• Published 23rd Sep 2021
  • 469 Views, 27 Comments

Canterlot & Everfree: The Early Years - Smokey_Cinders

Two colts, a long forgotten steam locomotive and an Equestria with an “out with the old, in with the new” mentality, what could possibly go wrong?.. a lot actually

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Chapter 4: Trespassed Inspections

“And… that’s the deal… you're our best bet for this” Smokey concluded as he sat in the office of a small business in Ponyville which specialized in maintaining boilers and other pressure systems. A tall ghost white unicorn with a pressure gauge cutiemark sat behind the desk, the name Steam Cylinder engraved on the plaque.

Steam nodded as he looked to the papers, documents, and photographs of 13, letting him examine them. Steam’s careful eyes gazed and gazed, checking his notes before he smiled to the two colts. “Well, I do think the engine could be serviceable, but I do understand why you're hesitant to come forward, the requirements are stringent, and I doubt that the both of you being young, and the railroad's current condition will help” Steam said as he stood. “But I will help you to the best of my abilities as a boilersmith!”

Smokey smiled. “Wonderful!” He said with a nod. “So… what’s the plan here? How do we go about this?”

“Well, let’s get the water and a proper pump, and if the boiler seems sound enough, we’ll do a hydro test and make sure it’s suitable for pressure” Steam explained as he picked up his clipboard and grabbed a file of papers and a list of other things he’d need.

A half hour before sunrise, 109 slunk like a large rusty rat through Ponyville’s Main Street, heading once again out into the exchange yard, coming up to a tank car of water for 13 and a boxcar which had items such as the pumps and other tools for the boiler test. Steam rode aboard the diesel with the two colts, the three eager to begin the day, it was very likely one of the most important days for the old steam locomotive.

The trio made they’re way to Everfree with no incident, though due to the fog around the Everclear Trestle, Steam had thought they were about to ride clear off a cliff side, giving him a fright. However, everypony had a laugh afterwards.

The light of dawn was just beginning to brush the tops of the trees as 109 slowly dragged 13 out of the roundhouse, moving it just beyond the turntable, being close enough to the tank car for water. Hoses were connected to the water pumps, and the pumps were plumbed to 13’s injectors.

Steam waved at Smokey and nodded. “Fire it up, let’s get started” he said, Smokey turning on the pumps, water entering the boiler for the first time in over six decades. 13 groaned and moaned as the boiler began to slowly pressurize, Steam looked to the gauges in the cab as he levitated a clipboard.

Smokey and Crosby kept a close eye on 13, calling out every leak as they came. Luckily they were few and far between. While a couple leaks would need attention before firing the boiler, most leaks were superficial at best. As the hours went by, the pressure gauge moved well into the red, having pushed the pressure 25% over the maximum pressure, bringing it to a staggering 250 PSI, where the max pressure was at 200.

After a good while, Steam climbed down and proceeded to do several more tests and checks before nodding. “Smokey, Crosby, while I have found several leaks, I think the boiler should be safe for service. But I am ordering that you keep the pressure below 175 PSI until you can get the flues replaced. While they seem to have been new when installed, I would see about replacing them once you get the line properly open and in service,” Steam said before he looked at the engine. “You know... the reason I became a boiler inspector was to work around these things… If you need anything else, I’m your guy!.. And let me know when you fire it up sometime, I would love to see a working steam locomotive again”

Smokey smiled. “Thank you so much, Steam!” He said as he disconnected the pump and began to slowly drain the boiler, as letting all the water out quickly would warp and distort it. “We’ll do a test fire soon, once we have a couple tankers of water for 13, and a hopper of coal”

“It’s no trouble! And when you go to get a permit, myself and my department will gladly testify that 13 is sound and safe,” he said with a smile.

The sun was beginning to hang low as the boiler was drained and 13 was put back into the roundhouse. Smokey, Crosby and Steam climbed aboard 109 and set off for Ponyville with the boxcar and tank car.

Once they returned, they found Cheerilee waiting for them at the station. Smokey brought the RS-1 to a stop and climbed down. “Hello, Mrs Cheerilee, to what do we owe the pleasure? Came to give me one last report card?” Smokey laughed as he trotted over.

“Hello Smokey! I was wondering if you would like some help. Scootaloo was just talking about this line reopening and mentioned about the...state of the trains,” Cheerilee said as she looked to 109 and the coaches, the paint was fading and rust was poking through. “We were wondering if you would like some help with sprucing them up a bit, I think it would be a great project for my class.”

Smokey looked at the engine and coaches, they desperately needed a repaint. “Hmm, well, I wouldn’t say no! Let me get some paint ordered and...maybe you could come next week?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Oh that would be great!” Cheerilee said with a smile “It’s nice to see this old line coming back! I personally can’t wait to ride! My grandmother worked as a car attendant for this railway, I’m sure she’d love to see it too!”

