• Published 31st Jul 2021
  • 477 Views, 20 Comments

The Adventure Continues - Dragon Shimmer

The heroes team welcome to new member in ... unsual way

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An old ice cave...

As Natalie draws an arrow with some wind element symbol around the ground, she asks, "Are you clear about the enchanting arrow?" She carries on, "You have to decide which element you want to use, which target you want to shoot, and how much mana you want to add to the arrow. If you use too much, Sunset and I will need to take a long time to heal you."

Having been exhausted after the lessons, Anna is lying on the ground. “Me and my big mouth… (Groan)” Despite being exhausted, the archer rubs her head to alleviate her headache.

"Wait... is it already morning?" Anne stares at the rising sun. "Oh, I wanted to ask you about that cool draining spell..."

A nearby tent flap opens to reveal Sunset. After a morning yawn and a few stretches, the dragon picks up two bottles in her claws. She gives Anna one of the mana potions and explains to her, "Well, the cursing spell is simple. It is the opposite of the blessing spell. Since it is getting late or should I say early, maybe we can have that lesson another time."

Feeling rejuvenated after drinking the mana potion, Anna perks up. "Sorry, I don't completely understand how these spells work yet, but thank you both for your lessons."

Sunset spots Anna’s other teacher and hands her the second brew. Natalie was grateful for the energy drink after a long night of teaching enchantments.

“Thanks! Guess I got a little carried away,” replies Natalie tiredly. “Wow! These are great!” She added after drinking Sunset's tonic. “With your potion-making skills, you can start your own business. Believe me, I have tasted some bad-tasting concoctions. If you can make these regenerating potions taste delicious too it’s a win-win.”

“In addition to some clover honey and spices, I followed the basic recipe.” Responds Sunset. “Maybe my taste buds changed when I transformed into a dragon.

“At least we are safe from another questionable meal.” Answers Natalie sarcastically. “By the way, how did you make that slime disappear? I’ve tried to ditch some of Matt’s dubious ingredients for years but always got caught.”

“I thought that incident was you. Guess it is a mystery for another time,” Sunset answers.

The pair stopped talking after hearing rustling from inside the other tents. They nodded before walking over to the fire pit. As Natalie wiped off the dew from the makeshift seats, the sunset rekindled the fire for the morning coffee.

After their normal routine of breaking camp, the team gathers at the edge of the open field. Several of the ruined walls are broken down enough for the team to observe how high they have gotten. While Sunset carefully flies around the area, looking for trouble, Lance scans as wide as his device can run.

No enemies are spotted so the team regrouped at the entrance to the field. Anna holds the map out like a shield in front of her. The archer seemed focused on two pillars off into the distance.

“What’s wrong Anna?” asks Natalie. “You’re shivering. I have a warmer cloak.”

“I’m not cold. It’s just there are no trees or shrubs around for cover. There is so much open space,” The archer replies. She rubs her hands on her arms for comfort.

"Don't worry, Anna," Matt says as he stepped over some abandoned musical instruments. “If anything tries to attack us, we will see it from a long distance away.”

“It’s just a bit spooky out here. Yesterday this whole space was full of cats playing instruments, but now it is just abandoned and full of discarded items. It’s like we are the last creatures on earth(en).” Says Anna nervously. “What monstrous thing could have scared all the cult cats away?”

The journey across the open area was uneventful. Several hours later, the team navigated along the ancient ruins with only the wind to accompany them. Their path eventually leads to a small platform capped by two pillars. An icicle covered entrance to a cavern is barely visible through the degraded structure.

“Not another ice cave..." sighs Matt. The swordsman stands dispassionately at the entrance of the new obstacle. "I hope this cave is not as cold as the one near Whitefall Village."

Lance pats his back, "Just go inside already, ye are our leader, right?"

"Right." Matt starts to walk over the raised area towards the cave entrance but immediately jumps back. He gasps as many arrows now cover his previous spot.

