• Published 6th Aug 2021
  • 874 Views, 74 Comments

CRISIS: Equestria - Divergence, Book 3 - GanonFLCL

Seven years ago, Twilight Sparkle and her friends were accidentally taken to another world where they made new friends. Now they return to that world to find that things have changed, and now they and their friends must fight to save both worlds.

  • ...

Chapter Three: Recount

Fluttershy was glad that things had worked out so quickly and smoothly this time around for her and… well, for her and Rarity at least. She was sure that Rainbow and Pinkie were being well cared for as well, but she was worried about Twilight and Applejack, and dreadfully so. Were they safe? Were they hurt? Even if Winter was with them, they had likely popped up in some dark, scary caves, and Twilight wasn't in good shape when Fluttershy saw her last. Just thinking about it made her heart race.

But, as her anxiety classes taught her, it was better to breathe, remain calm, and think about the situation logically rather than let herself get into a panic about it. It was best to just focus on what she could do, rather than on what she couldn't do. And what she could do… was stay put, stay safe, and have faith in her friends.

After some wait staff cleaned up the mess in the dining area, Lockwood had invited her and Rarity, as well as everypony else—and Mister Gilderoy—to sit down for lunch with him. His wife, Blackburn, the honest-to-goodness queen of this city, had declined, stating that she had to return to her work from earlier and make preparations for their new guests. The other mare, Gadget, had gone along with; apparently she was the queen's bodyguard and assistant? They seemed friendlier than just employer and employee, though.

Gilderoy had declined as well, claiming he had other business to attend to regarding their "other guest", whatever that meant, though he did promise to begin work on some sort of solution to the problem they now were in. The old griffin—gryphon? They spelled it differently here apparently—seemed nice enough and very polite, so she wasn't worried about what he had in mind.

Stellar Storm left as well, claiming that she had new work to handle thanks to the new arrivals and that she'd been done with lunch anyway. The other mare definitely reminded her a lot of Tempest Storm, though whatever this mare had gone through was apparently worse, at least outwardly, than what had happened to Tempest. Fluttershy didn't ask, though, and didn't want to make assumptions.

This just left Gray and Flathoof to join them, as well as Lockwood's… well, Crossfire seemed to be his bodyguard and assistant, like Gadget was for the queen, but he and Lockwood were far too friendly for that to be the end of it. They spoke like good friends, with a cordiality to them that could only mean they'd known each other for a very long time.

It was nice, sitting down for lunch with Lockwood and Gray again, and with Flathoof too. All of her closest friends from this other world were right here in this private dining room at what was apparently a rather high quality diner, and she was glad to be able to share the experience with Rarity, her closest friend from back home. They'd not had much of an opportunity to all sit down like this the last time that they were here, so this was… nice.

Rarity, incidentally, had taken a few moments to clean her winter coat with the application of some magic, some water, and a great deal of effort. This allowed her to show off her red lace dress, albeit unintentionally, and it was clear that it still held the sort of attention-drawing capabilities around here that it had when she'd first made it years ago, if the looks the others had given her were any indication. Once her coat was cleaned, though, she placed that back over herself as was proper; the dress was meant for formal high-society occasions and fashion shows, not casual lunch meetings.

Lunch didn't last long, though, as most of the group had already eaten—Gray and Flathoof noted that their family lunch had been interrupted, in fact—so it wasn't long before the topic turned to what to do to pass the time while they waited for Blackburn to arrange things. It was naturally Lockwood who came up with a grand idea: a guided tour of the city.

"Hope's Point is our home," he said with a smile. "I know it's only been that way for me for a few years compared to ponies like Crossfire here, but I care more about this city and the ponies who live here than anything. As King of Hope's Point, why, I'd say it's my duty to want to show it off to everypony I possibly can."

"A tour of the city hosted by the king himself, huh?" Gray said with a smirk, leaning back and kicking her hooves up on the table. "Well now, that sounds like a pretty rare opportunity. I had to settle for his brother. He's just not as personable."

Flathoof chuckled. "And I'm not the sophisticated sort that Lockwood is, either. I mostly knew just some practical stuff that somepony moving here would need to know about."

"You mean you knew where they made good hay fries and where a pony could get their horseshoes fixed up, and that's about it?"

"Sure, what else does a pony need?"

Gray rolled her eyes and nudged Fluttershy. "See what I mean? I had to figure out for myself where all the good pizza joints are around here. He's totally useless." With a grin in his direction, she added, "But he's got a few nice qualities about him here and there, I guess. So I'll settle for second-best."

Fluttershy giggled into her hoof. "I'm glad to see you two are getting on so well. Married and everything, with kids even? I'm really happy for you, for both of you. You deserve a bit of happiness after all you did for me."

"Heh, thanks Shy. So, an official royal tour, huh?" Gray said, turning to Lockwood. "That's your idea for passing the time? 'Cause it sounds alright, and it should take a few hours I guess."

"I think it's a marvelous idea myself," Rarity said with a grin. "I do so love to see new places and experience new cultures now that I have the time and money to do so. I suppose if I have to end up in a strange, faraway land once again, I may as well make the most of it."

"Absolutely," Lockwood agreed. "Our city may share a lot of qualities with New Pandemonium, on account of how many of our citizens immigrated from there, but we have our own tastes and social norms that they just don't have up north, not to mention our own culture, entertainment preferences, fashion scenes, and more. Sorry if I sound like a travel guide, but I'm proud of my home."

"You make it sound like a completely different country, dear, not merely another city."

"That's because we are, for all intents and purposes. New Pandemonium and Hope's Point are city-states, or… nation-cities, or however you feel is the best way to describe it. We have our own territories outside the city limits and everything, too. Hence why peace between our cities is treated with such diplomatic importance."

Lockwood then gestured at Gray. "And hence why they needed to send an ambassador down here to serve as a diplomat."

Fluttershy's eyes widened. "You're an ambassador?"

Gray shrugged. "Meh. Because of that whole telepathic magic thing I mentioned earlier, I'm really just a glorified telephone. Dawn's got me on speed-dial."

"I tell you all the time Gray, you mustn't sell yourself short," Lockwood said, his nose in the air. "Nopony else could do what you do, and I'm not just talking about the spell. You're a natural negotiator. Unless you want to tell me that everything we discuss is verbatim what Dawn is asking you to tell us?"

"Well, no, I relay things in a way that doesn't sound like I'm vomiting up the dictionary every time I open my mouth. I know what Dawn's ten-bit words mean, I know Blackburn does and you do too, but I don't feel like spending thirty minutes saying what I can say in five. Why use lots of words when a few do the trick?"

"See? I doubt that anypony else would be willing to do that for us. I've got a feeling Dawn wouldn't exactly allow somepony else to do that."

"No… I guess not."

"And besides, you've offered up a few ideas here and there yourself that I know didn't come from Dawn, or from Curaçao for that matter." Lockwood nodded firmly. "You do a fine job, Gray, and I won't hear otherwise from anypony, least of all you."

