• Published 25th Aug 2021
  • 341 Views, 11 Comments

Harmony Returns to Equestria Once Again - PioneerofImagination

Equestria, the land we love has lost all sense of harmony but a young unicorn just might be able to get it all back.

  • ...


After conquering the Undiscovered West and resting in the neighboring woods, the trio continued their adventure. They made their way south and had no trouble at all from the shadow ponies once again. "How much longer until we get to the next element Miracle?" Cryme asked. "But if you can't tell, I understand."

"I think we're getting pretty close," Miracle answered rather seriously as he looked out the carriage window, something he had been doing quite often recently.

"Are you all right?" Apple Core asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just think it's strange that we haven't run into any shadow ponies ever since we left White Tail Woods."

"Well what's wrong with wat, I mean that?" Cryme said a little embarrassed at his grammar mistake. "If we don't run into them that means we won't have to fight them."

"Well ah don't know about you Cryme, but I'm more than ready for another rumble," Apple Core said as he punched the air several times with his forelegs. "Besides we still have 4 more elements to find and if they're anything like the first 2, they're gonna have a guardian we will need to deal with."

"True," Miracle agreed.

"So the more fighting experience we get the better it'll help us prepare, who knows how tough the others are going to be," Apple Core finished.

"I really wish we could just talk things out with the guardians, and maybe even Witchcraft. But something tells me that's not going to work."

"If it would, harmony would be back already," Miracle said. "But back to what I was saying, I think it's weird that we haven't run into the shadow ponies because according to the map we're getting close to Las Pegasus. That's a rather large area, so I can't help but wonder why we haven't seen a bunch of shadow ponies." Right after he said that a sense of gloom suddenly filled the carriage. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that, I need to be more hopeful."

"It's okay," Cryme said with a gentle smile. "You're just thinking out loud. I do it all the time."

"Yeah, maybe there really are shadow ponies just outside the carriage," Apple Core said. "Maybe there's even a whole bunch of them just waiting for the right moment to attack us," Apple Core finished, which once again filled the carriage with gloom.

"Let's change the subject," Miracle said. They talked about their old homes, leading Apple Core to talk about the family farm and joked about how he learned to buck before he learned to walk. That got Miracle to talk about when he was born, he learned to cast several spells before he learned to walk. Though it didn't sound like he was joking. Cryme talked about his love of plant life and how when everything is over, he'd like to go back to the Undiscovered West and explore the part of it where Cruelty was.

"Why do y'all like plants so much?" Apple Core asked. "Ah mean ah figure they’re probably how you got your cutie mark, but ah can't help but feel like there's another reason."

"I just think they're really cool," Cryme answered. "They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, and they don't judge you if you're different. I wasn't exactly a very popular pony in my old home, though 1 time an earth pony came along who really understood where I was coming from, granted she liked rocks not plants but still," Cryme ranted. Having spent 8 years alone with plants he has a lot to say now that he can talk to ponies again.

"Back to Cruelty Miracle," Apple Core said. "You said something about how she might have been something called, ah changeling? What exactly is ah changeling again?"

"A creature that can take the form of somepony you love and feed off of it," Miracle answered.

"Did you ever meet one before we fought Cruelty?" Apple Core asked.

"No, but I heard about them. My Uncle Blueblood told me how a changeling queen took the form of a princess to invade during a royal wedding."

"Wow that sounds intense," Cryme said.

"Yeah, but Twilight Sparkle saw right through her and put a stop to her wicked plans."

"I actually heard about that when I still lived in my old village," Cryme said. "Twilight Sparkle was quite a legend in her time wasn't she?"

"Yes she was," Miracle answered. "She didn't just defeat the changeling army, but all sorts of threats that came to Equestria."

"But, and forgive me if I missed something obvious here but, if Twilight Sparkle is so great at stopping threats and monsters how come she hasn't stopped Witchcraft?" When Cryme asked Miracle was rather silent for a moment, he knew the answer he just didn't like saying it.

"That would be nice, when I was a colt I asked my Uncle Blueblood that exact same question. He told me that she died a long time ago, I don't know how but I suspect my uncle does. Though I never questioned him about it as I could tell just telling me that she was gone made him very sad."

"Oh," Cryme said now regretting asking. "I'm sorry, please don't be mad at me for asking."

"It's alright you didn't know," Miracle said as he smiled but kind of looked like he was forcing himself to do it.

"Ah think it's time to change the subject again," Apple Core said.

"Actually if it's alright with you 2 I think I'll take a little nap," Miracle said.

"Uh it's fine with me," Cryme said. "But if we talk it might wake you up I mean I guess I could not talk and Apple Core could just talk to me, that would be easier to-" Cryme stopped himself when Miracle surrounded his seat with a bubble of silence then laid down on his seat to sleep. "Oh, that could also work, some sort of noise canceling barrier but if it is then that means you can't hear me and you can't answer me and I'm just going on and on and on again."

"It's what you do best," Apple Core said.

"Oh sorry," Cryme said.

"No, ah was just teasing."

"Oh sorry."

"No it was just ah joke, you don't need to be sorry."



Not too long after Miracle woke up from his nap the carriage stopped just outside the city of Las Pegasus. The trio exited the carriage and were surprised or rather utterly shocked at what they saw. A city once known as a wild vacation spot for ponies all over to come and join the party, was now nothing but an utter ghost town.

Many buildings while still standing had large chunks of them broken off. Most likely from attacking shadow ponies, a once colorful part of Equestria was covered with dirt and debris with not a soul in sight. "Sheesh," Miracle said at long last, breaking the silence that started when they entered the city.

"Ah know this place just looks depressing," Apple Core said. "Kind of makes me want to head right back to the Undiscovered West."

"It's not so bad once you get used to it," Cryme said. "Granted there are quite a few things to get used to. Such as, lack of civilization, on top of the many ways to get lost in it without a map, and the dangerous creatures that live there, and the complete and utter lack of ponies of any kind." The trio then continued to travel, walking deeper and deeper into the seemingly empty city. Miracle then got out the 2 elements he acquired to once again use the locator spell to make sure they were going the right way.

