• Published 29th Aug 2021
  • 407 Views, 5 Comments

Destiny's Gambit Part I: The Wayward Soul - Echoes of the Voice

Lieutenant Forest Evergreen is hailed as a hero, yet the princesses suspect him of treason.

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Prologue: Counting Stars

Theme: “Pain” by Lucas King

The downpour of rain upon the city of Manehattan gave Umbral Star one comforting thought, that the world wept for him; but that comfort shattered at the clap and echo of rolling thunder. Of course. He’d forgotten. Just as much as the world wept, it laughed at his pain.

If not for the police officer guiding him, Umbral would’ve been alone out in the streets. Unsurprising, considering how late it was. The streetlights were lit, bright and strong, but the deluge was so thick that no more than five were visible at a time. The unicorn wondered if he could still see the lights from the skyscrapers, but it was a passing thought. He didn’t care enough to lift his head. All he wanted was to endure the pelts of rain until they reached their destination. Perhaps learning that umbrella spell would’ve been a good idea after all; but once more, that thought passed like a ship in the night.

Umbral glanced back at where his apartment would’ve been. He was so close to finally achieving some normalcy in his life, that he could rise above the ashes of his broken childhood and lead a life worthy of a stallion of Equestria. Yet, it was stolen from him—and he didn’t know why.

No. That wasn’t right. Umbral knew, and it crippled him.

“This is it,” the officer said, pointing with his hoof.

They both looked upon one of the shorter buildings of downtown Manehattan, with a sign that read:

Manehattan’s Open Door
Shelter for the Homeless
Open 24 Hours

The place that, for now, he must call home. They approached the door and took shelter under the canopy.

“Thank you,” Umbral muttered. How weak and hoarse his voice was.

“Wait,” the officer said. Umbral, who was reaching for the knob, stopped. “Do you want to talk?”

He was tempted. There was something oddly relaxing about the officer’s voice, like a glass of warm milk in oral form. But the desire to be alone overrode that temptation, so in the end, he said no.

“Ah,” he sighed. “Then at least let me say this. I could tell you were telling the truth back there, but from a legal standpoint, there is nothing I can do. And that kills me inside. These are truly awful circumstances to be in.” He stuck his nose into one of his pockets and pulled out a small slip of paper between his teeth. After laying it on the ground, he pulled out a pencil and wrote with his mouth, “Officer Specter, Manehattan Police Department, 18th Precinct.” He slid the paper to Umbral. “If you decide you want to talk after all, just write me a letter. Name the place and time and if I can make it, I’ll be there. It’s times like these that you could use all the friends you can get.”

Umbral picked up the paper, clenched between his teeth. “Okay. Thanks.”

“I hope the rest of your night goes better. And perhaps I will see you again soon.”


“Take care, and good night.” With a nod of his head, Specter turned and vanished into the storm.

Umbral turned to the door, sighed, and pushed it open. He had to shield his eyes from the fluorescent lights as he stepped into the artificial warmth of the indoors. He didn’t realize how loud the rain and thunder was until now, where silence pervaded the shelter. For one of the largest shelters in the city, the waiting area was quite small, only a handful of chairs. A hallway stretched out directly before him, the lights set at dimmer and dimmer settings until almost complete darkness by the end.

As soon as he spotted one, Umbral dropped the slip of paper into a trash can.

“Hello,” a mare sitting at a nearby desk called out. She hurriedly fixed and adjusted her mane, and smiled, despite the heavy bags under her eyes. Umbral was nearly certain there was no actual glass in her glasses.

“Hi,” Umbral responded.

“Are you looking for a place to stay?”

He grew slightly irritated. “Why else would I be here?”

“Oh, there are many reasons, actually. Strange ponies often come walking in around this time. Oh, the stories I could tell you. But for now, let’s have a looksie.” She pulled some paperwork out from under her desk. “Could I get your name, please?”

“Umbral Star.”

“Date of birth?”

“February 13, 979.” This was an estimation. Nopony knew for sure when he was born.

“That would make you…sixteen years of age. Now, could you describe the circumstances that led to your coming here for me?”

“My apartment—my life—was stolen from me.”

“So, you were evicted?”

“That’s one way of putting it, I guess.”

What followed was a series of questions concerning his physical and mental health. Umbral’s patience wore thin, but he understood the necessity. The shelter wouldn’t want criminals or psychopaths sleeping within.

“And that does it!” the mare said after the last question. “Good news, you qualify to stay here for one month. Once the deadline is reached, the higher-ups will review your case and either renew it for another month or terminate it. Of course, I hope you’re back on your hooves before then, but you’re welcome to stay in the meantime. Now, would you prefer the all-stallion room or co-ed?”

“I don’t care either way.”

“Alright, I’ll go ahead and stick you in the co-ed room. There are more beds available there, so you have more choices and more room, if you prefer.” She pulled out a small carrier, containing a toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, and a comb. “These are for you. If you wish to shower, it’ll be down the hall, second door to your right. But if you’d rather just go to bed, the room is straight down. I ask that you cause as little disturbance as possible, but otherwise feel free to go in and pick a bed.”