A squishing noise emanating from the platform interrupts the previously eerie silence. Arcs of electricity dance off of the ruined posts. In the first pillar, a bow and two inhuman limbs emerge. As the two pillars glow in different colors, they morph into clay golems. An electric spear is formed by the yellow golem while the green golem shoots multiple arrows.

Sunset spins around to knock the spear away from the yellow golem with her tail. Meanwhile, Matt uses earth magic to create dirt walls to block the arrows. The green clay aims for the team’s mage but Nolegs distracts the monster while Matt slams his sword into the ground. He creates an earthen wave that knocks the golem over. A glowing arrow plunges into the fallen green clay. The immobile monster cannot remove the projectile before it is penetrated by a second arrow. Upon contact with the first arrow, the second arrow rapidly sparks and ignites. The catalyst reaction spreads until the whole monster is covered in flames.

Despite the yellow clay's ability to create spears, Lance's shots destroy them. Shooting off the monster's arm causes it to grow a brand-new one. With its spears failing, the golem charges at the gunner but it splats into an ice wall. A magic circle appears above its head and ice spikes rain from the ring. Before the spikes can hit the clay, it hurdles itself over the barrier and flattens its legs. The monster attempts to reform its legs but is not fast enough to avoid the swordsman's trap. A binding earth spell tethers the monster to the spot. Overhead Sunset has shifted to her more hefty red form. Dropping her full weight on the yellow golem, it bursts apart with a loud splat.

As Sunset is cleaning her feet, she glances back at the green clay. She is amazed to see the other monster is now reduced to a pile of ashes. Sunset and Natalie look at each other after witnessing the green golem’s fiery demise. “We’ve created a monster…”

Matt is leaning on his sword, breathing hard. “Next time you are going first." Matt pants at the gunner.

Sunset rolls her eyes as she continues to venture inside the cave with the Team without knowing what kind of dangers they have to face inside.

It is completely dark inside the ice cave. Sunset and Natalie create some circling fireballs to illuminate the narrow tunnel path. Nolegs is on Sunset’s back using his night vision to spot trouble. The team is surprised to see a row of torches on the wall. Following the torches, they come up to some carvings depicting cats lining the walls. Further down the tunnel, the bas-reliefs become more elaborate. Multi-colored crystals and gem-covered stalactites cover the ceiling.

"Wow! The cat temple extends down here.” Anna remarks as she pokes at one of the columns. “This part of the temple is completely carved from ice. Why hasn't it melted after all these years?"

Natalie explains, “These Mountains must have some strange magical properties. It's really warm outside, yet there's ice in here."

Lance complains, "Ye are still finding it extremely difficult to believe that those small fur-bags built all of this …OUCH! Ah! Nolegs?"

“Ha-ha! Good job Nolegs.” Chuckles Sunset. “He needs to respect the achievements of hardworking cats.” The dragon is so impressed by the details of the carvings she casts a copy- image spell to enjoy them later.

Nolegs hops back onto Sunset's back. His shield is still out after its creative use on the gunner.

In response to Lance's head rub, the other team members laugh.

Sunset notes, "This building complex is pretty impressive. Despite what we've heard and determined about the Godcats, it doesn't seem unreasonable to believe that this complex was built by cats. After all, I originally came from a world of intelligent ponies..."

Sunset’s speech is interrupted by heavy stomps coming from down the tunnel. Turning around, the team sees a giant ice golem carrying a spiked club and shield walking toward them.

“Oh no! Not another golem…” sighs Matt. “Come on Dragon Shimmer… This is the third one in a row already!”

“Eh? What are you doing Matt?” inquired Sunset.

“Oh, I’m trying to jazz up this filler chapter.” Replies Matt cheerfully.

Before Sunset could process this latest Matt moment, the ice golem swings its barbed weapon at the team. She immediately uses "Dragon Fire" to attack the monster. The golem raises its ice shield but it is quickly melted. In order to distract the golem, Nolegs hops on its head while the dragon shoots a fireball at it.

