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🇳🇱 🇺🇦 Putting "shit" in "shitpost" since 1996 🇳🇱 🇺🇦 [your/mom]

Comments ( 48 )

"What" is all I can say with my first impression of this story.

Sometimes my mind goes places. "What" is probably a good way to describe it.

When I saw this was a Sunset seeks revenge for Anon-a-Miss plot, I was tempted to drop it, but I skipped to the end out of morbid curiosity.

Yeah, no thank you. Though I do appreciate what you did with Derpy Feet.

Wait, who's Derpy Feet?

What's the non-con tag for?

Well, you can't call the human one Derpy Hooves, now can you?

Ok this was morbidly amusing.

The fuck did I just read

Vignette. You can't really consent if half of your head is missing.

That's the spirit.

Funny enough, this would be right up 4chan's alley. I would post the story there for some great feedback and reactions.

In here there's too much shock and awe, you need a relaxed audience to appreciate this.

Funny thing is, at first I started to write this as a green for EqG-TV thread (since it's mostly Wallflower anyway), but quickly decided to make it a proper story.

250 years ago when Marquis de Sade (origin of the word sadism) published his collection of dark erotic friction detailing violence, sadism, snuff and crime, it was decryed as appalling and it horrified everyone that read it. It's remarkable to think that since then we as a society have become so desensitized and indifferent to violence, suffering and death that works of fiction like this and one's even worse ("Celestia's relaxing vacation", "Equestria's Finest", etc) are par-for-the-course and often don't inspire any stronger reaction than mordid curiosity or at worst, mild distaste. We read and write them for fun. It's pretty fucked up when you think about it.

Well, the ratio on this one seems to show that some people are repulsed by it (assuming they read it). Also, I checked out of curiosity and apparently while de Sade wrote 120 Days of Sodom in 1785, he himself thought the manuscript was destroyed during the storming of the Basteille. It actually resurfaced only in 1904. Guess we became desensitized because since then we had two world wars and some other shit, so art, especially non-visual art like writing can't really catch up.

("Celestia's relaxing vacation", "Equestria's Finest", etc)

I always liked Bronystories more than Headless Rainbow, tbh.

This story was very interesting. Actually what drew me to it was the chapter titles. Because every chapter title is one letter from the word 'yeet'. I don't know if anyone else picked up on that. Chapter one is titled: Y. Chapter two was titled: E. Chapter three is titled: E. Chapter four is titled: T. What does that spell? Yeet! :rainbowlaugh: I love it!

This is delightfully fucked up. This is what artists strive to make one day in their mortal lives.

Thanks. Somehow, no one these days writes truly fucked up shit (and if they do, it's usually some half-illiterate teen). I'm thinking like, Bronystories, Shadowed Rainbow, or Kaidan (though he came back). It's as if writers now are afraid to offend or scare readers.

It's as if writers now are afraid to offend or scare readers.

More that they've deluded themselves into thinking that green and red thumbs mean anything.

True. Given what's usually in the featured box, it looks like quality often doesn't match the story's rating.

RDDash #19 · Oct 1st, 2021 · · 1 · T ·

Should have made Novichock, the story is kinda boring.

They'd have to learn Russian then.

“No, the guy who works there knows a guy who knows how to get uranium. Also, I think the next shipment of C-4 has already arrived.”

There's a guy for everything.

This was a surprisingly moving story.

There is, if you look hard enough.

You have to pause for a moment. The situation is not quite something you see every day. You just start to wonder why are you even discussing theodicy with Wallflower Blush right after you just left Twilight Sparkle’s body in an empty classroom.

30 seconds in and Twi is already dead? Shit...

I feel like these type of fics get a lot of flack for killing off characters we've all grown to love. But that's why I'm here for it, fuckin love this website man

I'll gradually post more comments as I get further into this story, looks good so far!

“Like we’d have access to pinacolyl alcohol.” Wallflower rolls her eyes. “I told you that with sarin, we’d only need isopropyl. And I’d like to remind you that it was already hard to get C-4.”

As in the isopropyl that people use in smartphone repair?!
*Looks over at my desk full of phone repair equipment, and isopropyl alcohol*

(FBI this is a joke I only repair phones for fun)

“Yes, but still, I want to be remembered.” Wallflower shrugs. “Also, I think hanging myself is not awesome enough. And look, a murder is just an extroverted suicide, and Mom told me to be less introverted.”


Wallflower nods. “Angel Bunny.”

I can honestly say, good riddance you little shit.

