• Published 2nd Nov 2012
  • 2,784 Views, 173 Comments

Devil's Regret - All American

Following Devil's Due, Ryan has been forced into exile and is being chased on all sides.

  • ...

The Complication

Some time had passed while we were sitting back at the truck. The sun was apparently coming up, seeing as how we were out all night, and the light made me squint. I missed my hat, honestly. I think I had lost it when I bolted from Ponyville. I hadn’t exactly made a quick or graceful exit. Not like it mattered. I was still alive for what it was worth, even if it wasn’t much. Just two former soldiers, a battered truck, a few guns, a mute kid, and the new guy; Josh. I still had no idea how he was going to react to the whole deal. He honestly might think he is either high or dead. Maybe it is better to let him live out this fantasy. Maybe I could just shoot him in the back of the head and leave him on the side of the road. With any luck, the griffons would think that he was me and would finally call off the search. I’m not that lucky though. Not at all.
I had moved the truck under the cover of the forest and stopped near the edge. We could still keep an eye on the road from here and it kept us covered from the skies. With any luck, we could rest for a while. I sat on the ram of the H2 with my hands in my lap as Josh sat down against a tree a few feet from me. Atlanta hung out in the clouds overhead, keeping us covered from above as Dallas planned the next leg of our trip from the cab of the SUV. Field was sitting down next to my leg as I looked over to Josh.

“Hey,” I started “If you want to ask questions, now’s the time to do it. I don’t want you to think I am holding out on you.”

“I prefer not to talk. I’m still taking this in.” He said as he looked over to me, then down at Field “I mean, this seems like a crazy dream.”

“I know. I was in your position before.” I assured “I came here under even less favorable conditions.”
Josh took a deep breath and averted his gaze towards the road “Where is the engine noise? The jet noise? Streetlights? People?”

“There is no more of that.” I dashed his hopes “Just you and me on the ‘human’ side of things.”

Field jumped up onto the high hood of the truck and took a spot next to me again as Josh looked back to me with eyes that told me he thought I was his enemy “Look prick, don’t get smug with me! You smashed my truck and brought me here!”

“Calm yourself, kid.” I said with a motion of my hand downward.

“No!” He shouted as he stood up and took a step towards me with an aggressive stance.

I jerked out one of my Sigs and trained it on him “I suggest you sit down and shut up, fuckwit. I’m trying to help you. I could just shoot you and leave you here. Make my life a lot easier. I’m offering you a chance.”

“Fine…” He said, almost defeated as he leaned back against the tree he stood near “Tell me… tell me everything. I’ll save my questions for the end.”

“Everything? That could mean a variety of things.” I played as I lowered my gun back into my lap.

“Your story. “ He clarified with a glare “Tell me everything.”

“Alright.” I said, getting a little more cheery “I’ll tell you the whole damn thing. From beginning to where we now stand.”


Not sparing most details, I told Josh pretty much everything. It had taken almost two hours of straight talking to get it all out. I had told him about my entry to this world via bullet, getting my mark, working as a guard, the Gala, Dash, Alex finding me, training my troops, the attack on Ponyville, about being abandon, and Alex getting killed in front of me. The rest is just unimportant details of being lost in a desert. Seems I'm still wandering that desert in a way now. Not to say I missed it or anything. I'm still picking sand out of my ass. Josh nodded to me as he smirked in a way and looked down towards the ground. I let him have a moment as I looked over my shoulder at Field and saw that she was curled up on the hood of the Hummer, basking in the heat coming off of the engine block. I placed my hands on the Sigs that sat on my hips as I stepped off of the battering ram of the truck and walked over to Josh.

I knelt down next to him "Feeling better now that you know? How does it feel to be a fugitive for merely being human?"

"It isn't the first time." He replied as he looked at me, his eyes meeting my aviators.
His eyes had something to them. They were almost black in a way. Creepy as hell if you ask me.

"Look," I started before I felt him punch me in the gut out of nowhere and knocked me to the ground.

"That…is for my truck." He lied as he sent another kick into my side "And for Dash, I guess." He said with a smug grin.

"You sadistic bastard." I muttered as I sat back up and looked up at him, taking every bit of restraint to not strike back or kill him.

"You had it coming." He said as he pulled me back to my feet and brushed my shoulder off "I still don't believe you at all."

"Good for you." I said "Doesn't change the fact this is your reality now." I reminded as I walked over to the hood of the truck and set my hands on it, coughing from the blows.

Josh just flipped me off over his shoulder as he walked to the edge of the tree line and lit one of his cigarettes. I looked over to Field and reached over, brushing her mane with my hand that had a few cuts on it from my fall back on Earth. It was still amazing I hadn't broken anything. I will certainly be feeling this tomorrow though. Best to deal with that when it comes down to it. I smiled at Field as she slept and pulled my hand back, setting it next to her head for support as I coughed violently again, spitting some blood aside before I felt her touch my hand. I looked back at her and saw she had set her head on my hand and was looking at me with a concerned expression in a way. She reached over with a hoof and pushed some of my hair out of my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah." I started as I reached over and patted her cheek with my other hand "I know. Dash told me to take better care of myself all the time too."