The narrow tunnel walls make limited room for the battle. Matt slides under the golem and slashes its leg with his blade but the ice feels abnormally dense. Looking at the golem's leg, the swordsman realizes it is made of stone covered in ice. Matt yells this news to the rest of the group.

The Golem is angry at the swordsman for his injury and tried to stomp on him. However, Lance shoots at the monster's exposed stone injury while Nolegs dumps sticky paint onto its eyes. Losing its purchase, the ice monster falls over. The spiked club impacts an adjacent wall and showers the team with ice and rock debris. However, Natalie’s shield spell protects everyone.

Anna shoots several arrows at the golem. In the process of raining down arrows on the monster, a magic circle under the monster is charged. Several large explosions hit the Golem's body as the last volley of arrows hit it, and it is shattered into pieces.

“Oh no Anna!” shouts Sunset as the cave shakes from the detonations. The dragon pushes the archer towards Natalie’s buffer. Then Sunset frantically adds power to the mage’s shield spell.

Anna steps back nervously, "Eh... somethings wrong?"

“Yes we’re in a cave!” shouts Sunset pointing up to the ceiling.

Anna's eyes reluctantly follow Sunset’s claws up towards the embedded crystal and stalactite arrangement. The previous rumbling noise of the ice monster is slowly changing to a high ringing sound. The archer’s eyes widen when she realizes the sound is the crystals vibrating against each other. A loud crack snaps the archer’s mind back into reality.

“RUN!” shouts Lance. The team slide, stumble and jump over the remains of the ice monster in a mad dash down the tunnel. Overhead, the over-vibrated crystals start to crack. The sparkling minerals shatter resulting in a deadly rain of sharp crystals. Without the surrounding gems, the stalactites also drop to the floor as icy daggers which explode into a cloud of choking dust.

The team collapses to the floor after escaping from the cave-in. Anna looks away from her teammates as she attempts to catch her breath. Lance looks back at the previous chamber and shakes his head.

“Ok, looks like the only way out is forward.” Says Natalie.

“New rule, Arrow-girl." Matt gasps, still out of breath. “No more throwing things into caverns that make loud booms while any of us are still inside.”

“Eh …oops.” Anna looks very embarrassed and is trying to make herself small. Nolegs hops on the archer's shoulder to comfort her. Then the cat ‘mews’ and points his sword at a corner.

“Isn’t that light over there?” asks Natalie.

A shaft of golden light is seen the distance. The team thankfully moves towards the light, which appears to be the exit. After spending so much time in the darkness sunlight feels wonderful.

Noticing some of the sun’s rays seem to shift colors. Lance grabs his scanner and announces there is an unknown life form approaching. A single rhombus-shaped ruby crystal casualty rolls through the sky. Sunlight passing through the red crystal seems to distort. In a flash of scarlet light, the rectangle becomes two crystals, then four, then eight. Sunlight starts to reflect off the rhombus-shaped gems on the team. As the light passes through the crystals, it transforms into deadly laser bursts.

Lance and Matt try to hit the crystals but the glare from their reflective surfaces blinds everyone. Attempting to seek cover, Sunset forms an impromptu ice shield. In order to avoid the crystals, Sunset throws a small chunk of ice at the rhombus crystals. Projectiles are blocked by the crystal shield formed by the crystals.

Anne is having issues with the crystal monster's glare attack. Any attempt to use her bow fails until Sunset throws ice pieces into the air. Since the ice reduces the glare, the archer notices something odd about one of the rhombus crystals. After taking a deep breath, Anna aims an arrow at one crystal in particular. Her shot shatters it into pieces. After the crystal is destroyed, the rest of the hovering gems break apart and fall from the sky.

The team cheers Anna for her quick thinking and accuracy. High on a ridge, the temple of the cats looms closer.