In fact, you and Wallflower need a serious talk about Sunset. Even without the part about murdering everyone at school, the girl looks like she needs therapy.

Anon, getting Sunset laid is the therapy!

We can test how it works on an actual human. Even from the same school, so the test is closer to the real deal.”

Fuck yeah, scientific accuracy!!!

GT3RS #27 · Feb 6th, 2023 · · · E ·

It’s a pretty nice 1959 Cadillac, complete with a new, shiny paint job, with its original engine switched for a V8 hemi. Apparently Wallflower’s father did it himself. It has a quite good radio and comfortable seats and its acceleration compensates quite well for the lack of agility due to a somewhat lengthened wheelbase.

Veeeeeery nice. As a car guy, I approve.

(It says a lot that this is what I'm first quoting, and not the pure trauma before it, but here we are)

At first you ignored Sunset’s messages, but as the mountain of empty booze bottles began to grow around you, you decided to send her some photos to prove that you’re alive. This included you two smoking cigars, snorting cocaine, sitting at the blackjack table, and doing some other questionable things, culminating in an amusing video of Wallflower, butt-naked, drunk and coked up like a Wall Street yuppie two hours before the deadline, lighting her farts on fire.

Je-sus christ.

Rarity takes a few steps back, her face more pale than usual. “Cornflower, wait!” she cries. “You don’t have to–”

You brought this on yourself, Rarity

“And soon you won’t be one either, honey, unless you cooperate.” Sunset leans closer to Vignette, making a move as if she wanted to grab her private parts. Her mask is already creepy, but you’re pretty sure her expression underneath it is even creepier.

I'm all for clinically insane Sunset in this, lol

Suddenly, the gun goes off, turning her right eye into a bloody mess. Judging by the red and grayish mass that hits the wall behind her and slowly flows down, the back of her head is not in a great shape right now. She recoils, resting herself against the desk, piss flowing down her legs. Her hands twitch as she tries to prop herself, but without success; she drops on the desk, her hand landing on the keyboard and pressing the “F” key as her moves become more erratic and finally stop.

Holy fuck.

Your boner, however, comes to life. Vignette’s brain is all over the place, but unfortunately, your dick doesn’t seem to mind, only noticing the fact that she’s lying on the desk, her ass in a miniskirt facing you. You unzip your pants and lift Vignette’s skirt.

I'm sorry WHAT?!

The Day of the Yeet has come.

Sure, I guess.

You really have questions, but you’re not sure if you’d want the answers, especially since your dick really wants to rub against the diaper while she’s wearing it and then cum in it.

I think you really need psychological help, man.

You nod as the guard collapses to the floor, coughing. You walk to him and put the gun in his hand. The guy definitely deserved to go straight to Valhalla.

Aww, wholesome.

You turn her on her back. Twilight twitches, trying to take a breath, but to no success. At least she stopped talking. Soon, she also stops breathing, shits herself one more time, and finally lies limply on the floor.

Proud of you, Twilight.

When you got a call from Wallflower Blush, asking you to come to her house, you expected another anime marathon. Also, you just realised you’ve already remembered everything that brought you to this particular point in your life.

The time loop begins and ends here. Brilliant fucking writing, I must say.

Sunset drops on the floor next to Mystery Mint and finally fucking dies.

God damn, is it bad to say i laughed at this entire bit?

“No, Skrillex.”


It’s only up to you.

That. Was. Brilliant.
Maybe I'm just mega-fucked up for this, but that was the best fic I've read in a while. Cheers for that


I feel like these type of fics get a lot of flack for killing off characters we've all grown to love. But that's why I'm here for it, fuckin love this website man

I guess people are biased because 90% of grimdark on this site is crap. Same goes for niche fetish fics.


(FBI this is a joke I only repair phones for fun)

Once you read this fic, I guess you're on the list (I expected a visit from AIVD while doing research for this fic).

Fuck yeah, scientific accuracy!!!

That was one of my goals.


As a car guy, I approve.

I've been listening to Horny in a Hearse by Nekromantix a lot while writing (from other musical inspirations, I imagine Wallflower's father looks like Sparky from Demented Are Go).


You brought this on yourself, Rarity

On the bright side, she wasn't at school when they gassed it.
Also, my prereader was done with this fic right after the Vignette scene (and they write rather crazy shit themselves).


I think you really need psychological help, man.

Anon definitely will.


The time loop begins and ends here. Brilliant fucking writing, I must say.

