• Published 10th Sep 2021
  • 500 Views, 4 Comments

Strength of the Night - Emerald Aura

The events of the pilot episodes, Friendship is Magic: Parts 1 and 2, are retold through Luna's perspective.

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The Element Bearers

Luna came to herself as Nightmare Moon flew through the night, a wisp of smoke streaking towards Ponyville. She had almost lost herself. In fact, she was shocked to discover that she was even still here. She had never felt so distant or so weak as she had when Nightmare Moon had banished Celestia. Nightmare Moon’s rage had been so powerful, so overwhelming, that it had almost obliterated Luna once and for all.

But she was still here, the small part of Luna that had endured throughout the centuries. Why was she still here? Had Nightmare Moon consciously chosen for some reason to not completely destroy Luna? Or…was it that Nightmare Moon couldn’t destroy Luna?

But either way, she couldn’t take that risk again. She didn’t know what would happen if she drew Nightmare Moon’s ire once more. She curled up into the dark recesses of the Nightmare’s mind, waiting, watching, as she had for centuries.

Nightmare Moon saw Ponyville beneath her, a sprawl of colorful buildings lit by the moon. She could hear the voices of ponies coming from a large building in the center of town. If she was going to find out what Celestia’s plan was, that would be where she would learn it.

She peered in through a window in the building to see that the ponies were gathered, staring at a balcony in the building. She gathered from their conversation that they were waiting for Celestia to appear. Grim satisfaction filled her heart. You will soon meet your new Princess, one more beautiful and more powerful than Celestia ever was.

She teleported into the room in a surge of smoke before appearing in the flesh before her new subjects. The ponies looked up on her with a collective gasp, quaking at the sight of her imposing armor, cat-eyes, and fanged teeth.

“Oh, my beloved subjects,” Nightmare Moon said, basking in their fear. “It’s been so long since I’ve seen your precious little sun-loving faces.”

Luna realized that Nightmare Moon was loving this. She loved watching these ponies quake in fear. This was what Nightmare Moon lived for. But Luna…Luna didn’t like this at all. She vaguely remembered that back when she had first created Nightmare Moon, she had taken a thrill out of the fear that she could inspire in other ponies. But now, it just felt like a cheap substitute for the love that she craved.

“What did you do with our princess?” a pegasus with a rainbow mane demanded. She surged forward as if to attack before an orange pony with a hat stopped her, holding her back.

Interesting, Nightmare Moon mused. The rainbow one doesn’t fear me. She’s feisty. I think I recall this pony from seeing her dreams…This one wants to be a Wonderbolt, yes? I must remember her. She would make a good captain of my new royal guard.

Nightmare Moon laughed and said, “Why? Am I not royal enough for you? Don’t you know who I am?”

“Ooh, ooh, more guessing games!” a pink pony said. Nightmare Moon felt a twinge of annoyance. This pink one was insufferably perky. “Um, Hokey Smokes. How about Queen Meanie? No, Black Snooty, Black Snooty!”

The orange, hatted pony, still holding back the rainbow one, stuffed a cupcake in the pink one’s mouth, silencing her. The orange pony is wise. She knows better than to allow her friends to antagonize me.

“Does my crown no longer count now that I have been imprisoned for a thousand years?” Nightmare Moon asked. “Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?”

“I did, and I know who you are,” a purple unicorn said confidently. “You’re the Mare in the Moon, Nightmare Moon.”

Nightmare Moon focused in on the purple pony as collective gasps sounded around the group. Now this was interesting. So, Celestia had decided to allow Luna to fade into myth. No surprise there; Celestia had never viewed Luna as anything more than an embarrassment and a disappointment, and she would have wanted to erase her from history. But this purple pony knew who she was…A favored student of Celestia, perhaps? Now that she thought of it, Nightmare Moon actually recalled seeing this purple pony in Celestia’s nightmares. This purple pony was Sunset Shimmer’s replacement; Celestia feared that she would go down the same path that Sunset Shimmer had gone down. If Celestia had told her student about Nightmare Moon’s return, she doubtlessly had something to do with Celestia’s plan.

“Well, well, well, somepony who remembers me,” Nightmare Moon said. “Then you also know why I’m here.”

“You’re here to…to…” the purple pony gulped, unable to finish. Celestia taught her student to fear me. Good.

