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Chapter 3 - You're a Witch

With their home literally bombarded by thousands of letters, the Rich family, along with Twilight, quickly packed their bags, loaded them into their car, and sped off. In the end, Filthy stopped the car in its tracks and silently led everyone to the only boat along the shore.

The family began rowing, parking the boat together on a tiny rocky island, where an old rustic hut stood on it.

The hut itself was completely rotten, its boards were falling apart, a moth-eaten old sofa in the downstairs area, and a lumpy old mattress upstairs. A deep breath of air made the whole family hold their noses and shrink their faces.

A few minutes later Filthy and Spoiled came down the stairs with some old blankets in their hands.

"Looks like there's only one bed upstairs" Spoiled announced “Filthy and I are going to take the bed; Diamond can sleep on the couch... and you, Twilight, can sleep on the floor".

A few hours later, a massive storm hit the island.

Lightning lit up the sky, thunder rumbled loudly, rain fell in massive amounts, and waves crashed against the island's rocky shores.

At this point, it was already night and the Rich were asleep. The only person awake was Twilight. She shuddered because it was such a cold night that the storm outside made it so much worse.

At that moment, Twilight lay face down on the dirt floor drawing a birthday cake on the ground. It turned out that tomorrow was her 11th birthday (which was only a few minutes away).

Unfortunately, she had never had a real birthday.

After finishing her "cake", Twilight turned to Diamond's wristwatch. It sounded when the clock struck twelve and it was now officially her birthday.

"Make a wish, Twilight" she told herself, before blowing out the candles on the "cake".

Suddenly, a loud bang sounded against the door, causing Twilight and Diamond's heads to spin rapidly.

Another blow followed quickly, as Twilight leaped to her feet and hid behind the fireplace, while Diamond backed away as far as she could.

At that moment, Filthy and Spoiled came down the stairs. Spoiled turned on the light, while Filthy pointed a shotgun at the door.

"Who's there?" Filthy screeched in fear.

The next blow was so strong that he knocked the door completely off its hinges and fell with a thud. Everyone screamed when a large figure appeared from the entrance. It was so dark that it was difficult to see at first. After a moment, the figure came to light and was revealed to be none other than Spike.

"Pardon the intrusion" he apologized calmly.

He walked to the door, lifting it off the ground with ease, and snapping it back into place. Filthy flinched as he pointed the gun at the mysterious man, trying to look as intimidating as possible.

"Hey, get out of here immediately!" grunted Filthy "This is breaking and entering!"

Spike, completely unfazed by the shotgun pointed at him, simply walked over to the frightened Rich.

"Shut up, Rich!" Spike said "Foolish fool!"

He grabbed the barrel of the shotgun, easily bending it like a flexible straw. The gun went off with a 'BAM!' creating a large hole in the ceiling. Everyone gasped from the loud explosion.

As soon as the fiasco settled, Spike turned his attention to Diamond, the girl who was still huddled against the wall.

"I haven't seen you since you were a baby, Twilight," Spike said, "But now you're grown up. Above all “in the middle”!".

"I... I'm not... I'm not Twilight" stammered Diamond.

At that moment, Twilight came out from behind the fireplace and faced the mysterious man.

"It's… me" she said nervously.

"Oh, of course it's you! I have something for you. I had to come sitting on it! But I guess it still tastes just as good" said Spike, before pulling out a small white box, with a blue ribbon on top. "I have done it, with his words and everything".

Spike hands the box to Twilight, while everyone in the room looked on curiously.

Twilight opens the lid and discovers a cake covered in pink frosting. Written across the top of the cake, the words read "Happee Birdae Twilight" in green frosting.

"Thanks!" Twilight smiled.

"It's not every day someone turns eleven, eh?" Spike replied.

While Twilight admired the cake, Spike sat down next to the couch.

He pulls an umbrella out of his coat and points it at the empty fireplace. At that moment, two sparks came out of the tip and a fire starts out of nowhere, while the family gasps in surprise.

