• Published 29th Jul 2021
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To Equestria And Beyond (Rewrite In Progress) - NightFurySpeedey8156

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Chapter 25: Problematic Powers

For Night Fury, he had no time to waste. He had to get onto the train to Canterlot.

"Ponyville is nice, but I'm looking forward to a change of scenery. And I bet Luna will be happy with a surprise visit." Fury said to himself as he was packing his belongings.

"And last but not least, this mooncake for my Moonpie, thanks to Pinkie. She'll love it. And I'm outta here!"

Night Fury walked out of his front door only to be confronted with a familiar face.

"Ah son, you're ready to go somewhere?" His mom asked. "Is this one of your ambassador trips?"

"Well I am going somewhere, but it's not for politics. I'm gonna head off to Canterlot and pay my sweetheart a surprise visit." Fury said with a bit of bliss in his voice.

"Ah, good. A boyfriend should always be close whenever possible. Speaking of which…"

"Do you have cologne, do you have flowers for her, do you know what manners to do for her, do you know which restaurants…" His mother spouted.

"Mom! I know what I'm doing! We've been going out for over a few months now." Fury said. "I'll be fine."

His mother chuckled. "Sorry, I just want you to be ready." She said a little embarrassed.

"It's no problem, I know you're just looking out for me." Fury reassured her. "I'm kind of a love expert already."

"By the way, how are you and dad doing living here?" Fury asked about their new home in Ponyville. He was able to find a good enough house for his parents that was not Fury's own house.

"Oh it is absolutely beautiful! The views are amazing and our neighbors are a delight to be around." His mother said delightfully. "It's a comfortable and nice looking place. So much so your father is still sleeping there now."

"Well, that's probably my influence, they've seen me already so you guys are no surprise. And besides, you're my parents. They know who you two created and respect you."

There was then a distant whistle that sounded that got Fury's attention.

"Oh, that must be my train! Gotta go mom, see ya!" He waved as he ran to the train.

"Good luck!" His mother called out.

"Ah, it's been awhile, Canterlot." Fury said as he took in the grand site of Equestria's capital. He got off the train and walked the familiar sites.

He avoided the more high class snooty streets like usual to avoid traffic and went to pick up a donut from the renowned Donut Joes.

"Mmmm, that was good." He said while eating one by the table. But he had to think how he was going to surprise Luna and show her a good time.

"Hmmm, I wonder what I could do? I can't just show up and say hi, that's just too plain. I don't think I should make an entrance either, they're may be something going on in the castle that's important." He held his head in his paws as he thought about how he could approach his girlfriend. Then he looked up and saw her tower, it stood tall over the rest of the city with its dark blue and black paint that made it stick out from the other parts of the castle.

He then saw a dark tower stick out from the rest of the castle. This got him excited.

"There's Luna's tower! But how do I surprise her?" He looked over to the flower stand and saw that they had lavender on sale, Luna's favorite flower.

"Bingo! I'll buy her a batch of flowers, put them in front of her, and get her to guess who dropped them off with a note. Haha, Fury, you're a genius!"

He went in and bought the lavender. He admitted it was a bit expensive considering how valuable they are, but he didn't mind.

"Okay, now it's time to go to my love."

Fury thought of the best way to get the flowers to her. Should it be through the front door, should he climb the wall or maybe transform into a bird to fly up there?

"Wait a minute, who needs wings when you've got sharp claws that can dig into rock without any problems! And besides, I'm not gonna risk getting wing cramps again until I learn to properly fly. Not going through that again, yeesh."

Fury walked to the tower. After giving the guards a brief greeting, he took a deep breath and braced himself. He hadn't done it in awhile but he was ready.

"Here I go!" Fury dug into the wall.

Dang, this stone is a little sturdy. Fury found it a little hard to dig into this sturdier rock. But after a bit of effort, he finally reached the top.

Uh oh, I heard something. I gotta hide before she sees me!

Fury hid on the roof of the tower and watched his beloved walk back out onto the balcony from above. She spread her wings and took a deep breath, taking in the air.

Now's my chance. Fury dropped the flowers with the note onto the balcony and made a quick but quiet whistle to get Luna's attention.

"Huh? What was that?" She walked to one side of the balcony. "Hmmm I thought I heard some bird. Wait, what's this?"

Luna looked down to see a bouquet of lavender flowers, her favorite. These were not cheap. They were very high quality. Someone must have put effort into getting those.

"Who could they be from?" Luna looked annoyed at first. "It had better not be one of those Nightmare Moon fanatics again. I told them I don't approve."

Luna wondered who else it could be. She then noticed a note attached to the bouquet of flowers.

"So let's see who…" She started to read the note.

From the moonlit sky, and the stars above…

There is only one that I consider my true love.

With a single thought, you are brought to mind…

And any conflicting emotions are left behind.

Do not be alarmed, I am no threat…

For you will soon find out who I am just yet.

I am quiet, I am sneaky. My fur is dark as night

But my bright attitude will always shine bright.

You are my love, you are one of a kind…

And to be in love with you, makes me feel like the luckiest feline.

Luna's heart swelled at the sight of the poem. She never realized he had such a way with words. Her heart was warmed by this.

"Wait, if this was by Fury, then does that mean he's…"

"You bet it does. Surprise!" Fury pounced from above and landed on her, giving her a big hug.

"How's it going, Moonpie! You missed me? I bet you were quite lonely without this stud." He said close to her ear.

Luna giggled. "I must admit, Fury, you are quite something. You could have told me you were coming, you could have knocked on my door. But you kept me waiting for a few more hours so you could give me and pounce on me." Luna said.

"Yep! You bet it! You mad about it?" He said cheekily.

"A little." She said flipping him and being on top of him. "Now I'm satisfied."

"Hey, I was supposed to be on top of you. Not the other way around!" Fury pouted.

"Well, that's just too bad. But if you want, I can make it more interesting…" She said in a sultry voice as she grazed her wings along his sides.

"Heh heh heh," Fury said in a daze at Luna's new seductive persona. He never thought Luna could be so… enticing. Everything seemed perfect. He was ready for a big kiss from her.

"Huh, that's strange I feel… itchy." Luna said as she stopped her kiss.

"Come on! Get back to kissing me." Fury said not amused the big moment was being delayed.

"It feels like something feels off. Is it you? Have you taken a shower?" Luna asked while getting off him.

"Of course I have. It must be you because I don't feel any different." Fury said. Luna ran a hoof over his back and gasped.

"Fury… your fur is standing on end." Fury raised an eyebrow at Luna's concern but followed her lead. He grazed his paw over his body and sure enough, his fur was spiked and standing up.

"Huh, never had that happen to me before." Fury said. "What's going on? Do I have something wrong with me?"

Luna pondered this. Did he have a cold? Was he ill? She tried to recollect what was different.

"I only felt this fur spike up when I was about to kiss you." Luna said.

"If that's the case, maybe I was reacting in anticipation. I was excited to have you near me, so my fur started to stand on end." Fury said.

Luna was a little surprised by this. But then again Speed Shifters had done stranger things. Luna now seemed amused.

"So, I see the reason why was because you were excited by me, hmmm?" Luna said.

"Well I can't deny that!" Fury laughed. "But come on, my fur wasn't that bad was it?" He pouted.

Luna laughed a little.

"Night Fury, do not worry, I was simply a little shocked. But now that I know better." She gave him seductive eyes and nuzzled Fury's neck. "I think I might get used to this. It has a somewhat rough but soothing texture."

Fury liked the sound of that.

"See Luna, I told you things were all cool!" Fury said. "I wonder if my parents ever went through the same thing. But that's something else, now back to the lovings!"

This time Fury was the one to kiss Luna.

Now this is more like it! Fury thought to himself. He remembered what his father said about showing his girl a good time. He gave him some advice on how to get through the hardships of relationships and how to confront them if they couldn't be extinguished easily, but now, he was riding as smooth as ever. At least he thought he was.

A few minutes later…

Fury decided to hang out in the halls of the castle to catch some fresh air. The sun peered in through the stained glass windows, projecting a slew of colors onto Fury's body as he walked by.

