• Published 30th Sep 2021
  • 2,564 Views, 5 Comments

Amending Friendships - Sammy Heroes

As sheriff, Hitch need to uphold the law even if its his friend he needs to punish. Sprout needs to make many aplogies.

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Broken Friendships

Author's Note:

Some mentions of Hitch/Izzy pairing becuase I see potential. I really like the name Moonblazer for that pairing. Also, why can't I tag Sprout in the story?

Hitch paced back and forth, trying to calm down his nerves and anger before speaking to Sprout and confronting him about his acts. The red pony currently sat in a couch in a corner of the law office. He was looking down at his hooves with a glare.

“I trusted you to keep the town safe and assure everypony. I trusted you to not cause a war as a joke and you ended up doing exactly that! You built a war machine and convinced everypony to fight in a nonexistent war as soldiers! Those ponies are in need to be protected not to be used as weapons. You also destroyed Sunny’s home and tried to kill us!” He stopped in front of his deputy and glared. “What do you have to say for yourself?”

Sprout kept glaring at his hooves but said nothing. Hitch sighed. “Listen, Sprout. You’re my friend. But I can’t let this behavior continue unaddressed.”

“Did my mother set you up for this?”

“No. But that’s a whole other conversation I need to have with her later.” Hitch simply stared with a saddened expression. “I know you were scared; we all were but—”

“Buck off, Hitch.” Sprout glared up.

Hitch glared back. “Beg your pardon?”

“I said buck off.”

Hitch took a deep breath and sighed. “Before we start insulting each other—”

“Great! Because that’s exactly what I wanted to do today! You get all the fans, all the love—”

“Sprout, what the—”

“— Even animals adore you! I never get anything! This was my chance to prove myself!”

“And look where that got you.”

“Like I said, buck off.”

“Would you stop with the insults and listen to me for a moment!?” Hitch drilled his hoof onto the floor out of frustration. “What you did was wrong! I know you were scared but ponies got hurt! Even the earth ponies you so tried to protect. Three of them are in the hospital for at least one broken leg.”

“Like you could have done better!”

“Actually, I would have!” Hitch groaned.

Sprout rolled his eyes. “Everything is about Hitch Trailblazer! Hitch could do no wrong!” He scoffed. “Pretty sure the unicorn got you under a spell or something.”

Hitch groaned. “Not this again. Sprout, they might have gotten their magic back yesterday, but they barely even know how to use it.”

Sprout scoffed. “While that’s a likely story,” He rolled his eyes. “I meant the unicorn you’re hanging out with.”

“What about her?” Hitch asked suspiciously.

“I’ve seen you getting crushes here and there, but getting a crush on a unicorn? You’re out of your mind.”

Hitch stared for a moment before shaking his head and glaring. “We’re talking about you, not me.”

“Everything is about you.”

Hitch sighed and stepped away from the red stallion. He glanced around his office, looking at some of the changes Sprout had made in the short time he was away. He also noticed his ripped calendar and frowned. He wasn’t even going to ask. It was then that he understood.

“You did all this, not only because of fear towards the other tribes, but because you were jealous? Of me?” He pointed at himself.

Sprout looked away. “I wanted this to be my time to shine and get out of your shadow. To be a hero!”

“You could have done that by simply being a support to the other ponies!” Hitch pointed outside. “You took it way too far and decided to become emperor, for hay’s sake! Do you know how bucked up that sounds!?”

Sprout finally seemed to gain a sense of shame and lowered his head and ears. “Well, when you put it that way…”

“It’s messed up. Even your mother wasn’t agreeing to it! And she agrees to everything when it comes to you!”

They stayed quiet for a moment before Hitch sighed. “…I am currently deciding whether or not I should put you on probation or simply fire you. I should arrest you for basically trying to establish a dictatorship and that goes against democracy but—”

“Don’t take me to jail, please!”

Hitch groaned. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t.”

“… Because I’m still your friend?” Sprout asked carefully.

Hitch glared. “Are you sure about that?”

Sprout looks up with a worried expression. “Aren’t we?”

Hitch sighed and looked away. “Sprout, you’re lucky no pony got seriously hurt other than a broken leg or two. But what if somepony did get hurt? Or worse, what if a pony died that night?”

Sprout looked down in shame.

“Sunny and Izzy were hanging on to dear life from the lighthouse while you were actively trying to… what? Knock them down? Kill them? Because that’s murder attempt by law definition, Sprout. You’re lucky they aren’t going to press charges and Izzy is a very forgiving pony.” Hitch said. “Alphabittle almost got crushed by your hellish machine and he’s considered the leader of the unicorns. That would have been considered assassination. And the queen of the pegasi saved him. What if you accidentally killed the queen too? Then you would have gotten the war you wanted because the pegasi have their own army and they would not have been forgiving.”

The realization that he might have killed a pony seemed to sink in. “The pegasi have a queen?”