“Thank ya, Mrs cheerilee,” Smokey said as Crosby helped Steam down. The white unicorn tipped his hat and trotted off to his office to fill out forms in preparation for 13. “When the paint dries on the cars, we’ll be happy to take you and your class up the line to the old trestle and back!”

“My class would love that! Thank you!” Cheerilee said as she turned away. “I best get back to the schoolhouse, papers to grade and all!”

“Oh I remember, y’all take care! And don’t go too hard on them!” Smokey laughed as he went to shut down 109’s engine and looked at Crosby. “How about we celebrate with milkshakes at Sugarcube Corner!”

Crosby grinned, “You're on!” He said as he locked the caboose.

The two made their way to Sugarcube Corner, both discussing plans for the line as they went. Smokey proposed painting 109 black like 13, and the coaches pullmare green, and the caboose red.

Crosby liked the colors for the coaches and caboose, but suggested painting the RS-1 up in the same shade of green, with gold stripes, lettering and numbering.

The two continued to bicker over liveries all the way to Sugarcube Corner. Entering and heading for the counter, plopping down on stools. “Heya, Pinks!” Smokey called with a smile.

“Hiya, Smokey! Hiya, Crosby!” The pink mare exclaimed as she hopped over. “What’ll it be?” She asked in her ever-cheery way.

“I’ll have a chocolate milkshake,” Smokey said with a smile as he glanced at the menu.

“A slice of your best pie!” Crosby said, his eyes drawn to a dish with a freshly baked pie perched upon it.

“Coming up!” She said as she turned to prepare Smokey’s milkshake. “When’s the train opening?” She asked as she glanced back.

Smokey laughed. “First Cheerilee, now you, word travels fast!” He said before continuing. “We’re thinking about the first Saturday of next month.”

Pinkie turned around. “I never miss a chance for a party! Especially one on a train! I’ll have to make a train shaped cake and decorations! Ooo! Maybe a train piñata! And see if pound cake will let me borrow his train set” the party pony rambled as she handed a bewildered Smokey the shake before getting the pie. “And I can’t forget music! And my party cannon!”

The two colts chuckled, amused by Pinkie's eccentric enthusiasm. “Sheesh, Pinkie really goes all in for parties eh?” Crosby asked Smokey before taking a bite of his pie.

“I’ve lived here all my life, this is nothin,’' Smokey laughed.

Soon after enjoying their treats, Smokey and Crosby started for home. As fate would have it, the walk took them back by the station. As they walked by, Smokey noticed a pony standing on 109! He seemed to be inspecting the engine, a second pony standing by him. “Hey cros!” He said in a hushed whisper.

“I see them… what do you think? Vandals?” Crosby asked as the two watched the two stallions, one opening a door to the engine bay of the diesel with his magic.

“Well they ain’t supposed to be there. Go around the engine in case they run” Smokey said as he started for the station, the colt grabbing a wrench he’d left on the platform as he approached. “Can I help you?” He called up in a firm tone.

The two stallions turned, both dressed in suits, one with a clipboard. “Ah, hello, and who might you be?”

“Smokey. Smokey Cinders.” Smokey said darkly as he glared at the two. “Care to explain why y’all are clamberin’ all over my engine?”

The two stallions glanced to each other before looking back to Smokey. “I’m Iron Smelter, and this is Steel Cutter, we own the Iron and Steel recycling facility, it just so happens that when you purchased the line, we were formulating a contract with the Royal Guard to dismantle the line. Myself and Mister Cutter are reasonable business ponies, and we’d be happy to offer you what you paid for this decrepit line plus ten percent for your trouble”

Smokey stared at the two scrappers gobsmacked. “… so… you just offered to buy the railroad that myself and my friend bought and have been working our flanks off… so you can scrap it?”

“Of course,” Cutter spoke up. “It’s a bunch of rust, not fit for trains, it would be best to allow us to do our jobs, and maybe the line can become a hiking trail or-“ the shorter stallion was cut off as Smokey Banged the wrench against the side of the RS-1, making the two jump slightly as the metallic thunk resonated through the whole locomotive.

“Listen to me and listen well, the Canterlot and Everfree Railway is NOT for sale, not one rail, not one spike! You are trespassing! Gentlecolts, I think it’s time you leave MY railway. If not, I will be contacting the authorities.” Smokey said as he controlled his anger.

“Listen here, kid, we’re not about to be pushed around by some kid who wants this junk to play toy trains.” Smelter said as he stepped forward, lighting his horn… Crosby stepping around the locomotive on his hind hooves, holding a shovel in his forehooves.

“I think you should do what my friend asks.” Crosby said venomously.

Smelter and Cutter backed down, stepping back slowly as they climbed down off the locomotive, Smokey watching them go. “If I find one single flaw with any of my equipment or track, expect the guards to come knocking! Because I’ll know who did it!”