"Wow, this place is nice. I've never seen stained glass windows like this before." He said as he continued to walk along. He stopped by an intersection and just let himself breathe. He noticed two guardmares nearby taking in the view, and by taking in the view, they were actually checking Fury out.

Typical guards. Fury thought. Always watching strangers. Although I guess with all the turmoil with Canterlot, I can't blame them too much.

"Are you seeing this? He is one hefty piece of cake, and I'd like to take a bite out of that. Rrraur~'' One guard purred.

"Wow, have they taken interest in me? I guess I don't blame 'em." Fury said to himself.

"You're not the only one, he is a diamond in the rough. And between you and me, I would mind getting a little rough with him."

Fury chuckled at this but he also felt awkward with these guards' remarks towards him. He decided he would go into one of these rooms.

"Wow, I guess my dad was right, all the working out makes everyone go after you." Fury chuckled. Soon after the fact, Luna made a pass by the guards. They immediately snapped to attention at the sight of their princess and seized the romance talk as she passed by. She stopped at the intersection to speak with her lover.

"Well, hello lightning bug, enjoying the sights?"

"Yes, and all of the attention too." Fury said. Luna raised an eyebrow.


"Yeah, the attention." Fury pulled her in and whispered in her ear. "Between you and me, I think your guards like my recently acquired muscular physique." He gestured to the two guards still standing at attention. "And they like to make some… comments about it."

There was silence for a moment. But Fury could see Luna turning from blue to red over time.

"THEY… SAID… WHAT?!?!" Luna cried out. Fury panicked and pulled her back in, making an excuse to protect the guards lives.

"I know, I can't believe Blueblood said that either!" He said loudly, throwing off the scent of impending doom.

"Easy, girl, easy…"

"Are you trying to tame me?" Luna asked, still aggravated.

"Is it working?"

"It's just that… you belong to me. And only me! No one should even think of claiming you! It's unacceptable!" Luna whispered, stomping her hoof down.

"I understand that you think that I should be only yours, but you're gonna have to expect this now that we're a couple. This is what Cadence calls 'The Chick Magnet Effect'."

"The Chick Magnet Effect?" Luna asked, wondering what alien love phrase she came up with this time.

"Yeah, it's what she calls the strange phenomenon of when you're single, nopony notices you. But as soon as you're taken, every girl that you were eyeing before comes running to try and snatch you for themselves." Fury said.

Luna snorted while crossing her arms.

"What a stupid phenomenon! That is the opposite of what should happen! They should know to move to other stallions." Luna said.

"Well, too bad, it's gonna happen. Every guy has to go through this, and it has no exclusivity. And if we're gonna be a thing, you have to understand that now that I'm taken, girls are gonna start coming for me. And you cannot violently go after them like you did back in Manehattan." He told Luna.

Then Fury smiled and put his claw on Luna.

"Just remember, Moonpie. No matter what they say or think, I only have one lady I'm interested in." He said with a smile. Luna wasn't one to let things go, but she decided that for the sake of her beloved, she would let this go.

Luna sighed. "Okay, I believe you. But what shall we do about those two?" She pointed to the guards. Fury smiled and looked at her.

"Don't worry, leave them to me." Fury said with a cocky smile. He proceeded to walk over to the two guards and began the teasing. He stood in between them with half lidded eyes.

"Hello ladies. You are looking rather… stunning today." He whispered that last part in one of their ears.

That guard was hyperventilating. The other one was jealous.

"And I didn't forget about you, my shining diamond. You have some really nice armor. How would you feel if I… roughed it up a little?" He said caressing her armor.

The second guardmare was red like a cherry. "I-I would not mind… But the boss says I can't mess up my armor!"

“Oh who cares about your boss, I’m an ambassador. I’m sure whoever they are wouldn’t dare try and deny me some… time alone with you two.” He cooed as he got closer with his arms around them. At this point, both guardmares were red in the face and breathing heavily.

These girls are worse than that mare from Manehattan I saved. Okay, time for the knockout punch!

“Let me make this simple for you two… You, me, a private room…” Fury closed in as close as he could. “And I’ll show you both what I can do with these nine lives” He whispered in a deep, sultry voice.

They both swooned and now these guards of the night appeared more like guards of fire with their reddish faces. They could hardly keep to themselves and babbled on wondering how he could love them. Meanwhile, Fury was chuckling along with his actual love interest as they watched the two guardmares babble like teen fillies over a colt band and giggled woozily on the ground.


"We… would… love… to… do… so…" Then they passed out before continuing anything further.

“And that's how you do it. Ha!” Fury said, smirking. "I hope you didn't get too jealous, my love." He teased Luna.

“No need to worry, lightning bug, I know you were trying to put them in their place. I now realize that sometimes I am going to have to accept that some mares may come for you and there’s nothing I can do about it.” Luna said. “And besides… I would like for you to speak to me that way.” She cooed in his ear.

Fury smiled at this but this time with actual excitement so that his hair stuck out.

"It would be my pleasure, my lady." He put his face into her neck and struck her chest piece and hair. "You wouldn't mind me gazing at your beauty, would you?" He purred into her ear.

She smiled seductively.

"I shall answer with actions not words."

Luna strutted a few feet trying to imitate a model walking down the catwalk. Though awkward at walking like that, Fury found it simply enticing. Unbeknownst to him, she was causing another thing to happen.

"Dang, moonpie, you know how to show off your stuff!" Fury cried out with a cheer!

Wait, did something happen behind me?

He looked behind to see his tail go stiff. He tried to move it back down but it wouldn't back down. His face went red as a tomato as he looked back at his girlfriend. She rounded a corner and looked back at him, wiggling her flanks a bit and flicking her tail as she disappeared. Fury immediately went solid as he saw her leave, his tail going even stiffer as he gawked at the sight.

“Aie chihuahua…” Fury marveled at the amorous sight before him. He always was amazed at this princess, but now he saw a whole new side to her and he loved it so much, he completely forgot about his stiff tail. Until a cheeky voice reminded him.

“I can tell by your stiff tail that you like what you see?” The voice said.

Uh oh. He knew that sound. He turned around to see it was the Princess of the Sun itself with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh hello there Princess! I was… uh, just thinking about how cool this place is! Yeah! I mean look at all the rooms and the vases and the-" Fury said.

"Nice try, lover boy." Celestia said. "I know why you and your tail are like that. Those rosy red cheeks and stiff tail can't fool me."

Night Fury felt very nervous. "Heh heh heh. Um, what are you doing here Princess?" He said, trying to stall her.

"I just came to give some pie to Luna since she has been working for awhile. But I see she has someone to entertain her."

"We were just telling jokes!" Fury defended, his tail going down slightly.

"Jokes that clearly have you rather aroused. Let me guess, you gave Luna a bit of teasing and she decided to… strut her stuff?" Celestia said bluntly without expression.

Fury was scared. He didn't know what Celestia was feeling. Whether calm or furious or disappointed, he never felt so uncomfortable since he was caught by his mother playing pranks at night.

"Pfft, oh please. It wasn't like that." Fury scoffed. Just as he finished his sentence, Luna walked by again with her guard and decided to go for round two, spreading her wings and running them down her body, essentially showing off her curves before she disappeared again. Although Fury tried to resist, he couldn't. His tail shot up again like a pole and his face went red.

"Oooh, sweet mother nature. She's got a body I'd wanna hold onto~" He cooed, completely forgetting who was still nearby.

"Ah, so it is more like that, huh?" Celestia asked. "I see you enjoyed my sister's company today."

"Doh!" Fury said to himself. "Me and my big mouth."

Fury knew he could say nothing else. He was caught. What to say now? Perhaps he should just confess and hope Celestia does not unleash her solar fury. Fury might be strong but he knew his power was like a cub compared to a celestial goddess like her.

"Oh calm down, why do you look so afraid? Is it because you think I'm the 'Overprotective older sister'?" Celestia chimed.

"No, no, not at all!"