"Aptly put, darling," Rarity said, giving Gray a smile of her own. "You've always been a dear friend of ours, too, so I'd never hear an unkind word towards you either. You kept my friends safe from harm when they needed it most, and I could never thank you enough for that."

Gray scratched her chin; Fluttershy was sure she was blushing. "Thanks, guys. You don't have to lay it on so thick, though." She cleared her throat. "So, uh, speaking of ideas, here's one: this tour sounds like a good plan, yeah, but how about we split up a bit?" She wrapped her hoof around Fluttershy. "Flats and I will take Shy around town, you and Crossfire show Rarity around."

"You want to split up? Why?" Lockwood asked.

"Two reasons: one, I know what we all have different interests and places we'd like to see or do, and this way, we can focus on that rather than trying to cram everything in." She nudged Fluttershy again. "I know you appreciate fashion, but you're not the fashionista Rarity is, and Flathoof and I would just get bored wandering around the fashion district."

Fluttershy tilted her head. "I wouldn't mind seeing the fashion district, really, not if it makes Rarity happy."

"Oh pish posh, dear," Rarity said, fanning her face with her hoof. "You don't need to go visit the fashion district with me if you don't want to. I for one think Gray's idea sounds delightful. You and I see each other quite often enough as it is, but you haven't seen Gray or Flathoof for years. It might be fun having them show you around, hmm?"

"Which brings me to my second point," Gray continued. "Hope's Point is different from New Pandemonium, like Lockwood said. And I don't just mean the culture and the sights; I mean the ponies. I'm sure you remember how we told you guys that you never wanted to walk the streets of New Pandemonium alone unless you had a way of defending yourself, right?"

Fluttershy nodded. "I remember, and I definitely listened to you on that. I never left that apartment building unless I was with you or Lockwood, and even then I made sure to stay close. Sometimes closer than I think was necessary," she added with a blush. "But you two made me feel so safe."

"Well, you don't have to worry about that around here." Gray nudged Flathoof. "Go on, give her the spiel."

Flathoof cleared his throat. "Hope's Point's current crime rate sits at a respectable five-point-one out of every ten thousand citizens, which is roughly one percent of New Pandemonium's record low in the past fifty years. The typical crimes we deal with here are the occasional petty theft, vandalism, and public indecency; violent crimes make up less than one percent of the crime rate, and the worst of the bunch is assault."

Lockwood nodded in proud affirmation. "Our citizens don't mug or rob one another for petty cash, they don't murder each other out of pashion or desperation, and there certainly hasn't ever been a report of any other unscrupulous crimes. It's not paradise by a long shot, but I'll take a million bits in stolen goods over a single death any day of the week."

Gray pulled Fluttershy in again. "I figured that if you come with me and Flathoof, you'd get a chance to see just how safe the city is. We're not exactly public figures around here; I don't go around advertising that I'm an ambassador, and Flathoof doesn't wear his militia uniform unless it's official business."

"But I suppose if you walked around with me, it would color her perception of how folks react," Lockwood said with an understanding smile. "A fair idea, Gray." He looked at Fluttershy expectantly. "If splitting up for the tour sounds alright with you, Fluttershy, then far be it from me to suggest otherwise. Gray can be very persuasive when she wants to be."

Fluttershy looked up at Gray's smiling face, then gave her a small nod. "That sounds lovely, actually. Are we going to go to your place to meet your kids? I'd really like that."

"Sure! We'll show you a few sights along the way," Gray said with a smile of her own. "The kids are gonna love you."

With that, the group rose from the table and said their temporary farewells—Lockwood wanted everypony to meet back up around dinnertime so that they could all catch up in a proper atmosphere and be joined by Blackburn as well—then went their separate ways outside the restaurant, with Lockwood and Crossfire leading Rarity one way, while Fluttershy followed Gray and Flathoof the other way.

Now that she was outside, Fluttershy could finally see what Hope's Point looked like, and she found it… well, a lot of things, actually. It was cleaner than she remembered New Pandemonium being, yet still maintained that slightly intimidating metropolitan atmosphere that all big cities had, even those back home like Manehatten. The air was cleaner too, and actually quite pleasant, but still not the proper fresh air that she was used to back home.

She supposed that it was because they were still on the northern continent, covered as it was with that disgusting orange glow that radiated from the north pole, specifically from the huge tower in the center of New Pandemonium City. Which, incidentally, was where she was certain Rainbow and Pinkie were; she hoped that the strange tower didn't have any weird affect on them.

The ponies, though, that was where the big difference was most apparent. Everypony was generally cordial and friendly. Not overly so like they were back home most of the time, but just the right amount of polite that they didn't shout for her and Gray and Flathoof to move out of the way since there was plenty of room to walk, and they weren't shouting at each other for stealing chariots since there was always another one nearby, and they didn't give one another dirty looks—or unsavory ones, for that matter.

"None of the buildings around here seem as tall as they were up north," Fluttershy observed. The largest building she'd seen so far was only about seven stories, a ritzy hotel for folks visiting from either the north or south. "Where do all of the ponies here live? None of these look like… like houses or apartments."

"They live underground," Gray said simply. She gestured at a simple building on the nearby corner, which looked barely large enough to hold more than a dozen ponies at once. "See that? It's an elevator leading into the undercity. That's where all of the residential districts are, as well as the critical facilities like hospitals and stuff."

"Everypony lives… underground?"

"Yup. The city founders hollowed out a huge stretch of the coastal cliffs so that the ponies who live here would be safe."

"The whole place is reinforced with military-grade durasteel so that they don't have to worry about earthquakes," Flathoof added. "And down there, they're safe in case the barrier goes down for some reason. The earth here is thick enough to withstand any bombardment. Not that we have to worry about that nowadays anyway, right?"

Fluttershy glanced upwards at the aforementioned "barrier", a golden dome of magical light, the most significant thing one could possibly notice about the city. She was reminded of how Canterlot had looked when Shining Armor was protecting the entire city himself with a similar, smaller shield when they were under threat of the changelings under Queen Chrysalis.

From how Twilight explained it, that kind of barrier was incredibly difficult to maintain and her brother had only been able to do it because it was his special talent and he was suitably magically potent.

The shield of Hope's Point was exponentially larger, and unlike Shining's barrier, it was under constant barrage from harsh weather conditions, namely the sandstorm that Fluttershy could see whipping about outside. The shield was so potent that it was keeping even the tiniest grain of sand out of the city's airspace, and yet it was filtering in clean, breathable air all the same. That was impressive, even to somepony like Fluttershy who didn't understand magic very well, and even less about the strange technomagic that this world used to make such things.

"This city is amazing," Fluttershy said, taking another look around. It wasn't quite like home, not in the least bit, but there was something about this place that made her feel at peace, and it wasn't just her current company. "You're right, Gray, this seems like a place where somepony can walk around alone and feel safe."

