• Member Since 3rd Mar, 2021
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Hello i'm Purple Artist and i'm a friendly alicorn pleased to make your acquaintace. I'm the Prince of Defense of Equestria by being asked not coronation.


Bit Counter (War Veteran and office worker) and his Wife Booker (housewife) try to have a foal but can't so they adopt 1 child mare, 1 late child stallion almost pre teen and there baby brother so they can have a family. They only wanted the baby to raise but the adoption place told them they got to take all 3 of them where they came together but they want to be together so they adopt all 3.
Thanks to Sapphire Rose87 for helping me edit and make this a lot better then the original was.

Bit Counter a cobalt blue unicorn who's a office worker and the husband of Booker.
Booker a pink unicorn who's a housewife and the wife of Bit Counter
Base a iceberg blue pegasus young stallion who hate's his baby brother and the eldest adopted son.
Blue a iceberg blue unicorn the middle adoptive daughter
Purple Artist a moderate purple alicorn adoptive son who always get's picked on and beaten up by his older brother.

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