"I think we're getting really close," Miracle said. "Which means we're not only getting near the next element, but also the next guardian."

"Fine with me I'm ready for another rumble," Apple Core said as he sat down for a split second to pretend to punch a guardian with his forelegs. "Plus it means that we can get out of here sooner, seriously the further and further we get in here the more depressing it looks."

"Seriously though it's not so bad," Cryme said.

"There's no pony around, there's dirt and debris everywhere, and it's ah complete and utter ghost town. Why do you keep saying it's not so bad?" Apple Core asked.

"It reminds me of home," Cryme answered.

"Oh, right, sorry," Apple Core said. "Seriously more and more depressing," Apple Core whispered to Miracle Maker who simply nodded.

"All the more reason for us to get the element and get going," Miracle whispered back and this time Apple Core nodded. "Cryme may think this place "isn't so bad" but I agree with you it's depressing, and considering the state of where we all come from that's kind of saying a lot."

"Yeah, maybe when we get all of the elements we can clean this place up," Apple Core said.

"That would be really nice of you. I would definitely appreciate that."

"Thanks," Apple Core said before he and Miracle Maker stopped in their tracks. "Uh Cryme, did your voice change?"

"No," Cryme answered, who also stopped in his tracks. "Well actually it did but that was quite a while ago and probably won't change for a long time, assuming I live that long." The trio then looked at where the voice came from.

"Hi, I'm Party Cannon."

"PARTY CANNON!" A white unicorn with a light purple and pink mane and tail yelled out. As she, like the earth pony before her, appeared out of nowhere.

"Is there an echo out here?" Party Cannon asked. "One way to find out ECHO!"

"Stop yelling Party Cannon!"

"You yelled too," Party Cannon pointed out.

"That's true," Miracle said. "You did yell." The unicorn got clearly frustrated as she grumbled while trying to make a counterpoint, but was having no luck whatsoever. As she was doing that, Apple Core slowly approached the unicorn who was calming down and noticed that Apple Core had walked behind her and was staring at her.

"Uh, excuse me. It's very rude to just stare at a lady's butt like that." After she said that she heard Party Cannon giggle to her annoyance. He was 20 but sometimes acted like he was 2. "It's not funny Party Cannon."

"Oh, but it is, HA HA HA HA HA! That wasn't even on purpose, maybe a little. I'm Party Cannon by the way," he said as offered his hoof that Miracle shook.

"I'm Miracle Maker and that's Cryme A. River."

"And I'm Apple Core and ah wasn't looking at yer butt, ah was looking at yer flank. You're cutie mark looks exactly like my sister's. Except hers was an apple."


"Yeah it's like an orange, but redder," Party Cannon said.

"They can also be green," Cryme said.

"One time when I was 10 I made an apple purple," Miracle said.

"Why did you do that?" Apple Core asked.

"I was bored. Not a whole lot to do when the nights are as long as a week."

"So wait," the unicorn asked. "You said that your sister has a cutie mark just like mine, or almost just like mine. You're Apple Bloom's little brother?"

"Yes," Apple Core answered, a little shocked. "How did you know? How could you have known?"

"I knew your sister when she and I were just fillies, we were the best of friends along with our other friend Scootaloo. We even helped each other get our cutie marks, I'm so happy to know she's still alive," the unicorn said as tears poured down her eyes. "But it's not that much of a surprise, she always was a tough earth pony wasn't she?"

"Yeah she is," Apple Core said with a smile.

"Did Apple Bloom come with you?"

"No, she's still at the farm in Ponyville," Apple Core answered.

"Ponyville," the unicorn said with a somber tone. "It's been so long since the 3 of us, oh I haven't told you my name. I'm Sweetie Belle, you're sister and I used to be the Cutie Mark Crusaders, again along with our friend Scootaloo."

"Well it sure is nice to meet you Sweetie Belle," Cryme said.

"It's nice to meet you all too," Sweetie Belle said as she wiped the tears from her eyes. Miracle then got closer to Sweetie Belle, but she suddenly she used a powerful light spell that blinded the others for a few seconds before the light vanished.

"So I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt here and guess there was a good reason that you did that," Miracle said.

"Yeah I was just making sure," Sweetie Belle answered. "IT'S ALRIGHT EVERYPONY, THEY AREN'T SHADOW PONIES!" As Sweetie Belle yelled that out, numerous ponies came out of the rubble and half destroyed buildings.

"Uh, it seems we're not so alone here after all," Cryme said.

"Oh no there are a bunch of ponies here in Las Pegasus," Party Cannon.

"And what was that part about us not being shadow ponies?" Cryme asked.

"You mean you didn't know about shadow ponies?" Party Cannon asked.

"What no, I knew but how do you know what we already knew now?"

"Nice tongue twister," Party Cannon. "Here's one I like, oh wait I don't know any tongue twisters."

"I used that spell to make sure you 3 weren't shadow ponies in disguise," Sweetie Belle answered.

"Wait, the shadow ponies can change their forms to look like regular ponies?" Miracle asked.

"I haven't seen them do it, but I wouldn't put it past them. The shadow ponies are capable of all kinds of deadly tricks," Sweetie Belle answered.

"Like making a huge mess," Apple Core said as he pointed out the debris and rubble.

"Oh no, we did that," Sweetie Belle answered.

"What?" Cryme asked as he, Apple Core, and Miracle were quite shocked. "Why would you do that?"

"I'll explain but perhaps we should head back to my home. I don't like to be out in the open for long." The trio and Party Cannon followed Sweetie Belle home. When they arrived Sweetie Belle explained that Las Pegasus had faced many attacks against the shadow ponies, but they were never able to do much damage. Thanks to the protection that similar large cities in Equestria have used as well. Sweetie Belle stopped as she went to get the trio a few more things to eat, causing the group to worry when she hadn't returned after a few minutes.