Gray wrapped her hoof around Flutterhsy's shoulder. "Told ya. I figured you should know, since you're gonna be here awhile. Don't take this the wrong way, 'cause you're a real good friend to me, but I don't think anypony would like it if I had to escort you everywhere. Y'know? I've got a job to do these days, and kids to raise, and everything that goes with all that. So I wanted you to know that you can feel independent."

"What Gray means is that you're welcome to visit us anytime," Flathoof continued, giving his wife a grin. "But it's more convenient for us—and for you—if you just walked over and visited if and when you felt like it. No reason to wait around for somepony to pick you up or anything like that; just let us know you're coming with a phone call."

Fluttershy eyed Gray's hoof on her shoulder, then smiled and nodded. "I understand completely. That's how I do things at home, too. If I want to visit my friends, I just do it. I don't even have to write them a letter to let them know I want to see them, but then none of them have foals to worry about."

"Good! Glad we're on the same page. Because again, you're welcome anytime," Gray said firmly. "Hell, if you wanted to, you can just say the word and I'll tell Blackburn to let us put you up at our place for the next few weeks. We've got a guest room that we don't really use for anything."

"Really? You mean that?"

"Of course! What're friends for, right?" Gray said with a bright, pleasant smile.

Fluttershy smiled back, then averted her eyes for a moment, her face red. Her anxiety was kicking in and telling her that she was going to make things awkward if she talked about what she wanted to talk about with Gray and Flathoof right this moment, so awkward that they'd immediately rescind their offer—which she wasn't planning on taking anyway, as much as she appreciated it!—and probably never want to see her ever again at that.

But she knew better than to let that little nasty voice in her head get its way anymore. Sometimes it managed to win and make her second-guess herself, but she was in too good of a mood—despite everything bad that had happened today—that she wasn't going to let it have its way this time.

"I appreciate the offer, both of you," Fluttershy said, giving them both a grin, "but I don't want to refuse Lockwood's offer, either. He did offer first, after all. Well, technically his wife did, but she's the queen, and I think it'd be good for me to accept her offer. As much as I'd love to stay with you two, I don't want to leave Rarity all alone like that."

Gray nodded in understanding. "Yeah, I get it, and that's cool of you to do that for your friend. You do you, Shy. Just know that if you ever change your mind, the offer's on the table."

Fluttershy rubbed the back of her neck and took a deep breath. Now or never.

Gray raised an eyebrow. "Something wrong?"

"No, nothing's wrong. I just… I have something to tell you. Something that I've been sitting on for a long time and never managed to get off my chest all those years ago. Because, um… back then, I didn't really have the confidence to do anything about it, to even bring it up or anything like that. I just… let it go.

"But my anxiety classes have been helping me deal with my nervousness and indecisiveness, and I think… I think that I need to say it now, or I might never work up the courage to say it later. So if you don't mind, I'd like to say my piece."

Gray scratched her cheek. "I mean, sure thing, whatever you've gotta say, go ahead and say it. Are you sure you're alright, though? I mean, if it's a touchy subject—"

"No, I'm fine. Believe me, I've been thinking about this for a long time." Fluttershy took another breath. "When I saw you again in that viewing pool, it brought back a lot of feelings that I used to have. I've always cherished our friendship, Gray, but there was a time when… when I sort of… wanted something more."

Gray blinked. "Huh?"

"Oooh… let me just say it: I… h-h-had a crush… on… on you." Fluttershy felt her heart skip a beat as the sheer weight of the words fell away. "Wow, it feels better to say that aloud than I thought it would." With a nod, she repeated them, with confidence. "I had a crush on you, Gray."

Gray was silent for a moment, then tilted her head, baffled. "You did? Really?"

"I did."



"Why would you have had a crush on me? I thought you had a thing for Lockwood?"

Fluttershy's face got hot. "Oh. W-well, I did, for a time. But then I let that go, because… um…" She shook her head; she could never say why she did without putting pressure on Rarity to explain, even if things hadn't worked out. "Because I just did. No other reason. But that was fine with me, because I liked you. I mean… I'm not… I'm not saying I replaced him with you. You're not my second choice or anything! That's… that's not what I—"

"Whoa whoa, easy, it's cool. I just… I didn't know you liked mares. And stallions too, I guess?" Gray shook her head, then grinned. "Huh, that explains a bit about… uh, anyway, I mean… look, Shy, I'm flattered, but—"

"Oh, no, you don't need to apologize," Fluttershy quickly said. She looked between Gray and Flathoof and smiled. "I figured out on my own that you two had something special, even when you probably didn't see it yourselves. I could see it in the way you two laughed together and looked at each other. Once I did, well, I knew I didn't stand a chance, even if you did like mares. I just knew things would work out with you two, and that was that."

Flathoof scratched his chin. "I mean, it took a while, but I guess it did, didn't it?"

"And I couldn't be happier that it did, either." Fluttershy took Gray's hooves in hers. "Gray, you're one of the best friends I've ever had. You're a beautiful, powerful, wonderful mare, and I want nothing more in the world than for you to be happy. The only reason that I'm telling you this is because… I had to. I know that if I didn't express myself, I'd just let it fester and fester, and I don't want that to turn into something bad."

Gray blinked and rubbed the back of her head. "Well… this is certainly just adding onto all the weird things that have happened today, isn't it? You're sure you're cool that I, y'know, don't like you like that?"

"I am. Are… are you okay with the fact that I used to have those thoughts a long, long time ago? Because I don't anymore."

"You don't?"

"No, I don't. I still think you're a beautiful, powerful, wonderful mare who makes me feel safe, but I've moved on. I, um…" Fluttershy reddened again and averted her gaze. "I have somepony else I'm interested in these days. Well… not really a pony, but… that's complicated. But he's special to me, and… and I'm working up the courage to tell him that, like I just did with you."

Gray nodded, then smirked and shook her head. "Yeah, I'm cool with it. I wouldn't let something as dumb as that get in the way of our friendship. Like you said, you're telling me because you had to get it off your chest, but it's not like you feel that way anymore. So hey, no awkwardness there."

"I mean, I'd be fine with it if you did still dig her like that," Flathoof noted with a wide grin.

"Flathoof!" Gray exclaimed, giving him a harsh look and stomping over towards him; it was at this moment that Fluttershy realized that Gray was, in fact, taller than Flathoof by nearly an inch.

Flathoof just chortled, hooves up in a show of defense. "What? Oh c'mon, can you blame me for thinking it?"

"I can and I do! Don't you start turning into your brother."

As Fluttershy watched the two "argue"—she could tell a real fight from… whatever this was—she could only hide her red face behind her wings and giggle, though she wasn't sure what to make of the last comment at all. All that mattered was she could tell the two wouldn't "argue" like this if they weren't very much in love, and that just made her all the happier.


Having gotten over the shock of how incredibly different this city was to the dingy, filthy, disgusting streets of New Pandemonium, Rarity took the opportunity to judge the fashion of the average passerby in the streets of Hope's Point, and she found it to be rather… acceptable. Yes, that was the proper term here: acceptable. Not extravagant, but not atrocious either. Just a happy medium. Acceptable.