"Oh I see, you're afraid of what I might do to you. Aren't you? Well don't be afraid, I may be big, it's not like I'm gonna eat you." She then grew a cheeky smile and slowly began to wrap her wings around him.

"Heh, wait you won't? You'll go easy on poor me?" Fury said with hopeful eyes.

"Maybe. Then again, I am bigger than you. Maybe I'll have you for my snack instead!" Celestia grinned with evil on her face.

"Ahhhh!!!" Fury cried out. "Luna, help me! Your sister is creeping me out!"

"Oh don't you worry, Night Fury. I'll go easy on my snack today." Celestia said. "Although, step out of line and I'll see how fast I could gulp you down."

"I promise Celestia I won't do anything inappropriate with Luna. I swear on my nine lives!" Fury said.

"Good. I'm glad to see that. Otherwise I make sure my prey is well cooked." Celestia said with her magic glowing. Fury went white as Celestia's coat and let out a yowl before disappearing from sight.

Celestia laughed out loud at Fury's nervousness. "Oh Fury. You're so tense. I'm just messing with you."

Meanwhile Fury was running far away from Celestia in fear of being eaten.

And I said getting eaten alive by a Cragodile was bad, who knows what a princess could do when provoked!

He eventually found a corner to hide around and caught his breath, sliding to the floor as he was exhausted from running, possibly for his life.

"Hoo boy… That mare is terrifying for somepony who keeps smiling everyday. I don't know how she does it, but I'm not going to find out today. Nohoho sir!" Fury said to himself.

Just then, Luna made her way over to him.

"Fury, are you okay? You look like you were in a chase." She said, looking concerned.

"Oh I'm fine, I was just running away from your crazy sister! She said if I crossed some line that she would eat me alive! I don't want to end up in the stomach of a goddess!"

Luna chuckled at his fright.

"Fury, you who bravely fought deadly forces and have even seen the face of death on more than one occasion. And the one thing that has you cowering in fear is my sister's empty threats?"

"As long as he keeps his place. If not, then it's the boiling pot for you." said the voice he dreaded.

Fury turned to see it was none other than Celestia herself. "In all seriousness, you need to calm down. I know you are a good creature who will care for my sister."

Fury calmed down a little and took a deep breath.

"I guess I was just thinking it would be like a situation with my mother. I thought being overprotective runs in every older familial figure, well except my dad." Fury said.

"And besides, why should I be scared of you? You may be big, but I'm more dangerous. As a matter of fact, you should be the one worried about getting eaten." Fury said with his cockiness back.

Luna facehoofed at this.

"Really now?" Celestia said. "I'm big and less dangerous than you? You have big words indeed."

"Big words…" He then slipped into the shadows and became something bigger.

"And big teeth!" He said, snapping his jaws just in front of Celestia. She was frozen, not moving an inch at all as if she had seen a horrible future. Luna frowned at the harsh reaction and was about to scold Fury when something happened that she hadn't seen in years.


Celestia had passed out in fear for the first time in eons!

Luna was shocked. Her sister, The ruler of all Equestria, passing out in fear to Night Fury? She knew he was strong but did he seriously terrify her powerful sister that much?

"You… you made my sister pass out?!"

"Even princesses have their weaknesses, my dear." Fury said, smirking.

"It has been over a millennium since I saw Celestia truly be fearful of something, let alone pass out! You truly are powerful."

"Thank you, my love." Fury said.

"But I must ask, what did you turn into?"

"Oh I just grew bigger, I didn't need to turn into anything at all. I've been working with Twilight to see if I could alter the effects of my transformations and through a bit of training, we discovered that if I can turn into bigger creatures, maybe I could use that bigger size for smaller ones. Including myself. So with a bit of training, I learned how to make myself bigger by changing only my size." Fury explained, emerging from the darkness as a much bigger version of himself.

Luna was certainly impressed. She couldn't believe the extent of his abilities as well as the lack of limits to his mischief. After a few seconds, they both heard a moan from below them.

"Ohh… Oh dear…"

"Is she waking up?" Fury asked.

"It seems so. Quick, shrink down just in case she goes again." Luna instructed. Fury did as she asked and returned to his normal size. Celestia sat on her flanks, rubbing her head to soothe the impact point.

"What just happened? Wait, that… That Night Fury! He turned into something bigger than I could hope to imagine." Celestia wondered how she could pass out over one of his pranks.

"What are you talking about, I didn't do anything." Fury chuckled. Luna didn't find that funny.

"Sweetie, not now…"

"It's okay, sis. He has truly beaten me. It's been ages since somepony has actually been able to scare me so badly that I passed out. The only other somepony that I can think of was mother and her scary bedtime stories."

"Wait, you two have a mother?" Fury asked with quite a shock.

"Of course we do. What, did you think that we were born by the gods themselves as the most powerful beings in Equestria?"

"Well, you two are goddesses. I figured that your birth was from the bodies that you control bringing you into existence as a physical form of the pure magic that the sun and moon emitted." This explanation had both Celestia and Luna baffled. Did Fury really think they were just created as a way to give the celestial and lunar bodies a form to behold to the world? To be fair even ordinary ponies often thought that.

"While I do see where you went with that, that is actually not the case. Our mother does still exist, although she retired ages ago. Some say that she may return someday. Would you like to see who she was?"

Fury nodded. He knew there were secrets to these alicorns that he did know of. Just like for his own kind.

Celestia took out a bag. In it was an ancient book centuries old. Celestia turned the pages of the dusty old book and stopped on a picture of her and Luna's mother. Fury was amazed to see Celestia and Luna's mother, she stood tall like Celestia, her tan coat practically glistening in the sun as her scarlet red mane flowed in the wind. And he also took an interest in her cutie mark, a quill sitting in a clear glass inkwell.

"Wow, she looks beautiful." Night Fury said "Of course not as beautiful as Luna." He said to not have a jealous girlfriend. "But who is she? Is she the princess of anything? Air? Water? Being awesome?"

"This princess is something even more special. She was the Princess of all Equestria and of All Ponies. When the pony nations united as one, a ruler was chosen."

"Wow, that's so cool. And hey there's a picture of you two. Woah, Celestia… you mane, it was pink?! And Luna, your wings were so much smaller. And… oh my goodness. Celestia, you had sunspots?!"

Celestia blushed at this. "Yes indeed. I was young and a bit too obsessed with the sun back then." She chuckled embarrassed. "And Luna was still a little adorable filly who always cuddled with her Ursa Minor doll." Celestia said, teasing her younger sister.

"You said you wouldn't tell!" Luna said with her blushing cheeks.

"Relax babe, I had a stuffed animal too. Hang on, I'll be right back." Fury took off and came back with his saddlebags. He opened them and reached inside, only to pull out a small blue stuffed bunny.

"This is Sir Fluffsalot, he was my cuddle buddy as a cub. I kept him with me as a memento of home."

Luna was silent at first.

"Um Luna?"

"That… is… MOST ADORABLE!!!" Luna cried out in her Royal Voice. "You had this bunny forever?"

He nodded.

"Yep, this little guy got me through all the rough times I had. We saw a lot together. Sometimes when I was sure I was not being followed I even took him with me on my adventures." Fury said fondly. "Hey, do you have your old doll with you? Maybe Fluffsalot could use a pal."

"Wait… right… here…" Luna teleported away from sight and returned within seconds. With her, she held a small Ursa minor doll with a black toy crown on its head.

"Ah looks like we got a piece of history here." he said as he patted it. "What's his or her name?"

Luna blushed. "This is MoonLight, she's been my first and only friend for a while. That is until you showed up."

Fury smiled.

"Well Moonlight will have a second friend now!" He said as he put the bunny Fluffsalot by the ursa minor cub Moonlight

"Tada! These two look like a perfect team to me!" Fury said.

"Awww, you two are so cute! I have to get a picture for the photo album." Celestia cooed.

"Photo album?"

"Yes, the family photo album." She said, pulling a camera out of thin air and preparing it for a picture.

"Alright, take your places you two!" Luna and Fury scooched together and pulled their stuffed animals together to do the same.