"I'm sure she's all right," Apple Core said.

"Maybe we should go see just to be sure," Cryme said.

"Yeah that's a good idea," Miracle said as he got up and the others followed, including Party Cannon.

"I'll come too, the more the merrier," Party Cannon said. When the 4 went upstairs they saw Sweetie Belle was indeed all right. She was just sitting by a rather large mirror in the hallway looking down on her own flank.

"Are you alright Sweetie Belle?" Cryme asked.

"Yeah," she said with a somber tone. "When I went to get some food, I passed the mirror and saw my cutie mark, it reminded me of the time me and the other Crusaders all got our cutie marks at the same time."

"The same time?" Miracle asked.

"That's quite the coincidence," Apple Core said.

"Not quite," Sweetie Belle said. "It turned out our special talent was helping other ponies find their special talent."

"Oh, so that's how you were able to help me figure out my special talent and help me get my cutie mark," Party Cannon said.

"Yes Party Cannon that's how I was able to do it," Sweetie Belle answered then looked out a nearby window as if it was a portal to the past. "I remember all the great times we had together at our clubhouse. We thought of all sorts of ideas that might help us get our cutie marks. When we finally did we were so excited because it connected us in a way and we could still be crusaders, just for other ponies. We got so many other ponies that came to us for help, we had to make a day camp just to help them all, those were such happy happy times." Sweetie Belle then started to cry again or would have if Cryme didn't beat her to it.

"That's so sa-ad," Cryme said as the river of tears kept going. "I wish you could go back to the past, I wish we all could."

"Hey, hey Cryme," Party Cannon said, getting Cryme's attention as he was still crying. Party Cannon then grabbed a pie Sweetie Belle put on a tray then hit himself in the face with. "Pie face!" Seeing that Cryme stopped his river of tears and started to laugh.

"We were gonna eat that Party Cannon," Sweetie Belle said.

"We still can," Party Cannon replied as he offered it to Sweetie Belle.

"No thanks my sister," Sweetie Belle stopped for some reason. "My sister always said that a lady has to keep her figure."

"I would still like some," Cryme said. "Unless somepony else wants to eat it, I don't want to take their share."

"I'll have some too," Miracle said. "It's kind of gross but I'll take as much dessert as I can get."

"I'll wait until we get back to the family farm," Apple Core said. When the ponies sat back down after going back downstairs Sweetie Belle continued her story. While the shadow ponies weren't able to do much damage the protection wasn't going to last for long.

"What protection are you talking about exactly?" Cryme asked.

"You don't know?" Sweetie Belle asked, confused.

"Oh that's right," Miracle said. "You've been living in the Undiscovered West, you don't know about the crystals."

"Wait, he was in the Undiscovered West?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Yeah and we can explain that if you want later."

"Uh yes, very much please," Sweetie Belle answered.

"So back in my village, we have these lanterns that kind of work like that spell Sweetie Belle used earlier, they keep the shadow ponies away but their power is starting to fade."

"Interesting," Apple Core. "In Ponyville it's ah little different, we have ah crystal in the mayor's office that is sort of like the Crystal Heart."

"You mean that thing that Twilight Sparkle used to defeat King Sombra and save the Crystal Empire?" Miracle asked.

"From what ah was told, yeah," Apple Core answered. "And you remember Moondancer?" Miracle nodded. "She and ah few other unicorns are always checking the crystal to make sure it's working. Every once in ah while though, ah shadow pony makes it through and they have to force it out of Ponyville."

"Oh okay," Cryme said. "So you have or had something similar?"

"Well actually we still have it, we just don't use it anymore," Sweetie Belle answered.

"Huh?" Miracle, Apple Core, and Cryme said at the same time.

"During my travels I came across quite a few places, one of which was Appleoosa, which also had a crystal protecting it. But one day the crystal's power gave out, the ponies there weren't able to do anything as the town was all but utterly destroyed by the shadow ponies. I was barely able to escape with my life and made my way here."

"And then you met me," Party Cannon said.

"Yes I did," Sweetie Belle continued. "When I got here, me as well as several unicorns started to notice that the protective crystal's power was starting to fade."

"Wait," Miracle said. "Let me guess you knew the crystal's power was going to run out and so Las Pegasus wasn't attacked by the shadow ponies. You just made it look like that so they wouldn't."

"Exactly," Sweetie Belle said, impressed that Miracle was able to figure it out.

"Nice work you won the prize," Party Cannon said.

"What prize?" Miracle asked.

"I don't know yet but you won it," Party Cannon answered.

"Uh, okay," Miracle replied, just deciding to roll with it.

"Everypony worked together to make this whole place look like the shadow ponies did indeed attack. They didn't like the idea right away but when they saw the crystal's power starting to fade, they got on it."

"How were you able to make this whole place look like it is now?" Cryme asked.

"Oh that was easy," Party Cannon answered. "a few spells here, a team or 2 to spread around the mess there."

"And since the place looks the way it does, the shadow ponies don't bother coming here at all," Miracle said to which Sweetie Belle nodded.

"Right again," Party Cannon said. "You're really earning the prize that you're going to get."

"So this is why we didn't come across any shadow ponies on our way here," Apple Core said.

"Yeah we can't really stay outside long at least in the day or use anything here that made this place so popular, but we make it work," Sweetie Belle said then saw Party Cannon finishing what was left of the pie and placing the tin on his head making her laugh a bit. "Party Cannon helps with that part."

"By the way Sweetie Belle," Miracle said. "You said that you traveled Equestria in the past, what were you doing? Were you looking for something?"

"I think that's enough stories for now," Sweetie Belle answered clearly wishing not to answer Miracle's question. "Well actually maybe 1 more, what were you doing in the Undiscovered West?"

"When my home was torn apart by the shadow ponies I traveled there because I was sure the shadow ponies wouldn't go there," Cryme answered.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Sweetie Belle said.