Though this was only based on an hour at most of observation, she'd noticed a number of trends as far as the populace's fashion sense was concerned. Sure, the average pony wore relatively average clothes, but she could pick out the ponies that specifically paid attention to their appearances. There was nothing so extravagant as the fancy dresses that she designed for the upper class back in Canterlot, but there was still an interesting offering to be seen from the run-of-the-mill, off-the-rack fashion.

Lockwood had noted that it was roughly the same time of year here in the north that it was back home in her Equestria—early winter—most of the outfits on display were designed for warmth in mind, with coats, scarfs, hats, jackets, and sweaters of various styles and made of different materials. It wasn't too cold just yet so the warmer clothes were still of a lighter sensibility than the heavier sort that ponies wore in, say, the Crystal Empire.

Even the city's stallions seemed to get in on the fashion game around here, which Rarity noted was rare even back in Canterlot. The stallions didn't wear skirts, of course—at least from what Rarity had seen—but she wouldn't judge if any did. After all, what was a kilt if not just a long, masculine skirt? Perhaps that was oversimplifying things, but still.

The main way to tell who was or wasn't fashion conscious was easy enough because the fashionable ponies groomed themselves in a particular way. Manes and tails were treated with precision and care, perfectly coiffed, combed, primped, brushed, parted, tied, braided, or curled into exquisite, luxurious styles not out of place in a fashion show back home. The average pony just seemed to comb their manes and tails briefly before they left the house, nothing quite so attentive.

Yes, Rarity thought, this is certainly different from the streets up north, and from back home. I wonder how different the fashion center is?

Since that was still a ways off—Lockwood insisted they walk to take their time through the streets—Rarity also had the opportunity to observe… well, Lockwood. Or rather, King Lockwood, since that was part of what was keeping her attention so much right now: his royal status. Or rather more specifically, how the citizens reacted to it, or rather how they didn't, at least in any sense that Rarity would have expected.

Having known Twilight Sparkle for as long as she did, she'd grown tremendously accustomed to being around royalty and had been given plenty of opportunities to show how well she'd learned the proper social decorum when royalty was concerned. Besides her own personal experiences, she'd seen how ponies in Canterlot reacted whenever Princess Celestia had walked the streets, or how they reacted to Princess Cadance and Shining Armor in the Crystal Empire.

Namely, everypony always bowed to them, with rare exceptions. Even Twilight began getting the same treatment once she'd ascended, but she already knew that that was how the common folk were supposed to act so she just never really questioned it, though she had insisted she didn't need such treatment. After her recent coronation, she'd even wanted to abolish the practice entirely, but Rarity had convinced her to make that process gradual; she couldn't just suddenly, what, outlaw bowing to her?

The citizens of Hope's Point, however, did not so much as stop what they were doing to even hint that they were going to bow in King Lockwood's presence. They diverted from their paths a bit to give him room to move, of course, and looked or pointed in his direction with smiles and nods and waves, which he acknowledged with nods or waves of his own, but if anything the citizens treated him more like a respected celebrity than their ruler.

It was… endearing?

But it also reminded her of an important fact: he was only the king because he'd married Queen Blackburn. And she could not let that go unaddressed.

"I must say, darling, it's wonderful learning that after all those years, you finally managed to find your way down here and back into the hooves of the mare you love," she said as they rounded a corner; the fashion district wouldn't be far now. "You two were apart for quite some time, as I recall?"

Lockwood took a moment to respond, but he did so with a grin. "Yeah, I suppose it was a pretty long time, wasn't it?"

Oddly enough, Crossfire, Lockwood's hunky bodyguard and steward—he wasn't Rarity's type but she could tell a hunk when she saw one—seemed a little confused by the statement. "Well now, that there's a weird thing ta say."

Rarity tilted her head. "Hmm? Whatever do you mean, dear? How is it strange?"

"Well, most folk who knew Lockwood 'fore he finally got married just act all surprised-like on account o' them not knowin' he was even s'posed ta be gettin' hitched in the first place, or that he was even datin' anypony fer that matter."

"Ah… that's right, I seem to recall that you'd been trying to keep it a secret," Rarity said, tapping her chin. "Forgive me, I was under the impression that now that Lockwood and his paramour were together again that such things weren't being kept a secret anymore. I apologize if I've caused any discomfort."

"Shucks, ain't no discomfort, just a bit o' confusion." Crossfire nudged Lockwood gently. "I thought ya said only Miss Curie figured out y'all were even together wit' anypony?" He paused, then nodded and smiled in understanding. "Ah, right, Miss Rarity here ain't from 'round these parts, an' she went back to, uh… to wherever she's from. Probably didn't matter none if she figured it out, huh? Who's she gonna tell?"

"That's… that's exactly right, Crossfire," Lockwood said, tugging his collar slightly. "Very observant of you, and completely accurate, yes."

"Well, now that the cat's out of the bag, so to speak, I don't suppose you'd mind telling me more about her? Your lovely wife, I mean?" Rarity asked with a polite smile. "I suppose I could just ask her herself, but I'd prefer to hear some details from you first. There's nothing quite like hearing a pony describe their special somepony."

Lockwood paused. "I mean, I don't know. Wouldn't that feel a little, uh…" He paused again, then cleared his throat. "Crossfire, buddy, could you trail back a little? I'd like to… have a private conversation with Miss Rarity. As private as a public street can get, anyway."

Crossfire didn't seem to think there was anything odd about the request despite how odd Lockwood was making it sound. "Sure thing, boss."

And without hesitation, the large earth pony stallion slowed his pace ever-so-slightly such that Lockwood and Rarity could pull ahead a fair distance; since the average passerby was already giving them plenty of space, this meant that their conversation could be well and truly private, unless somepony was specifically trying to eavesdrop on them. Rarity had a keen eye for eavesdroppers, too, and there weren't any around.

"What's the matter, dear?" Rarity asked, eyebrow raised. "You're acting awfully strange about this."

"It's just, you don't… you don't think it's awkward?" Lockwood asked, scratching his temple. "Me, talking about my wife? With you?"

"No, why would I? It's perfectly natural and expected for a husband to speak about his wife. Now, unless you're telling me that you have nothing good to say about her, in which case we can drop the conversation, since I don't want to force you to air any marital issues—"

"What? No, it's nothing like that. I mean, you don't find it awkward to hear me talk about my wife, considering… uh… considering what happened? Almost happened? Between us?"

Rarity rolled her eyes and turned her gaze fully forward. "Lockwood, dear, is that what this is about?"

"Of course that's what this is about. I thought for sure you'd be bothered by the thought of it all."

"Why would I feel awkward listening to you sing your wife's praises considering that all that happened between us was a simple misunderstanding on my part? Just a simple almost kiss, nothing more. You're acting as though we had a lurid affair, or at the very least a wild night of passion. I certainly don't recall any such thing."