Shortly before joining the site, I read a fic about Wallflower and clown robbers which used a similar flashback thing and I tried to use it.

That. Was. Brilliant.
Maybe I'm just mega-fucked up for this, but that was the best fic I've read in a while. Cheers for that

Thanks :pinkiehappy::pinkiecrazy:

One of the weird most charming stories I've ever read. The subject mater, and oh so many crimes and violence, are in a mild, loose, casual manner. It actually greatly enhances the story's comedy. And the second POV is easy to integrate with.

Beautifully twisted story. I am simultaneously desensitized to parts and disgusted my others, making for quite the stew.

Thanks. I was kinda going for that "everyone is insane" feel (well, they're varying degrees of insanity - Anon seems fine compared to Sunset, but then he kinda allows the events to happen, not to mention the fetishes he finds out to have). And of course the over the top violence, a bit of Clockwork Orange here, a bit of Palahniuk there (well, I'm not saying it's some intellectual commentary as I mostly wrote it because I wanted to see the people's reaction to it).

A few minutes later, Fluttershy is neatly tied with duct tape while you look at the hard drive from the computer Wallflower found in the back. You’ve heard that if you just deleted the recordings, someone could restore them, so you just ripped the hard drive off.

Watching Vsauce really paid off:ajsmug:

Gonna ask my local Chapati shop for some C-4:pinkiehappy:

Edit: jhe cxalled tge poilkuce (+soery vcor aspelking mistackes un ryunbnincg asway rdighyt nbow)

She laughs in a rather unhinged way. “I’m afraid someone would prefer a sarin-contaminated corpse over me, lol.

No way she just said "lol" outloud I would kill her immediately right then and there

“Nothing,” you reply. “We can get her into the plastic bag and yeet her into the compost heap.”

Nonononono all the things anon just did were okay but this....this is a fucking chronic sin and he should go to hell immediately

her hand landing on the keyboard and pressing the “F” key as her moves become more erratic and finally stop.

F in the chat bois

“What the hell?” Vignette looks at the gun and then stares down the barrel, furrowing her eyebrows.

Silly Vignette, everyone knows you don't look in the barrel

This Sunset Shimmer has the same energy as the Sunset Shimmer in NMHM and I love it :ajsmug:

Sunset Shimmer in NMHM:

“Oh, so now you’re calling me a liar? You think I’M BUCKING LYING TO YOU? YOU’D DARE TO SAY THAT TO ME?”

“Sunset,” said Twilight, “let’s relax.” Sunset laughed.

“Relax. Glitter says to relax. Alright, I’m relaxed. I’m relaxed.” No-Doze breathed a sigh of relief. Then Sunset Shimmer bit his dick off.

Rainbow Dash screamed in shock as No-Doze collapsed to the ground in pain, writhing and wriggling all over the place, covering the lower half of his body in a mixture of blood and dirt as he involuntarily spasmed with pain. Sunset Shimmer pranced around him with his dick her in mouth watching him cry for a few circles, then held down his head to the ground with her hoof, keeping it still for a few seconds. Then she flashed her horn and teleported his severed dick into his left eye socket.

They're both unhinged and clinically insane, :pinkiecrazy: they both worked with the two main characters atleast once, and both of them are dead. So many similarities!:pinkiegasp:

Try Getting a Reservation at Horsia Now, You Bucking Stupid Bastard!

I'm currently hiding in my uncle's underground bunker:pinkiehappy:

Wallflower pouts. “Aww, there goes my idea of using Novichok. We actually found the recipe on the dark web, but it’s in Russian and it’s not something you can just put in the translator without getting a surprise visit from the FBI.”

Silly Wallflower, everyone knows that Tor browser + NordVPN + incognito mode + just using the little Google translate widget that pops up when you search "russian to English" instead of using the actual website + turning off the WiFi immediately after translation = the FBI won't know a thing!



I'm not familiar with this acronym. Also, people who say "lol" are clearly insane.

NMHM (No more hoof measures) I just said NMHM to make it easier and I wasn't expecting you to know the acronym:twilightsheepish:

Very insane. Saying Lmao out loud is a little acceptable but if someone says "LOL" unironically they are nuts enough to kill 20 people with nut allergies

Your boner, however, comes to life. Vignette’s brain is all over the place, but unfortunately, your dick doesn’t seem to mind, only noticing the fact that she’s lying on the desk, her ass in a miniskirt facing you. You unzip your pants and lift Vignette’s skirt.

My honest reaction to this information:

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