Field just glared at me as I gave a shrug and pulled back, putting a few feet between herself and I. I limbered up, trying to stretch out before my back quickly put a stop to it. I imagine that if my back was another person, it would be trying to maim me. I grimaced as I clutched my back and walked over to the driver's side door of the H2. I pulled it open and climbed in, taking a seat on the worn leather chair before I sat back and closed my eyes.

"How'd he take it?" Dallas asked from the passenger seat.

"Who?" I asked, my brain not working for a second.

"Josh." Dallas reminded in his calm, flat voice.

"Oh yeah." I said before I reached over and punched him as hard as I could in the shoulder.

"AH! What in the fresh hell was that for?!" Dallas yelped as he clutched his shoulder and glared at me.

"That is for all of your help when he kicked my ass just now." I reminded as I sat back in my seat.

"I was too busy trying to find a way around the mess you have made." He growled at me as he threw the map in my direction.

The map had red marker going all around it showing possible routes. The only problem was that most would lead through difficult terrain that would leave us open. The route through Canterlot was shot, leaving only a single route that would take us around the outside of Cloudsdale. That could work. I just know I want to put as much ground between me and this place as possible. It is only a matter of time till they find me. I pointed down to Cloudsdale and looked over to Dallas.

"This seems to be our only option unless you want us to shoot our way through Canterlot." I said as I tossed the map back to him "The guns' barrels are getting cool too."

Dallas disregarded my comment as he folded the map "We can move out at night. I suggest you get some sleep. Likely you won't be feeling well tomorrow."

"I know." I deadpanned at him as Field looked back at me through the windshield.

I dismissively waved her off as I slumped forward and set my head down on the steering wheel, staring down at the ground. It was a long day. I had been up for almost a day? Two? I lost count. Not like it mattered. I just shut my eyes for a moment.


A moment turned into a few hours from the feel of things. I slowly opened my eyes before feeling every pain receptor in my body riot all at once. I didn’t want to move from where I was, slumped against the steering wheel. Every joint ached and it felt like I had a griffon pike stuck in my back. I braced myself for a moment before flinging myself back into my seat so I could sit upright. Bad idea.

The pain immediately doubled as my back connected with the seat and I yelped. I clenched my eyes shut and beat my fist against the console to try and kept myself sane before I slowly relaxed and opened my eyes again. From the windshield and open door, I could tell it was maybe some time in the late evening. The sun was coming down and in its last hour or two. The light came through the breaks in the tree cover and I could make out Josh and Field near the woods’ edge. He looked to be happily petting her as she slept again, curled up in her lap.

“Shit…” I mumbled as I fought the pain and tried to gain enough strength to get out of the truck.

With my body now in full rebellion, I gave up and just sat there. I took a deep breath as Josh looked over to the H2 and took notice of me. He carefully set Field aside and climbed to his feet before marching over towards me. I stepped next to me and crossed his arms with a smirk on his face.

“Bet you’re feeling the pain now.” He led as I weakly lifted my left hand and flipped him off.

“Fuck you.” I struggled out before dropping my hand back to my side.

“I was going to offer you a cigarette…” He started as he pulled one out from one of the breast pockets of his army jacket.

“Fine…” I grumbled with a cough from what felt like bruised lungs “Sorry…”

“Better.” He said as he forcefully stuck it between my lips and produced a lighter “And we’re still not friends.”

“I’m just your best bet.” I added as he lit my first cigarette in five years.

It took only a moment to feel the effect but damn, it was relaxing. It was the first taste of one of my old vices in a very long time. I let the smoke fill my lungs and the effects take over. I held the smoke until my lungs burned and exhaled, getting a look from Josh.

“We’ll go with that.” He said as he looked me over and stifled a laugh “Must be your first cigarette in a long time.”

“You have no idea.” I added “They don’t make them here.”

Josh seemed to lock up with that statement and glared down at me “What?

“Yeah. You’ll be going through withdrawal soon enough.” I added with a smug grin as I took another drag from my cigarette.

“You’re not getting another cig from me.” He shot at me as he clutched his pack through his shirt.

“Good… I don’t need the habit back.” I lied, wanting the pack of cigarettes more than life itself at this point in time.

Josh walked around the H2 and took the passenger seat where Dallas usually was. He sat back in the seat and looked out the windshield before turning to me, almost apologetic in a way.

“Look, I still don’t believe this is happening. If it is, I think I died in that crash.” He said, admitting what seemed like a small amount of fear for the first time since I met him.

“You’re very much alive.” I said as I tapped ash away from my cigarette and sat up, fighting pain “All I know is that if this is a dream, I don’t want to wake up.”

“Why?” Josh asked with shock.

