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Cato III - Why It Pays To Bring Your Sword Along In Case Of Monsters From Another Dimension

I was really, really angry. Both at Crystal Prep Twilight and Cinch, but it was more Cinch than Twilight. First off, what happened to Rarity had also happened to Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and my girlfriend by now. The second was that Rue had apparently discovered that Cinch had dragged Twilight along via use of using her university application to Everton as blackmail. That just made me sick to my stomach. It was wrong, it was just fucked up. Cinch herself did nothing to improve my burning hatred for her, as she just screamed and insulted Twilight and the remaining Shadowbolts in the competition as we waited to start the second event. It was clear that I had really gotten under Cinch’s skin, but it was also now clear that this woman was freaking delusional.

She’s literally acting as if I and the others don’t exist, I thought to myself. I didn’t have time to think it over longer, because Vice Principal Luna came along and told us which events we would be competing in. Much to my comfort, I got placed with Applejack for Archery, something that I had placed a very good amount of time in. Not as much as I had with swords, but still a good amount of time.

Jackie was still feeling odd at the moment. So I took upon myself to carry both of our bows and quivers of arrows to where we were supposed to shoot.

“Cato, thanks. I really appreciate all that you’re doing for me” she said as we got our bows out.

“Anything for you, love” I said as I kissed her forehead, and a chorus of noise rose up from the Crystal Prep side. I just ignored it, as the two competitors from Crystal Prep walked up to the archery area, which happened to be Twilight and a girl named Sour Sweet.

Great, this is now totally awkward, I thought to myself. Soon enough, the event started. Jackie was shooting fine and everything was going okay, at least until what seemed to be like a page rip open near me and a big massive tentacle pops out.

“Okay. Holy fuck-“ I shout, but was cut off by Jackie screaming and running away. Sour Sweet and Twilight did as well, leaving me there. I take out my sword and I slice the thing right down the middle. It bleeds and retreats.

I turn around. Rainbow Dash had “ponyed-up” and was saving some people from it, but soon her magic was absorbed by Twilight and she fell hard. She found herself scooting away from a very interested tentacle in fear as I approached at rapid speed.

“Don’t you fucking touch her!” I shouted, slicing into it with my sword. Like the other one, it fell back and the tears cease. I look down at Rainbow Dash.

“You okay?”

“Hurting and Tired, but I’m fine.”

I helped her off the field as everyone just gasped at what had happened. Things were like a powder keg now unfortunately. It wasn’t going to be long before it all blew up.