• Published 29th Oct 2021
  • 379 Views, 0 Comments

What If...? - Dreamless Portal

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Once upon a time in the magical land of Equestria... there once lived an irregular half-breed.

Hello. Welcome to the enigma that are these realities. My name is Dreamless Portal. I am your guide through these vastly different dimensions, to which I both both call home and estranged places. Long ago, I sought to understand and control the magic of friendship in our reality... rather your reality. In doing so, I ventured into the unknown, discovering many monsters, friends, places, and eras. In the end I finally found the answer I was looking for, and yet blinded in my efforts to control that same magic, I lost everything. It cast me out of my reality, rejecting me; rewriting me out of existence. I found that I was now in possession of something greater, how a young fool I was.

These... monsters. You'll come to find might be your worst nightmares, or your best friend.

These... friends. Might be your element of loyalty, or they might give you up for a bag full of caps.

These... places. They are a mystery, and yet they are home.

These... eras. Time long forgotten, or events that lay in the future.

High above the stars, on the moon, an alicorn muttered to herself.

Deep within the treacherous mountains, an egg shook.

To the west, war was brewing.

Striking the East, a young foal had been stealing food.

The Crystal Empire had seen the last of Sombra, or so they thought.

PonyVilla had kept a secret lasting beyond the age of Celestia.

I may see different choices, lifetimes, and even realities now, but I damned myself to losing that which I hold dear... my companions. I am older then even the mighty Celestia, I have seen; heard; and lived every life on Equestria... every Equestria. I now guide others to watch alternate dimensions familiar only to myself, as I must watch them play out over and over and over again.

What are you? Where are you? How did you end up here? When did you get here? Why are you here?

Questions, questions, questions. They may never be answered. They might have already been answered. There are in infinite amount of questions, some that not even Discord can fathom. Although, the great alicorn Faustia did. She knew every step from the tiniest ant creating the biggest disaster.

You may find yourself lost in the deep jungle of the Everfree. You may find new friends lost within the deep depths of the ground. You may find monsters to hiding just around the corner. Have you ever wondered, "What if Twilight was a changeling...?" or "What if Celestia was a tyrant ruler...?" Think to yourself, and ponder the question... "What if...?"