• Published 27th Sep 2021
  • 269 Views, 1 Comments

The Ghost of Cozy Glow the Third Story - SapphireRose87

Aside from being the Queen of Hell I have other things to worry about. I have to stop a rampaging clown named Mr. Giggles before he eats all of the citizens of Equestria!

  • ...

18) Relationships


I was in my bedroom sitting on the bed, when there was a knock on the door. Dae answered it and came back with a letter in his hand. He grinned as he handed it to me.

I opened the letter and felt my face turn red. Norman had just sent me another love letter. It was describing what my left ear looked like. In his last letter, he had described what my right looked like. Honestly, I don't see the difference, both of my ears look the same!

As I was reading the letter, Dae looked over my shoulder to read it too. After he read it, he fell over on the bed and went into a fit of hard laughter. I put the letter on the nightstand and got into bed, hiding underneath the covers. I couldn't help but think that my brother has lost his mind. Either that or he just needed something to jack off to.

"That's not funny, Dae!" I snapped.

This response only made Dae laugh even harder. It didn't seem like he was going to stop laughing any time soon. After a while of Dae's non-stop laughter, he was actually gasping for air from laughing for so long.

When he finally composed himself, he started to tease me about it. "Aww, that's sweet. I think it's cute that your not-so-secret admirer is admiring you."

"Seriously, Dae," I growled, "again, not funny!"

"I wonder what part of your body he's going to describe next?" Dae teased. "Maybe one of your boobs, perhaps? You do have a nice rack! I wonder if that's why Max keeps chasing after you, along with other men in the Royal Family?"

"Okay, that's it!" I said. "I'm hiding here and I'm not coming out for the rest of the day!"

"You know that's not possible, right?" Dae said. "You're the Queen of Hell, so suck it up and deal with it."

There was another knock on the door. This time it was Parada.

"Is Queen Betty here?" Parada asked.

"Yes, she is," said Dae, "she's just hiding from her latest embarrassment."

"Huh?" Parada said. She must've seen the letter on the nightstand because she giggled. "Oh, I see. Anyway, Cozy Glow's summoning Queen Betty to the Castle in Canterlot. She has something that she's very eager to show her."

When I heard that, it came as a surprise to me. I quickly got out from underneath the covers. "Wait, Cozy Glow is summoning me?"

Parada nodded. "Yup, and she seems very excited about what she wants to show you!"

"Okay," I said, "inform her that I'm on my way!"

Parada nodded and gave a bow as she left. I got dressed and headed to the Castle in Canterlot. I was very curious to see what Cozy Glow wanted to show me.

* * *

Cozy Glow was there to greet me when I got to the castle. I tell how excited she was because she hoped up and down like Pinkie Pie would if she were excited about something.

I smiled at this. "So, what did you want to show me?"

"I've been practicing my Death Walker abilities with Grandpa Discord," chimed Cozy Glow, "and he's taught me some tricks that Mom can only dream of teaching me! Just don't tell her about that. I don't want to make her jealous, okay?"

I laughed. "Don't worry, Cozy Glow, I won't tell Sunset!"

Cozy Glow hopped up and down excitedly as we went to the training area. Once we got to the training area, Cozy Glow stood fifty feet away from a bullseye. Standing proudly in front of the bullseye, she picked up her bow and arrow. She then proceeded to spit out her arrows. What amazed me was that Cozy Glow spit out enough arrows for each feather on her right wing. Balancing her arrows on each feather, she pointed her wing in the direction of the bullseye. She raised her wing as high as she could and quickly let her wing down. All of the arrows shot out off her wing and hit the bullseye. The bullseye exploded, shattering into a million pieces.

I looked at what Cozy Glow did in awe. "Wow!"

Cozy Glow was very happy about the praise.

She smiled. "It took me two months to perfect this attack! Which is why I haven't used it in training yet. As you can see, it's a long-range attack. I don't know if I can use it up close yet."

"That's awesome, Cozy Glow!" I cheered.