"Okay, say buddies!"



"Let us see the photo!" Fury said, running to see it. Luna followed him.

Luna had a happy but calm face with her bear cub while Fury had a cocky face proudly showing his blue rabbit off.

"Aww, look at you two. That was a good one."

"Yeah, it looks good. But I have to ask, why is it in your family photo album?" Fury asked as Celestia placed the photo in the album.

"Simple… Because you're as much a part of our family as your own." She said with a caring voice.

"Awww, gee." Fury said blushing. "Thanks Celestia, you're pretty cool. I guess you're like my aunt."

"I guess you could say that, although I do feel like more of a sassy aunt." Celestia said with a smirk. Fury facepawed and spoke up.

"Oh dear goddess, how?"

"Because I have the looks, the attitude, and the connections to family."

"Well, you're right about those last two. But the first one, not so much. If I'm being honest, you're more of the chubby attention hog type." Fury said bluntly. Celestia raised an eyebrow while Luna started to giggle.

"And how am I that way?"

"Well for one, you have the attitude. Definitely have that type of voice and demeanor that says ' I crave attention'. Two, the connections to family are definitely solid. You treat the both of us like babies and you mess around a bit, maybe getting yourself in trouble sometimes. And lastly, the chubby part. You are most definitely the type of aunt that has the pudge and fluff that would put the biggest and best teddy bear to shame. You may give the best feeling hugs, but it's a bit funny to see you move around. And not to mention you eat like an aunt as well, always going for seconds."

Celestia's eye twitched as she sat there hearing Fury's description of what type of aunt she was. Meanwhile Luna was laughing at how true the statement was.

"Oh is that so? Well if I do look like the type of aunt that's always eating, how about I show you what I can do?" She said with malicious intent in her eyes.

"Okay, so what are you gonna do?" Fury said, daring her.

"Eat you." Both Fury and Luna froze at the statement.

"Oh what, did you think I was bluffing when I said I would show you what happens when you step out of line?" She chuckled. "Well I wasn't, and I think I can hear my stomach calling for an early lunch." She made a fake growling noise to punctuate her threat. "Did you know ponies are not always herbivores but in certain very special times they can indeed enjoy the flesh of others?" She said, rolling her tongue.

"Pfft, please, there's no way!" Fury boasted. Celestia decided to take things to the next level and put a spell on her belly, making it growl to scare Fury even further.

"Uh Celestia, I was only teasing you. I didn't really mean all that stuff like about you being uh, chubby. I was just having some fun? Right Luna?" Fury turned to her.

Luna simply nodded.

Celestia laughed at this loudly, causing them even more fright.

"Oh you fool, you have clearly never seen who I can become when provoked." She smiled deviously, her spell making a louder growl.

"Oooh, my stomach is getting a little restless. Wouldn't want to keep… it… starving." They saw her eyes glowing and her horn as well.

"I will give you one piece of advice, my scrumptious prey," Celestia said.

"W-w-what is that?" Fury asked.

"Run." Celestia said deadpan.

"Thanks for the suggestion! Ahhh!!!" Fury said, running for his life in the hallways.

"Come back here, I'm still hungry!" Celestia said, soaring towards the helpless Speed Shifter.

"Luna, help mehehe!" He wailed. "She's gone bananas!"

Luna felt conflicted between amusement and panic. She knew Fury once again brought it upon himself. But she knew Celestia could be crazy sometimes.

"Sigh, I better rescue Night Fury from Celestia's wrath."

"Stay still, I can't catch you and eat you when you're squirming around!" Celestia said with a crazy expression.

"Like I was gonna let you in the first place?!"

"At least just a little bite?" Celestia pouted.

"Noooo!" Fury finally reached the tower's kitchen and locked the door.

"Finally I'm safe." Fury said. But he heard a banging that almost scared him out of his fur.

"Oh Fury~ Let me in. You're in the right room, all you have to do is let me in and I can get started on lunch." Celestia sang.

"Yeah right, in your dreams!"

"I can check them if you want me to?"

"Ahhh!" Fury screamed and fell onto his stomach at the surprise new voice, only to see his beloved had teleported in.

"Oh phew… it's just you." Fury said. "Wait if you can get in here then…"

"Fear not." Luna said. "This tower is insulated against all teleportation magic except for those wearing a special amulet created just for me." Luna said.

"So that means we're safe!" Fury said. But he was proven a second afterward. He heard ramming from the door.

"What's that?"

It appeared a hole was being made through the wooden door. Gradually it opened up more widely. So much so Celestia could peek her head through.

"Here's Tia!"

Fury screamed in terror.

"To be fair, kitchens are not normally places to defend oneself. Maybe I should get better doors." Luna said, wondering about security.

"Luna, this is not the time! What do I do?!" Fury said.

"Not to worry, I shall defend you!" She said with a smile. "Hear me sister! You will have to come through me before you touch my love!"

Celestia laughed. "We will see if love or hunger wins today! Hya!" She hacked down the last of the door allowing her to walk into the kitchen.

"Go get her, Luna!" Fury called. The two sisters ran at each other and rammed their horns together, pushing back and forth against them like bulls. Fury was amazed at the physical prowess of his girlfriend and smiled. While also sticking his tail up and raising his fur unconsciously.

"You shall never get to him. He will not be your lunch, you fiend!"

"Oh but yet, I possess the hunger induced adrenaline that overpowers yours! What could you do about that?"

"She can call in for backup!" Fury said, jumping onto Celestia's back. "You think you can take me out, well too bad! I'm just as ready to take you on as she is!"

"Well, you seem to have gained a bit of courage. But did you use it wisely?" Celestia said. This made Fury think for a moment, but it would cost him his advantage as Celestia bucked him off and tossed Luna beside him as they both hit the floor. Celestia chuckled evilly as she towered over the two.

"You have fought well you two. Valiantly and honorably I must say. Sadly though you were not able to beat me. Sorry Luna, there's a reason your older sister is the dominant one." She said, revealing a rope.

Before they could react, she tied them up back to back.

"Now you two, be prepared for your ultimate punishment." She said hovering them.

"Is it too late to negotiate for peace?" Fury asked.

Celestia nodded.

"Prepare yourself, young ones, for your day of reckoning. You two shall pay for defying me!" Celestia opened the fridge, revealing a large cake.

Fury and Luna were terrified.

"Uh, sister, might I ask what you're going to do with that?"

"Ask not what the cake can do, ask what you can do for the cake!" Celestia said, levitating them over the cake.

"You're gonna put us in that?! And Blueblood said I was crazy!" Fury said, panicking.

She stopped the magic and the both dropped into the nice smelling sweet tasting cake. But couldn't appreciate it since they would be part of the dish.



Both lovers sat in the cake with frosting and filling all over them. While the rope they were tied up with was now released, they were still stuck in the large dessert.

"Well, at least that's over." Luna said.

"Oh but sister, this is just the beginning." Celestia chuckled, promoting Fury to look over to his girlfriend.

"You just had to jinx us, didn't you?"

Celestia went to the fridge and after rummaging through the contents, found some whipped cream dispenser. She went over to them and smiled.

"Open wide!" She said as she shot the cream at them. And made them into funny looking facial hairs on both of them. For Fury, a long beard and for Luna, a twirling mustache.

"Hmmm, they look good on you, but they just don't meet my standards. I guess I'll just have to get them off of you… with my tongue."

Fury looked at Luna.

"It was nice knowing you, Moonpie!"

"I agree, Lightning Bug!"

"Here I go!" Celestia said. Then she jumped into the cake and ate all the whipped cream with her tongue and mouth. It was a little gross for the victims, at least for Luna, but Fury was having a hard time keeping himself together.

"Bahahahaha! It t-tickles!"

"Oh, is that so? Well, this is going to be interesting." Celestia started her work on Fury's cream mustache and licked it off, getting a giggle out of him.


Then she went on to the filling on his sides, lapping it up with squirming giggles from him.

"Oh, and there seemed to be a large bit of frosting on your tummy. Let me get that."

