• Published 28th Aug 2021
  • 417 Views, 16 Comments

The Spark Between the Tempest and the Sun - AnimationLover36

Twilight, with the help of Celestia and Tempest, sets out on an adventure to save Equestria for the forces of darkness, but she will discover the truth of why Celestia choose her as a new princess.

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Future Plans

One week before…

The sun was shining brightly. You could see the occasional clouds, but the blue color dominated high in the sky. On top of a mountain, there is Canterlot, the capital of Equestria. Not in vain was considered by many ponies as one of the most beautiful places to live, as the residents (mostly unicorns) had worked hard to turn the city into a place of culture.

Being the capital, many of the important ponies have their home in that city. Of all the inhabitants, there were two very special: Celestia and Luna, the royal sisters who ruled all Equestria. There were two things that made them so different from the rest: the first is that they were alicorns, so they had a horn and a pair of wings (hence why they were also called “winged unicorns”); and the second, were those who took care of the sun and the moon, something vital for life to prosper in this world (in this, and in any other).

Although they are the best known alicorns in Equestria, they weren't the only ones. There was My Amore Cade Cadence, princess of love, adoptive niece of Celestia and Luna, and ruler of the Crystal Empire, along with her husband, Shinning Armor. The two had a daughter, Flurry Heart, the first alicorn baby in the history of Equestria.

Finally (but not by far) it was Twilight Sparkle, also known as the princess of friendship. She was Cadence's sister-in-law and Celestia's star student (and close friend). She also had a very positive relationship with Princess Luna, who had come to see her as a little sister. She had saved Equestria numerous times. Of course, she had always acted alongside her friends, a group known as The Mane 6. Their names were Rarity (a unicorn), Pinkie Pie, Applejack (two earth ponies), Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy (two pegasus). There was also a baby dragon named Spike, although Twilight considered him more of a little brother than a friend.

She was, possibly, the most amazing alicorn that somepony could have meet; at least, this is what Celestia was thinking at that moment. Normally, at this time she would be in the throne room attending disputes or in a public appearance, but she had arranged everything so that no one would disturb her all day. What's more, for a whole week, she had been practically absent from all her duties, except moving the sun, which had begun to worry her sister and everyone in the castle.

Motives for her weren’t lacking, however. In her chambers, the majestic ruler was reviewing the letters that her student had written to him from her since she made her a princess. They weren't as frequent as the friendship reports, and the headmistress' job made it harder for the two of them to keep in touch. But Twilight had managed to write to her at least once a week to tell her about her adventures and experiences they, her friends, and her students had been through. In her last letter, Twilight told her that Pinkie had taken them and Spike to meet Aurora, Boli and Alice, three reindeer had helped her in the last Hearth's Warming Eve. It had been a very fun visit, especially when Alice beat Rainbow five times in a row in a card game, although that happened because the reindeer was able to see the future (Pinkie had hidden it to make a "play" on Dash).

Celestia was proud of what her student had become. Despite having started out as an asocial pony, and the challenges that nearly broke her friendship, she had stood her ground, becoming a princess; but not because of her evolution from unicorn to alicorn, but because of her personality evolution. He had exceeded his expectations of her on numerous occasions, and virtually all Equestria was enjoying a time of peace that pointed to a prosperous future.

For this reason, during these days, Celestia had been wondering if the time had come to take the big step. Finally, after a week evaluating the pros and cons, Celestia made the decision that she considered the most appropriate. Although it wasn't the first time that she decided something for Twilight, she hoped that this time she was doing the right thing.

That day, after the sun went down and waiting for the moon to rise, Celestia flew to her sister's quarters. Princess Luna was on the balcony of her room, and she was surprised when her older sister landed next to her.

“Celestia! I hadn't heard you coming.”

“Sorry. I'd like to talk to you, if it's not a bad time.”

“Not at all, sister. What's more, I'm glad you're here, this week you've been very absent, I haven't even seen you at breakfast, and I was beginning to worry about you.”

“I'm sorry to have alarmed you. Do not worry, I'm fine; although it is true that I have been isolated from others for a while, but it is because I have been dealing with a very important issue about the future of our reign in Equestria, and I would like to talk about it with you.”

As a princess of the night and of the dreams, Luna rarely dealt with political matters; so it wasn’t frequent that her sister asked his opinion... unless it was a threat to her land or something that also concerned her. However, she noticed an absence of fear or anguish on her sister's face, so the former was out of the question. This piqued her curiosity and relaxed her a bit.

"Sure sister, but we better go inside" she said while pointing to her room.

Celestia was glad Luna said that. She wasn't cold that night, but she didn't want somepony to overhear her conversation. The two alicorns entered the rooms of the princess of the night. She had walls in different shades of blue, lamps shaped like trees, a bedside table with several books and an awakened one, and a bed shaped like a crescent moon perched on clouds. Since there were no chairs, since Luna reads in bed, the two of them sat on a rug with a picture that reminded one of a waning moon.