"It's okay I actually did like living there."

"Did you explore there?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Quite a bit actually," Cryme answered.

"Did you find anything cool?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Yes actually," Cryme answered as he looked over to Miracle who knew what he wanted to do and gave him his saddle bag. "It's funny you mentioned it, because that's the reason why we came here." Cryme then pulled out the 2 elements they had which nearly made Sweetie Belle's eyes pop out of her head.

"Are those, Elements of Harmony?"

"2 of em," Apple Core answered. "And the third one is somewhere here."

"What's an Element of Harmony?" Party Cannon asked.

"Powerful artifacts that will bring harmony back after we find the other 4," Miracle answered.

"Really?" Party Cannon asked. "You'd think we'd notice something like that around here."

"I heard that they weren't destroyed, but seeing 2 of them right in front of me and knowing another is right under our muzzles, it's shocking," Sweetie Belle said.

"It is?" Party Cannon said as he looked down.

"Not quite Party Cannon," Miracle said as he used the spell making it point left. "My spell says it's that way."

"It looks like that spell of yours is pointing towards Applewood," Sweetie Belle said.


"Yeah Miracle, it's not too far away from here," Sweetie Belle answered. "It's the part of Las Pegasus where they used to make movies, but it's kind of abandoned now."

"Abandon why?" Cryme asked.

"It's kind of hard to explain," Sweetie Belle answered. "But from what I heard from the ponies that used to live there, or tried living there, there was just something about that place that was, depressing."

"What's a movie?" Miracle asked.

"Yeah ah was curious about that too," Apple Core added.

"Oh well," Sweetie Belle said before stopping as she was having trouble figuring out just how to describe it. "It's kind of like a book, but with a lot more pictures.

"I like pictures," Party Cannon said.

"Sweetie Belle," Miracle said. "Could you lead us to Applewood?"

"Well I suppose I could, but could you wait until dark? We try not to go out in daylight too much."

"Well, I guess that's okay."

"And in the meantime we can play," Party Cannon said as he got out several board games.

"What are those?" Miracle asked.

"You've never played a board game before?" Party Cannon asked.

"No, never even seen one."

"Wow, your village must have been a very miserable place," Apple Core said.

"It's kind of like that all over," Miracle replied. "That's the reason why we're doing this."

"Good point," Apple Core replied.

"So, wanna play?" Party Cannon asked. Miracle was curious how the board games worked so he decided to play. He had a little trouble understanding, but after a while took to it like a duck to water. After seeing how fun it looked Apple Core wanted to play as well. Cryme wanted in too, having remembered several of the games when he was a colt.

"Sheesh," Apple Core said as he looked at the window. "We played all of the games and the sun is still up."

"Well then I guess that means we can go over a battle plan while we wait," Miracle said.

"Ah battle plan, that sounds interesting," Apple Core said.

"You have a plan?" Cryme said. "Why didn't you mention it before?"

"I wanted to, but I kept focusing on those games and just kept forgetting," Miracle answered.

"Oh," Cryme replied. "I guess that makes sense," he added, remembering that Miracle was still just a teenager.

"So the way I figure it, we should just do what we did last time."

"Oh okay, what did we do last time?" Party Cannon asked.

"Uh, you weren't there," Apple Core said.

"Oh, right."

"As I was saying. Apple Core and I will fight the guardian while Cryme you being the wallflower that you are, will grab the element without the guardian even knowing it."

"Oh okay," Cryme said. "That is what happened last time and it worked so it makes sense for us to do that again."

"And I like ah plan where ah can kick some flank! Ah was practicing at Cryme's old home so I'm more than ready for a rumble," Apple Core said as he took a fighting stance.

"Good to know," Miracle said. "I did a little training there myself. Between the 3 of us, I don't think whatever guardian we are going to come across stands a chance."

"That's good because I'd hate to get hurt, but I'd hate for either of you to get hurt even more," Cryme said. "I probably should have said that first, sorry."

"No reason to say you're sorry," Miracle said. "I rather like that you care about us that much," Miracle replied.

"Thank you," Cryme replied as a few tears fell down which rather worried the others. "No need to be alarmed, these are tears of joy." After a little training, a nap, and a few more board games the sun finally set. And Sweetie Belle who gave each member of the trio a saddle bag was ready to take them to Applewood.

"What are these?" Apple Core asked.

"Just a few necessities," Sweetie Belle said. "Applewood is a rather large place; it could take a while to find the Element of Harmony that's there. Plus if the sun comes back up we'll need something to entertain ourselves while we wait for it to go back down."

"You don't have to worry about that," Party Cannon said as he finished packing the last few things he wanted to bring into his saddle bag. "I'm all the entertainment that you're going to need, but just in case I brought a few board games," he finished as a few of the said board games were sticking out of his saddlebag.

"Uh Party Cannon?"

"Yes Sweetie Belle?"

"Why are you packing?"

"Well I want to come too, I like these guys and want to help them out."

"Oh thanks," Cryme said. "I like you too."

"Party Cannon, it could be dangerous," Sweetie Belle said, clearly worried about what could happen to him.

"All the more reason to come, the more help the better. In fact maybe we could get everypony here to help."

"Well that would make it pretty easy to fight the guardian," Cryme said.

"True, but that's actually a bad idea," Miracle said. "If so many ponies are fighting, the guardian could jump around making them attack each other by mistake. Plus if too many ponies fight, it could attract the attention of the shadow ponies."

"Plus I don't think a lot of the ponies here are really fighters," Sweetie Belle said.

"Oh," Party Cannon said. "Can I still come?"

"I don't think you should, but it's not like I can tell you what to do."

"True," Party Cannon agreed.

"Well whoever is coming or not let's get going already," Miracle said, starting to get rather impatient. "We're burning daylight, or nightlight, whatever, let's just get going."