She licked it off and his giggles turned into a roaring of laughter.

"Ha ha ha! Stop it!" Fury said in an uproar.

"Oh hold still, will you?" Celestia said. Fury couldn't handle being touched in his most ticklish spot of all, it drove him crazy.

"Ha ha ha ha ha! I can't take it, it's too much! Hohohohoho! I've never felt so vulnerable in my life, that's my most ticklish spohohohohot!" Fury didn't even tell Luna about that spot as it was too embarrassing. "Come on, give a Speed Shifter some mercy, will ya?"

Celestia stopped for a moment. "You have a point. I will ponder that…. No." Then she not only tickled him but even blew a raspberry on his stomach, Fury couldn't handle the assault and completely broke down.

“Wahaahahahahahaha, not a tummy buzzehehehehr!” Fury said. "Puhleezee, I will do whatever you want! Just make it end!" He said laughing while crying.

"Very well then. If you want mercy, then repeat after me." Celestia said. She stopped tickling him for a moment.

"I, Night Fury, am a naughty boy. I am more of a cub at heart than a grown up. I am sorry Celestia for teasing you and you truly are my superior.” Fury scrunched his muzzle at the recited statement, but with his dignity on the ropes at this point, all he could do was accept his fate.

“Fine. I, Night Fury, am a naughty boy. I am more of a cub at heart than a grown up. I am sorry Celestia for teasing you and you truly are my superior. There, you happy now?”

"Almost." Celestia said. "One last thing."

“Oh come on! What else do you want from me?!”

"Celestia is not chubby. She is perfectly fit. As for me, I am a chubby little kitty who eats more than he needs to, which gets me grounded by my mommy” Fury didn't want to say that, but what choice did he have. But before he could speak, Luna spoke up.

“Okay sister, that's going too far, even for you. I know that he may get a case of the munchies now and then, but even I have to say that saying that statement is a complete fallacy.” Luna piped up.

"Well you have to admit he does go through a lot of trouble to get those munchies." Celestia argued, but Luna stood her ground.

"He does sometimes but he also keeps his mind alert while sneaking not to defend him. And he is not that chubby. He runs a lot and uses a lot of skill to sneak past. Besides, can you not say you used to not sneak any cake when you were a filly, hmmm?" Luna prodded.

"Uhhhhhh," Celestia remembered sneaking sweets from their mother.

“Uh oh, looks like somepony got the tables turned on them. And in that sense, I think I remember Cadence telling me a story of you plunging your face in a chocolate cake when she was a teenager. Am I wrong?” Luna said with a smirk.

"Not in front of Night Fury!" Celestia whispered.

“Oh don’t think I haven't heard my fair share of drama about you. Let me think… Oh yeah, the gabby gums article that Pinkie told me about a few weeks back! Isn’t that right, Princess Frosting Face?” Fury said letting go of his fear.

Celestia now had a panicking look. "No, no, no, no! No more!"

"Very well, if you release me and Night Fury without more humiliation, we will stop with your oh so embarrassing secrets.” Luna proposed.

“Okay okay, I submit! You two can go free.” Celestia mumbled with a blush on her face. Fury and Luna both climbed out of their sweet and sticky conundrum and brushed themselves off, feeling confident that they got their revenge.

“Well, Moonpie, I have to say that this was rather interesting. A bit weird and crazy, but interesting.” Fury said.

"I agree, my Lightning Bug, we were able to pull out of that trouble." Luna said.

“You were rather brave standing up for me back there, thanks for the defense.”

“No problem, Lightning Bug. And as a token of my appreciation…” She stepped up to him, lowered her head, and gave him a passionate kiss. Fury's face went ablaze. He felt so like with him and Luna together, nothing could stop them. He felt like he was in a thunderstorm of love. He felt it tingling within him. Then, it started to happen. His fur rose up as well as his tail, red electric bolts started to flow around him. The arcane energy soon turned from a deep red to a sort of reddish pink. Luna was completely stunned by the situation and stepped back from him as if he were a ticking time bomb.

"Um Fury?" Luna asked. "Are you alright?"

"Never… been… better! Ha ha ha ha!" Fury said in a crazy manner. "Aw yeah, I feel alive Moonpie!"

"Fury, you have a strange aura about you!" Celestia cried out.

“I feel amazing, I feel all tingly on the inside. LIke a supercharged version of butterflies in my stomach. It feels all fluttery and weird but absolutely enticing…” Fury said, practically moaning it out.

Then his whole body was not even visible as it was surrounded by the pinkish red aura. He looked like he was glowing. Fury kept moaning but louder.

"Ah… ahhhh…. Ahhhhhh…"

The ground was now shaking and the windows opened.

"Fury?!" Luna asked.

"Luna, take cover!" Celestia called out while pushing her sister behind a counter. At this point, Fury was just a pure ball of red-pink energy, his body being engulfed in what could only be described as artificial pleasure. The energy ball grew larger and larger, until…

HOO YEAH!” It burst in a giant “Love EMP”, blasting across Canterlot in a giant energy wave. Fury floated in the air for a few seconds before falling on his back with pink and red energy swirling visible spirals in his eyes as he lay semi-unconscious in a pleasure filled trance. Celestia and Luna slowly peaked over the counter to see him lying there.

“Well… That was… Interesting.” Celestia spoke up, still stunned by what happened.

“What happened to him, all I did was give him a kiss.” Luna asked. Before an answer could be theorized, a blue burst of magic flashed into the room and Cadence appeared out of it with her horn glowing a hot pink, most likely detecting the love energy.

"This energy… it's… I haven't felt love this strong since me and Shining Armor’s love blast at our wedding!" The princess of love marveled.

"Cadence?!" Luna asked.

"I was going to give you two a little surprise visit." Cadence said.

"Everybody is sneaking in today." Celestia remarked.

"But then I noticed this love energy! Who is it from?!"

“How about you take a look at the blissfully unconscious feline on the floor?” Luna directed.

Luna showed her Night Fury and explained the circumstances that happened. Cadence took a look at him and saw the pink swirls of magic in his eyes.

Cadence instantly understood.

"I see." Cadence turned to the others. "This energy was probably produced because of all the new passion he felt today. His love with Luna has grown immensely and passionately. For someone inexperienced but filled with power, he had a hard time controlling these impulses.” Cadence said. "I should know, when I was a teen I felt these passions for Shining Armor and it got a little…crazy."

“That would explain why when I hugged him, his fur stood on end…” Luna said.

“And why when he saw you showing off your body, his tail went stiff.” Celestia added. “But here's what I don’t get, why did he just explode in a blast of pleasure when Luna kissed him? It seems strange.”

Cadence looked at Fury's unconscious body.

"Perhaps, it's because of all the satisfaction of teaming up with Luna. Before they might have played pranks but were not lovers. But here, they loved and cooperated in thrilling sneaky activities. This was the ultimate passion, romance while foiling your enemy. In this case, Celestia." Cadence theorized. Celestia raised an eyebrow.

“How do you know about that?”

“I…may have been hanging around, watching the chaos unfold. And now, I know where Night Fury’s most ticklish spots are.” Cadence giggled.

"I'll save that one for later." Luna smiled. Then she turned serious. "My goodness, imagine all of this power building up. I did not even realize it was all happening in his head."

Celestia nodded. "I do wonder, what would his parents think of all this? I wonder if this is something all Speed Shifters go through or just him." She pondered.

“Well I guess it’s a good thing that we felt it too so we can tell you.” All three princesses snapped to the door and saw Obsidian and Black Ice.

Obsidian spoke up, "Yeah, my wife wanted to do some supervising of Night Fury to be sure he was doing alright."

Black Ice then spoke up. “So, who wants to explain the giant explosion of my son’s energy that shook us up?” Black Ice said, calm but stern. Luna and Cadence stepped up.

“We can explain what happened.” Cadence said. They proceeded to explain what happened to the worried parents, who changed their expressions from concerned to calm.

“Fur standing on end, stiff tail, blind talk in a blissful unaware state… Oh, I know what's happening, he’s just Crowning!” Black Ice said in realization. The princesses raised eyebrows at the term.