Cozy Glow was still excited about what she had just done, but then her expression changed for some reason. She put a hoof over her mouth to stifle a laugh.

I raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

Then I felt someone yank on my tail. "Ow! That's my stupid tail, you know!"

I heard Norman laughing and I turned around to see him. "I think you should make your tail's official name Stupid."

"Well, it's attached to me," I growled, "so knock it off!"

I rolled my eyes because Norman just couldn't stop laughing.

"I can't knock it off, Betty," teased Norman, "it's way too much fun messing with you. Your reaction just adds fuel to the fire."

I rolled my eyes again. "Ha, ha, very funny, Norman!"

Cozy Glow laughed. "Dad, will you stop flirting with Aunt Betty? You're making her uncomfortable. Yes, I know about you two, Mom told me."

That didn't stop Norman from flirting with me. Cozy Glow's statement seemed to encourage it. He reached over and flicked the top of my ear making it twitch. Cozy Glow found this funny and walked away laughing.

When Cozy Glow left, Norman flicked my ear, again making it twitch, and at this point, I was really annoyed with him doing that. "Would you knock it off!"

Norman chuckled. "Nope! Like I said, it's way too much fun messing with you."

Thoroughly annoyed with Norman, I pushed him over, and he fell to the ground.

"Hey!" Norman said. Once Norman was on the ground, I sat on him. This reaction made him laugh.

I rolled my eyes and thought, Norman is getting on my nerves!

"This isn't funny, Norman," I growled, "I'm not getting up until you knock it off!"

"Oh, really?" Norman said. "Well then, we'll just have to have some fun out here then, won't we?"

I realized what Norman was talking about, so I stood up, feeling my face turn red. Norman got to his feet and grinned. "Honestly, Betty, you're giving me more ammunition to tease you. Your face is about as red as a tomato."

I didn't say anything, I just stood there staring at him. I couldn't react fast enough when Norman pulled me into his arms and kissed me.

Uh, don't you normally want to do this in private? I thought.

I wasn't sure if Norman heard me because he didn't stop kissing me. A little while later, he stopped kissing me and looked like he was in a daze. "What were you saying in my head just now?"

"I was saying," I said, "don't you usually do this someplace private?"

"Actually, this is a private area at the moment," Norman replied. "The training area is off-limits when we're in here. Only the family members of the Main Branch are allowed in here and they know what's going on."

"That may be true," I hesitated.

Norman rolled his eyes. "Wow, you're paranoid. However, I'm in the mood to just stand here and kiss you right now."

Norman went back to kissing me again. We broke the kiss when we heard Jasper's voice from behind us. "You two are absolutely adorable!"

I gave Norman a look as to say 'I told you so' and Norman gave me the same look.

Jasper smiled. "At least you two understand each other. Robert on the other hand, I don't think he understands me at all. He doesn't know how to even have a simple conversation. He just keeps giving me creepy bedroom looks."

I felt bad when Jasper said that. It looks like all Robert can think about was sex and not building up a relationship first.

Norman frowned. "Yeah I feel for you, even though Robert and I were friends before we got together, it seems like sex is the only thing Robert thinks about. I've been trying to reason with him about it."

"Yup, and he's a complete knucklehead!" Jasper said.

There was an awkward silence between us until I said something. "We did at least get you two to act civil towards each other. As far as the whole romance thing goes, I'm not sure if anyone can help you with that. I'm sorry, Jasper."

Jasper chuckled. "No need to apologize for Robert. He's not your responsibility. Well, I should go get some sleep. I just stopped by to say hi. See you later!"

Once Jasper left, Norman turned his attention to me. "You've been summoned today already. You can't be summoned until the next day. So I think I'll take the rest of the day off and spend it with you."

I nodded in agreement. I didn't mind spending time with him at all.

* * *

{Cozy Glow}

Norman Jr and I were walking around the castle aimlessly. I was trying my best to console him because of his heartbreak over Ruby getting married. It's safe to say that Ruby won't be at family dinners anymore for the time being. "Look, I know it's upsetting but you have to understand Ruby told you no from the very beginning. Why don't you chase after a girl that actually likes you?"

Norman Jr sighed. "I know, but all of the girls at school pale in comparison to Ruby. Besides, they're all kind of snobby anyways. Except for Bubbles, she's nice, and I don't mind hanging out with her."

I chuckled.

Norman Jr tilted his head. "What?"

Every time I saw Norman Jr and Bubbles together, it looked to me that they might make a great pair.

Bubbles was a young earth pony mare about the same age as Norman Jr. She had light blue fur and a red mane and tail with a blue stripe going down them.

"You know, Junior, you still have a few years to go before you can legally marry someone," I said. "You might be considered an adult, but you can't marry anyone until you're the age of thirty-five, and you're only thirty. But you are old enough to enlist in the Military."

Norman Jr shook his head. "No way, I've decided not to follow in Dad's footsteps! I want to be in show business, which is exactly why I'm going to college like you are! I'm going to be a star!"

"You want to know something interesting about Hell, Junior?" I asked.

"What?" he replied.

"There isn't a specific age that you have to be to become an adult," I said. "Once a child has all of the traits necessary for a demon then they're considered an adult."

"Seriously?" Norman Jr said.

I nodded. "The youngest demon that got considered to be an adult was the age of twelve. You want to know who it was?"

"Who?" Norman Jr asked.

"It was Ruby!" I answered. "And Aunt Betty became a full-fledged demon within days after she died."

"Wow!" Norman Jr whistled. "I knew Ruby was special! I should've known she was out of my league in the first place."

"You know, you should look for someone that is in your league," I said. Then I gave a teasing cough, "Bubbles!"

After I said that, I heard a small squeak from behind us. Norman Jr smiled when we saw Bubbles standing there. When Norman Jr saw her, she flipped some of her mane over her face. Norman Jr took his hoof and gently pushed her mane out of her face with it.

He chuckled. "You don't have to hide behind your mane all the time when you see me, Bubbles."

"I am . . . I . . ." Bubbles stammered.

I bit my bottom lip to keep myself from laughing at this cute conversation happening in front of me. Bubbles kind of reminded me of Grandma Fluttershy. The younger version of her, of course.

"See? I think she likes you!" I said in a sing-song tone of voice.

Bubbles squeaked and hid behind her mane again.

Norman Jr rolled his eyes. "She's my best friend! Of course she likes me!"

I snorted because Norman Jr is about as clueless on picking up on hints as Norman.

Norman Jr paused and it seemed like he understood what I was trying to say. "Are you implying what I think you are?"

I shifted my gaze and lied, "Nope, who said I was implying anything?"

Norman Jr narrowed his eyes at me. "Uh-huh, sure you're not!"

"S-so," stammered Bubbles, "uh, J-J-Junior, you want to hang out today? If you don't mind? I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to . . . I mean I can leave and go home and read a book or something else instead."

Norman Jr smiled. "Sure, we can hang out today. What do you want to do?"

Bubbles looked down and pawed at the ground with her hoof.

Bubbles is so cute! She totally reminds me of Grandma Fluttershy! I thought.

The way Bubbles acted around Norman Jr was adorable.

"You know, Bubbles," I said, "you should come over to Grandma Fluttershy's cottage sometime. Maybe she'll teach her legendary stare to keep Junior in line when you need to?"

Bubbles squeaked and I could tell she was trying so hard not to hide under her mane again.

"W-w-why would I do that?" Bubbles stammered.

I teased. "No reason."

As I started to walk away, I felt better knowing that Norman Jr had someone like Bubbles to hang out with. I also hoped that those two would get together sometime in the near future.

* * *


My ear twitching was what made me wake up. It startled me that I fell asleep because I didn't feel like I went to the Church of Satan to recover from a fight or something like that.

I fell asleep? What happened to me? I thought.

I looked around trying to get my bearings, and I saw I was in the observation room for the training area. The curtains were drawn and I noticed that I was naked and sleeping on top of someone. We were sleeping on top of a huge couch with a king-sized blanket on top of us.

I searched my brain trying to remember what happened. Two things that came to the front of my mind. The first thing was that Norman and I were out in the training area kissing and then the second thing I remember is coming up here.

I was confused about why I fell asleep. Demons don't need to sleep unless they're recovering from something.

Usually, I feel calm after sex but I don't fall asleep. Having sex with Dae calms me down, but I don't fall asleep afterward.

I looked and smiled as I saw that Norman was sleeping soundly, holding me as I had been sleeping on top of him. It felt like he was trying to protect me from something. Even so, I still felt confused as to why I fell asleep.

I fell asleep? My ear twitched as I tried to shake off the confusion.

Norman opened his eyes and yawned. I guess the look on my face said it all because he started laughing. That made it even harder for me to shake off the confusion I felt.

Norman stopped laughing. "You look confused."

"Uh, yeah," I said, "I'm trying to figure out why I fell asleep."

Norman smiled. "That's bound to happen when you're feeling relaxed."

I raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, I feel calm, but I don't usually fall asleep because of it."

Norman snickered.

"Ah. . ." I said.

"Aww, you look so cute right now," said Norman. "Do you remember me giving you that massage on that tense area on your back before sex?"

"So, that's why I don't remember anything!" I exclaimed.

"Good thing I can make the room soundproof with my Death Walker abilities," Norman said.

"Okay," I said, "what time is it?"

Norman looked at his watch. "It's 11:30 AM. Cozy Glow summoned you at 10 AM. Good thing I can put the sun on a timer so it can move every hour, instead of me having to do it manually."

I couldn't think of anything to say to that. I found that I was very comfortable and didn't want to move. Norman reached up and pinched the top of my ear with his index finger and thumb. It was as if my ear were trying to escape from being pinched because it twitched so hard to get away.

"Would you stop that?" I asked, batting his hand away.

Norman seemed to be having way too much fun when it comes down to messing with me. He started laughing again. I was starting to get annoyed with Norman's laughing. "Would you stop laughing? You're getting on my nerves!"

He stopped laughing and said, "At least you're not worrying about that rampaging clown at the moment. Honestly, Betty, if I worried about every single problem that came up in Equestria, I'd be in the hospital every week for it. I know that clown is an important issue but we can't do anything about it until we face him together. Until then, you shouldn't work yourself up so much about it."

At that moment, I thought back to when Mr. Giggles did that attack on me. I remembered feeling helpless, unable to stop what Mr. Giggles was doing to me. More now than ever, I wasn't sure how much strength I had. There's no way I can accept the title of Legend even more so now. I don't deserve it, just like I didn't deserve those two medals I got.

I got snapped out of my self-pity when Norman pinched my ear again.

"What are you thinking about?" Norman asked.

I sighed. "I'm thinking about how much of a failure I am."

"You're not a failure because something bad happened to you," Norman said. "Trust me, I know the feeling. I got attacked by a former teammate when I first became a General. I was almost raped by her when Jasper stepped in and killed her."

I was stunned by this information, so stunned I was speechless.

Norman chuckled. "What's the matter, Betty? You can't shield people from the bad things that might happen. I finally got over your death because I realized the same thing with you. I can't shield you from bad things that could happen."

When I finally got over my initial shock, I realized Norman was right. I thought it was funny because my brother seemed to be able to reason with me. Even though he and Dae were very different, they both managed to reach the same goal when it came down to matters concerning me.

I laughed. "You know something, I hate to say this, but just like I do with Dae, you're right. I still don't think I'm a Legend though. I'm not that special."

Norman snickered. "I'm going to tell you something that Jasper told me before we were married. The sooner you recognize your achievements, the better off you'll be."

I smiled. Once again, Norman said was right. But I still don't think I'm a Legend.