"Well, what was it you wanted to tell me?"

"Before I begin, I should warn you that this might be a bit of a shock."

Luna arched her brow and smiled.

“Celestia, I may be younger than you; but I have lived for hundreds of years too, and I have seen everything. It’s rare that something surprises me."

The white alicorn laughed and told her sister about her idea. As the conversation progressed, Luna's smile gradually disappeared. In her place, her eyebrows and eyelids rose, her pupils became smaller, and her jaw dropped down. When Celestia finished speaking, Luna was just as shocked as she was when she got on the train for the first time.

"Well, what do you think?"

Hearing that, Luna snapped out of her trance state and responded.

"Let me see if I have got this right. You think that we should retire as rulers of Equestria, and pass that duty on to Twilight Sparkle?"

"And her friends" Celestia pointed out.

“Well, I agree with you that we've been on the throne for a long time, you longer than me; and Twilight Sparkle has proven to be a skilled leader with a great ability to solve problems, small and big, and she has learned from her mistakes. Also, thanks to her, ponies have a very positive relationship with other species, both inside and outside of Equestria. But she already has her own castle and a duty as the princess of friendship. Don't you think this can have negative consequences for her? "

“I know, but as you've said yourself, Twilight has demonstrated her ability to lead other ponies and solve difficulties on numerous occasions. In addition, she has accomplished many things that we have not been able to in hundreds of years, such as improving our relationship with griffons and dragons. She is made to do much more than just be a princess of friendship; and I know that she will be able to lead the rest of Equestria without losing sight of her ideals. "

“But taking our place is a very fat thing, and she is still very young. Cadence is older than her, and only rules in the Crystal Empire, which is technically a city and not an empire; and you want to give your student a much larger extension. "

“Luna, remember that she will not be alone. She will have her friends to help her, and she remembers that we do not rule alone as we did more than a thousand years ago; now we have several ponies helping us to make ruling Equestria easier. I trust her enough to know that she will know how to handle it. "

"But what about moving the sun and the moon?" Luna said, raising her voice volume a bit. “I don't mean to offend, but she doesn't have much experience with that spell; and I don't think her magic is on the same level as ours. "

"I'm not going to put her on the throne right away." Celestia spoke, trying to calm her down. “From the time we announced the news until the coronation, a few months will pass. During that time, we will train her so that she learns to bring day and night as we have done. "

"But what will happen to the world of dreams?" she said almost yelling, showing fear in her words, "If I don't help the ponies when they sleep, then who will?"

Celestia could not answer, as she saw how the tears began to flow from her sister's eyes.

"Luna," she said worried.

“Every princess has a mission. Starswirl say this when he turned us both into alicorns. If we are not the rulers of Equestria, then who are we? "

Celestia was heartbroken to see her sister like this. Having spent 1000 years on the moon, she had lost a lot of time as a princess, so for her it was a change that had come too soon. However, she understood her point of view. Luna had not taught Nopony the ability to enter dreams. Besides, Celestia and Luna's life had been linked to the throne, by renouncing it they would be leaving behind a vital part of her life.

Fortunately, the experience that the white alicorn had acquired during her long life had turned her into a mare that she knew what to say in (almost) all situations. After gently inhaling and exhaling, she moved a little closer to her sister, and looked at her with a smile.

“Sister, I know this is a very important change, but I have my reasons. When we became rulers of Equestria, it was because the leaders of the unicorn, pegasus and earth ponies tribes entrusted us with that position; and that happened because our world was changing. The leaders knew that Equestria needed different leaders than the ones it had had until now, and we proved to be ponies that adapted to those changes and that we would know how to direct our land to a better future.

But the thing about the world is that it always evolves. We have ruled well all these years, but this Equestria is different than the world when we became princesses; that is why it needs a new leader. It’s true that it wasn’t my initial intention to make Twilight my successor, but I wouldn’t do it if she did not know that she can rule the same way or better than us; and I am sure that she will do, at least, better than me."

Luna was taken by surprise at the depth of those words. Celestia had a good point, she had to admit that the world is constantly changing. She just had to remember how ponies ignored the beauty of the night in the past; and now the parties were as frequent at night as during the day. But there was still something her sister had to answer him.

"But doesn't leaving the throne scare you in the void in our lives?"

“Our life shouldn't be entirely tied to the crown or royal duties. Although we are different from the others, I have always seen myself as one more pony, with her job, her tastes and her friends. Like other ponies when they reach a certain age, it is about time that we retire and start doing new things in our lives. That does not mean that he won’t be available in case our world needs help, or to meet our friends to hang out, wouldn't you like that? "

Luna was thoughtful for a moment, but then she smiled just like when Twilight encouraged her to fight the Tantabus.