Umbral nodded, thanking her. Rather than using his levitation spell, he picked up the carrier between his teeth. At first, he thought maybe a shower would do him some good, to help him forget everything that happened that night. But it wasn't until he entered the increasingly darkened hallway that he realized how worn he felt, and so chose to go directly to bed.

There was no light whatsoever in the sleeping room. Umbral activated one of the few spells he did learn and the tip of his horn glowed, the dimmest level he could manage. It was just bright enough for him to see what was immediately in front of him, but not much more than that. Ponies gently snored as he passed, some louder than others. Umbral decided to steer clear of the latter, and focus on one of the quieter corners. There were surprisingly many ponies in this room, despite what the mare at the desk said, but he finally managed to find a vacant bed.

The sheets were thin and rough and the pillow was mostly flat, but it was better than sleeping on the street, and much warmer too. Umbral slipped the carrier under the bed, climbed in, and pulled the sheet over him. He groaned inwardly when he could feel his tail sticking out. He curled up until he was completely covered, darkened his horn, and closed his eyes.

Despite physical and emotional exhaustion, his mind showed no signs of slowing down. It kept repeating what happened an hour ago over and over, bringing a new whirlwind of misery and turmoil each time. It reminded him that there were very few ponies that he allowed himself to grow close to, and every one either left, betrayed, or scarred him. Then a dam in his emotional center burst and before he fully realized it, his throat tightened and tears flowed from his eyes. He squeezed the pillow over his head and ears in an attempt to muffle his cries.

“Why?” he asked, between gasps. “Why did you ruin this? Do you get some sort of sick pleasure out of my suffering? Is it amusing when you pull the rug from under me and block my path to happiness right as I find it? Are you content with the happiness of everypony else and seek only to make me miserable? You’re disgusting. You’re the worst. You’re a blight upon existence and I will break free from you. No matter the cost, I will be free. I will be free!”

“Who are you talking to?” a mare’s voice whispered.

Only now did Umbral realize that he had spoken louder and louder. “Myself,” he half-lied.

He heard the creaking of a bed and a couple hoofsteps beside him. “Would you like to go outside and talk?” she asked, keeping her voice low. “I’m having trouble sleeping anyway, so it wouldn’t be a big deal.”

“No thanks.” Umbral really hoped she didn’t lift his pillow. He couldn’t stand the thought of anypony seeing his face.

“Hmm… Oh! Hey, question. Do you have any plans? Any place to go?”

“No.” There was some ruffling and more hoofsteps, then he jumped slightly when something light landed on him over the sheet.

“I’m planning on going to Canterlot tomorrow to join the Royal Guard. I’m by myself right now, but wouldn’t mind having a traveling buddy.” She waited for a response. Umbral didn’t feel like giving one. “Alright, just sleep on it and let me know in the morning, okay? Good night.” More creaking, then silence.

Umbral wept a few more minutes after he was sure she went back to sleep. Once he ran out of tears, he turned his attention to the object. He levitated it beneath the sheet, threw the latter over his head, and then dimly lit his horn. It was a brochure. A dozen guards stood perfectly in line on the cover, all saluting, mighty and proud. Above them shone the glorious radiance of the sun, with Princess Celestia’s outline contained within, posing majestically. He flipped it open. The first thing he read was a list of perks: learning survival skills, interacting with the princess and other nobles directly, getting fit, boosting confidence, etc. Another page listed a few places where ponies could apply. The third showed a picture of Captain Campaign, with confidence and determination flashing in his eyes, pointing his hoof directly at Umbral. Below him read the caption, “Are you ready to become a hero? Join the Royal Guard today!”

Umbral didn’t care to read anything else. He shoved it under his pillow and deactivated the light, plunging him in darkness once more. He kicked the sheet down, trying to curl up underneath and keep himself fully covered. Become a hero? An empty platitude, nothing more. He wasn’t a fool. There was no glory to be had in becoming a guard. In fact, everything Umbral read pointed to the fact that guarding was a thankless job. The only famous guards were dead guards. No thanks, he’ll find something else.

As he tried to sleep, however, the word “hero” echoed through his thoughts. His imagination took hold. He was standing alongside the captain and Princess Celestia, a crowd roaring and cheering for them, the great defenders of Equestria, adored by all. This burning desire to become a hero; it was a memory he’d forgotten from when he was little. He dismissed notions like this as foalish when he reached adolescence, but now it was much more enticing. Nopony in the guard was famous? There was a first time for everything after all. And even if he never achieved fame, if he realized that the job was truly thankless, that he would never receive an ounce of glory, wasn’t that noble in and of itself? A quiet sacrifice would be a good end, perhaps the best he could ask for.

Regardless, he would try his hardest to achieve the former result. Umbral Star will be a hero, he resolved. Not a villain, but a hero. He’d make those who doubted him eat their words. He’d make them regret ever stabbing him in the back. They’ll pay for their deceptions. They will pay dearly.

All will pay.

As Umbral finally slipped into the soft embrace of sleep, he allowed darkness to fester in his heart and entertained thoughts of revenge.

He will be a hero.

Author's Note:

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