Nightmare Moon laughed and said, “Remember this day, little ponies, for it was your last. From this moment forth, the night will last forever!” Time to make my exit. I’ve learned what I needed to know. She laughed, and lightning crackled down her mane and tail, sending a collective gasp through the ponies.

“Seize her!” a pony said. “Only she knows where the Princess is!” Royal guards surged forward at the pony’s command.

Pathetic. “Stand back, you foals!” Nightmare Moon shouted as she sent a surge of lightning towards the guards. They jumped back in fear. Nightmare Moon laughed once more before turning into a wisp of smoke and storming out of the building.

Once she was out of sight, she doubled back, sticking to the darkest parts of town to avoid being seen. She flitted between the shadows of the night, following the purple pony. What was her name again? She knew it from Celestia’s dreams…Twilight Sparkle, perhaps? That sounded right.

This pony was the key. Celestia’s plan rested with her. Nightmare Moon followed the mare to a library. She was walking with a group of ponies. The rainbow one, the pink one, the hatted one, a yellow pegasus with a pink mane, and a white unicorn with a purple mane. Were they all savvy to Celestia’s plan?

The ponies went into the library, and Nightmare Moon hovered by the window, listening in on their conversations. Luna listened intently as well. She needed to know Celestia’s plan just as badly as Nightmare Moon did. She hoped that Celestia’s plan was a good one. Though she was still kind of on the fence about it, she partially hoped that Celestia actually won. She was tired of being Nightmare Moon, and she wasn’t looking forward to the guilt she would feel when the ponies of Equestria suffered beneath Nightmare Moon’s harsh rule.

A chill went down Nightmare Moon as she heard Twilight Sparkle mention the Elements of Harmony.

The Elements…the same weapons that Celestia had used to banish her in the first place. Celestia’s plan had been to use the Elements all along. But rather than using them herself, she had sent her student to find them and use them against Nightmare Moon. Clever Celestia. As Nightmare Moon peered through the window, she noticed that Twilight and her friends totaled six ponies. One for each Element, perhaps? Yes, Celestia had clearly thought this through. As Nightmare Moon listened, she heard Twilight mention the Castle of the Two Sisters. So, she knew where the Elements were, too.

Well then, I simply need to make sure that these ponies never reach the Elements. Then Celestia’s plan will be thwarted, and I will be the unchallenged ruler of Equestria for all eternity.

For a moment, Nightmare Moon considered how she would stop them. The simplest approach would be to confront them directly. It wouldn’t be much of a challenge for her to destroy them all. A disintegration spell would do the trick.

NO! Luna thought. You can’t!

What? Nightmare Moon responded. You dare challenge me? Go back to the mental prison where you belong, weakling!

Nightmare Moon tried to shove Luna deeper into her subconscious, where the pesky old version of her would no longer get in the way. But Luna resisted with shocking strength.

You can’t kill them, Luna thought as she struggled to rebuff Nightmare Moon’s attack.

And why can’t I? Nightmare Moon responded, exerting all of her mental force to drive Luna back into oblivion. But Luna held firm.

Because…because that would be too easy. It would be a surrender to Celestia!

Nightmare Moon paused. What do you mean?

Celestia…Celestia intended these ponies to inherit the Elements of Harmony. Killing them would stop Celestia’s plan, yes. But you know what would be even better? What if…what if you proved that Celestia was mistaken? If you proved that these ponies are not worthy to bear the Elements? You are Nightmare Moon, the master of nightmares and the queen of mental deception. If anypony can get inside these ponies and expose their weaknesses, you can. If you prove that Celestia was wrong and that these ponies can’t use the Elements, that would be the ultimate way to humiliate her. That would be your ultimate victory over her.

Nightmare Moon considered for a moment. You…you may be right. Yes, we will start there. We will follow these ponies and destroy them from the inside. That would just drive Celestia crazy, wouldn’t it? And if it doesn’t work, I can just destroy them. Or the Elements themselves. Either way.
For once, it seems like you had a good idea, Luna. Perhaps you have become more like me after a thousand years of solitude? If you continue to please me, then perhaps I won’t destroy you, and we can coexist.

Luna made no response except to draw back into the darkest corners of her mind.

Nightmare Moon followed the little ponies as they left the library towards the Everfree Forest.

