• Published 12th Aug 2021
  • 311 Views, 6 Comments

Kirin And Changeling: The Firefly - dudenotactive

Months passed since the events of Kirin And Changeling, our heroes live a life of comfort and was accepted by the town of Mud. But their story does not end yet.

  • ...

Quills And Fire

Golden Star was a beautiful mare, all can agree, it was as if she was sculpted by the gods just to catch everyone's attention. In a way, that is the case. But many would also agree that she was an odd mare, especially those who don't know her enough. Star would come off as kind and respectful, but sometimes in another time, this image of hers would shatter when ponies discover that Golden Star liked to plan out pranks for unsuspecting victims.

Such as now, Star got heads turning for the wrong reason, many ponies, both tourists, and townsfolk, looked at Star with curious glances. Star was filling a jar up with some harmless bugs, it was gross for a mare and very unladylike, you'd only find tomboys and low standard mares would go around catching bugs.

But here she was, touching icky and gross insects.

"So," Sharp Quill began. "What do you need those bugs for?"

"Gonna prank someone named Shamrock Clover, he hates bugs, so much that the freak out will be hilarious." Minion explained.

Lime stomped his hoof on the ground. "Star, pranking ponies is one thing, but harming bugs is not acceptable!"

"Ugh, lighten up won't you? I'm sure he won't squish these little guys, well, not all of them that's for sure."

"You know how Clover is around bugs, they could be hurt."

Minion waved a dismissive hoof. "Why don't you go do your work and I'll go do mine?"

"Well, work is important, but that doesn't change the subject."

"I won't stop just because you say so," She declared. "There's plenty of fun pranks to throw at this town. You're just too much of a goody-two-shoes to enjoy the art of bamboozling, unlike me, a change- I mean, a free mare with no parents to keep her down."

"Fine, be that way." Lime huffed as he turned to leave. "But we are still going to the bakery for some star bread right?"

"Yeah, I already asked the Gentle Flame to save us some, so see you later." Minion casually said as she picked up her jar of bugs before leaving to find Shamrock.

"See you, Minion!" He waved at her as she grew even smaller by the distance.

With nothing else in his way, Limelight started to make his way to the bookstore for some important business. He didn't realize that he was followed by Sharp Quill who had a curious glint in her eyes, something had caught her attention, and was wondering why. Of course, she could ask, and that is what she did.

"You call her 'Minion'?"

Limelight nearly jumped out of his skin, he stared at Quill with eyes wide open. Once he got past the initial shock, Lime mentally kicked himself for slipping Minion's name in front of some stranger, or acquaintance in this case. But still, he should be careful when he's in town, he doesn't want to get unwanted questions like Quill's.

"Oh, um... Ahem, you see, Star is my number 2 in the theatre business, I trust her the most and some ponies think she's just too loyal, so I started calling her Minion just to tease her." Lime chuckled as naturally as he is kind.

"I didn't know you two had such a relationship. Best friends in a small town like this just living, I'm kinda jealous, ha!" Quill said.

"Don't you have any friends with you?"

She shook her head. "No, I came to this town alone looking for a fresh start, I'm sure you know what that feels like. 'I am but a nomad whose home is nothing but a memory as I step into a whole new world.'" She quoted a line from Lime's play.

"Seeking glory for my name, may the old watch over the new." He smiled warmly. "A line by Kira, from Kira and Clair."

She smiled back at him. "Yes, I loved everything you did, it is by far my favorite story among others. If it was a novel, it would surely be my fave!"

"Oh, may I ask what your favorite book is?"

"Well, I am very fond of Sherlock Pones, mystery genre is just so compelling. Love every clever twist that was written, especially when they reveal the culprit. Though I am disappointed with myself because I read so many mystery novels that I developed a quirk, reading every important clue spoils the ending for me. That's why I prefer stories that tend to just pull out an outlandish twist, but somehow connect it with the clues they've discovered."

Lime stood there in awe with the mare, he listened as she spoke her heart out, her experience with her favorite genre was just so fascinating. Every word was honest to a fault, he related to her in a few ways. It didn't take long for him to continue to his destination.

"Though if I had to say, what I like the least about the mystery genre is that a lot of the newer ones just try to be unique even if it ended terribly. If I think about it, nothing is unique anymore when it comes to stories. These days it's just the same old, same old. That's why I don't really read much anymore."

"I hear you," Lime sighed. "I honestly feel like my story has already been written by someone else. It ain't anxiety, just a thought in the back of my head. But the thing is, you can still enjoy new stuff even if it isn't new. There's like a billion zombie novels, and each tries to be different but, but by the end of the day, it's still a book about zombies."

Quill chuckled cutely. "Well, a lot of zombie books are mostly about the struggles of the survivors, most of the time their real enemy are other ponies."

"Yeah, you're right." Lime agreed with her. "Oh, we're here!"

Lime brought Quill to a bookstore, the only one in town to be in fact. Any book you want you can find them here. Page Turner would be happy to order the book you need, and if she already has it, then you don't have to wait. Lime was unsure why Quill followed him here, but he didn't mind her company.

Though her first impression might give him a clue, he'd rather not think about it, Lime still had work to be done.

The bell rang as they entered, books were scattered around, all in their cellophane, untouched and clean. Though it was on the floor, all of it was at least stacked neatly next to the shelves.

