• Published 28th Aug 2021
  • 344 Views, 1 Comments

Rocky And The Storm King's Invasion - MyAwesomePony

A pegasus named Rocky Flash joins the mane six in search of the Hippogriffs.

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The mane six started singing to Twilight, assuring her that they have got this, no matter what comes their way. But while this was happening, a pegasus walked into the entrance of Canterlot, this pegasus had a brown colored coat, a dark blue mane and tail and dark green eyes. He goes by the name of Rocky Flash, he had just moved into Ponyville, but then heard about the festival, and has now arrived in Canterlot, excited about this festival. He looks around in awe as everypony was singing.

"Wow, so this is what the friendship festival is like?" Rocky asked as he walked along the street. "Pretty amazing if I do say so myself."

He then looked up and saw Pinkie Pie in a large bowl, wearing sweatbands all over her body, cycling the batter while sweating, Rocky had no idea on how they made a bowl that was that big. The pink pony then began to sang.

We've got an awful lot to bake
Each pony needs a piece of cake
Oh, wait! There's something better we can do

"I am not even going to ask." Rocky said as he walked away, before quickly bumping into a pony as they both tumbled to the ground. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry."

"No, no, it's my fault. I wasn't looking where I was going." The pony groaned while standing back up, helping up Rocky Flash up as well. "Say, are you new here? I don't think I've ever seen you before."

"Oh yeah, I am. The name is Rocky Flash." He introduced himself. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, too, Rocky Flash. I'm Crystal Rose."

"Well, see ya." Rocky called out as they both went their separate ways. "Wow, I just arrived here and I have already made a new friend. Man, I'm off to a great start."

Meanwhile, the mane six had just finished their musical number, but behind Twilight, a very large party cannon rolled up as it aimed to the sky. Then suddenly, a pink frosted cake shot out of the cannon, Twilight then looked back in shock, and the next thing she knew, she was completely buried in the cake, before it quickly melted into a pink goo, everypony was shocked at the sight as Twilight popped out with an irritated look on her face.

"Pinkie!" She cried out before a candle landed on top of her horn, Pinkie then peaked out of the cannon.

"Oopsie! Guess my easy bake confetti cake cannon needs a little bit more fine tuning!" She exclaimed to her.

"Songbird Serenade?" A pony called out. "Is it really her? It is, it is!"

Then, Songbird Serenade appeared right in front of Twilight, accompanied by two bodyguards as they shoved the ponies in front of them aside

"Hiya. I'm lookin' for the pony in charge?" Songbird Serenade clarified, posing for a couple of pictures. "I need to set up for my sound check."

"Ms. Songbird Serenade?" Twilight then walked out of the pink substance and up to the guest star of the friendship festival. "Um, I was just going to check on you. I'm Princess Twilight, and sorry about the mess. I'm usually not so..." Twilight then accidently flicked a stain of cake onto Songbird Serenade's outfit, causing everypony to gasp.

"Caked in cake?" Songbird said jokingly as she chuckled to herself, Twilight joining in as well.

"You have visual on buttercream?" One of the bodyguards asked.

"Visual confirmed. Go for cleanup." Replied the other as he quickly wiped off the stain off her.

Then suddenly, before anyone could get another sentence out of their mouths, the sound of thunder could be heard as everypony looked up, trying to see what the noise was, and what they saw, shocked them. Less than ten feet above them, was a dark storm cloud. Everypony was confused by this, seeing as the sky was perfectly blue without a cloud in sight.

"Storm clouds?" Twilight asked in disbelief. "I ordered perfect weather! Rainbow Dash?!" She then turned over to the pegasus with a snarl.

"Uh... I... don't think those are storm clouds." Rainbow stuttered.

All everyone could do was look on in terror as this storm cloud slowly got closer and closer, their eyes widening in shock. Meanwhile, Rocky Flash had just noticed the storm cloud as he looked up to the sky. "Oh it looks like it's about to rain." He said to himself, but then, he saw some kind of airship flying through the smoke. He quickly noticed that those were not rain clouds. "I should go see what that is." Rocky then flew away to see what all the commotion was about

"Ooh! I bet those are the clowns I ordered!" Pinkie said excitedly.

Rocky Flash landed nearby, just in time to see the mysterious airship making a landing, crashing into a couple of pillars as they collapsed to the ground, crushing a balloon animal stand.

"Or definitely not the clowns I ordered." Pinkie clarified.

The door slowly began to open, lowering down to the ground, crushing a small balloon animal in the process while everypony gasps in shock.

"Brian, no!" Party Favor called out in distraught.

"Okay, who is behind this?" Rocky asked himself as he quickly found out the answer.

A white colored hedgehog named Grubber walked out of the airship while holding a metal box, breathing and grunting to himself. The three royal princesses walked out onto the balcony to see what this was about. Grubber then put down the box as it transformed into a large speaker, he then pulled out a megaphone, clearing his throat.