“I mean something here.” I said, thinking back on how meaningless my life was before my bullet lobotomy “And I have things worth fighting for. I could have taken the Twelve Gauge Express to the next life at any time now, but I haven’t.”

“I…” Josh started before stopping “They’re just animals, man.”

“The road is over there.” I said as I pointed to the dirt road that led to Canterlot “And if you want out, I’ll lend you the gun.” Josh just remained silent as I looked forward “That’s what I thought.”


A few hours had pass but I still ached like I had been worked over with lead pipes. Dallas and Atlanta had created a fire in front of the Hummer and Field sat with Atlanta. He had his wing around her, keeping her close as the ambient temperature of the forest dropped down into the low fifties. I buttoned up my coat, not really cold, and slowly stepped out of the truck. I took care not to move too much due a freakish amount of pain I was feeling. Josh sat by himself near a tree on the opposite side of the fire, keeping himself isolated from everyone else. I don’t honestly blame him but at least he isn’t hostile… yet.
Seeing as how he still might snap, I sat next to Atlanta and Field so I could keep my eye on him. Atlanta lifted his wing up to release Field and she moved over to me. She rested her head in my lap as I turned to Atlanta.

“What do the skies look like?” I asked as I rested my hands on Field, trying to warm them up since I was used to the desert heat.

“The Royal Guard are flipping out as you’d expect but haven’t left Canterlot. Might as well have been banging their heads off a wall.” Atlanta explained as he looked over at me with a friendly smile, still speaking in an accent I have yet to identify.

“I’m assuming the Guard are for show. Just something to calm the locals.” I assumed as Dallas looked to Atlanta.

“We used to do that all the time.” He said as he set a knife he was sharpening aside “Back when the changelings attacked Canterlot, we were totally unprepared to follow them. We just focused on securing the city. Cowards.”

“I was there, ya know.” Atlanta added.

“Was I talking to you?” Dallas retorted.

I took a deep breath before holding a hand up “Calm yourselves. We’re moving out before sunrise, so save your energy.”

We fell silent for a moment as the fire crackled and the logs shifted, throwing sparks off into the sky. I scooped Field up and set her in my lap, getting a smile from her. I offered on back down as Atlanta clapped his hooves in front of me to get my attention.

“Hey, what the hell has gotten into you? First you slip up in Ponyville and then the whole thing in Canterlot?” Atlanta asked seriously.

“You’re the one that was caught in Canterlot.” I tried to dodge.

“You ordered us in.” He pointed out “I still want an answer.”

I panicked inside my head for a moment before killing the notion and stared him down “I had to at least look. The rain didn’t help. Got it?”

Atlanta maintained eye contact with me for a few brief, awkward seconds before backing down “Understood.”

“Good.” I added to maintain my leadership.

This scared me in a way. This was the first time my leadership had been questioned since I originally took him under my command. It is a constant battle every day and there is no room for an insurrection.

As I thought to myself near the fire, a sound erupted from the woods around us. Atlanta stood up and pulled his knife, holding it between his teeth as I nudged Field off of me and I pulled my 1911 out, tightening the silencer down. The woods beyond the first row of surrounding trees were completely black, shrouded in darkness. I flipped on the under-barrel light of my gun and scanned the woods quickly, only to see nothing, I looked to my side and saw Atlanta and Dallas sitting on either side of me. I couldn’t see Josh, but that was unimportant at the moment.

“Stand your ground.” I said as my muscles continued to protest and I kept my handgun leveled at the forest, looking for what made the noise.

The animals usually kept to the Everfree in this region but we were on the very outskirts of a section of woods that weren’t even connected to the Everfree. A few more moments passed before I lowered the gun and looked down at Atlanta.

“False alarm.” I said before looking over my shoulder to see a few familiar faces.

Shining stood there in black armor with a pair of guards behind him and Twilight standing behind them. I lifted my gun back up at Shining as Atlanta and Dallas took an aggressive stance, ready to pounce. One of Shining’s soldiers took a step forward but he lifted a hoof.

“I wouldn’t say that.” He said with a voice that seemed more refined than what I remember.

My finger tightened on the trigger as Twilight moved around and stood between me and Shining “This stops now!” she demanded “No. More. Violence!”

“How many are surrounding the forest?” I asked as Dallas pulled his knife and prepared to fight.

“It is just us.” Shining said as Twilight glared back at him.

“Ryan.” Twilight said as she prepared herself “Celestia, publically, has a bounty on you.” She said, a flicker of anger in me making me raise my gun again “But!” She fired to get my attention “She is offering to get you over to Zebra lands if you disappear.”

“Bullshit.” I called her out, forgoing kindness at this point “This all just doesn’t go away.”

“I figured you wouldn’t listen.” Twilight added before giving a nod to her left, looking off into the dark.

“What the hell are you doing?” I asked as I shifted over in that direction with my sights trained on an emerging figure.

All was quiet as I lowered my gun, almost dropping it in the process. It was Dash… and she was crying.

Author's Note:

These are going to be kinda infrequent but hey, at least I'm writing.