• Published 28th Aug 2021
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I am a cloudbender [Pegasus] - Flash point

Reincarnated as a small cyan pegasus with a mane of two tones of blue, the darkest being the base with a fringe of a much lighter tone, his appearance gave his name. Storm Flash. Now Follow his adventure... if you want clear!~

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16.- Consequences

By a pure miracle, I managed to get home with a severe headache that seemed like someone had used a maze to hit my head with all his might and the madpony enjoys it because of how fast it hits.

Every time the pain came, I ended up frozen in place trying to bear the pain without letting out a groan from the strong pain, my head seemed to want to kill me.

In the end, I ended up entering my house through a random... window? directly to my bed after taking water directly from the tap, as soon as I touched my bed of clouds, the darkness surrounded me with a greedy embrace.

Once asleep, all trace of pain disappeared and I had that dream again where I fought Nightmare Moon in physical combat, sometimes in my dreams, I would be bipedal again, but without any sign of a human being, many years ago I accepted my second life, especially when I decided to leave the past in the past and face and enjoy my new opportunity as a super-fast Winged Pony.

Apparently, tonight will be other of those in which I am bipedal again and I have fingers again, hairy fingers, other times my fingers are completely covered with keratin as if they were made only of it (which is the material that makes up the hooves and the fur), as many times, I enjoy the moment of having appendages and two thumbs that led a race to supremacy in another universe.

I flexed my fingers and adjusted back to the balance of standing upright ... a feeling that is now not nostalgic but a strange sensation, an incongruity to my new life, but I quickly adjusted just like when I learned to fly.

I propelled myself forward without seeing my surroundings, there was no need, this was a flat gray hexagonal-shaped coliseum floating above the galaxies, a dream very influenced by some games that I played in the previous life that now I cannot remember, but it is not time for that, right now I focus on my enemy, rival, opponent.

In imaginary fantasy combat to quench my thirst for combat that has increased with my age and my new entity as Pegasus, at the beginning of these dreams my butt was delivered on a palladium tray decorated with blood diamonds and an old set of thousand years of the ancient Chinese dynasty ... I was humiliated, the same feeling as when another player murders you in a game and then makes fun of your body, only to follow you to your second chance to return to the game to eliminate you from the match... just because.

That is how horrible I was defeated and it does not surprise me much ... Nightmare Moon is a Final Boss that by a miracle Equestria surpassed, but here I am in a dream fighting against this entity without being held back by anything, not proud, not conceited, but an enemy devoted to defeating me.

I took the dream as a game, I would learn everything I could from the Heroic-level Final-Boss to be able to use the same moves against it.

At first, it seemed strange to me that the dream had so much combat knowledge... until I remembered how magic does strange things and I have a piece of high accumulated knowledge in my subconscious of all the movies, books, games, and martial arts classes, stored somewhere, knowledge that I sometimes use with the help of my strong instinct as a pegasus during these dreams.

I don't question it anymore and accept this unforeseen gift, apart from enjoying this dream very much, now out of my mind racing for being a dream world, I find myself exchanging a direct blow with Nightmare, who easily and gracefully dodges as she throws me two rapids attacks, I can block her knee but her elbow manages to connect with my neck, achieving an Instakill.

My body decomposes into cube-like particles, as if they were three-dimensional pixels and I rebuild myself in my previous place, while she simply waits for half a second and then propels herself with her powerful legs and wings towards me, her speed would be imperceptible to other ponies. But my training has made me very agile, which makes it difficult for me to keep up with his speed yet, but enough to avoid another death and add another digit to the marker of my deaths that is around 500 or 700.

I dodge her onslaught but not quite as I take advantage of her speed to bury my elbow in her chest, or so I tried when a powerful wing easily stopped me and then pushed me away, now turning the ground combat into an aerial one, she didn't. barely leaves me room to breathe, but that didn't stop me from using my wings to exert a rotating force to perform a powerful kick and hit her side.