"Yeah let's get going," Apple Core agreed. "I'm ready to rumble."

"I'm not," Cryme said. "But I still want to help."

"It's time for Party!" Party Cannon said which rather confused the others. "I was thinking of making a catchphrase for myself. What do you think?"

"I like it," Miracle said.

"Me too, kinda catchy," Apple Core added.

"I get it, it's a play on its party time and you have the word party in your name. So it's kind of like you're introducing yourself. That's pretty clever."

"Ah thank you," Party Cannon said as he blushed.


Sweetie Belle led the way and they made their way right into Applewood. Miracle was close to Sweetie Belle nearly side by side using his spell to show where they needed to get to.

"Are we there yet?" Apple Core asked.

"We're almost there," Sweetie Belle answered. "Which means we'll be running into this "guardian" you've mentioned."

"No problem," Apple Core said.

"I’m sure we can handle whatever happens," Cryme said.

"We'll find the element and bring back harmony!" Party Cannon sang once again surprising the group, except for Sweetie Belle.

"He likes to sing," Sweetie Belle said. "Not entire songs, just a sentence or 2."

"Yeah," Party Cannon added. "I know it's not really a normal thing, but I like to do it." Suddenly Miracle jumped on top of a rather big boulder getting the other pony's attention.

"I will fight in the name of Twilight Sparkle, and everything she believed." Miracle sang and then jumped down. "That's a little something I'm working on but I couldn't get past that. But maybe that's not so bad."

"Yeah it's not that long, but it gets the point across," Party Cannon said.

"I suppose just because something is short doesn't mean it can't be memorable," Miracle said.

"Exactly," Party Cannon said as he put a foreleg around Miracle's neck. "You really get me Miracle. And that's not something I say very often."

"I don't doubt that," Apple Core whispered to Sweetie Belle who giggled a little bit.

"Yeah I can relate," Cryme said. "I have trouble meeting ponies that get me too, oh wait you were making a joke weren't you?"

"Jokes? You were telling a joke. I love jokes." Party Cannon said. "Can I hear it?"

"Here we are," Sweetie Belle said.

"I don't get it," Party Cannon said.

"I mean we've arrived in Applewood, so the Element of Harmony you're looking for should be close," Sweetie Belle finished.

"Yeah real close," Miracle said as he was still using his spell. The group then made their way through Applewood and couldn't help but notice quite a few abandoned movie sets, such as one for a Daring Do adaptation. Something Miracle figured out right away as he read every book in the franchise. Another thing the group noticed is that the entire place had a strange cold fog that seemed to somewhat wrap around the area.

"That fog isn't normal," Cryme said.

"Do you think it might be a problem?" Apple Core said.

"I don't know, I just have a really bad feeling. It’s like all my happiness gets sucked in when I get near that."

“I remember this fog,” Party Cannon said.

“You do?” Miracle asked.

“Yeah, I lived here when I was young. It was a rather sad place to live in when Witchcraft came along, but I was even sadder when we moved. I loved being around places where they make movies, I even helped out a little bit. It made me feel like I was jumping to different worlds. I feel so nostalgic being back after all these years.”

"I got a feeling too, or more like an intuition." Miracle then jumped to the top of a nearby building and was quite surprised at what he saw. "Everypony get up here." The others came up and saw that the fog was seemingly crawling all over the place and was all coming from 1 spot. "It's like some sort of fog nexus."

"Do you think a cloud fell down and it's stuck there or something?" Party Cannon asked.

"That's not quite how clouds work," Cryme said. "But who knows you might be right, this is just weird."

"Miracle do you kind of want to go over there and see just what the hay that thing is?" Apple Core asked.

"Yes I do," Miracle answered. "Mostly because according to my spell that's exactly where the next element is."

"Of course it is," Cryme said as his bad feeling got worse.

"Well we won't get it by standing here," Miracle said as he made a magical bridge that would lead the group to the fog nexus.

"Uh Miracle?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Couldn't you just teleport us all over there or something?"

"Yeah, but where's the fun in that?"

"Fun? Are you kidding me?! This bridge of your's is bright, what if the shadow ponies see?"

"What if the sky lights on fire and your muzzle falls off?" Miracle asked. "I get you don't want to be spotted, Sweetie Belle but you can't let fear make your choices for you. If I did that I never would have left my village. Just because we're on a mission to save Equestria doesn't mean we can't have fun along the way."

"I really like your brother," Party Cannon said to Apple Core.

"Ah like him too, but he's not my brother."

"He's not? Weird I'm usually good at guessing that, well I'm not spot on, but I can still tell there's some sort of connection with you 2."

"You can?" Apple Core asked as the group came right next to the fog nexus. "Questions for later." The group made their way down and Cryme couldn't help but chitter his teeth.

"Uh you know Cryme, if you're scared you can just stay here for a minute."

"T-Thank you M-Miracle, but no. I'm scared but I said I wanted to help you and Apple Core and I can't do it if I stay behind."

"Thank you Cryme." Miracle said as he admired his decision.

"So what are we looking for again?" Party Cannon asked.

"An Element of Harmony," Miracle answered.

"Right, but what do they look like?"

"So far they all seem to look different," Miracle once again answered. "But they're small and crystal like."

"Like that?" Party Cannon said as he pointed to a small crystal balloon.

"That's exactly it, good eye Party Cannon," Miracle said when suddenly parts of the fog took form and out came a mysterious creature. "Heads up everypony."

"What are you?" Party Cannon asked.

"In another life I was a great and mighty conqueror known as the Storm King, but now I am Depression, a being cursed to guard the Element of Laughter."

"What are you?" Party Cannon asked to everypony's surprise as well as Depression.

"I literally just told you," Depression answered, annoyed he had to repeat himself.

"No you said who you are not what."

"Actually he's right," Cryme pointed out. "He's not a pony and he's not whatever Cruelty was."

"A changeling," Miracle answered.

"Right, that. So what is he?"

