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The Anti-Villain Makes Himself Known, Part 1

Author's Note:

Hello to this project of mine. I probably guess most people have never done three-way crossovers with an original character anti-villain as the main protagonist. If you get mad at me for tearing your favorite couples apart from each of these fandoms, I apologize. There’s just something about a wild card in the middle of something like this that to me is just interesting and has plenty of stuff to write about.

They all found themselves in a large, spacious area in the sewers that looked like a subway station that had an overhang over a large underground lake with a few actual islands sticking up out of the water. All of them look at each other in the sort of well lit space, confused and wondering why they were here, or in the case of the tributes from Panem, how they were alive again. There was a lot of silence between them as they all sized each other up.

Finally, the boy from District 2 couldn’t handle the silence any longer and decided to state the obvious.

“Guys, where in the hell are we?”

None of the others could answer his question, for they were all scratching their heads, trying to get a clue about where they were. Then came another voice, this time the boy from 6.

“I mean, if we were been brought back to life, couldn’t we have like.. been resurrected anywhere other than a sewer? Because seriously, this is honestly one of the worst places to be resurrected in.”

The other tributes, who had before been enemies in the arena, nodded and voiced their agreement with the boy from District 6, for they all knew he had a point. Then, one of the girls of the group facing them spoke up.

“Resurrected? You mean, you fellers all died before you were brought here?”

Grimly, each of the tributes nodded. Some of them decided to apologize right then and there for killing some of the others. The boy from District 2 did most of the apologizing, then turned to the girl with purple skin and long hair.

“I’m guessing you never heard of Panem or the Hunger Games then, have you?”

The girl nodded yes in reply, causing the District 2 Male to sigh.

“Try imagining a nation that sends 24 kids to fight to the death in an arena where only one can emerge victorious, and that’s where we come from in a nutshell. I’m Cato. Cato Hadley.”

The girl shook Cato’s hand and smiled.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Twilight Sparkle.”

Before any more introductions could be made, the voice of another teen, one that sent chills and thrills down the spines of the teens in the area, could be heard.

“Nice to see you can get along with each other.”

They all stared at each other in fear, each person’s eyes darting about in an attempt to locate where the voice had come from.

“Um guys.. who the hell was that?!” said the tall, lanky male from District 1.

“Marvel, I have no freaking clue” Cato replied, fearfully.

That’s when the boy from District 3 noticed something walking out of the shadows.

“I don’t mean to interrupt, but I think I found the source!”

All of them turned towards where the District 3 Boy was looking towards, and their eyes lit up with a mixture of fear, apprehension, and foreboding. Out of the shadows stepped the in-human teenager who only 9 months ago, had brutally attacked the Foot Clan and had beaten Bradford to within a inch of his life. This time, he was without his gauntlet and was wearing a blood red cape, but his general appearance was nothing to be trifled with. Both parties just stared at each other, again sizing up the other. As before, it was Cato who decided to break the silence between them.

“Who in the hell are you?”

Unlike with Saki 9 months ago in Japan, this time the teen decided to give them an answer.

“My friends… you may simply call me the Phantom Pervert, which I will as of right now, own up to being a pervert so we don’t have any misunderstandings down the road.”

They all stared at him with a mixture of disgust, wonder, and amazement. The only one who was still acting serious and trying to gauge the third party in this situation was Cato, who continued to question the boy.

“Why have you resurrected me and the others and brought us here?” he asked.

The phantom just chuckled, putting Cato on edge, before giving him an answer that only seemed to further make him defensive.

“You are all such remarkable human beings, some more unique than others. As such, I have brought you here to put you through the adventure of your lives.”

“Ah stop with the mumbo jumbo! Just send us back to our dimension!” yelled one of the boys in the non-Panem group. The Phantom only just cackled loudly.

“I’m afraid I cannot.. I have plans already in the works, and you all are an integral part in them.. so I cannot-“

“What the shell is going on here?” said a voice from behind the phantom.

The masked figure turned around, and smirked. There at the entrance to the space that he and the others were in were four humanoid looking turtles along with a lovely redhead female teenager. Right on time..

“Ah, so we have uninvited and invited guests. I’m afraid for some of you, I cannot allow you to disrupt my plans” said the phantom, his words seemingly asking for a fight. Amongst a few of the people in there, his words found effect. All of the four of the humanoid looking turtles drew their weapons, while from behind him, more combatants approached the boy. Marvel, the girl from District 1, Cato, the girl from District 2, the boys from Districts 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, and a blue haired boy and a few other boys from the non-Panem group stepped forward to fight him. He was heavily outnumbered, but unfortunately for the large number of opponents that he now faced, he wasn’t going to go down without a fight.. or suffer a defeat at the hands of them for that matter. They surely all didn’t know that he had basically curb stomped the Foot Clan HQ in Japan 9 months ago, or that he had grown more powerful since then. Whatever the case may be, they were all in for a shock.