• Published 2nd Sep 2021
  • 864 Views, 13 Comments

Sombra's tale, a MLP fanfiction. - KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

Twilight Sparkle finds King Sombra's horn and takes it to Ponyville. She learns about his past and tries to reform him. Will she succeed?

  • ...

An idea.

Saying that, she ran. I asked Twilight, "Did she really used to be a villain?"

Twilight replied, "Yes, she did."

I ask, "What did she do when she was a villain?"

Twilight says, "She took a whole village's cutie marks, and when my friends and I stopped her and gave it’s cutie marks back, she wanted revenge. One day I was giving a speech about Friendship and Cutie Marks, and Starlight was there. I said about how me and my friends have a cutie mark connection, and Starlight thought it would be perfect to go back in time and make our flanks cutie mark-less. And that's exactly what she did. But by doing that, she changed Equestria. I went after her in time and each time I was close to catching her, she sent me to a place of what Equestria would look like if me and my friends never met each other. Each next place was worse than the first. Starlight used to think that cutie marks took friends away, and if she couldn't have her friends, then nopony else could. After I told her that it wasn't true, then she became my friend, and that's how I reformed her."

I asked, "You just forgave her like that? You didn't punish her for what she did?"

Twilight said, "Of course I didn't punish her. In Friendship, you forget and forgive."

I said, "Tell me about myself. Everything that you know about me."

Twilight drank some water and then said, "Ok. A few years ago, when the Crystal Empire returned after being lost for a thousand years, Princess Celestia told me that a thousand years ago, a stallion whose heart was as black as night took over the Crystal Empire. He made all the Crystal Ponies his slaves and forced them to work all day and night. When Princess Celestia and Princess Luna sealed him away in the frozen north, the Empire vanished with him. When it came back, he tried to retake it, but was defeated by the Crystal Heart's power. That's everything I know about you."

I asked her, "When you read my journal, why did you feel sad for me?"

She replied, "Because, you suffered so much when you were a colt and then when you took the Empire, your only friend betrayed you and Celestia and Luna banished you without trying to find another way."

I asked, "What would you have done if you were in their place? Imagine that in front of you, there is a tyrant king who wants his revenge. His only friend betrayed him and told you to banish him. What would you have done?"

Twilight said, "I would've tried to help him. I would've taken him to Ponyville, and reformed him instead of freezing him in ice. I would've asked him why he wanted revenge. And when he told me, I would've told him that he didn't have to be a monster, and that he could always change."

I asked, "But why would you be so kind to a tyrant who killed ponies and turned them to crystal and shattered their statues?"

She answered, "Because in friendship, you are kind, you forgive and forget. It doesn't matter what a pony does in their past, because that was the past. If they had a bad past, then help them to have a good future."

By the time she finished talking, I had an idea. The next thing I said was something that I never thought I'd say. "D-Do you think you can forgive me?"

She said, "Sure!"

"Do you think they'll forgive me too?"

She asked, "Who?"

I told her,"The crystal ponies."

Twilight said, "I'm not sure, but if you apologize, then I'm sure they'll forgive you."


Twilight smiled, "This is great, Sombra! You'll be reformed in no time!"

"You really think so?"



Author's note: For those who are confused, Sombra is pretending to be good, and will keep doing so until all of Equestria trusts him.

Author's Note:

Author's note: For those who are confused, Sombra is pretending to be good, and will keep doing so until all of Equestria trusts him.