Luna was both relieved and shocked. What had she done?

She had defied Nightmare Moon and survived.

It had been an impulsive decision. A foolish decision. How could she have risked herself by drawing the Nightmare’s attention? She couldn’t fight the darkness. It was so powerful, and Luna was so weak.

But somehow, by some miracle, it had worked. Her plan had succeeded.

Nightmare Moon would try to challenge the ponies to prove that they were not worthy to wield the Elements. But if Celestia was right and these ponies were worthy to wield the Elements, then Nightmare Moon’s trials would only make the ponies stronger and make them even more worthy.

This was Luna’s last chance. If she couldn’t be free of Nightmare Moon, then she at least needed to do what she could to make sure that Nightmare Moon failed. She needed these ponies to use the Elements of Harmony against Nightmare Moon. The Elements would banish Nightmare Moon again. Luna wasn’t sure if she was ready for another thousand years of solitude, but…she didn’t have a choice. Equestria didn’t deserve to suffer Nightmare Moon’s wrath. Nightmare Moon had already caused enough grief for the ponies of Equestria. And Luna had suffered enough guilt on their behalf. If Luna could do anything to stop Nightmare Moon’s imminent reign of terror, she had to do it. Even if it meant being banished for another thousand years.

* * *

Nightmare Moon watched in anticipation as the little band of ponies walked over a patch of stony ground, a steep slope and a sharp drop-off to their flanks. This was the perfect opportunity. She pressed her ethereal form into tiny cracks in the stone. The stone broke, sending the six ponies tumbling off the edge.

The pegasi took to the air, of course. One pegasus grabbed the pink pony, while another grabbed the white unicorn. The orange pony caught herself on a branch, but Celestia’s prized student slid towards the edge. Nightmare Moon watched in eager anticipation. If Twilight fell, that would end it. Celestia’s plan would be thwarted. Luna watched on in silent horror inside Nightmare Moon’s mind.

“Hold on, Imma comin’!” the orange pony yelled. She slid down to Twilight and caught her. Twilight dangled halfway off the edge, vainly struggling to get back up.

“Applejack, what do I do?” Twilight cried, panicked.

The orange one thought for a moment, then said, “Let go.” Nightmare Moon saw that the pegasi had dropped off the pink one and the white one, and they were circling back around to help Celestia’s student.

“Are you crazy?” Twilight exclaimed.

“No, I ain’t,” the orange one said. “I promise you’ll be safe.”

“That’s not true!”

“Now listen here,” the orange one said with a tone of urgency and sincerity. “What I’m sayin’ to you is the honest truth. Let go, and you’ll be safe.”

A moment’s hesitation. Then Twilight let go, trusting that the orange one was being honest. She plummeted for a few seconds before being caught by the pegasi.

Nightmare Moon stared on in disappointment. Twilight Sparkle one had almost died. That would have been a simple, easy solution to this. But she had plenty more tricks to make these ponies fail.

Deep within Nightmare Moon’s mind, Luna felt a buzz of excitement. Honesty. The orange one was honesty. After what Luna had just seen, she was certain that the orange one could attune the Element. This might work just yet.

Nightmare Moon continued down the path that led towards the Castle. Her next opportunity presented itself in the form of a manticore blocking the pathway. She transformed herself into a thorn and embedded herself in the manticore’s paw. The manticore roared in rage and paced around in agitation.

With the manticore in a sour mood, it would likely attack the ponies on sight if they tried to pass. Best case scenario, the manticore killed the ponies and ended this. Even if the ponies came out on top, could they really claim to represent the Element of Kindness after harming an innocent creature? The plan was foolproof.

When the ponies came, Nightmare Moon’s plan began to work perfectly. The manticore attacked, and the ponies fought back. All of the ponies except the yellow pegasus, that was. The yellow one was trying to get their attention, but the others were too busy with the manticore.

After a few moments of scuffling, the ponies all charged as one, ready for battle against the manticore.

Yes, Nightmare Moon thought happily. Defeat the manticore. Kill it. Kindness will be out of your grasp.

“WAIT!” the yellow one yelled, putting herself between her friends and the manticore. Her friends stopped. She calmly, quietly approached the manticore. “Shh, it’s okay,” she said, nuzzling the manticore’s paw.