Lockwood raised a hoof to speak, then stopped. "Well, I mean, no, I guess nothing actually happened—"

"Then there's no need to make this out to be awkward, dear. I thought we'd agreed never to speak of it again, and to forget that it ever happened?"

"I suppose that you're right about that." He cleared his throat. "Well, alright. If you really want to hear it."

"I most certainly do. Blackburn must be truly special to you, and I want to hear all about her. I make it a habit—a bad one some might say—of being keenly interested in the romantic endeavors of my friends, and you are no exception." With a grin, she added, "So? Do go on."

Lockwood then proceeded to give a rather brief, truncated summary of how he'd first met his future wife at a party, specifically the cuteceañera of a good friend of his—one who happened to currently be this city's Secretary of Commerce—and how they'd actually not gotten along that well at first. But they slowly fell for one another when they saw how much alike they were—dedicated to the betterment of others—until it came to a head and they just let their passions get the better of them.

She could tell there were some details omitted in regards to how that went about—he said that the details weren't particularly lighthearted and that he'd gotten hurt "real bad"—but Rarity read between the lines enough to know that he and Blackburn were very much in love with one another both emotionally and physically. There was no doubt at all about that just based on his body language and awkward pauses when she pressed; theirs was a healthy relationship in every way.

The rest of the details weren't particularly crucial to the story, and Rarity hadn't asked for all the details anyway—surely there had to be enough to fill a book—but what mattered to her the most, she could sum up rather well once he was finished:

"Darling, that is… truly one of the most romantic tales I've ever heard," she said with a sigh of content. "I've heard many a tale of romance before, but I must say that you and your wife have something remarkable together. A marriage to be envied if there ever was one, and I must applaud you for keeping your love a secret for so long. That had to be difficult."

Lockwood looked at her a moment, then looked away. "Tell me about it," he murmured.

She paused, then shook her head; what an odd reaction. "Had I known that your heart was so clearly taken by somepony else, I would have never even thought about doing… what we didn't end up doing, thank goodness. I know it's been some time, but I really must apologize again—"

"You don't need to apologize, Rarity, believe me. You made a decision to act on what information you had, just like any other pony would have done in your horseshoes. It's my fault for… almost letting it happen."


He rubbed the back of his neck. "I've never been good with spotting a mare's attraction to me. Blackburn had to be a little aggressive to get me to notice. If I'd spotted the thread, you and I could've avoided any… misunderstandings."

She walked along in silence for a moment, then made to say something, then decided against it. No, the conversation was already tremendously awkward, and it was probably better to leave it off at that; any further and it would just unravel into the two of them apologizing back-and-forth for something that never actually happened and that they should definitely stop discussing for exactly that reason.

Though, after hearing the tale of how Lockwood and Blackburn had gotten together, Rarity began to feel a little sick to her stomach; she'd come dreadfully close to ruining what they had between them, and no matter how much Lockwood wanted to take the blame for it, she knew that it was her fault in the first place for very nearly flagging her tail to a stallion who was just nice to her.

Had she truly been that desperate for a loving partner?

She supposed she couldn't really fault herself if she was, though. Lockwood ticked all sorts of boxes all those years ago, and she hated to admit that he ticked even more now. He was polite, charming, compassionate, had a good sense of humor, was always quick with a compliment, and a mare could just drown in those eyes of his. He was even more handsome now than she remembered thanks in no small part to his better figure, no doubt due to having access to healthier meals now that he was a king.

No, Rarity, don't go down that road of thought, she told herself. Dangerous ideas lie along that road.

She was glad when the fashion district came into view, apparent from the style of the writing on the signs and the manner in which the buildings were arranged with the large storefront windows and the ponyquins on display. Here was where the fashion of the passersby adjusted to be more in-line with what Rarity expected, though she immediately noticed two things about the upper-class fashion scene here:

First, her current outfit was horribly out of vogue, because in Hope's Point, lacy, risque dresses were out and jackets were in. The weather made them practical, and there was nothing more sensible to make fashionable than something practical. Unlike a dress, a jacket could be worn multiple times and not earn a single snide remark for the fashion crime of repetition; unlike a dress, a jacket went with quite literally everything and anything that could go underneath it; and unlike a dress, a jacket wasn't quite so revealing and was appropriate for any occasion.

Even her winter coat was a bit too much, though Rarity could smell it in the air: coats like hers would be in within the next few weeks. She'd have to be very careful with it until then so that her design wasn't sniped by some keen-eyed poseur; that had happened one time too many back home for her tastes, and she hated having to get… aggressive with the cretins who thought they could steal her work.

Second, the colors were a little more muted here than they were back home. Oh, there were plenty of different colors on display, but there wasn't quite the sort of brightness to them that she expected. Everything was, again, practical and fashionable at the same time; brighter colors were more difficult to wash, and if one was wearing a jacket consistently to keep warm, one couldn't afford to have it ruined in the laundry because of its coloration

She also noticed that there were a lot of pegasi present in the city. The only place back home that had such a large congregation of pegasi was Cloudsdale, but that went without saying; Hope's Point's populace, at least from what Rarity could see, was more than fifty percent pegasi, and the fashion reflected that. A pegasus would want a warm, practical jacket over some complicated mess of a coat, and at most would add a scarf to splash some color into it.

Still, it was clear that the eye for fashion was still present in Hope's Point, it was just different than what she was accustomed to, but then so had New Pandemonium's fashion scene with its provocative sensibilities; as Lace and Lapel, her fashion designer friends all those years ago, had said, "sex sells", and boy, did Rarity ever witness proof of that. But if she could adjust there, she could adjust here, and here seemed rather… easier? Was that the appropriate term?

"I must say, your city had quite the fine little fashion district, dear," Rarity said to Lockwood, keeping her choice of words cordial so as not to sound dismissive. "It's not as large and extravagant as what I've witnessed up north, but it's got a pleasantness to it that reminds me of certain places back home. Not ones I usually advertise in as much, but still. Very unique."

Lockwood nodded in understanding. "I know, it's not the same kind of glitz and glamour that New Pandemonium has, but then our citizens generally tried to distance themselves from that sort of style in every aspect of their lives for decades, y'know? Still, this is just the early winter fare. I'm told that the spring line is when it really picks up."

"Oh? Do tell."

"Ah, well, I don't know much about fashion, but I'm still connected pretty well. I'm sure you heard of the famous Ivory Charm back up north, hmm?"

Rarity tapped her chin, then nodded. "I seem to recall she was one of the most well-regarded models that had ever worked in the industry. Lace and Lapel were convinced that with a little effort, they could make Insipid into the next Ivory." She brightened briefly. "Speaking of—"

"Insipid's definitely popular, yes," Lockwood said with a bright grin. "She's the talk of the industry up north from what I hear, and has been for years. Havoc said she's still working for Lace and Lapel on official fashion lines, but she does a lot of freelance modeling for advertisements and such. You must've made quite an impression on her, 'cause she's completely modeled herself after you, y'know?"