"I'm honestly not sure," Miracle answered. "Maybe some sort of Simian. He kinda looks like an albino monkey."

"Because everypony loves a call back," Party Cannon said out of nowhere.

"What?" Miracle asked.

"No idea why I said that."


"Oh sorry," Cryme said.

"Don't say you're sorry to the albino monkey, he's a bad guy," Miracle said.


"Well Apple Core what do you think he, Apple Core?" Miracle looked around for his friend. When suddenly Depression was bucked through a wall because during the conversation, Apple Core took advantage of it by making his way over to Depression who dropped his guard.

"Found him," Party Cannon said.

"Yeah that's what you get! Did you all see that?" Apple Core said feeling really good about himself, when suddenly Depression came out of the hole.

"Sneaky little colt, I should probably be upset, but honestly I admire a dirty sneak attack like that."

"Oh you like dirty?" Apple Core asked as he lowered his head and beat his hoof at the ground aggressively. "I was born and raised on ah farm, I'll show you dirty!"

"Wow that was a great line," Miracle said who had winked to Cryme who understood why right away.

"Yeah I was just about to say just that," Party Cannon said. Apple Core charged at Depression who grabbed him by the sides of his stomach. He was about to throw him, but Apple Core jumped up escaping his grip then stomped on his head before jumping right behind him. Apple Core was about to buck him again when suddenly the mist wrapped around him lifting him up and stopping him in his place.

"You aren't the only one who can fight dirty," Depression said as he pummeled Apple Core, or at least he would have if Miracle hadn't made a magical wall appear between the 2 of them.

"Sorry you aren't hurting my best friend, Sweetie Belle, get Apple Core free," Miracle said.

"Uh okay I can do that but can't you do that?"

"No, it's my turn to pound the guardian."

"Epic," Party Cannon said. Sweetie Belle cut the fog with magic beams getting Apple Core down while Miracle blasted at Depression forcing him back. Depression tried to use the fog to help him but Miracle pushed that back as well.

"So you can control fog, that's a new one for a guardian."

"Oh yeah, you mentioned something about fighting other guardians."

"Not just fought them, I've defeated 2 guardians and you're going to be number 3."

"Cocky, I like that. Perhaps if I had followers like you, I wouldn't have gotten myself in this situation. Honestly it wasn't bad enough that I died, now I'm stuck here."

"Did he just say died?" Cryme asked who was flying up in the air above Depression who looked up to see where his voice was coming from.

"Oh trying to attack me from above huh?"

"No I was just stealing your element," Cryme answered which caused Depression to look over to where the Element of Laughter used to be. "I probably shouldn't have said that, me and my big mouth." Depression then turned some of the fog into a large claw to grab Cryme. It would have, but then suddenly Party Cannon attacked it with what else, a party cannon.

"What the?" Depression said when suddenly the fog claw was hit more by the cannon and fell apart.

"And there's plenty more where that came from!" Party Cannon said as he fired it right at Depression.

"What the heck is that?!" Depression asked.

"That's one of his party cannons," Sweetie Belle answered.

"Where was he keeping it?" Apple Core asked.

"I have no idea, trust me with him it's just best not to ask questions." Party Cannon then fired more at Depression who got more and more angry with every shot.

"I'm gonna break you, but first I'm gonna break that annoying cannon!" Depression then summoned another claw from the fog but bigger. He then made several more just as big to attack the others. "Divide and pummel." The claws then attacked the group Sweetie Belle summoned a force field that protected her and Apple Core while Cryme flew away and Miracle blasted a beam right through the claw that attacked him. But Party Cannon along with his name sake were punched at the same time and then knocked to the ground.

"Ah gosh," Party Cannon said as he got himself back up, but barely. "I've heard of thick fog but this is just ridiculous." Miracle couldn't help but laugh at Party Cannon's comment.

"That was a good one," Miracle said as he made his way over to Party Cannon while laughing quite a bit.

"Thanks, that just came to me right now if you can believe it." Depression and a few more claws he made charged at Miracle but he blasted all of them away.

"I believe it, how's your cannon?" Party Cannon tried to pick it up but the wheels broke off and the cannon fell.

"It took an even worse hit than I did, don't worry I have plenty more where that came from."

"Seriously where did it come from?" Apple Core asked while still in the force field with Sweetie Belle as it started to crack.

"I know somecreature else that's going to take a worse hit." Miracle then charged up his horn and blasted away the fog claws saving Depression for last. He was knocked to the ground and saw that Sweetie Belle removed the force field allowing Apple Core to jump and stomped on Depression once again.

"Was that worse enough for you?" Apple Core said filled with pride.

"Not quite, but we're getting there," Miracle answered.

"Yeah I feel like we're doing pretty good," Cryme said as he flew down to Apple Core and Sweetie Belle to see if they were all right. Depression then formed monsters from the fog taking the shapes of storm creatures. Cryme picked up Apple Core when half a dozen or so of the creatures tried to attack him. Cryme dropped Apple Core next to Miracle while Sweetie Belle teleported to the other side so the whole group would be together.

"All right Miracle you take the fog monsters on the left, I'll take the ones on the right," Apple Core said.

"No," Miracle said, rather surprising Apple Core. "If we beat them, Depression will just make more. It'll just be a waste of energy."

"That's right," Depression said as he slowly approached with the fog monsters close behind. "It's why you can't win. You can defeat my constructs, but I'll just make more again and again. Eventually you'll all get tired and not be able to put up any sort of fight, and that's where the true hopelessness will sink in."

"Or we could just defeat you," Miracle said, being one of 2 ponies in the group who didn't let what Depression said make them start to feel like the situation was hopeless. "If we beat you, then you can't make the fog monsters anymore," Miracle finished and snapped the others out of their recent mind sets.

"Huh?" Depression asked before Miracle blasted him through the fog and a wall.

"Wow, look how far he went," Cryme said.