She tried to block the attack with her elbow, but my kick came first and I didn't stop there, I performed an air jump to get away from her death grip and then came back with a double kick to her thorax, the air was agitated by the rapids movements and some feathers came loose from our wings when she blocked my attack, a little numbness filled my legs, making my movements a little slower, maybe a few milliseconds slower... long enough to get caught by Nightmare Moon and be killed by exploding my head against the ground in one swift move.

Moments like this remind me of how easily she could have defeated me when I faced her if she hadn't been trying to use magic just for her vanity or whatever it was that made her not think about using her other magical or physical abilities.

The fight continued for several hours, never exceeding my survival of 9 seconds, the fights were intense but above all fast, the only aspect that I know is the fantasy of this dream, Nightmare although an alicorn, is only faster than all common pegasi and in our actual confrontation, she didn't have such quick reactions compared to this dream which is almost twice faster than me.

I am not an ordinary pegasus, I have the gift and the talent to be fast, but I am also dedicated to training to exceed my limits, I am anything but ordinary.

As much as I enjoy my crazy dream of endless fighting, at some point, it has to end and I return to the real world where a world of pain awaits me that I am already feeling and that I have not yet fully awakened.

Instantly I felt like my head was still throbbing from the headache, nor did I try to open my eyes a lot, my internal clock easily alerted me it was already 10 am, I thought about trying to go back to sleep to avoid the pain, but the world It's unfair and it proved when someone attacked the door of my house.

The loud sound only made my headache worse.

"Uugh" Try to soothe the pain with a little message "Go ahead!" I let out a scream hoping that the pony would hear me and he will enter, I doubt that someone will steal from me... except in Ponyville, the confidence arose casually, something that annoyed me when my headache made me a little more grumpy.

"Ehhh --- Flash?" A voice I recognized instantly even with my headache "Are we playing hide and seek Flash?" Derpy said excited by the idea of ​​playing, I suppose, even when she grows up she still enjoys small things, but this is not the time for that.

"Up here," I said a little tired after leaving my room and walking a bit, each step was a challenge of pain in my head, any movement generated the same effect on me.

"OH! I found you Flash!" Derpy said happily as she flew to the second floor "I came to deliver your mail, I would leave it in your mailbox, but I had not seen you flying anywhere in Ponyville today, so I told myself, I would give it to you and here they are," She showed a proud smile of herself as she handed me several letters.

"Thank you... Derpy... Today I am not feeling well, yesterday I demanded more of me and today I am paying the consequences" I showed an apologetic smile to Derpy for not receiving her sooner-

"You want! I'll give it to you if it makes you feel good" Derpy took the extra muffin out of her mail-bag and tried to give it to me even though one of her eyes won't stop seeing the muffin.

"No thanks Derpy, what I need is a rest and some medicine for my severe migraine" I rubbed my forehead from the sudden pain that almost made me lose my balance.

"That I can give you!" Derpy let out a sigh that I didn't know she had been holding, she quickly almost magical, storing her muffin back in her bag and now taking out a medicine bottle.

"I usually bump into these things that appear in my way and to continue my day I take these pills that calm the buzzing in my head, sometimes they make me see colors and shapes where there are none," Derpy said happily to be helpful, but I worry about the last thing she said... I'll have to remember it later, for now, this pain is killing me.

"Thanks, De-ir-pry" My tongue couldn't keep up and I ended up saying her name a little weird, but she couldn't care, just as she knows what it means, but she knows that I don't call her that for the negative meaning that the other foals came to use against her.

For my part, I would call her Daisy, but she did not want and decided to I called her Derpy to make a nickname to humiliate and degrade her, become an acute and clumsy nickname for her little social discomfort to make friends, my mind still does not fully understand that, but I respect her.

Agh, I've rambled again and now Derpy is just gazing happily like many times before.

"It's good that you haven't changed much, take care Flash, that you get better," Derpy said goodbye, she still has a lot of mail to deliver, I said goodbye in silence and then go to my kitchen. . . a whole trip of will to bear the pain and not return to my sweet and fluffy bed.