"Yes, I would love to".

Hearing this, Celestia was overjoyed and opened the helmets. The princess of the night understood the gesture and lunged towards her sister and the two gave each other a hug for several minutes.

"When will we break the news to Equestria?" Luna asked.

“During the next Summer Sun Celebration, so we can announce it to everypony at the same time”.

Luna nodded, it seemed like a good time to her too. At that moment, Celestia yawned.

“I think I'll go to bed. This whole thing has made me so nervous that lately I haven’t slept well "

"Do you want me to accompany you to your room?"

“Thanks, but I've already stolen too much time from you. Good night, sister."

"Good night, Tia."

Celestia glad that things were going so well. But when she was walking through the bedroom door, Luna surprised her with a question.

"Do you know what the best of all this is?"

"No, tell me"

"That the two of us can spend more time together"

Celestia froze upon hearing that. Her joy was replaced by anguish, her heart rate increased, and her breathing became heavy. Luna noticed the latter and walked over to her.

"Sister, are you okay?"

If she weren't for her white coat, Luna would have seen that her older sister had turned pale.

"Just a little tired, I'll be better tomorrow" said Celestia.

Although the answer did not completely convince her, Luna decided to let him be, and waited for her sister to come out before heading to the balcony to attend to the dreams of the ponies. On the side of her Celestia walked a long way before looking back, a tear falling down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry Luna."

The beautiful alicorn little know that, in the shadows of a corner of the corridor, a dark thing with the appearance of a bird was watching her with its white eyes, and she had heard everything she needed. Without being seen by any of her guards, she escaped through one of the windows and flew into the darkness. Even if somepony had seen her, they would have thought that she would have imagined it, for how is it possible that a peacock could fly so high in the sky?


It was almost dawn when the bird reached its destination. It was the attic of one of the most elegant buildings in the city. From the outside you could see the light purple walls and dark blue windows, one of them (although technically it was a skylight) was open, and the shadow came through. She came to a room that looked like the fusion of a company director's office with a living room. There was a black COLLEGE desk with silver edges, lined with neat papers, with a four-legged black padded chair. The part of the living room had three sofas, one double and two singles, in the middle there was a glass table with three bowls, the first with chocolates, the second with nuts and the third with cookies, sweet and savory. Except for the area of ​​the windows and the door, the walls were occupied by shelves filled with books of all the sciences, history, architecture and art.

The peacock knew that she had arrived soon, but she did not like daylight, so she preferred to wait in the dark of the room. Picking up the bowl of crackers, she lay down on the couch.

“Ahhh, finally. It's normal for someone like me to be entrusted with the task of watch over the princesses, but now it's time to have a break” she said to himself as he ate a cookie.

"What have you found out?"

"And... the break is over" she sighed in annoyance as she sat up.

In front of the door, the figure of a feline with a stared at him as he walked to the desk in a blue jacket and orange shirt, as did her eyes.

“I'm amazed at how stealthy you are. Are all of your species like this or is it an ability exclusively yours? "

"It's called naturalness or knowing how to move without having to do unnecessary things like noise or a scene" he replied, sitting in the chair.

"And what makes you think I've discovered something?"

“If you are here, it can only be because of that, or because you have been discovered; and and judging by your attitude, it doesn’t seem to be the last thing. Or am I wrong? "

"My friend, you offend me; you know well that I could spy on Starswirl without him realizing it "replied the shadow as she put the cookies on the table.

“I remind you that I also have a job. I cannot and don’t like wasting my time, so get to the point” he said with a frown.

Although he valued her help, he found the arrogance and ego of his partner very irritating. The bird noticed this and smirked, amused to see her host upset. However, even though she wouldn't admit it, she knew the cat was right; so she flew to him, perched on the table, and whispered in his ear the information she brought for him. Shortly after starting, Claw's eyes widened, and he kept them that way even when the peacock finished. He was silent for a while, and then he looked at her in disbelief.

"Are you one hundred percent sure that's what Celestia said?"

"Word by word"

The cat got up from the table, went to the window and rested his right hand on the window, his metal prosthesis scratching the glass. He gave her such a fit of laughter that he rang across the room.

"I sense that this is good for us," said the shadow.

"It suits us perfectly" exclaimed Claw "This is the opportunity that we’re waiting to start with our plan"

"How is the search for Tempest Shadow going? That snake has been successful"

"Yes, she located her when she was leaving The Crystal Empire, and the others have been taking turns to watch over her since then."

"Great, so when do we start?"

The cat turned, and his eyes gleamed.

"We have already done it."

Author's Note:

Second Chapter done, finally!
Due to studies, I will only be able to upload one chapter a month, but I promise to finish the story, so I ask for your patience.

Thanks to all of you :pinkiehappy:.