"Ponieth of Equethtria." Grubber announced. "we come on behalf of the fearsome, the powerful, the almighty...Thtorm King!" As he said that, a banner then appeared on the airship, with the Storm King on it as every pony cowered in fear, whispering to themselves. " And now, to deliver the evil, evil methage, put your hooveth together for Commander Tempeeeetht!"

He then gestured over to the airship entrance, where a shadowy figure stepped out, revealing a unicorn with a damaged horn.

"Is that a... unicorn?" Twilight asked.

"I think so, but what happened to her horn?" Spike questioned as the three princesses landed in front of everypony.

"Tempest" is it? How may we help you?" Celestia asked with a stern tone.

"Oh, I'm so glad you asked." Tempest replied evilly. "How about we start with your complete and total surrender?"

"Hi there. Princess of Friendship." Twilight said as she peeped out from behind the princesses. "Not exactly sure what's going on, but I know we can talk things out."

"Oh goody. All four Princesses." Tempest then stepped out of the airship. "Here's the deal, ladies. I need your magic. Give it up nicely, please, or we make it difficult for everyone!"

"And why should we cower before you?" Luna asked. "There's one of you and hundreds of us."

"Yeah!" Rocky called out while walking up. "You have a broken horn, I don't think you're magic is going to do much."

Instead of replying to his statement, Tempest growled to herself as she aimed her horn towards him and zapped a lightning bolt straight at Rocky Flash, but luckily, he dodged at the last second.

"Okay, just forget what I said." He said while shaking as Tempest sighed to herself before continuing.

"I was hoping you'd choose "difficult"." A couple of white colored beasts named Storm Creatures appeared behind her.

Before anypony could say anything else, two more airships slowly flew in as well. Twilight and Cadance gasped at the sight. Then before they knew it, a bunch of those beasts suddenly invaded the city, causing everypony to panic and run around the place like wild animals. While this was happening, Tempest then jumped up into the air as he hurled a dark green ball of energy straight towards the princesses. Celestia and Luna looked on in disbelief, but fortunately, Cadance jumped in front of them, reflecting the ball with a big forcefield, unfortunately, it failed as the forcefield suddenly disappeared, causing the ball to strike Cadance as Twilight gasped.

"Cadance!" Princess Celestia cried out as she saw that Cadance was slowly turning into a stone statue.

"I can't... stop it!" She called as she turned fully into stone, Celestia quickly turned to face Luna.

"Luna, quick! Go south beyond the Badlands!"

Tempest grunts as she hurls another green ball towards Celestia, who was still talking to Luna.

"Seek help from the Queen of the Hippo—"

Before Celestia could finish her sentence, the green ball struck her as she screamed, quickly turning her into stone. Luna gasps at the sight, before turning around and zapping another one of those Storm Creatures, flying up in the sky.

"Uh, I think I should get out of here." Rocky stuttered to himself.

Right when he was about to take off into the sky, a storm creature grabbed him by the tail, dragging him back down. Rocky responded by bucking it in the face, causing the beast to stumble backwards, now that he was in the clear, he took off into the sky. Meanwhile, Tempest Shadow threw another green glowing orb towards the princess of friendship herself, Twilight Sparkle, as she was frozen in place.

"Twilight!" Rainbow Dash shouted, quickly snatching her out of the way, but Tempest had no idea.

"Easy as pie." She chuckled as Grubber walked up to her side.

"Oh, I love pie." He said dreamily.

But when the green smoke cleared away, it revealed that she hadn't captured Twilight, but in actuality, she had accidently frozen Derpy.

"Oh, you totally got the latht Printheth!" Grubber claimed, unaware of the situation.

"That's not the Princess!" Tempest exclaimed as she turned over to face Grubber. "Grubber, get her now!"

"Guyth, we gotta get the Princess!" He cried out, running away as Tempest stepped on Twilight's crown, causing it to shatter into pieces.

"Over here, y'all!" Applejack wailed as her, Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy and Spike were running as fast as they could, Rainbow Dash and Twilight quickly following behind.

"Come on!" Twilight cried out, dodging a few Storm Creatures.

The mane six and Spike were now running for their lives, they rushed over onto the bridge of Canterlot and thought that they were home free, but suddenly, they came face to face with two more Storm Creatures, Twilight shot a magical beam at the beasts, but instead of hitting it, the Storm Creature blocked it with his shield, causing the beam to strike the bridge that they were standing as send them falling into the river down below. They all gasped for air, but then the next thing they knew, they fell off of a waterfall, screaming for their lives. The Storm Creatures and Grubber looked down the waterfall, witnessing the whole thing.

"Which one of you guyth ith goin' down there?" Grubber asked the beasts as they growled in response. "I would, but I jutht had a hearty meal, and I will think and I will thide-cramp. I'm very big-boned. I think quick." They walked away from the scene. Rocky Flash landed right next to the waterfall, also seeing everything.

"I really hope those ponies are okay." He said to himself.

Rocky then tired to get a closer look over the waterfall, but while he was walking, he didn't notice the rock right in front of him, causing the pegasus to trip, hitting his wings on the edge of the cliff, before falling into the river as well. His screams and cries failed to be heard by anypony else as he splashed into the river, being swept away by the current.