Many leagues away, Captain Eldaro is inspecting the army’s newest weapons. The first weapon was a long-distance missile launcher. Eldaro wanted several guns ready in case the soldiers needed to directly attack the Temple of the Cats. Despite the weapon’s novel status, the captain made sure all of the soldiers were trained to use it.

The engineer is explaining the features of another armament, a sniper tank. Eldaro admires the design of the unit and even climbs inside to sit in the seat as the designer is speaking. It is much larger than the army’s standard tank with an extended barrel and advanced scanners. Despite his high status, Eldaro cannot help but grin as he moves around in the tank’s cockpit.

"Enjoying the toys?" Queen Sabrina asks jokingly, "I hope there are not any issues."

“Not so far." Eldaro answers, the captain takes out a pen and notepad and begins checking a list. Turning to the engineer he enquires "I was curious about how many days can the ship stay aloft?"

The engineer answers, "About a month. Even if that fuel suddenly becomes depleted, we'll still be able to float like this for another week on reserve battery."

Eldaro ticks his pen in satisfaction, "Good we don't have anything to worry about there.”

“Do you know there are any updates or new reports on the heroes' progress?" he asks the Queen.

Sabrina smirks, "Why don’t you see for yourself. This sky fortress is designed for long-range battles. Come! I'll accompany you to the main scanners. With this new technology, we can spy on them in total safely." She leads the old captain into the bridge.

An elegant white cat floating in a blue aura looks out at the landscape from her private balcony. It has been a long time since the godcat Amelia was in the sacred temple. She secretly misses the picturesque view. The serenity of the moment is broken when her all-seeing orb begins to flash, indicating that something is watching her. With a swipe of her paw, the feline observes the scene.

“What is troubling you sister?” inquires Diana. Another godcat enters the room with a red aura covering her black fur.

“Those human-things on that floating metal box think they can spy on us.” Replies Amelia crossly. “But we will defeat them all no matter where they are.”

“The other human-lings are still walking up our sacred mountain.” Says Diana. “Be pleased sister, as I have stolen all of the fresh meat from when they slew our sandstorm monster. So now they aren't much of a threat. Those human-lings will get sluggish without proper food.”

“Well done, indeed.” replies Amelia. “It is a pity we could not use our followers against them.”

“It couldn’t be helped, sister.” Replied Diana. “After all, our followers assumed the loud rumbling noises created by those human-lings was an approaching rainstorm. No cat wants to get wet.”

Amelia turns back to her all seeing orb. The humans are in the lower slope of the great sanctuary looking for way around a riven.

“I don’t like those human-lings getting so close.” Observes Diana.

“They are just some stupid human-things.” Says Amelia.

“Yes, but human-lings with a cat and a dragon.” Replies Diana. “I was attacked by the traitor cat. A white dragon-thing defeated us before and that other dragon-thing stole our power.”

“That traitor cat hit you. I cannot forgive that.” Adds Amelia angrily.

Diana replies. “That cat took me by surprise but it won’t happen again. It would also be foolish to underestimate the dragon-ling. That is why the machine needs to be repaired as soon as possible.”

Amelia huffs, "Don't be like that. They can't beat our power."

Diana retorts, "We will still need our own machine. Remember that cats possess more power than humans-things, not intelligence. That flying metal ship is much more advanced than the balloons they used before."

“Look at this sister.” Calls Amelia as she points to the orb. “The human-lings at the bottom of the temple have given up.” They both watch some of the team scratch their heads and others start setting up tents. “The silly human-lings appear to be stuck.”

The orb flashes again indicating another potential threat. Amelia turns to her little sister, "Looks like more humans-things want to interfere with us. Come and watch." The sphere viewing shifts to the sky fortress.

It is a busy scene in the main scoping room of the floating battleship. While some technicians and soldiers check the equipment, others are preparing data sheets. Screens of every type fill the chamber with images from around the ship and its surroundings. As one of the soldiers tries to stifle his yawn, he fails.

“Double shifts again.” Mutters another soldier sipping some coffee. “What’s up with this high alert status? We’re a million leagues away from those fur balls.”

One of the officers hastily stands up to announce Queen Sabrina and Captain Eldaro’s arrival. The rest of the crew immediately jump to attention as the pair enter the room.

“At ease everyone.” Prompts Eldaro. “We are not here to assign any more tasks at this moment. Now, who has a copy of the last location of the heroes?”

“It’s here Sir.” Announces one of the other officers as he hands the captain a small folder.

Eldaro turns to Sabrina while opening the folder. “There seems to have been some obstacles in the way of the heroes and only now have they reached the edge of the main building. They may not reach the inner sanctuary for a few more days at the current rate.”

“You see.” Adds the Queen proudly. “The heroes have not even gotten into a position where we can aid them yet. This crew and this advanced battle craft are completely safe from harm. All of this fuss for two little cats that cannot do anything to us. If anything happens the ship’s scanners will warn us in plenty of time.”

Diana and Amelia watch this conversation in shock.

“Those arrogant human-things! How dare they think we can be mocked without consequence.” Cries Amelia angrily. “Sister! We need to take revenge for being so insulted!”

Diana agrees. The dark cat creates a portal and gestures to the older sister when it is complete. Amelia has already created some monsters to send though the gateway.

Eldaro stretches in his chair. Having completed the ship's inspection, he and Sabrina retire to his quarters to relax. The queen ordered the captain to rest after he started to yawn while on the bridge.

“Dang-it Sabrina! I’m not senile yet.” Gripes Eldaro. “Those tanks… (Yawn)”

"Those tanks can be brought outside to support the heroes tomorrow. Now stop worrying!" replies Sabrina. The queen hands the captain a glass of juice.

High on a hill, a huge tank with a very long scope is getting a tune-up. Despite their thick coats, the technicians shiver in the cold wind. They stop working when they hear a strange noise.

Eldaro’s involuntary relaxation is cut short by a loud buzzer. The captain’s door is thrown open by a distraught officer.

“Silver!” Yells Eldaro over the blaring alarm, "What’s going on?"

"Sir, we have a report from the sniper tank’s maintenance crew of a large portal. It’s ejecting numerous black slimes, strangle vines, and other dangerous monsters. Our soldiers are out fighting now." Silver answers anxiously pointing to a nearby monitor.

“Why aren’t the lighter tanks and infantry backing the troops up?” Asks Eldaro.

“Sorry Sir. One of the attacking monsters damaged the hatch. It’s being repaired, however, we can’t launch the other support vehicles,” Replies Silver. “However the monster’s targeted goal appears to be the sniper tank.”

Eldaro slams his hands on the table and stands up, "Command the troops to protect that tank with everything they got. Without it, we cannot assist our heroes. Lead the way, Captain Silver! Let’s back up the defense force."

"Yes, sir." Silver flies down the hallway, followed by Eldaro and Sabrina.

Soldiers are trying to shoot a huge golem, but it is much too strong for their weapons. In addition, the spikey slimes are causing problems. Many troops are injured by the monsters barbs when they explode. Malevolently, the golem advances on the sniper tank. However, before it can reach the tank, Sabrina attacks. The queen throws her boomerang and cuts off one of the golem's arms.

The enraged monster turns its attention away from the tank and onto the attacker. The boomerang returns to the queen's waiting hands. When the bladed object is thrown back at the golem, it starts to glow. Sabrina snaps her fingers and the boomerang responds by multiplying itself. Numerous boomerangs then slash the golem to pieces until it falls in defeat.

Sabrina is now breathing hard due to the expended mana. Eldaro suddenly pushes her behind the tank as another slime explodes. The captain shoots at some of the monsters with rockets forcing them to fall backwards off the cliff.

"Please don't use the spell like that in this situation," Eldaro says to Sabrina while running around the side of the tank. Spikes from the exploding slimes are unsuccessfully hitting the metal side. "It takes a long time to use that incantation and it uses a lot of energy right?"