"She has? I mean, I saw that she'd adopted my mane style, but there's more to me than my mane, dear."

"Ha ha, well, I mean, that's a bit superficial. I was more referring to how she acts. She's a proper lady and everything, at least from how Havoc describes her." Lockwood nodded firmly. "So yeah, she's done really well for herself. I know this comes across as… I dunno, something, but you should be proud of what you did. Whatever work ethic you instilled in her, she's got it in spades."

Rarity smiled. "Well, I certainly am looking forward to seeing her again. It's just awful that there's no way for us to see one another in person for another three weeks. But ah, c'est la vie. I'll have to rely on snippets of information that I can find here and there, I suppose."

"And hey, speaking of Havoc, there's somepony I think you oughta meet. I'll admit that I have an ulterior motive for coming here to the fashion district, 'cause I need to deliver some news, but I figured that getting two dishes on one plate was a good idea. Efficiency is the name of the game here in Hope's Point, after all."

"'Two dishes on one plate'? That's an odd turn of phrase, dear."

Lockwood blinked, then grinned. "Ah, it's uh, a variant on the 'two birds, one stone' saying. Fluttershy always hated that saying so I try my best not to use that particular set of words, yeah? For the most part I think it's actually caught on pretty well down here. I think they use a different one up north, though. 'Two sales with one coupon'?"

"I see. Well, that's admirable of you to consider Fluttershy's feelings like that even when she was no longer a part of your life. That's the sign of a true gentlecolt," she said with a grin, gently brushing her hoof along his chest.

Lockwood cleared his throat, then gestured for Rarity to follow him into a particular shop, one which looked like it was still in the works and hadn't finished setting up its sign or displays yet. A bell did jingle as they, with Crossfire trailing behind them, entered the shop, so it was obviously open for business in some capacity, though none of the ponyquins were wearing anything just yet; there was only a lonesome clothes rack off in the back.

"Coming!" called a mare's voice from the backroom.

The voice belonged to a pony that made Rarity double-take for a moment, just to make sure that she wasn't seeing things. No, there was no mistaking it, this pony could just about be Coco Pommel's twin, from the color of their coats to the hues of their eyes to the way in which they styled their manes and tails. Though Rarity wasn't sure the white dress was appropriate for the occasion, it did look absolutely gorgeous.

More importantly, the pony was… well, Rarity didn't want to assume anything just yet, so she was careful with how she considered them in her mind.

The earth pony's eyes widened when they saw Lockwood, though, and they gave a brief nod of acknowledgement. "Your Majesty," they said. "Um… welcome to my shop. I've been a bit distracted lately so I don't have everything all together yet, so, um… s-sorry about the mess."

"No worries at all, Cotton, believe me," Lockwood said with a laugh.

The pony, Cotton, then looked at Rarity and gave another polite nod. "How do you do, Miss? Welcome to… um… w-well, I haven't actually named the shop yet, either. The permits are still going through processing, and Havoc said she'd help me put a sign up tomorrow and paint it and all that, and I wasn't really expecting to be so stressed out today! Ugh. Sorry…"

"It's quite alright, darling," Rarity tittered. "I understand completely what sort of stress you must be going through, starting up a new business like this."

"Right. Um… thanks." Cotton then smoothed out their mane, then stepped forward to offer their hoof. "Um, I'm Cotton, Cotton Rose. And you are?"

"Rarity, dear," Rarity replied, taking the hoof and giving a gentle, friendly shake. "Forgive me if this is forward dear, but which is your preferred pronoun? Mare? Stallion? Or do you prefer something more neutral?"

The pony's eyes widened and they looked at Rarity with shock and surprise. "H-huh?'

"Your pronoun, darling? You have a wonderfully feminine figure, but there are aspects that have distinctly masculine qualities to them. Forgive the observation, but as a fashion designer myself, I know pony anatomy."

The pony's jaw dropped, then she shook off the confusion. "Uh, mare. I prefer mare 'cause I'm a mare. Wh-why do you ask?"

Rarity tilted her head, then gave a little smile. "Don't worry, Miss Rose, I assure you, I don't mean any offense by it. It doesn't mean much to say that I'm open-minded, but I did not want to make an assumption based on your appearance alone. Hence why I asked; you know that old saying about making assumptions. You are a beautiful mare, there is no question about that."

Cotton tilted her head, jaw still open, eyes narrowed, then shook it all off again. "Sorry. Sorry, I'm just… I'm so used to having to explain it—multiple times usually—that I was thrown for a loop that you asked me first." She cleared her throat. "So, what can I do for you? 'Cause, um… I'm not open yet. But I still accept private commissions until the store's open! They just might take longer."

"Oh, that's quite alright, dear, I'm not here on business." Rarity tilted her head towards Lockwood. "I'm just here as a guest of the king at the moment. Though you do have a lovely shop; I look forward to seeing it once it's open."

"The king?" Cotton's eyes drifted over to a smiling Lockwood. "Your Majesty! Shit, I forgot you were there. Sorry, sorry, it's been a rough day for me. I still haven't heard anything from Havoc. Have you?"

Lockwood cleared his throat. "Yes, actually. That's why I'm here."

"Oh, good. She told me you and Her Majesty were helping put the arrangements together, and I know she's buddy-buddy with you guys so I figured she wasn't just pulling my leg, but y'know, not hearing from her all day is putting me on edge. Is she passing out the invitations? 'Cause I said I'd give my mom hers myself."

"Ah, no. That's not… look, I'll just come right out and say it: Havoc's not here."

Cotton blinked. "Huh? I mean, obviously she's not. Unless she's hiding behind your bodyguard there. Hi Crossfire."

Crossfire nodded gently. "Ma'am."

Lockwood shook his head. "I mean, she's not here in the city. Her sister Dawn sort of… took her back up north. Without clearing it with Blackburn first. With… with the sandstorm, it's not likely she's coming back on her own until it's cleared up, and I've been told that Dawn is refusing to bring her back."

Cotton continued blinking. "So… she's not coming back tonight. Or until the storm's gone. Is that right?"

Lockwood rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah… that's right. I'm sorry, Cotton, but—"

"No. It's okay. It's not your fault," Cotton said through clenched teeth; Rarity was amazed at how the mare's expression went from lighthearted-if-confused to sheer rage. "I can wait. I've waited this long, what's another three weeks? Hmm? It's no big deal."

Rarity knew enough about love to know that this was a lie; she figured even a simpleton would be able to figure that part out, just perhaps not the why, which was very much a matter of the heart. She sympathized; it had to be difficult, being separated from your lover for so long when you were clearly expecting so much from the evening.

The mare's white dress made sense, now; it was the foundation for a wedding dress that she was still frantically putting together.

If this tale was true, then Golden Dawn was committing an unforgivable sin against love, and Rarity wished that she could have words with that mare right this moment. She'd settle for whenever they saw each other again; that mare was going to get an earful, Rarity swore it.

