wants me to help her get some new rookies up to speed.”

“Have fun.” Twi blinked as both Pearls moved up next to her. Watching as Kohaku dashed off. Looking down at her Pearl, Twi felt her eye twitch as her brain slowly ground to a halt. “Did he just say he was human, in that world?” To which Pearl only nodded.

Pearl had to admit that her counterpart’s room was almost like her own in Equestria. Aside from being filled with way more Gunpla models and so much else Gundam-related, and other things she couldn’t name. But the one thing that confused her was the large pillow mattress in the corner with traces of green fur. “Do you have a dog or something? Cause I haven't seen one. And no. I am not jealous of all this,” she grumbled.

Twilight and Human Pearl giggled as they snuggled together next to her. “Sure you’re not. And we don’t have a dog,” H. Pearl giggled. “That’s for… I don’t know if I should say or not.”

“You always dodge the question when I ask.” Twi sighed holding her Pearl closer. “All this time and she has yet to tell me why that mattress is there.”

Pearl poked her with a knowing smirk. “Says the girl who never told me about another world in that statue in her school? I promised to keep this secret, and I plan to.”

Twilight pouted for a moment, earning another giggle from her girlfriend.

Pony Pearl heaved off to the side. “Moving on you two lovebirds. Where do I even start with all of these anime?” She grumbled.

Twilight smiled as she pointed at one of the shelves. “There are two ways to watch Gundam I’ve found. Stick to the Universal Century. Or pick one of the Alternate Timelines at random.”

H. Pearl nodded. “And if you do stick to the UC, then there are two ways you can go forward. Go straight from the original to Zeta, or watch Stardust Memory and then watch Zeta.”

P. Pearl blinked. “Why’s that?”

Twilight’s smile grew. “Stardust Memory is, technically, Zeta’s prequel, even though it came out later. One of the Alternate Timelines might be easier because they’re all their own self-contained universe.”

H. Pearl nodded, sighing as she melted into Twilight’s embrace. “Take your pick. We can probably watch two series all the way through if we’re lucky.”

Pearl tried not to think about the looks the two were giving each other as she looked at the shelves. One stood out to her for some reason, as she walked over and pulled out the first volume, before flipping it over. Gundam Seed was emblazoned as its title.

Twilight hummed as the two of them rocked together. “Good choice. I remember watching Seed for the first time on Cartoon Network’s Toonami block. It was my first series.”

P. Pearl gave her a look. “Is it any good? I think I saw this one at the store.”

H. Pearl nodded. “You probably did. The Strike was my first kit way back. Then I added the others and,” she paused before smirking. “Well. Spoilers if I say more.”

P. Pearl huffed as she handed the DVD to Twilight and plopped down. “Well. Guess I gotta start somewhere. Might as well be here.”

Twilight nodded as she set to work getting things going.

By the time the final shots of the Second Battle of Jachin Due faded and the end credits rolled, Pearl could barely hold back tears from all of the emotions.

Twilight and H. Pearl had fallen asleep in each other’s arms sometime before the battle after leaving the Orb Union and only woken up again for the Battle of Mendel and after.

Twilight could see the emotions rolling around the young girl, and smiled. “I know the feeling, Pearl. I felt the same way.” H. Pearl nodded.

P. Pearl nodded, as she pulled her legs close, and tried not to think of the overt racism throughout the entire series. It reminded her far too much of what the Legion of Doom had done. “So here’s my question. How the hell did Kira survive not once. But twice? The Strike’s Phase Shift didn’t matter since the Aegis had a straight shot into the cockpit.”

H. Pear pinched her nose. “There’s a manga that explains it. But it’s a really convoluted reason.”

P. Pearl groaned. Those were the worst kind. “And the Freedom surviving GENESIS? And don’t give me that Athrun self-destructing the Justice was it. It was already firing by then, and just being near the beam destroyed so much of the Alliance’s fleet.”

Twilight pinched her nose as well. “That’s a question people have been asking for years, Pearl. And we still don’t know. Because the plot said so is all we have.”

Pearl pounded her head on her pillow. “Ugh. Stupid writing. It really went downhill after the fight in the Marshall Islands. Operation Spitbreak was cool at least, and the attack on Panama. And the mobile suit designs were cool.”

H. Pearl nodded. “Yeah. They got those right at least. All of the G-Weapons are in Master Grade if you want to get the set. So are the Freedom, Justice, and Providence.”

P. Pearl smiled widely at that. “For being a genocidal maniac, Rau got a cool Gundam. And I thought I knew ponies with screwed-up families.”

The trio giggled at that before Twilight looked at the nearby clock and saw how late it was. “It is late, you two. How ‘bout we call it a night, and pick this up in the morning?”

Both Pearls wanted to argue against this, but Twilight smirked as they yawned nearly at the same time. Now it was twice as cute as it normally was as she giggled and pulled her Pearl close, and drew a blanket around the two of them, earning a contented sigh from her girlfriend,

P. Pearl only rolled her eyes as she rolled herself into her own bedspread. “Try to keep the love-making quiet, you two. Some of us do need to sleep.”

Twilight giggled as she reached out and turned off everything in the room before sighing happily as she closed her eyes and held her Pearl close. “Good night, Pearl.”

“Night, Twilight,” P. Pearl mumbled back before falling into a restful sleep.

Author's Note:

Just felt that the Cosmic Era was a good start on the Alternate Timelines for Pearl. It's how I first found them after I watched 0083: Stardust Memory back in the good ol' days of Toonami. Pearl spending the weekend with Sci Twi and her counterpart was something that I thought of from a comment by Firebolt.

This also leads to an idea I have for Pearl's Gunpla collection moving forward. She will get all of the G-Weapons in Master Grade, as well as the Freedom, Justice, and Providence. Not sure about the Seed Destiny kits yet though.