“They do.”

“And she saved the unicorn leader?”

“Yes. Believe it or not.” Said Hitch. “Again, nopony wants to press charges. But one hoof out of line and you’re done for, Sprout. And I won’t be able to help you. You’re on very thin ice. And to answer your question, I’m not even sure if I can keep considering you my friend. At least not yet.”

Sprout hadn’t looked up once during the sheriff’s speech. “What can I do to make amends?”

“For once, try to befriend the unicorns and the pegasi. And second, you might need to start making a lot of apologies. I suggest writing a letter to Queen Haven and her daughters, then one to Alphabittle. The pegasi queen is a bit wary about you, so write a heartfelt apology. As for us in town, you’re on probation. I’m not taking your job, yet. If you demonstrate that you can be a model deputy, then you’ll keep your job. Also, I suggest you apologize to Sunny personally. And to Zipp, Pipp and Izzy. Also, community service on the weekends. Lots of it. And you’ll be helping in the reconstruction of Sunny’s lighthouse. There’s no escaping out of that one.”

“…And if I can’t keep my job?” Sprout dared to look up.

“Then I suggest filling out job applications and good luck with that.” Hitch said as he walked towards the door. “This is more than what you deserve for your little stunt. Any other punishment your mother decides, that’s up to her.”

Sprout stood from the couch. “That sounds fair.” He quietly said as he walked towards the exit.


The red pony stood by the exit and glanced up to Hitch. “I’m sorry, Hitch.”

Hitch looked down. “Sprout, I understand you were scared. We all were. But this is for the best. And… I know you were doing all of this because you were also jealous of me. There’s nothing to be jealous of. I never wanted you to feel in such way and maybe I was a bit full of myself. So, I’m sorry for that. I mean it.”

Sprout looked down. “What can I do to make it up to you?”

Hitch lowered his ears. “Try to do all that I said first. Because I know this might sound harsh, but it’s going to take a while for you to get my trust back.”

“I get it. Oh, and thanks…”

“For what?”

“For not really giving up on me.”

Hitch patted him on the back with her hoof. “I know you are a good pony, Sprout. I’ve known you all my life. Just give the other tribes a chance. You’ll be surprised.”

Sprout gave him a sad smile. “You know, I’ll give it a try. Just don’t expect me to change my views so suddenly.”

“And I don’t expect you to. But I expect you to try.”

Sprout looked down. “I know.”

Hitch gave him a questioning look. “You said something earlier, about me having a crush. Why did you say that?”

“Oh, easy. I’ve known you all my life, Hitch. Mares with blue manes are your type. Also, you wouldn’t stop talking about her earlier and you get this certain look on your face—”

“I don’t have a crush on Izzy, Sprout.” Hitch denied.

Sprout chuckled. “Sure, sure. I know I’m not in a position to talk about that, but I thought I had to point it out.”

“I don’t—”

“Just be careful. She’s still a unicorn after all. And she recently got her magic too. They can still brainwash you.”

“If it makes you feel better, I don’t have a crush on her.” Hitch reassured. “And they can’t brainwash anypony.”

Sprout shook his head. “Goodnight, Hitch.”

“Goodnight, Sprout.” Said Hitch as he closed the door to the office and Sprout walked away.

Comments ( 5 )

‘Twas a good story but I am upset no one is mentioning his mothers involvement in the collapse.

This was a pretty nice story and yeah they should have mentioned about sprouts punishment after what he tried to do and he almost gotten some of the ponies killed even sunny and Izzy and destroying her house and the punishment is very reasonable hitch still believes that he can still change but he doesn't trust him slowly he has to earn that trust again anyway this was a pretty good one keep up the good work and the ship hitch and izzy is kinda cute

Hmm, not a bad story. This was certainly a scene the movie needed. I agree with Hitch for the most part. I wouldn’t trust Sprout either. Especially when you realize that he hasn’t lost any of his prejudices, as exhibited by his claims that Izzy is brainwashing him. Those might be “jokes”, but that goes to show how toxic the propaganda has been.

On a more critical note, I noticed that some of your passages were awkwardly phrased. I’m not too upset about it; I think I’m right in assuming English isn’t your first language?

Here’s an example:

“Because that’s murder attempt by law definition, Sprout.”

A clearer way to phrase that would be:

“Because that’s attempted murder, Sprout.”

This is more of an ear thing than something you’d learn just from grammar studies. I recommend reading a lot more English novels. You’ll pick up the cadence of English better doing that.

I look forward to seeing what else you write!

It would be nice to see Sprout try to make amends by repurposing the hatemobile for something good, assuming it hasn't been too damaged. Maybe it can be used for fixing the lighthouse in some way, or at least to haul the construction equipment and supplies?

No, but that's a whole other conversation I need to have with her later.

Sounds like there's going to be a follow up.

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