"Are you gonna be alright, Cotton?" Lockwood asked, offering his hoof to the distraught mare. "Believe me, if anypony understands what this is like, it's me."

"I'll be fine," Cotton said without taking Lockwood's hoof, though it was obvious that she wasn't fine just based on the fire in her eyes. She shook her head and turned back towards the rear of the shop. "If you don't mind, Your Majesty, I'd like to be alone for a while. I have some… thinking to do. And drinking to do."

"I understand. If you need me for anything, I'll make sure that palace security knows to give you clearance." With a nod to Crossfire, who immediately set his hoof to his ear and stepped off to start talking to… somepony, Rarity figured that it was being taken care of with all due haste. "I'll check in on you tomorrow if you'd like?"

"That's alright, Your Majesty. Thanks, but… I need to be alone for a lil' while." With a sigh, she added, "I might as well get used to it…"

Rarity watched the mare go into the back of the store, and while a part of her wanted to offer condolences and comfort, she knew that it was best not to get involved in such delicate matters with a stranger. Maybe once she knew Cotton better, she'd be able to offer guidance and solace to her; with that thought, she knew she wanted to come back here soon to do what she could.

With that, though, Lockwood gestured for Rarity to follow him out of the shop, which she did without a second thought. Though, as they were leaving, she did ask him the most pertinent question that was on her mind: "So, Miss Havoc is engaged to that lovely mare, hmm?"

"Ah, yeah," Lockwood said with a nod and an awkward smirk. "It's supposed to be a secret, technically. Blackburn and I know about it 'cause we were organizing the wedding on short notice. It was gonna be a small ceremony, very private; Havoc doesn't want a big wedding, and Cotton respected that. From what I gathered, anyway.

"The guests were all gonna be surprised with the invitations, and it was a small guest list: me, Blackburn, Gray Skies, and Cotton's mother. We're really all just there as witnesses, but we're also there to support them; Havoc's been a great friend to Blackburn and me, to our city and citizens, so it's the least we could do to thank her for all she's done."

Rarity nodded, a small grin on her face. "Well, I'm glad to hear it, even if the circumstances are rather unfortunate. I assume that Dawn didn't know this before… 'abducting' Havoc?"

"No, but Havoc would've told her immediately about it. I know Havoc; she wouldn't just let this slide." Lockwood tapped his hooves together. "Which means that Dawn knows that Havoc wanted—needed—to get back here as soon as possible, and she's just… refusing to do it."

"I see. And this because Havoc is needed up north for something important?"

"I mean, I suppose so, yes. But… but Havoc and Curaçao would be able to handle it remotely, even if it's less efficient that way."

"And Dawn does this often?"

Lockwood tilted his head. "She does, yes. She's always been dedicated to her work to the point of being rather… unsociable and distant. I try to give her the benefit of the doubt, but this… well, this feels like a little much, even for her."

"Indeed. This situation doesn't exactly sit well with me." With a look back towards the shop, Rarity added, "I wish there was something I could do. You know, I might just come back here tomorrow, or perhaps the next day at the latest. Miss Rose needs something to distract her from the unfortunate news, and helping her with her new business would be an ideal distraction."

Lockwood smiled. "That sounds like a wonderful idea, Rarity. I'm sure she'd appreciate such a talented hoof helping her along in her affairs. A happy little coincidence that you two happened to meet."

"You mean me, a mare with a history with fashion as well as somepony who owns and maintains her own business and who would be just perfect to lend a hoof to a pony in need of guidance in starting up their own? Oh yes, I'm certain that bringing me here was a complete accident."

"Yup. Total accident."

Rarity smiled, rolling her eyes. "You haven't changed at all, darling. Though I must say it feels strange being on the other end of the equation."

"Yeah, I suppose you've never dreamt of me taking advantage of you before."

Rarity raised an eyebrow, but Lockwood seemed to realize what he'd said before she could reply.

"Take advantage of your skills, I mean!" he hastily corrected. "That's what I meant to say. You've surely never thought that I'd ever take advantage of your talent and know-how to help another pony in need, like I do all the time. Because, uh, I helped you once before by putting you in touch with somepony that could help, and now, um… now you're doing that for me. For Cotton, I mean."

She paused, her heart skipping just a beat. Still such a gentlecolt. Oh, if only the stallions back home had his charming demeanor…

She then smiled and started off down the street further into the fashion district. "Yes, well, you know me, Lockwood. I'm always willing to help a pony in need, whatever that may be. I didn't embody the Element of Generosity for nothing, you know. Now come along and show me around this wonderful little fashion district of yours. We still have some time before dining with your lovely wife."

He cleared his throat. "Ah… r-right, right behind you."


Queen Blackburn rarely conducted business in the royal bedchambers, but that was where she chose to do so for the moment. Her prior arrangements would be postponed for most of the day—Gadget would see to that—because she wanted to focus entirely on the task at hoof: arranging guest suites for the new, unexpected guests that they'd been suddenly saddled with. She considered it a priority over all other tasks at the moment, mostly because it would be quick and simple.

"Gadget, which guest suites are currently unavailable?" she asked as she took a seat at a small dining table in the corner of the room; she and Lockwood only used it for when they decided to take meals in here, a rare occurrence but it helped to be prepared.

Gadget's hooves tapped the side of her set of goggles, which were more than just standard safety wear. "Let's see… unavailable? Well, Suites One through Five are currently in use by our guests from House Green while making some business arrangements in the city. They insisted on the full set."

"For the new greenhouse project," Blackburn stated with a nod, rapping the table with her hoof as she leaned back in her seat. "Status on deal?"

"They haven't reported anything new since yesterday, but I think they're still in talks with a few of the prospective buyers for their seed supplies. Oh, and here's a fun little detail: Sir Greenheart apparently wanted to get the full Hope's Point experience and had an appointment made for him at Château de la Paix for the evening."

"Hmm, good choice. Which package?"

"Ooh, he sprung for the special Goddess Treatment," Gadget snickered. "Somepony must've told him about it, 'cause they don't exactly put that on their public price list. Golly, he's in for a good night."

"Agreed. Contact establishment, arrange for Mint Cocoa and Mint Cream to be assigned to it. Best in the business, will make him feel… relaxed. Unburdened. Alleviated stress leads to potential open-mindedness during business arrangements tomorrow."

"Heh, will do, boss. I'll let the twins know it was your suggestion, they'll appreciate the word-of-mouth."

"Only fair. Can't advertise their services openly, after all."

Gadget tapped a few buttons on the side of her goggles, making the arrangements completely nonverbally with more speed than words could; her interface was catered specifically to her inputs and responded more quickly than any standard computer could. All done with an input device smaller than any keyboard, and without her being able to see what buttons she was pressing.

Gadget then continued, "Next, Suites Six and Nine, both for other visiting dignitaries here for… huh, they're just here on vacation, looks like, nothing big. They just arrived this morning… and requested rooms on opposite ends of that hall. Luckily we had the room, I guess. What a weird request."