My body and my mind had a powerful fight of wills, each one in their duel took out a legendary of the same type with twin statistics and the same way of playing, neither gave an inch to the other, but while they fought, my hooves had already carried me to the kitchen and take the medicine after checking the expiration date and seeing that it was two weeks from expiration.

Instantly there was no effect, but as part of a magical world, it took no more than five minutes for the effects to show with my head lighter, now at least I could fly, I did it instantly and went back to my bed that was still holding a bit of my body temperature, I also brought the letters that Derpy gave me.

"Work, Mom and ... Scootaloo?" I get confused about the last letter, so I opened it first only to see some foalish doodles written with an orange crayon and lots of stars on the edges of the letter.


Below the message was a draw of two... ponies? I guess it's me and Scootaloo flying happily if I can assimilate her imagination, Scoot's drawing of me had more details than of herself that were simpler, it was easy to appreciate the effort that she put into making in the letter and I understand it more as another Pegasus who also suffered a lot with the use of crayons with his mouth... they don't taste good even if they are edible.

Now that I am older, I can use my wings, but it is not the same with the precision of having appendages.

That's why I'm a sports pony and not an academic or document-related pony... only the letters to my Mother are the reality check that I suffer every week... Nah, it's fun to send her letters and then see her reaction in her letter when she answered, but as a colt, it was a pain to write on parchments.

Save my mother's letter for later, I prefer to read it when I can better appreciate the letter and not now half drugged by medicine, the letter from work, it is only a notification that they have found out about my poor health from Rainbow Dash... okay, I still have privileges for being the only pony in my position, but I still don't understand how Rainbow knows I'm sick, I'll guess it from how I was yesterday with my headache.

With no more distracting issues between me and my bed, I quickly fell asleep for some unknown time in a dreamless sleep.

"Wacky wacky, It's time to eat!! or the Coco will come to eat you" An imperative pink pony woke me up with her jumping on my bed of clouds ... she shouldn't be able to ... "Coco?..." I ignore it "I already woke up, Pinkie"

"Hehe, then why are you still lying down?" Pinkie did not stop jumping on my bed while on her back she had a plate full of a dandelion salad, a soup, a glass of orange juice, and a jug of the same juice, none of these were shot at the rest of the room as the world-logic indicates by its erratic movements.

"Because you're blocking the sheets with your jumps" It's a lie, but it's as true as the logic about Pinkie... there isn't!

"OH! Sowy!" Pinkie took another great leap and landed implacably on the floor even by the side of my bed still with her big smile.

"Come to the dining room so you can eat, we are waiting for you, the girls came as soon as we heard that you were sick" Pinkie retired with the tray still on her back... why bring food if you are not going to give it to me... Now I know PAIN.

I tried to get out of bed ... but my body did not respond and I just realized that my voice had been sounding very soft and my body has a high temperature, Derpy, what kind of medicine did you give me, it is so powerful that I do not feel my body. . . . .

--- On the first floor of Flash's house ---

"Why do you still have the tray, sugar cube?" Applejack asked a little worried, Pinkie had prepared a meal at some point and had run to deliver it to Flash who is with fever in his room that looks like an oven, they let Pinkie go since she was the only pony who seemed to ignore that aspect from the room, but now she came back quickly.

"I tried to give it to him, but the tray started to heat up, the ice melted, but I woke up Flash, he didn't sound very much" Pinkie got close enough to the girls so they could feel the heat still trapped in her coat.

"I don't understand how Flash can generate so much heat" Twilight looked intrigued at the tray that was now almost burning.

"Poor thing, he must be suffering a lot, we could ask Spike-wikey to deliver the food, I don't think he will be affected by a little heat" Rarity came up with a great idea while looking worriedly at the door of Flash's room.

"Yes, but we still need to remove all the heat from the room, leave it to me and these beauties" Rainbow spread her wings while she performed some poses "I can push the air to cool her room"

"But it's not enough, Flash is the one that generates the heat, you would have to last for hours!" Spike made his opinion known as he prepared some grape ice cream for the girls so that they would not suffer a heat stroke like Derpy who had returned earlier to see how Flash was doing but when she opened the door she almost fainted.

