• Published 23rd Sep 2021
  • 624 Views, 4 Comments

Diary Of A Closet Romantic - Lunar Spice

I know I act cool... but I really like the sappy stuff

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Entry 14

Dear Journal,

Today, I started working out again.

I've been ignoring working out for a while, but I felt like I needed to do something to feel normal.

I've just been jogging a bit lately, so I mainly focused on lifting some weights. Can't let my muscles waste away into nothing while pining away for her.

I've also been eating more fruits. Although, I have kept up watching my cartoons. I really can't get enough of them.

I think I'm just trying to make better choices. With my diet and my lifestyle. Maybe if I made better choices with her, I wouldn't be regretting everything.

I think that if I wasn't working out or watching cartoons, I'd still be curled up in bed, eating tub after tub of ice cream. Although, right now I'm still fighting against wanting to stay in bed.

...Maybe I'll give in and go to bed a bit early today. I am a bit sore from working out earlier.