• Published 20th Oct 2021
  • 4,545 Views, 697 Comments

Beyond Blind Eyes - Lunaric

Might not have sight anymore but there's always magic... It might take some time to learn it, though.

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The Questions for Later

"Hey, Raven."

Raven looked up from the study guide on elemental magical theory she was given. "Hm?"

"While I was at the doctor's yesterday, the doctor used a neat spell. I don't remember if he named it when I asked about it but, it allowed him to check if a part of me was fine. Like a scanning spell... Do... do you think I could learn that spell next? I know I still don't have the warming spell down but, I really want to learn it next if possible."

Raven furrowed her brows and looked up in thought. "I... don't know that spell. I can look around for it for the next time we meet, though.

"Oh f-" Aqua cut herself off by clearing her throat as Cotton Ball looked down at Aqua with a frown.

What's-? Hm. I can ask later.

Aqua continued after a moment. "Sorry... A-anyway! Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks, Inks."

Raven leaned backwards for a secondWhat? "... Inks?"

Raven saw Aqua shuffling nervously in her chair. "Uh... yeah. It's a nickname I just thought up... If you... if you want, I can stop it."

Raven felt her cheeks flush. Does she... consider... No. Doubt it. "I'm okay with it. You can call me that." Raven's eyes snapped back to her homework.

An awkward silence began to grow between the three. But, before it could form, Cotton Ball broke it. "Raven, I wanted to ask..."

Raven released her magical grip on her pencil and looked up at Cotton Ball. "Yeah?"

"How long have you been a tutor?"

"Um... Around a year now. Why do you ask?"

"Mainly just curious..."

Aqua spoke up, cutting off Raven's would-be reply. "Hey, Raven. Another question: Uh... When you look at me, what do you see? I know it's a weird question but, yeah." The filly then stood up and planted her forehooves on the table, staring in Raven's direction.

Raven put down her pencil and looked at the filly in front of her and smirked. "Tiny. I see a tiny filly."

Aqua giggled. "Oh, ha ha. I mean more like describe what you think of me... God, that's weird to say..." Cotton looked at Aqua with furrowed eyebrows.

"I- uh... Give me a moment." She is... She's weird... Most foals her age don't really enjoy studying and she seems to understand the topics pretty quickly... And she's small- also how old is she..? Is the room getting warmer? Raven brushed her forehead with a hoof before responding, "I... I think you're weird." Raven's eyes shot fully open. "W-weird in a good way! I-I mean... Like... Most ponies your age don't really care or want to study things but, it's cool that you are- wanting to study, I mean... It's also impressive just how fast you grasp what I'm trying to teach you. It's surprising..." Then, quieter, "In a good way."

The filly in question spoke up, "Huh... Neat... Thanks! Heh, you're kinda cool too." Aqua looked satisfied.

Raven leaned forward. "Okay, now a question for you, missy."

Aqua grinned. "Oh? A question for moi?"

"Yeah; how old are you?" Aqua visibly flinched and barely leaned back, though Raven noticed it not. "You're quite small for how old you seem. On the outside, you look roughly six? Maybe seven?" Focusing back on the filly, Inkwell noticed Aqua was avoiding her gaze.

A few awkward seconds later, Aqua looked up at Cotton next to her, who also looked curious. "I... Uh..." The filly faced Raven once more and continued slowly while shrugging, "I... don't really know..?" Aqua looked like she was in pain.

Raven's ears flattened as Cotton quickly wrapped up the filly in a wing-hug. "I'm sorry."

Raven could hear a voice from beneath the feathers, "No, no. It's fine. It's just... weird and confusing..."

Cotton whispered something to Aqua as she slowly released the hug.

"Really, really. I'm fine. I wish I knew but, I don't. I could be eight, or I could be three. I have no clue..."

Cotton responded, "We'll check with the doctor next time." The pegasus then leaned to the filly while holding out an empty vial.

The two conversed in whispers before filly shook her head and ended the dialogue.

Aqua then looked to both of them. "Also, am I really that small?"

Raven and Cotton shared a look.



Author's Note:

We're at 200 likes and over 20,000 words! Thank you for the continued support and I hope to continue till the end.
We're also nearing the full-year mark since this story was posted.

Sorry, it took... Sorry, my watch broke. Four times the time these normally do. One whole month exactly... Sorry...
Started college again and took an involuntary break to get back into the groove of school.
I'll try to get the next chapter out swiftly in recompense.

Also, something special will happen on this story's birthday.

As always, hope y'all enjoy and have a good day.

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