“Crowning?” Cadence asked.

“Crowning is basically the Speed Shifter version of puberty. The stiff tail, raised fur, and the blissful talk, all a part of a Sheed Shifter’s crowning process.” Obsidian explained. "Oh dear, I can remember me and my wife's first crowning." Black Ice blushed at this.

The three princesses now understood and they were relieved. For that means this won't happen regularly.

"So has he finished the process?" Celestia asked. "He won't cause another love bomb will he?"

“Oh definitely not, this is only a one time thing. The strange part about this is, is that when the crowning process is complete, us Speed Shifters usually emit a small burst of energy to signify the end of the process. But I guess with him having to deal with his increasing power levels from his destiny and the prophecy, the burst must have been enhanced tenfold to cover the whole city.” Black Ice pondered aloud.

Celestia nodded.

"Your son must indeed be very powerful. In him lies passion, his greatest strength. Surely this is probably only the beginning of what he can do." Celestia said.

"Yep! That's our boy!" Obsidian said.

Black Ice nodded proudly.

"He will go far indeed with this potential of his."

“While I am glad that we all see the potential in him, can we please focus on getting my beloved out of his romantic trance. The poor thing looks so stuck and vulnerable, while also being kinda cute.” Luna giggled softly.

"Luna is right! Both on his cuteness, vulnerability and needing us to get him out of his trance!" Black Ice said, agreeing with Luna. She was definitely taking a liking to Luna over time.

"Alright, in times like these, we Speed Shifters are trained for these occasions." Obsidian said. "You got the goods, honey?"

Black Ice nodded, "With Night Fury, you bet I do." Black Ice pulled out the most delicious food a Speed Shifter can think of. A smoked salmon with pepper and lime on it. It's enough to turn any stoic guard into a beggar for just one bite.

"This will surely wake him up from a state like this." Black Ice walked up to him. She touched the salmon to his nose. Fury didn’t move for a few seconds, but after she wafted the smell closer to him, he started to sniff the air, most likely picking up the fishy scent.

“C’mon sweetie, up and at em…”

The sniffing continued. His tongue peeked out of his mouth, licking the fish to confirm it was not just some smell imagined in his head.

All of a sudden his eyes opened. He turned to the fish. He gazed at the beauty of smoked salmon, a food rare to Speed Shifters and only given out on special holidays. He panted no longer for love now but for hunger.

"Give… me… that… fish!!!" Fury said now on his feet. He grabbed the salmon and ate it ravenously.

His mother would normally scold him for losing his table manners, but any Speed Shifter would do the same after the Crowning process. And as expected, everyone around found it rather cute that he was munching on the fish like a cub.

Fury looked up to see his mother and Luna adoring him over eating salmon.

"Oh hey Luna. Hey mom." Fury continued eating for a moment, but then stopped. "Wait mom?! What are you doing here?! Wait, now that I think about it, why am I eating on the floor? Eh, who cares, I’m hungry."

"Well, you see son, me and your father predicted perfectly what was to happen today." Black Ice said.

"That's right son, your passion for Luna was undeniable. It was only a matter of time before the Crowning began. And well you surpassed our expectations, my boy." Obsidian said proudly.

“Yeah, that’s nice guys.” Fury said dismissively as he kept on eating. Everyone except Obsidian thought he looked cute while doing it.

"Heh, I guess all that love has now been replaced with hunger, huh?" Obsidian said. "Tell me, are you alright? Do you feel hurt or strange anywhere?"

“Nah dad, just hungry.” Fury said, eating the last bite and then giving a loud belch.

"Ahhh, that hit the spot." Fury said, rubbing his belly.

"Night Fury, say "excuse me" after a burp like that!" Black Ice said not finding that belch to be too adorable.

“Oh relax honey, he’s a growing boy. That was a big one, champ!” Obsidian cheered on.

“Thanks dad, but I could do better. Way better.” Fury said.

"You'll match my burps when I was your age one day, just you wait!" He laughed, much to his wife's annoyance.

“Oh come on mom, don’t look like that. We both know that you weren’t exempt from letting one loose when I was a cub. Right, dad?”

Obsidian nodded while looking at his wife.

"I, heh, guess you're right son. I definitely remember giving a big one." Black Ice admitted, chuckling. “I remember when I was going through my pregnancy cravings and I would be liting one loose almost every meal. Although, those were partially your fault, son.”

“What, how was I the problem?” Fury asked.

“Oh please, with you kicking and squirming around in there, my belly never felt so bubbly. I felt like my stomach was in a wrestling match with a mini Amethyst! It was the worst feeling ever. That's the burden we mothers must face!"

Fury laughed a little. "Sorry mom. I guess I just couldn't wait to explore the world even back then!"

Black Ice laughed too. "Oh don't I know it! But don’t beat yourself up about it, I said partially because all of those burps wouldn’t have been a problem if I wasn't so hungry all the time and was eating two times my body weight and half of yours when you weren’t here yet."

Everyone laughed and was having a good time now.

"Well son, I want to congratulate you for going through this crowning process. Me and your mother are very proud of how far you've come. You've become a lady killer, my boy, just like your old man!" He said secretly crying tears of joy.

His wife on the other made no secret of her tears of joy. "My baby boy is all grown up now!"

“Ha, you bet. Thanks, you guys.” Fury chuckled, hugging his parents.

“Oof…” Black Ice moaned

“Woah, mom, are you okay?” Fury asked. Black Ice stepped back and held her stomach with a paw.

“I don’t know. Suddenly I’m feeling rather bloated.”

“Do you require medical attention?” Luna piped up.

“No, I think I’m fine.” Her stomach gurgled in denial.

"I think you might have given her too much of a bear hug, son." Obsidian said.

"Oh sorry mom! Heh. You want some of this cake?" Fury got some of the cake.

"No thank you. I just have to relax." Black Ice finally relaxed and then she looked at Luna.

"We have one more thing to talk about. Right Obsidian?" Black Ice said.

He nodded and walked to Luna.

"Princess Luna, thank you for being there for our son. Especially in these hard times. I know we can count on you." Obsidian said. "Just make sure you watch out for any enemies out for him. Or another of our Speed Shifter tendencies!" Obsidian chuckled a bit.

"I will remember those things." Luna said.

Black Ice walked over to her. She gave her a jade amulet.

"What is this?" Luna asked.

"This amulet represents eternal love. Me and my husband grew strong from it. And now I want you to have it so your love for my son will grow tenfold.” Luna smiled at the generous gift, she was thankful that Fury’s parents were so accepting of their relationship. She was soon interrupted by Black Ice’s growing expression of pain.

“Black Ice, are you sure you do not need medical help?” She asked.

"Don't worry dearie. I think I'll be okay. I guess being in that camp has weakened me a bit and I have been walking a lot today." Black Ice said.

"Well, mom, how about you get to have a little vacation here before you go back to Ponyville. I think we've earned a Canterlot vacation." Fury said.

“I guess that would be nice.” She agreed.

“Still, that doesn’t excuse the fact that you’re feeling a bit sick to the stomach. You sure you’re okay?”

“Please hon, I’m okay. I think you just hugged me a bit too tightly and it upset my stomach a bit, that's all.” Black Ice said lying down on the ground. "Could I have some water please?"

“I've got it.” Cadence said, grabbing a glass of water for her.

"Ah, thank you." Black Ice said. She got up. "So would you mind me sleeping here, Princess?" Black Ice asked Luna as she was eyeing the magnificent tower. "It's a nice place. It reminds me of my old mansion."

“Of course, I'll have my guards set you two up with guest rooms for your stay. I trust that you’ll have a good time here.” Luna said.

Black Ice nodded. "Well then I cannot wait to see this tower! Let's see this beauty!" She kept running when all of a sudden, she stopped.

"Oh!" Black Ice groaned. "Maybe I'm not okay…."

“Mom!” Fury ran over to her. “Are you okay?”

“Okay, I think I can officially say that I am not okay. Maybe it was something I ate or drank.”