"Got it," Sabrina responds, still trying to catch her breath. She and Eldaro quickly climb aboard the tank. Three members of the crew are already inside. After a quick introduction, the captain orders the machine to be warmed up and armed. Eldaro sees the monsters outside are increasing in numbers so he quickly scans the area for their source.

Captain Eldaro grins when he spots the large anomaly before turning to the queen. “Sorry your majesty, but we need you to be our point of contact since the entire crew isn't on board. Those monsters are have too much of an advantage. But first, we need to get the troops under cover so we can start using this baby.”

Sabrina quickly relays the captain’s orders to the ground troops through the communications relay. The soldiers dive for protection when they see the huge gun barrel aimed at the swarm of monsters. Some of the troops as with previous practice drills have run to either side of the monsters with their detonation packs.

"All right, team, turn the muzzle to 5 degrees to the right. And wait for my command. Let’s give the ground troops some relief!” orders Captain Eldaro. “And… FIRE!”

"Yes, sir!" replies the tank's gunner enthusiastically. A thunderous roar shoots out from the barrel as it fires a round into the attacking monsters. After a few more shells are lobbed, the numbers of monsters has diminished but there are still many advancing. Eldaro is still waiting for the right moment to spring the trap. He corrals the monsters close to the north edge of the hill.

"Ready Sabrina?" Asked Eldaro. The queen grins and nods as she adjusts the head phones. "Then let them have it!"

On either side of the monsters, soldiers hidden in trenches are ordered to throw explosives over the ridge. The detonations trigger a rockslide, sending most of the monsters tumbling down the steep hill. The sudden shift in the ground causes the black spiked slimes to explode around some unlucky monsters.

The queen watches in pride as the troops cheer their victory. Sabrina receives the news everyone has been waiting for, the hatch has been repaired. She quickly signals Eldaro before ordering the other armored vehicles to deploy.

“We’re not out of the woods yet!” Barks Eldaro to the tank’s crew. “Turn the muzzle 15 degrees to the left, up 23 degrees and reload FASTER. Now that the way is clear. Let’s show these cats we mean business and shut this portal down!”

Amelia laughs evilly as she keeps creating monsters to go through the portal. "Witness your punishment foolish human-things! We will destroy your useless metal craft. The white godcat creates a heavy stone golem with spiked clubs for arms as she gloats, “Here’s another one for you sister!”

“Why thank you, little sis!” replies Diana haughtily. The dark cat enlarges the portal she is currently maintaining to accommodate the brand-new monster. “Ha-ha. Take this arrogant Human-ling."

Both cats gleefully watch the lumbering golem pass through the gate towards its target. However, they are unaware of the weapon loaded with its most powerful shell on the other side. The monster emerges at point blank range.

“That monster will destroy those small metal toys!" shouts Diana. Strangely, the gateway of the feline godcat starts crackling with energy. “Eh? What’s wrong with the portal?” Suddenly, Amelia’s newly made titan catapults through the gate. The force of the rock golem careens over the other monsters and demolishes the area.

Amelia moans as she slowly frees herself from the bottom of a pile of slimes. The white godcat hisses as she sees her greasy and unkempt condition. Nearby, a black godcat pushes the last of the boulders off of her body.

“Oh no!” cries Amelia when she sees the state of her sister. Diana waves her paw at her old sister to show the injuries were not serious. The black godcat’s red aura levitated her off the ground and started to heal the wounds.

“Well, the portal is closed," says Diana irritably. “How can they attack the gate when there were so many monsters attacking them?"

"I... I don't know. They have a competent leader?" asks Amelia.

Angrily, Diana stomps her feet, since this is her second failure. A dragon had drained the black cat's power, and now this defeat has done the same to her. As her sister heads for the baths, she reluctantly joins her. Victory will be theirs tomorrow.