The manticore showed the thorn to the pony. Oh come on, Nightmare Moon thought. Foolish pony. That could have cost you your life. Stupid beast, why didn’t you just attack her?!

“Oh, you poor, poor, little baby,” the pony said. “Now this might hurt for just a second.” She grabbed the thorn that Nightmare Moon was disguised as and ripped it out of the manticore’s paw. The manticore roared in pain but quickly began to affectionately lick the pegasus. The pegasus tossed the thorn to the side.

“Oh, you’re just a little old baby kitty, aren’t you?” the pegasus said in a grossly cutesy voice. “Yes you are, yes you are!” Please spare me this, Nightmare Moon thought, disgusted. Why must you be so cute? Honestly.

“How did you know about the thorn?” Celestia’s student asked as she passed the pegasus. How indeed? Nightmare Moon wondered.

“I didn’t,” the pegasus said. “Sometimes we all just need to be shown a little kindness.”

Luna felt a jolt of excitement. The yellow one was Kindness. She could attune the Element. Her plan was working.

With an annoyed groan, Nightmare Moon shifted from the discarded thorn back into a cloud of smoke. Fine, she thought. Fear will make them leave.

She went ahead of the ponies into a dark, thickly treed section of the forest. She split her magic into many different pieces, embedding herself in the whole grove of trees. As the ponies approached, she created illusions on the trees, making them glow a sinister red and twisting their bark into horrifying faces.

The ponies gasped and screamed in terror. For a moment, Nightmare Moon was sure they would flee in fear. I am the master of nightmares! I can instill fear in anypony!

Except…except the pink one, apparently. The pink one didn’t scream in fear. She laughed. She literally laughed in Nightmare Moon’s face. Not directly; Nightmare Moon was hiding behind the illusion. But still, Nightmare Moon felt a surge of rage. The pink one started making ridiculous faces at Nightmare Moon’s illusions and continued to laugh.

“Pinkie Pie, what are you doing?” Celestia’s student asked. “Run!”

“Oh girls, don’t you see!” the pink one said in an insufferably happy voice. Then she started singing. “When I was a little filly and the sun was going down!”

“Tell me she’s not,” the purple one said.

Twilight Sparkle, Nightmare Moon thought, I have never related to anypony as much as I relate to you in this instant.

“The darkness and the shadows, they would always make me frown!” the pink one continued.

No no no no! Nightmare Moon thought. She left immediately, not willing or able to sit through a spontaneous, annoying, cutesy, ridiculously happy song. The illusions would fade over time. She continued down the path in a rage. I hate that pony, Nightmare Moon fumed.

Laughter, Luna thought. The pink one is Laughter. I’ve never seen a pony laugh in the face of Nightmare Moon’s illusions. There’s no doubt of it. The pink one is Laughter. Three down.

As Nightmare Moon stormed down the path, she thought, I’ll do the next one from a distance. I don’t think I can take another song. She cut off the mustache of a sea serpent as she passed by a stream that blocked the way. Hopefully, the sea serpent would be upset and wouldn’t let the ponies pass. Even she had to admit that it was a pretty half-hearted attempt, but she was still mentally recovering from the fact that the pink one had randomly burst out into song.

The ponies approached the stream after some time. Nightmare Moon watched from the shadows as the sea serpent wept and wailed over the loss of his “beautiful” mustache. Wow, I forgot how incredibly sensitive the inhabitants of Equestria are. I just got back from being banished for a thousand years, and this sea serpent is having a pity party because I cut off his mustache.

As Nightmare Moon watched, the white unicorn cut off her own tail and used it to replace the sea serpent’s mustache. Nightmare Moon groaned in annoyance. The sea serpent was calmed and allowed them to pass the stream.

As Nightmare Moon flew further down the path, Luna counted out the Elements. The white unicorn was Generosity. We already had Honesty, Kindness, and Laughter. That leaves Loyalty and the Sixth Element. We still don’t know what the Sixth Element is…Celestia never told anypony what the final Element was, not even me. But I have to trust that Celestia knows what she’s doing. It will be her student who figures out the Sixth Element. So Loyalty is next.

Nightmare Moon was counting out the Elements at the same time. Celestia was good at this. The ponies she had chosen were perfect representations of their respective elements. It was infuriating. Why did her sister have to be so perfect? Couldn’t she just make a mistake, for once? But wasn’t out of chances yet. Next was Loyalty. That would be the rainbow pony. Fortunately, she remembered the rainbow pony’s name: Rainbow Dash. She knew her from her dreams. She wanted to be a Wonderbolt. That was something that Nightmare Moon could work with. This was her last shot. If this didn’t work, she would have to concede the fact that she had failed to prove that the ponies weren’t worthy of the Elements. She would need to give this one her best.

First, to isolate Rainbow Dash. Nightmare Moon came across a bridge on the path to the castle. She cut the bridge and waited on the other side. One of the pegasi would have to cross the gap and secure the bridge. If the yellow one volunteered, the plan wouldn’t work, but the yellow one was timid, and Rainbow Dash was fearless. Rainbow would fall for the bait.

When the ponies came, everything went according to Nightmare Moon’s plan. Rainbow Dash volunteered to cross the gap. Once she was isolated, Nightmare Moon began her illusion. She generated a haunting, echoey voice that emanated from the mist to get Rainbow Dash’s attention.


“Who’s there?” the pegasus demanded.


“I ain’t scared of you!” Rainbow said, rearing back on her hindlegs and taking a fighting pose. “Show yourself!”

Nightmare Moon smirked. Fearless indeed. “We’ve been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the best flier in Equestria,” her echoey voice said.


“Why you, of course!” She remembered this one’s ego from her dreams. This pony would fall for it, she was certain.

“Really?!” Rainbow said, excited. “I mean, oh yeah, me! Hey, you wouldn’t mind telling the Wonderbolts that, would ya? ’Cause I’ve been trying to get into that group for like, ever!”

Time for the reveal. “No, Rainbow Dash, we want you to join us, the Shadowbolts!” Nightmare Moon projected an illusion of three pegasi coming out of the mist, dressed in a dark parody of the Wonderbolts’ outfits. Nightmare Moon allowed herself a moment of pride; it was a rather good illusion. “We’re the greatest aerial team in the Everfree Forest. Soon, we will be the greatest in all of Equestria. But first, we need a captain.”

Rainbow’s eyes got wide and full of glee. Gotcha, Nightmare Moon thought.

“The most magnificent…”

“Yep,” Rainbow said happily.



“Bravest flier in all the land.”

“Yes,” Rainbow said, proud. “It’s all true.”

Nightmare Moon rolled her eyes behind her veil of mist. This one had an ego the size of whale. This was almost too easy. “We need you,” her illusion whispered.

“Woo-hoo!” Rainbow exclaimed. “Sign me up!”

Luna grew nervous. Nightmare Moon had her. If Rainbow couldn’t attune the Element of Loyalty… it would all be over.

“Just let me tie this bridge real quick, and then we have a deal,” Rainbow said.

“No!” Nightmare Moon cried. “It’s them or us!” Hesitation and doubt crossed Rainbow’s face.

“Rainbow, what’s taking so long?” a voice said. Nightmare Moon looked across the chasm to see Twilight Sparkle. The purple pony made eye contact with Nightmare Moon’s illusion. “Rainbow!” Twilight said, worried.

No! Luna and Nightmare Moon thought at the same time. She must do this alone! At Nightmare Moon’s command, a blanket of fog closed in across the chasm, blocking Twilight’s view.

“Don’t listen to—” Twilight began to say, but Nightmare Moon’s magical fog deadened the sound before Rainbow noticed.

“Well?” Nightmare Moon asked. Both her and Luna were filled with anticipation.

“You…” Rainbow said softly.

Nightmare Moon grinned. Yes! I did it! I proved that these ponies are not worthy to wield the Elements! Take that, Celestia!

Luna’s heart fell.

“Thank you,” Rainbow said, “for the offer, I mean. But I’m afraid I have to say no.” Rainbow tied off the bridge and took off across the chasm.

NO! Nightmare Moon thought. I had her! I knew her deepest desires and her dreams! Why would she turn this opportunity away?

Luna mentally sighed in relief. That had been close. But Rainbow had come out on top. Her loyalty to her friends had trumped her greatest desires. She could attune the Element of Loyalty. The five known Elements were tested and accounted for. All that remained was to hope that Celestia’s student could discover the Sixth Element.