“Do you remember anything you had on the trip here?” Cadence asked.

“Not much, I was mostly asleep on the train ride here. But I do remember the snack cart rolling by and me feeling thirsty, so I grabbed a drink. It was a bright orange color and it was really bubbly.”

"Honey, how much of that did you drink?" Her husband asked.

"Ummmmm…." Black Ice seemed embarrassed to say. "Okay, fine I had three of those drinks! I couldn't resist! I just wanted to try something new."

Cadence looked with horror.

"Ma'am, the thing you just had was orange pop, it’s the bubbliest type of pop in Equestria, invented by some of the strongest sorcerers in Equestria! That type of pop is available to drink, but it’s mostly known for being the drink of choice in burping contests. It most certainly was not meant for three drinks to be consumed!”

"Oh curses!"


She burped up a bubble.

"Uh oh." Celestia said.

“Uh oh, indeed.” Luna added.




"What's happening here?" The normally cool headed Obsidian asked a little worried.

“I think the pop is starting to bubble back up.” Fury whimpered nervously.

"And it will lead to something big." Celestia said. "With that many drinks, it will be one loud outburst. Everyone cover your ears!"

"Why?" Fury asked. Black Ice’s stomach gurgled loudly to answer.

“That's why.”


The tuxedo feline kept on hiccuping non stop.

Hiccup hiccup hiccup hiccup!

And finally she stopped. She breathed a sigh of relief.

“Hey, mom stopped hiccuping. Maybe she’s not gonna-” Before fury could finish his sentence, another gurgling sound broke the calm of the situation.

"Uh Oh…"


All the windows of the tower shattered. The cake flattened. Some boxes moved. For ten seconds Canterlot had heard the loudest burp to date.

Black Ice finally finished. "Oh I feel so much better now!" She said, not noticing the collateral damage. The group uncovered their ears and stayed silent for a few seconds before they all burst out laughing.

“Hahahahahahaha! I knew she still had it in her!” Fury laughed.

"I agree, Fury, your mother might be ladylike, but when she lets something out, she lets it out!" His father laughed.

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Black Ice asked when she looked behind. "I didn't… Oh my!”

She looked to see everything that shattered.

"I… did… that?"

“Yes, you did.” Celesta chuckled. “But not to worry, this isn’t the first time this exact thing happened. I can attest that because… I was the one who did it.”

Everyone around her was surprised.

"Was it more cake?" Fury asked.

“No, actually it was the exact same drink. You see, a few years ago, I had the bright idea to try and be a ‘cool ruler’ and see what all the younger ponies were trending with so I could ‘get with the times’. After some investigation into what was trending, I saw that teens participating in burping contests was the hottest thing out there. So, as the infinite wisdom of my judgment decided, I was going to host my own burping contest inside the castle and participate in it myself to show my subjects just how cool of a ruler I was.”

“The contest went smoothly for some time, the selected judges making their scores fair with each contestant that tried their luck. Then came my turn. As a bit of a challenge, I decided to risk it all for the approval and popularity by drinking five full bottles of the exact drink Fury’s mother had. I had just finished the last bottle when my stomach started to feel funny. I brushed it off as the heat of the moment had me distracted. I stood tall, prepped my performance and let out the loudest burp I could manage. Needless to say the windows of every building in the city, including the castle, did not hold up and I was forced to pay a hefty compensation directly out of the royal treasury.”

"Wow…" Fury said. "I don't know whether to be impressed or terrified! That orange pop could literally be a weapon!"

"Now that is something I didn’t know about you, auntie!” Cadence giggled.

"Well you learn new things about me every day." Celestia chuckled. "Being a celestial monarch does give one great power both intentional and unintentional."

“While that was a funny story, I can’t express my forgiveness enough for the damage.” Black Ice piped up.

“Not to worry, the royal treasury is very extensive. I’m sure it can cover the cost.” Luna said.

“I’m just glad that Night Fury didn’t do it. Could you imagine a supercharged burp from him?” Cadence laughed.

"It would probably be the end of the world." Obsidian said. "I would not want to be on the same continent!"

“Oh yeah, like one from you wouldn’t cause an earthquake, dad!” Fury chuckled, then he stopped.

“Oof… Oh boy…”

“What’s wrong, Fury?” Black Ice asked.

“I don’t know, I just feel a little- Hurp!” Fury's cheeks proceeded to puff up before he could finish.

“Oh no, he’s gonna blow!” Obsidian cried. Everyone made a run for it, hoping to not get destroyed by what they thought was another impending blast. But they all stopped when they heard laughing from Night Fury.

“Hahahahahahahaha! You guys should have seen your faces! I got you so good, hahahahahahahaha!” Fury laughed out loud.

“Why you little… Come here!” Cadence called as she pounced on him.

"So you think it's funny to say it makes us frightened eh? Well how about something else funny?" Cadence said, grabbing his tail.

"Oh no, not the tail. Not the tail!" Fury said in panic. "Be reasonable!"

Cadence slowly grinned evilly.

"What do you think guys?" She asked everyone. “Shall I pull the tail?"

Celestia nodded. Cadence nodded. Black Ice nodded with heavy approval. Obsidian did so too. Would Luna show pity?

“Luna, how about you? What shall be his fate?”

“Babe please, I’ll show you how well I can cuddle you if you help me out.” Fury proposed. Luna held a hoof to her chin in thought, would or could she help him in exchange for cuddles?

"It is a hard choice to make, my love." Luna admitted. "Nevertheless, you have shocked us and made us worry and for that you must know judgment." Luna said. "Not just from Cadence but from every single one of us."

He gulped.

“Oh boy…"

Everyone eagerly went close to him. Ready to play with him like a child with a toy.

Cadence cried out. "On the count of 3! 1, 2, 3!!!"

They yanked his tail and proceeded to not just tickle it but to strum his tail like an instrument.

“Wow Fury, your tail makes a good bass!” Cadence said, strumming at the appendage

"Indeed." Black Ice smiled. "I always loved the music that played from Fury's tail."

"Mom, that's just sick- Eek!" Fury yelped at the weird sensation.

Everyone had fun playing and even sang some songs to it.

"Alright, I'm sorry! Just stop using my tail as a banjo!” Fury argued”

“Ah ah ah, not just yet. I have to get my turn, and I have something special for you.” Luna said, grabbing him and holding him back to chest. Fury looked up and saw her sweet but devious smile.

"What are you going to do?" Fury asked, hoping it wasn't too harsh.

"You’ll see..” She said with a deep voice. Night Fury immediately started panicking and tried to squirm his way out, but she held on tight.

“Oh no you don’t. Cadence, bear hug!”

Cadence used her alicorn strength to lock him in a great big hug. Fury could not move a muscle.

"Ah shoot."

“Now, the revenge.” Luna used her magic and held his rear paws out from his body.

Night Fury immediately knew what she was planning, but he couldn’t do anything with her and Cadence holding him in a bear hug.

"Well, I guess I just have to accept it." He said before the inevitable tickles began on his rear paws.

"Hahahahahahahha! Not again!" Fury said, but this time with no support from anyone.

"This is what you get, Fury!" Obsidian said. "Sorry kid. But that's what you get for making others scared."

“Coochie coochie coo!” Cadence giggled.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Fury laughed out. Fury was helpless. He was surrounded by an army of his closest friends and family and love who were out for vengeance. He could do nothing about it.

"Okay everyone, I think we should let the kid have a break." Obsidian said. "I think we made our point."

"Yes, please stop! I'm losing it here! I'll be a good boy today!" Fury cried out.

Everyone looked at each other for what to do.

"I think I'll let my son off easy this time." Black Ice said.

He was finally let go.

"Hoo, thank the gods above. I'm free!" Fury wailed. Then he turned to the crowd.

"You will all pay for your crimes!" Thank goodness that's over." Fury said.

"And no more tricks for the rest of the day unless you want us to do a trick on you." His mother warned him.

Fury gulped.

"Y-yes ma'am." Fury said nervously.

Fury got back up and straightened his fur.