There were mountains of content, different genres whichever caught your interest, or perhaps you could read some simple magazines to find out the newest trend in Canterlot. Page Turner is subscribed to several dealers just so she can get the latest news, such as Twilight Sparkle's achievement. She'd been the talk of the town for a short while, and Limelight was honestly a fan.

But that was not why he was there, Lime had business with Page Turner.

"Hey, Page!" He greeted the owner of this shop. He caught her putting prices on books, many of them were new from what Lime could tell.

"Hello, Kirin, are you here for the new Daring Do book?"

"No, we got a play in the works and I'm wondering if I could borrow the printer again."

"Oh, I'm very sorry, but the printer is broken right now. I called in someone to fix it, but they won't be here until next week."

Limelight was not discouraged. "That's alright, I can just write the script on my own. It'll surely be faster than waiting."

"I can be of help!" Quill beamed up.

"Feel free to grab some pens and papers in the back!" Page offered. "I can also help if you'd like."

Lime did not shy away, of course he would accept any help as long as it did not bother those who volunteered.

Page led the two to the door behind the counter. The next room was just as large as the main one, but it was far more crowded than the other. More books were stacked around, the table in the center was just wooden planks on top of more books. Lime wondered how Page could even do anything in this room with so many obstructions.

The bookworm went straight to another door to get the materials needed to make Lime's script, several stacks of paper, so much that it could be used as a blunt weapon, and the pens accompanied with a bottle of white-out.

"So, how are we doing this?" Page asked as they sat around the table.

"I got the first script done, and I'll be needing about... over 140 pages, and about... Well about 100 copies, just in case."

Page stuttered back a little. "A hundred copies? Doesn't the studio only have over thirty actors?"

"Yeah, but it would be a good idea to have spares in case someone loses their copy!"

"But it'll take us too long..."

"It's alright, we have time to spare. Not like anyone is going anywhere." Said Lime.

"If I may," Both turned towards Quill. "I can actually do this on my own, and finish at least fifty copies by tomorrow. You see, my special talent is speed writing, I'm able to read and copy from another paper. That's why I'm called Sharp Quill because I'm fast and accurate."

"Woah!" Lime exclaimed, in awe with such a talent.

He had to be honest here, he believed that ponies are lucky to have such magic, being able to discover their talents throughout their lives and sticking with it until the end. Once you found yours, then you would hone your newfound skills and be better than most. Lime had yet to meet a pony who didn't like their special talent or unique characteristics.

"I know right?" Quill was prideful of her cutie mark. "So we can just let me do the work and we'll be fine on my own."

"Are you sure?" Page asked.

"Leave it to me!" The unicorn puffed out her chest proudly.

"Well, I can't just leave you alone, this is my work as well!" Lime was defiant, he could never just allow someone else to do his work while he lazed around. That was Lazy Bones' job.

"Since you guys seem to have this in the bag, I'll just go and watch the shop. Call if you need anything." Page said farewell to them and quickly returned to her work.

Alone in this room crowded by books, the two began working with the script so Lime could start his project. Just as Quill claimed, she was a speedster when it came to writing. Like a machine, or a printer, in this case, she wrote thousands of words within a minute. It was impressive that she could do such a feat.

She finished six copies before Lime could be done with one. He was astounded by her skills, it was unbelievable that a unicorn like her could write with great accuracy, not a single typo on any of her finished work. Occasionally, of course, she would skim through the finished script to make sure she did it right, which was admirable. This proved that Quill was humble, she wasn't cocky, or that she believed that she was without flaw.

Both continued, none spoke to each other as the pile of scripts grew.

Lime was still on one script, he was almost done which goes to show that Quill's skill was beyond amazing. If anything, it's something he would want to have under his belt for similar times such as this.

Time went on as the two wrote the scripts, they copied off the original provided by Lime. None said a word, both focused on their work, Lime could only hear his own heart as he wrote letter after letter.

Soon enough, the door opened and Page came in to inform them that she was leaving now. She made sure to ask Like to lock up when they're done, to which he promised and gave his goodbye to Page.

"Well, I think we have enough!" Lime declared. "We can finish the rest next time, thanks again for lending a hoof."

"No problem, just wanted to help out as much as I can." Quill sighed as she presented her finished copies, fifty copies, just as she promised, plus two from Lime. Yes, he could only write two scripts, he wasn't as fast as a writer like Quill. "Hey, wanna grab a drink? I don't know a good place though, so you'll have to pick for us."

"Sorry, but I got this thing with Star."

"Aw come on, one glass or two won't hurt, I'll be paying. Heard this town has good apple cider, or maybe we can have something stronger instead?"

"Can't, sorry."

He gave her a goodbye, and another thanks for her work. He would've left, but Quill stood in his way, a blank expression on her face. "I insist."

"Well, you did save me so much time..."

"You're right, I did help a lot. So it's only natural that you'd pay me back for my hard work."

"I guess, well just one apple cider, I can't have any alcohol."

"Great!" Quill beamed up. "Go ahead and lock up, I'll wait outside."

It was just one drink, Limelight shouldn't feel bad about it. He hoped that he wouldn't be late, and since he'd be dropping by the tavern he could grab something for Minion, she'll appreciate it that's for sure. He only wondered what he should even get for her.