"Lady Whitewater, third-born daughter of Lord Deepwater of Seaside, and Lord Windbreaker, second-born son of Lord Windwalker of High Mountain," Blackburn said with a nod. "Hmm, still too close for comfort. Ensure that staff in that corridor does not become nosy; reissue privacy protocols."

"Sure thing, but… why? Something I'm missing here?"

"Lord Windbreaker, engaged to Lady Rosegold, fourth-born daughter of Lord Golden Shield of Deepgrove; Lady Whitewater, engaged to Sir Watercrest, a minor noble in Seaside, her… third-cousin, I believe?" Blackburn shrugged. "However, witnessed interactions between the two at dignitary breakfast. Obvious they are having an affair. Do not wish for rumors to spread while House Green representatives are nearby."

"Golly, how scandalous." Gadget tapped a few buttons on her goggles again. "The order has been placed, so our illicit lovebirds should go undisturbed as long as they're within our borders. Are we being encouraging or just looking the other way?"

"Hmm… encouraging. Sir Watercrest, oafish, ill-tempered; will not make Lady Whitewater happy. Star-crossed affair appeals to me."

"Okay then, I'll even notify room service to promote aphrodisiacs. Y'know the palace kitchens started whipping up this new chocolate dish last month? It is to die for; really puts a mare in the mood, y'know?"

"Yes, quite aware, actually. Tried it then? Thought you were single at present?"

"Doesn't mean I can't go out and enjoy myself, boss. But I've got my eyes on somepony down in engineering, might see if he's interested. It's just been a rough week."

Blackburn smirked. "Of course. Try not to break this one?"

"No promises." Another few button presses. "Then there's Suite Thirteen, where we put up the kid, Sunspire, at your request. I guess it works out that we put him up here in the palace considering he works for the Shadow Associate, right? Is that the right word? 'Works'?"

Blackburn grunted. "Appropriate given how Winter described their first meeting. Disagree with treatment; deplorable attitude towards the young colt. Prefer to have him here; will not assume home life is bad, but see signs of mistreatment. He is enjoying his accommodations?"

"I haven't heard any complaints, one way or another. The service staff keeps putting in requests for reading material, though. Heh, kid's a reader alright." Gadget shrugged. She then grinned. "Ooh, and apparently he's been getting visitors. Well, one visitor: Gray's kid, Big Green?"

Blackburn couldn't help but smirk at Gadget's name for the young colt, Green Guard. Despite being only ten years old, he was nearly the same size as Gadget was, and she was more than twenty years his senior. The thought of how much larger he would grow as he got older was amusing.

"Logical. Knew each other when younger, likely old friends." Blackburn tapped her hoof on the table; a curious thought entered her head. "Green less sociable with others his age; quite sociable with Sunspire. Hasn't seen him in years. Hmm." She then shrugged and dropped the issue entirely.

"So, uh, since I doubt the kid's gonna bug anypony," Gadget continued, "that still leaves plenty of open suites on the third row for our new guests."

Blackburn stroked her chin and nodded. "Suites Ten and Eleven will be appropriate, for Rarity and Fluttershy respectively. Make it so. Also, schedule cleaning staff for Suite Ten tonight, inform them that guest requires services for clothing; saw Rarity cleaning coat following arrival, implies desire for cleanliness, offer as a courtesy."

Gadget nodded. "Done and done. Anything else?"

"No, arrangements are acceptable. Chief Storm has finished with security clearance?"

"Yup, got the notification just a few seconds ago, nice timing as always boss."

"Know Stellar's work ethic; she would not let assignment stew." Blackburn rose from her seat and nodded firmly. "Excellent, arrangements made, and in good time. Exemplary performance."

"As if we'd give you anything but," Gadget scoffed.

Blackburn sighed and walked over to the mini fridge near the entertainment center, hoisting out a dark beer for herself; she didn't need Gadget's help opening it and wouldn't have asked anyway. She took a long swig, then nodded to herself. "Good. Very good. Stressful week, at least something is going smoothly."

Gadget raised an eyebrow. "Since when does your dark beer go down smoothly?"

"Not the beer. The situation. Glad to know that despite unexpected circumstances, situation is being handled expediently. Would prefer that others in their group were present, could arrange accommodations for them as well. Would rather not leave safety of Twilight Sparkle and Applejack to chance; regrettable circumstances."

"Well, yeah, I mean… sure, that makes sense." Gadget tilted her head. "Are you alright, Blackburn? This is me talking here, your friend Gadget, not your right-hoof Gadget. I know you, and I know how you work, but you've been taking care of this with… well, a lot more priority than I was expecting. Even when we had a freakin' alicorn goddess drop into our laps, you were pretty calm and nonchalant about it."

Blackburn paused, then took another drink. "Feeling a bit… nostalgic. That's all. Uneasy feeling. Not sure how to react, figured it was better to focus efforts."


"Yes. Rarity looks familiar, hmm?"

"Huh?" Gadget scratched her temple, then her eyes widened. "Oh! Oh wow, now that you mention it, yeah… yeah she does. I mean, the mane color is a bit different, but yeah, she looks just like Queen Silver Glow, doesn't she?"

"Originally thought that was all," Blackburn said, sighing and looking at the ceiling.

"Okay, you lost me again. What?"

Blackburn turned to Gadget, a sad smile on her face. "Lockwood told story of how he came back to us—to me. Story is complicated, involves some twists and turns, would rather keep some information private. However, story is where I recognized Fluttershy and Rarity's names.

"After story was told, had Chief Storm perform background checks on group, same ones that arrived here today, all from another world. Didn't have indication that they were from such a place, though suspected something strange. Their backgrounds were nonsensical in NPRD database, but Lockwood assured me that the truth was unimportant, and confidential."

"And obviously now we know why," Gadget finished. "So you knew what they looked like before you met them today, I take it? 'Cause now I get it. I guess I'd be thrown for a loop too if I knew there was a mare out there that looked like my stepmom… if I had a stepmom, I guess? I guess just my mom in that case, actually."

"Hmm. Quite. But more to it than that now." Blackburn took another drink and retook her seat. "Rarity resembles Silver Glow physically, yes. Beautiful, fashionable, similar coloration even. Today, learned similarities continue: voices similar, intonation similar, even utilize similar turns of phrase." With a sigh, she added, "Silver sometimes called me 'darling' as a filly. Hated it then, miss it now."

Gadget nervously rubbed her neck. "Oof, yeah, that's probably not bringing back memories in the right way. I didn't really notice it before, but now that you mention it, the resemblance is uncanny." She set a hoof on Blackburn's shoulder. "If you're feeling a bit shaken, I can take over for you on a few things. It's mostly just a bunch of meaningless bullshit, and I know how to deal with all of it."

Blackburn shook her head. "No, unnecessary. Appreciate offer, but will be able to continue. Just need a drink and a moment to think." With one last drink as she drained the bottle, she added, "Week has already been stressful. Planned for next weeks to be stressful. Now must plan for additional stress. Such is the life of a queen."