"Well today was quite a day! This tower already had a bunch of fun in store. I can't wait to see the other parts of Canterlot!" Fury said excitedly.

"Just remember Fury, if you go to others in Canterlot like some elites, they might not view our games as fun as we do." Celestia said.

"Of course, I'll remember."

"You're staying with us on vacation?" Obsidian asked.

"Yeah. And besides, I need a break anyway." Fury said. "Believe it or not, Ponyville can be a busy place with Pinkie's parties or Twilight's new books or other chores of the Mane Six. It's nice to just chillax." He said reclining on a couch in the hallway.

"Well for me, I certainly do love the beauty of this tower. My son's girlfriend does have good taste I admit." Black Ice said.

"Why thank you, I'm glad you see my interests in a good light. Especially if they are rather romantic and have a buff build."

Black Ice giggled but then turned a little serious. "Just make sure you don't go too far with my son, Princess. I have my own powers just so you know that I have not revealed to you yet."

Luna remained calm and simply bowed.

"Do not worry. I will treat your son with the greatest amount of respect possible. Or so help me a Cragodile feast on my innards."

"Now that is the kind of talk I like." Black Ice said. "Good work, my dear." She said, hugging Luna.

Fury smiled at their cooperation. And then he remembered how she mentioned how she liked his buffness.

"Oh, so you think I look buff now? I haven't decided to start flexing yet. Behold, the fruits of my labor!" He said, flexing his muscles for all to see.

Fury appeared almost like a sculpture from hundreds of years ago. All the time he had fought enemies and trained under Zecora and the emperor paid off.

As for Luna, she felt like squealing like a teenage filly. She felt he was so handsome.

"Oh my Lightning Bug, you are truly a sight to behold!" She was about to say a Feast for the Eyes but that might have been too much for Black Ice.

"Yeah, you like what you see?! Cadence, Celestia, what do you think?"

Celestia nodded. "You definitely have good muscles. I haven't seen those in quite awhile."

Cadence agreed. "Aunt Luna's lucky to have you! Of course my husband is still hotter."

"Oh we'll see. Once I show him these guns, he'll be whimpering like a puppy!"

"Yeah, and once I show him how ticklish you are, you'll be the one whimpering." Cadence said. "Besides, you might have raw power but he has years of training and has powerful magic."

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I could handle twinkle hooves in a straight up fight." Fury said flexing.

"Well maybe you should have a little duel with my husband someday." Cadence smirked. "See who can dominate who. See if you can handle his energy beams, teleportation and barrier spells. What do you say?"

"Watch me beat the brakes off of him and then we'll see who's better. And not to trigger you, but… I think he may be weaker in… other aspects." Fury teased. Cadence's eye twitched at the blatant disrespect towards her husband, but she couldn't get one hoof on him before he interrupted her.

"Ah, would you look at the time, it's time for me to see if I can survive a coo-coo crazy alicorn. See ya folks!" He said as he sped off, already knowing Cadence's reaction.

"I am very sorry for our son's attitude." Obsidian said. "He can be a little cocky but he means no harm."

"Yes, I will give him a good lesson on proper etiquette!" Black Ice said. "If I had said those things, my father would have made me pay."

"No need. I can handle it all myself." Cadence said with a smirk. "He's not the only one who can go fast."

She had a pink aura about her and readied herself to chase Fury. "Here I come!"


"Yahoo, the chase is on! This'll probably count towards my daily cardio!"

"You little twerp, get back here!"

"🎶 Cadence is a slowpoke, her flying skills are a joke🎶" Fury sang as he kept running.

"Oh really?" Cadence seemed quiet for a moment.

"Heh. I guess she couldn't keep up." But he heard a sound from outside. "Gee, is that a bird?" He looked out while running and it seemed Cadence was soaring towards him.

"No no no!"


Cadence re-entered the hallway and hit Fury's tail. He barely dodged Cadence. He breathed heavily.

"This girl is crazy!" Fury said. "Now she's closer!" Fury proceeded to run. But he felt the familiar tug of his tail.

"Well, Fury, how have things been? It's been awhile." Cadence said cheekily.

"Oh no you don't! You wanna hang onto my tail, then get ready for a ride!" Fury retorted as he revved up and took off, pulling Cadence helplessly around behind him.

"Ahhhhh!!! How quick are you?!" Cadence asked, holding on trying to get some footing.

"As quick as I have to be to beat you! Hope you're having fun!" Fury said. "Ha ha!"

Think girl. That Speed Shifter ability makes him quick. But that could be his weakness. I wonder if he can run blind.

"Hey Fury, would you like to check out this vase!?" She called, grabbing a nearby vase and stuffing his head in it.

"Ahhh, I can't see!" Fury exclaimed. He said as Cadence kept sliding him to the sides making him bump into objects and walls, not being able to run straight.

Okay, let's get you off of me and out for the count!

"Okay, I give up! So let's bring this chase to a stop!" Fury stopped on a dime and flung Cadence clear of him.

"Oof!" Cadence grunted. "Well do you like the design of the pottery, Fury, huh? Because it looks like that's all you can see!"

"Are you sure about that?" Fury said, pulling his head easily out of the decorative vase. "I think it looks better on you!" He proceeded to stuff Cadence's head in the vase.

"Aww, ponyfeathers." Cadence moaned.

"And do you hear that gonging sound?"

"What gonging sound-" Before Cadence could finish her sentence, Fury kicked the vase on her head, making an audible gong and making it vibrate. Cadence's body was shaken and shuttered by the vibrations, her brain feeling as if it was being rattled around in her head.

"Ugh!" Cadence said feeling dizzy. "I feel weirder than with me and Shining being drunk on our honeymoon."

Fury relaxed a bit and smirked at her. "That must be the newest fashion, Cadence! You should show Rarity that fabulous hat! Also that's a beautiful noise. Hee hee hee."

"Fury!" Cadence said furiously. "You… are… dead!" She said ramming herself into Night Fury's jeers to guide her toward her target like a bat.

"Ow! Okay, time for another ringer!" Fury said, kicking the vase a second time.

"Not again!" Cadence cried out. She wobbled on her hooves as the shaking vase threw off her balance. She stepped one too many steps forward and fell on Fury, finally knocking the vase off of her head. They looked each other in the eyes and made a final decision.

"You know what? How about I take what I said back and we call it even, huh?" Fury bargained.

Cadence thought about it. She did admit she wanted to humiliate him a bit for being so naughty. But on the other hoof, seeing him with a vase was hilarious.

"Hmmm, maybe I could let you go…"

"Hoo!" Fury relaxed.

"But next time, expect more of a challenge. I was going easy on you since I didn't want to damage the tower. But you haven't seen every trick yet. So just watch your tail, Fury." She said.

"Okay, deal." Fury agreed, shaking hooves with Cadence and getting off the floor. "I'll look forward to seeing your new abilities. Just know I'll have some more by then too. Same for your husband." Fury wondered what a fight between him and Luna vs Shining and Cadence would be like.

She and Fury nodded to each other in friendly rivalry.

"Okay, that was rather entertaining, you two. But how about we put this rivalry on hold?" Celestia piped up, the rest of the group standing with her with amused expressions.

"Okay." They said in unison.

"So now that this pseudo sibling rivalry is on hold, how about we get settled in for a vacation?" Black Ice reminded them.

"Sounds good. So Cadence, I guess you'll be heading back to the Crystal Empire?" Fury inquired.

"Actually no, I was coming here for an extended stay as well! I needed a break from my duties as well so I decided to come here to get some rest and relaxation in. And besides, now that we have a bit of a rivalry going, what's the point of heading back when I have unfinished business?" She said with a challenging smirk.

"Well I guess you're right. Now come on everyone, let's get this vacation underway!" Fury cried out.

Everyone was looking forward to seeing the rest of Canterlot. It had been a fun day of challenges and rivalries. But now was the time to cool down and have a nice stroll in the decorated roads of the capital. However, they all would be faced with new challenges, funny shenanigans, and wholesome family time. Which shall take place next? Well, let us see for ourselves.

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