"I'm not out of this fight yet you ponies!" Depression said as he got back up and came through the fog ready for a fight. But as he was about to charge at the group, Party Cannon blasted him with 3 more of his namesakes.

"I told you there was plenty more where that came from!" Party Cannon said who was the other pony that didn't give in to Depression's mind games. Party Cannon then blasted Depression some more and Miracle joined him. "We will never surrender," Party Cannon sang as he kept firing.

"For I will fight in the name of Twilight Sparkle, and everything she believed," Miracle sang as well and dealt Depression rather painful spells. He tried to use the fog to block them, but they just went through.

"For there is nothing that we fear," Sweetie Belle sang as well. She along with Apple Core and Cryme were inspired by Miracle and Party Cannon to join in and also hit Depression with a rather powerful spell dead on. Apple Core then told Cryme to pick him up once again and drop him on Depression to give him another good stomp. After getting it he tried to entangle them all with tentacles made out of the fog, but Miracle and Sweetie Belle pushed them back with magic walls.

"Hey everypony I got an idea," Miracle called out. "Surround him!" Everypony decided to do just that and the group formed a star shape.

"Now what?" Party Cannon asked.

"Attack him!"

"Works for me!" Apple Core said. Miracle and Sweetie Belle fired spells while Party Cannon fired his 3 name sakes like crazy. Apple Core got in close and dealt some hard bucks and punches and Cryme used his wings to keep the fog away from the others. Before long Depression collapsed to the ground.

"Wow he's really taking a beating," Party Cannon said.

"It's just as I figured," Miracle said. "It's your weakness isn't it, if you're getting attacked from all around you can't focus on using the fog can you?"

"Powerful and smart, forget minion you would have made a great second in command. But I won’t lose to you!" Depression then jumped up and used the fog to catch him forming a giant version of himself with the fog’s entirety. The fog giant then formed a fist and threw it right at Miracle.

“Yes you will!” Miracle then charged up his horn and fired the strongest beam he could which broke through not just the fist, but the whole arm. Since it was still firing from his horn Miracle moved his stance to redirect the beam to hit Depression dead on. The fog giant faded away causing Depression to fall and hit the ground. “Maybe Sweetie Belle had a point about teleporting,” Miracle said as he fell to the ground tired from his last attack.

"Time to finish him off," Apple Core said as he jumped on Depression and bucked him through a wall once again. Depression crawled out but the group saw cracks starting to form on his body.

"Wow, ironic," Depression said as he finished crawling through the hole. "I cleared out this whole place only to get defeated by the next few ponies that came here."

"What are you talking about?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"When I became a guardian I got the power to control the fog, for some reason the fog could also make the ponies as miserable as I feel for having gotten this fate. I used it to spread the sadness as far as I could, driving the ponies away so I could be all alone. That way they'd never come here and try to take the element. Honestly, I did much better than I thought I would, I made everypony here leave." Depression had a bit more to say but stopped when he heard Party Cannon laughing.

"You want to know something funny?" Party Cannon asked. "I was one of the ponies that left this place when I was young, but that was what motivated me to work so hard to look on the bright side of things and smile. I saw how miserable everypony was and wanted to help others do that as well. All of your sadness taught me how to smile." When Party Cannon finished, Depression started to laugh.

"You know what?" Depression asked as he continued to laugh. "That actually is, pretty funny." And with that Depression vanished.

"All right!" Apple Core said as he jumped up. "We defeated another guardian!" And this time I really helped out, Apple Core thought to himself feeling so proud that he finally pulled his weight. Cryme then shot out the rivers of tears.

"We did it! We did it! I was so scared! But we did it!" Cryme then flew over to Miracle Maker and holding out the element of Laughter.

"Hey Cryme," Party Cannon said. "Can I see that for a minute?"

Uh okay," Cryme said as he gave it to Party Cannon who then presented Miracle with the Element of Laughter. Miracle was more than happy to put in his saddle bag. "Here you go Miracle, it's the prize that I said you earned even though I didn't know what it was at first but now I do and gave it to you."

"And now we're halfway to a complete set, I think anyway. I can't remember how many there are, ever since I met you seeing these little things was the first time I ever saw them," Cryme said.

"Yeah we're halfway there," Miracle answered as he was getting his energy back from his victory.

"Well why stop here?" Apple Core said filled with testosterone. "Let's get on to the next one, I'm ready for another fight!" Apple Core then started to flex his muscles a bit which got the others to laugh.

"Well let's not be too eager to fight," Cryme said.

"Oh come on, I'm ready to fight a whole bunch of shadow ponies!" Apple Core said.

"Oh really?" An eerie voice echoed, catching the attention of the entire group. They turned around to see a dozen or so shadow ponies flying around or on roofs.

"Quite a band of misfits we have here," another shadow pony said.

"Begs the question, what are you doing here?" A third shadow pony asked.

"What are we doing here?" Party Cannon asked. "What are you doing here? There's nothing left to destroy here, well actually there's still a lot, but it's abandoned so what's the point?"

"If it's abandoned, why are you here?"

"Yes, why?"

"Why are you here?!" Party Cannon asked.

"They must have seen the fog giant," Miracle answered.

"Yes," a shadow pony answered with a voice more eerie than the others, so much in fact it sent a chill down the spines of the group. "Now what are you doing here? If this place is abandoned, why come?"

"Can you talk differently?" Cryme asked. "No offense, but your voice is really creeping me out."

"That's the point," the shadow pony answered as he flew straight over to Cryme who looked like he was going to have a heart attack. He most likely would have if Miracle hadn't lit up his horn for a light spell. That spell made the shadow pony cry out in pain and fall back. He was so focused on the shadow pony he didn't see a look of rage that appeared on Cryme's face for a split second.

"Thanks," Cryme said, who saw Miracle fall to the ground so he went over to help him stand up again.

"You're welcome," Miracle said while breathing heavily and Cryme still had a hoof over his back to help him stand. "But I need time to recharge, fighting Depression took a lot out of me."