"Excuse me" Twilight said, putting down the cake "But… who are you?"

"My name is Spike. Keeper of the keys and grounds of Canterlot High" the man introduced "You will already know everything about Canterlot High, right?"

"I'm sorry… but no" Twilight shook.

"No?" Spike asked, surprised. "Hell, Twilight, don't you know where your parents learned everything?"

"Learn what?"

"You're a witch, Twilight"

Twilight's eyes widened in shock, her face showing complete confusion.

"What I am what?" Twilight gasped.

"A witch" said Spike "And one of the good ones, no doubt. As soon as you train a little".

"No, you made a mistake" objected Twilight "I... I can't be... a witch. I'm just... I'm Twilight. Just Twilight".

"Fine, Just Twilight" Spike replied "Have you ever done something that you can't explain being angry or scared?"

Twilight's face softened at Spike's question, while in her mind she couldn't help but recall the events of the zoo visit and the snake.

Eventually, Spike hands Twilight the same letter that they had sent her in the past. Finally, Harry opened the envelope and read the letter aloud.

"Dear, Miss Sparkle" read Twilight "We are pleased to inform you that she has been admitted to the Canterlot High's College of Magic and Sorcery".

"Well, she doesn't go because I say so!" Filthy said, facing Spike "By adopting her, we swore we would end this nonsense!"

"Did you know!?" Twilight spoke up angrily "Did you know and have you never told me !?"

"Of course. How could you not be, my sister being who she was? Oh, my parents were so proud, the day she received the letter. We have a witch in the family, how wonderful!" Spoiled said, as she walked towards Filthy "I was the only one who saw her as she was... a monster!"

"She meet Night Light and they had you, and I knew that you would be just like them, so strange, so... abnormal. And as if that weren't enough, she died in that explosion, and we had to stay with you".

"Explosion!?" Twilight spoke angrily "You said they were killed in a car accident!"

"Car accident?" asked Spike "How could Twilight Velvet and Night Light die like this!?"

"We had something to say" Spoiled said, defensively.

"It's an outrage!" yelled Spike "A scandal!"

As the Richs argued with Spike and Twilight, no one noticed Diamond taking Twilight's cake from him.

"No, she won't go!" Filthy insisted.

"Oh, so a puny muggle like you is going to stop her, right?" Spike asked.

"Muggle?" Twilight asked, confused.

"Non-Magical People" Spike translated, before facing the Rich family "This girl's been enrolled there since she was born!"

As Spike spoke, Diamond was messily chewing on Twilight's cake.

"She's going to study the best magic school in the world" said Spike "And she will be with the best principal Canterlot High has ever seen: Celestia Solaris".

Hearing that name, Twilight couldn't help but smile.

"I'm not going to pay for a crazy woman to teach her magic tricks!" Filthy snapped.

At those words, an enraged Spike grabbed her umbrella, pointing it at Filthy, threateningly.

"Never… insult Celestia Solaris… in my presence!" Spike warned.

Spike finally saw Diamond eating Twilight's cake, getting a little idea.

Using his umbrella, Spike fired a magic spark at Diamond's bottom, causing him to sprout... a pink pig's tail. The Richs scream in horror, and run upstairs, leaving Twilight and Spike alone.

Twilight couldn't help but laugh at what she saw.

"Hey, I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't bring this up at Canterlot High" Spike whispered "Now I'm not authorized to do magic".

"Okay" Twilight said, promising.

Spike then pulled out a small pocket watch, shocked at what time it was.

"It's getting late. Let's move on".

Spike heads for the door, pulling it down again before exiting. He slowly turned to Twilight.

"Unless you prefer to stay, of course. Hmm? "

When Spike left, Twilight was left considering her options, but in the end she smiled, as she turned in the direction the Richs had gone.

Realizing what he had to do, Twilight grabbed his jacket and followed his new friend.

Author's Note:

Next stop: Canterlot City