• Published 29th Sep 2021
  • 324 Views, 3 Comments

Costumes.... - vvHunterr

  • ...

What are you even wearing?

Sunset looked at Pinkie when she had came back from changing into her costume.

"Pinkie..." Sunset said giving herself a facepalm. "What...in the name of sweet Celestia are you wearing?"

"It's a ghost costume, silly!" Pinkie giggled.

"Pinkie, that's not a ghost costume," Sunset said flatly.

"It is! It's white like a ghost!"

"No Pinkie, ghost don't have pointy heads."

"Oh so in your magical world, ghost can't have pointy heads? Is it because it's a crime or something?!"

"No! Oh my god. You can't be wearing that!"

"Quit worrying Sunset, I won't scare the children too much."

"That's not what this is ab-"

"Or is it you that's scared of ghost? You can just tell me and I'll change into something else."

"Sunset's afraid of ghost?" Twilight had came up to them. She was going as a witch for Nightmare Night. She wore a black witch costume and a matching hat to go with it.

At least Twilight has a good costume. Sunset thought.

"No, Twilight. I'm not afraid of ghosts." Sunset grumbled.

"Then why did you say I can't wear this costume?" Pinkie asked.

"Because people are going to be offended when they see you dressed like that!" Sunset said exasperated.

"Not everyone's going to be offended by a ghost. Scared? Maybe but not offended."

"Pinkie, do you even know what you're wearing?!" Sunset asked getting annoyed.

"Of course! It's ghost costume! I already told you!"

"Pinkie, for the last time, that costume is offensive especially to black people!"

"But there is no black people here! There's every single color human in this world except for the black ones!"

Before Sunset could say anything Rarity had came up.

"What's the matter here?" Sunset looked at Rarity's costume and gave herself a hard facepalm. Rarity was dressed as a soldier...but not exactly the 'good' soldier.

"Rarity...what...the hell...are you wearing?" Rarity was dressed in a soldier uniform except for one thing...the symbol on her hat was something...kind of offensive...no, really offensive. Sunset sighed. "Lemme guess. You're going as as a soldier."

"Correct, darling. I'm going as a U.S soldier." Rarity said.

"Rarity, that's not a U.S soldier costumes." Sunset sighed.

"It is too!" Rarity argued. "I think you're just jealous you didn't think of this idea!"

"What? No!" Sunset threw her hands up. "You can't be going as a Nazi!"

"I'm not going as a Nazi!"

"What? Rarity, do you even know what a Nazi is?"

"You mean the one like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels, Heinrich Himmler, and Josef Mengele? Yeah I have no clue what you're talking about."

"You just named some of the most infamous nazis..."

"No I didn't."

"Yes you did, Rarity! Who the fuck do you think those people are?"

"The founding fathers of the United States?"

Sunset inhaled a deep breath through her nose. Rarity, I swear to god I will slap you. She exhaled through her mouth. "Ok, so who were people like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams?" Were they the Nazis?"

"No, I think they're the British people who attacked Poland and invaded the Nazis."

"No...that is so wrong..." Sunet said.

"Nice ghost costume, Pinkie!" Rainbow had said when she walked torwards them. Rainbow was dressed as Daring Do. Not a surprise for Sunset and the others. Daring Do is Rainbow's number one idol, so it was no shock that she would dress in her favorite idol.

"Thanks Rainbow Dash," Pinkie said. "And I like your costume too."

"Thanks, Pinkie."

"Rainbow! Do you not see anything wrong with what she's wearing?!" Sunset asked.

"It's just a ghost costume, Sunset. Chill out." Rainbow said calmly.

"Sunset says ghosts can't have pointy heads," Pinkie pointed out.

"Because they don't!" Sunset argued back.

"Why you having such a cow, Sunset?" Rainbow asked. "It's not an illegal crime to have pointy heads. We live in a society where we can be anything we want. We do not discriminate against weirdly shaped creatures!"

"Rainbow, what do you think Pinkie is wearing?" Sunset grumbled under her breath.

"It's a ghost costume, I don't know why you don't get it."

"No...Rainbow...that's a KKK costume."

"What's the KKK?"

"You mean you don't know..."

"You mean the American White Supremict group that was founded in 1865 and targeted black people and minorities because they thought white people were better and the group continued on until the 1950s and they also killed those black people and minorities by lynching? Yeah I have no clue."

"What?" Sunset asked bewlidered. She let herself think about what was going on. So far Twilight was the only one with a non-offensive costume. She then saw Flutterhy come up. She was dressed as Princess Peach from Super Mario for Nightmare Night. "Nice costume, Fluttershy." Sunset complimented.

"Thanks," Fluttershy smiled nervously. She looked at Rarity. "I like your soldier outfit, Rarity."

"Why thank you, darling," the fashionista responded with a light chuckle.

Sunset was giving up at this point. "Listen, I know Nightmare Night is about dressing up but do you think maybe we should dress as something more...non offensive?"

"Relax, Sunset. You always worry too much!" Rainbow snickered.

Sunset groaned and then she saw Applejack. She wore a western style outfit with a white stetson hat and matching boots.
Her 'costume' also apparently came with a whip. "Applejack...what the fuck are you wearing?"

"I'm going as a farmer!"

"Care to explain the whip then?"

"hehe, well-"

"Or is it for whipping Bambi when he misbehaves?"

Applejack laughed nervously. "Yeah! Totally. What you think I'm going as a slave owner or something? You gotta be crazy if you thought I was."

"Sunset, you're probably just jealous that you didn't think of these costumes!" Rainbow pointed out.

"I'm not!" Sunset said growing even more frustrated. "And where the hell did you even get those costumes?"

"From the black market!" Pinkie said.


"I mean I made it myself!" Pinkie quickly said. Phew, that was a close one.

Sunset sighed and went to change into her costume. It was Princess Leia from Star Wars.

"Who are you supposed to be?" Rainbow asked. Sunset gave an annoyed look.

"I honestly don't know why you're having a fit about out costumes, darling." Rarity said. "Why I think they look marvelous on us!"

"Rarity, we are going to be performing our music in the local park where everyone will be watching? What the fuck do you think they're going to say when they see a KKK member, Nazi, and slave owner come up to them?"

"They're going to say, "WOW! You costumes are amazing!" Pinkie happily replied.

"And I'm going as a dog!"

Sunset looked down to see Spike in his dog costume. "Spike, you're already a dog..."

"I know, and I'm going as one this year!"


"Awww, why did we get kicked out?" Pinkie complained as they drove back home.

"You think it had something to do with our music?" Rainbow wondered. "I knew we should have stuck with Awesome As I Wanna Be!"

"What? No!" Sunset gasped. "It had nothing to do with our music! It was because we wore offensive costumes!"

"Nonsense! Everyone loved our costumes. Especially the little children. They even wanted to thier picture taken with me!" said Pinkie.

Sunset groaned for the last time.

The end

Author's Note:

This story is random and non-canon to my other stories. It's just a little Halloween special.

Comments ( 3 )

I was half-expecting Rarity to be dressed as a Confederate officer based on Sunset's reaction.

But seriously, how does Pinkie not know who the KKK were?

This was good, loved it.

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