"Yeah that'll happen," Party Cannon said.

"Meddlesome ponies," the shadow pony Miracle forced back who looked like he was still in pain said. Suddenly they all began to swarm around the group.

"RUN!" Apple Core said as he went under Miracle and stood up in order to carry him. The others followed close behind him as the shadow ponies took off after them and soon got on their tails.

"Sweetie Belle! Do you know any more light spells?" Apple Core asked as they kept running.

"1 or 2," Sweetie Belle answered, trying not to look back. "But it's not strong enough for all of them." Suddenly Sweetie Belle's face lit up. "But I know something that can." Sweetie Belle then teleported away.

"Where did she go?" Miracle asked who got some strength back, but still not enough to stand up and use his magic.

"Hard to say, you know mares," Party Cannon answered. "Always teleporting for no apparent reason to do Celestia knows what."

"Who knows what?" Miracle asked.

"I'm not sure, it's an old saying." Before long the group made it to where they started, back into Las Pegasus.

"Uh guys, I don't mean to be rude and interrupt or anything but do we have a plan or some form of a plan or anything that could be a plan," Cryme said as he kept looking back and forth between the others and the shadow ponies still hot on their tails. "Because I don't think running or in my case flying is going to help us out."

"If I could just rest a spell I could use my magic to fight back." Miracle then turned his head to Party Cannon who was laughing a bit. "What's so funny?"

"Rest a spell," Party Cannon answered before laughing again and Miracle even joined in a bit.

"That wasn't even on purpose, well maybe a little," Miracle replied before falling off Apple Core when he was knocked from the side by a shadow pony. Suddenly the group was surrounded by them as they not only circled them but flew over and around them showing just how many there were. "This is not good, this is really not good."

"We gotta do something," Apple Core said.

"I was thinking of pleading for mercy, but that's probably not going to help," Cryme said.

"Where are the others?" One of the shadow ponies asked.

"What are you talking about?" Apple Core asked.

"There must be others, a group this small wouldn't be here all alone."

"Why, are we not enough fun?!" Miracle asked.

"I should be enough fun," Party Cannon said.

"Haven't you done enough damage and hurt enough ponies?" Miracle continued. "How miserable does everypony have to be until it's enough." Suddenly the shadow ponies started to swirl around the group looking rather mad.

"Uh okay seriously we need a plan," Cryme said clearly sounding like he was on the verge of panicking, but was trying not to.

"I have a plan, we can hide somewhere special to me," Party Cannon said, but before he could put it into action Sweetie Belle reappeared holding up a crystal.

"This will take care of you shadow ponies!" Sweetie Belle said, but when she tried to get the crystal to work nothing happened. Causing her to panic as she tried to shake it and lightly tap it, but that didn't help either.

"It seems your secret weapon has failed, like you ponies have failed." Another shadow pony said as they got closer.

"No we haven't failed!" Miracle said as he struggled to stand, but had the willpower to stay up. He then used his magic to grab the crystal and held it up tight. "We're just getting started, you shadow ponies have been running things long enough! My name is Miracle Maker and I'm going to bring back harmony or I'm going to die trying, because," Miracle then cleared his throat while still trying to stay up. His friends then came to him as they saw how much he was in trouble. "I will fight in the name of Twilight Sparkle, and everything she believed!" Miracle sang and suddenly the crystal glowed a pure light that alarmed all of the shadow ponies.

"What's happening?" Cryme asked. "Something good I hope." Suddenly the light from the crystal spread out all around the group and expanded. The shadow ponies were all pushed back and driven away by the crystal light vanishing into the night. With that Miracle collapsed to the ground nearly blacking out.

"ALL RIGHT MIRACLE!" Party Cannon yelled as he pulled Sweetie Belle into a kiss which surprised her to say the least. The others cheered as well and made sure that Miracle was all right. He was okay but exhausted they lifted him up and carried him back to Sweetie Belle's house.


Miracle practically blacked out when they got to the house and when he woke up in Sweetie Belle's bed it was day. After resting Miracle got all his energy back and made his way downstairs where Cryme and Apple Core were. After having some breakfast Miracle wanted to get his stuff into the cart, but Cryme and Apple Core already did.

"I'm already ready for the next part of this adventure," Apple Core said.

"And I just want to go, I'm afraid those shadow ponies are gonna come back."

"After what I did I doubt we're going to see them again," Miracle said.

"Maybe, but I don't want to take any chances," Cryme said and when the trio headed outside a lot of other ponies agreed. They ran into Sweetie Belle who was helping quite a few ponies getting ready to move, but were waiting until night to do it.

"With that guardian defeated there's a lot more room and a lot more places to hide, those shadow ponies might come back and we want to spread out. That'll make it harder for the shadow ponies to find us if they come back."

"Speaking of which," Miracle said as he got into the cart and pulled out the crystal. "Here you can have this back." Miracle then extended his hoof to Sweetie Belle who simply pushed it back to him.

"No, it's okay. You can keep it. If you manage to find all the elements and defeat Witchcraft, we won't have much of a need will we?"

"Oh thank you," Miracle said. "And don't worry, harmony will be back before you know it." Miracle then made his way to the cart, but stopped all of a sudden. "Hey where's Party Cannon?"

"Honestly I have no idea, I thought he might be with you. Or at the very least show up to see you off. He does this quite a bit, he disappears and I don't see him for Celestia knows how long?"


"Long story, tell you what when you finish your adventure come back here and I'll tell you all about her."

"Sounds good to me," Miracle then surprised Sweetie Belle with a hug that she returned and Miracle joined his friends in the cart. The cart took off as Sweetie Belle waved goodbye when suddenly something else caught her attention, several pieces of snow that somehow made their way to Las Pegasus. As she looked up she just barely made out what appeared to be a massive storm cloud far off in the same direction that the cart was going.

"Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Twilight. Wherever you are, look after Miracle and his friends, a storm is coming.”