Flash's house was surrounded by a barrier now to retain the heat that was slowly beginning to affect Ponyville, so all the girls had gathered.

The girls enjoyed the ice cream even though certain ponies would have preferred a cupcake and apple ice cream, but were silent as they brainstormed ideas to help Flash.

"I already have a plan to help Flash and I need you chicks, Rainbow will cool the room with her wings, I will enchant the food and the medicine so as not to be affected by the external temperature, Spike will deliver the food, Rarity will help me later to strengthen a Glacial cloud one of the Flash collection that I will need Fluttershy to control to bring it to Flash's room without destroying the cloud by concentrated magic or temperature difference" Twilight spoke seriously when her multitasking mind came up with a solution to deliver the medicine to Flash.

"Pinkie and Applejack, I need you to keep the ponies away from Flash's house so they don't get hit by another heatwave when my barrier is destabilized" The girls nodded when they remembered how they were affected when they entered the normally cool house.

"I have so many questions about how this is possible, but this is not the time to be me when my friend needs me!" Twilight told herself to focus and avoid investigating the magical phenomenon happening in front of her.

Pinkie and Applejack quickly went out to ward off the Ponies worried about Flash as well as the magic bubble that surrounded the house, many curious, not every day a pony gets sick and generates weather phenomena such as an icy storm around his house or a heat similar to Tartarus.

Flash could not answer his doubts either and was less drugged by an unknown medicine and his strong temperature.

The magic bubble soon began to flicker until it disappeared and released with it a wave of heat that thanks to Pinkie and Applejack did not hit any pony, Rainbow moved as hard as she could with her wings while removing all the hot air from Flash that He just lay on his bed staring blankly, a strong blush filled his face from the high temperature of his body and his wings had all misaligned feathers because they had not been groomed, not when Flash does that every three days and that had than having done it yesterday afternoon.

Which made Flash's appearance very pitiful with his sick and unkempt state, the place was filled with Flash's humor as the room was opened and the air was pushed in from outside to cool the room.

Fluttershy came slowly flying over with a small cloud on her hooves, a bit of frost had gathered on her hooves but now it was melting from the scorching heat of the environment.

"NOW!!" Twilight yelled as a signal to Rarity when they both combined their magic to enhance the cloud to resist Flash's heat, while they did that, Spike entered carrying a tray with medicine and food, changing to the previous one burned.

It was quite an odyssey to give the medicine to Flash who reflexively chewed and swallowed the food that was placed within reach of his hoof.

"How much more do I have to bear!" Rainbow asked concerned when her wings began to fatigue from pushing so much air.

"... 2 more minutes ..." Twilight responded quickly to get the cloud under control on Fluttershy's hooves again.

The place was filled with a silence of total concentration for the rest of the time until Flash's temperature ceased to magically affect the environment and the icy cloud was returned to its flask, the girls fell to the ground in exhaustion after exhausting themselves mentally, physically and magical.

"Haa, what was that in the Tartaro?" Rainbow fell to the ground on her chest with her wings cramped from the effort she put on them to move as much air as she could to prevent the hot air from affecting the other girls.

Instantly Spike, Pinkie, and Applejack entered the room bringing food and drinks for everyone.

Flash in the moment of coherence of him took the medicine, now he is returned asleep under the effects of the new medicines.

"We have to find now those twin ponies who sold this bottle to Daisy Doo," Applejack said a little serious when everyone recovered, she placed the medicine bottle on the table where everyone had gathered, the bottle can be appreciated by They all noted the poor design of the entire bottle, something that Derpy couldn't tell from her poor vision and Flash couldn't tell from his severe headache.

Twilight had done a magic scan on the bottle to know that it contains a combination of plants and medications that gave a soothing effect for pain, but with a lot of harmful and hallucinogenic side effects.

Author's Note:

A bit of everything~

Thank you very much for the love you gave to this chapter, since it is currently the longest and that is due to all the inspiration that Music could give me during that moment.

This is one of the songs that helped inspire me: