• Published 26th Oct 2021
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Equestria Girls: Disney Odyssey: Fantasia - Mister V

The Rainbooms find their ideal instrument for a concert

  • ...

The Land of the Prehistorics/"The Rite of Spring: Part 2: Evolution"

"When we last left our heroes, they had just emerged from an aquatic world, unsure of what awaited them." Mr. V said as our heroes look at the surface of the water, just inches away from them.

"Looks like we're going to the surface." Applejack said.

"I wonder what we're going to see up there." Sunset said in curiosity.

"There's only one way to find out." Jiminy said as one by one, our band of heroes emerged from the waters. They soon found themselves in a world of dinosaurs. Upon looking at the world around them, they were instantly in awe of what they saw. They saw mosasaurs and plesiosaurs swimming in the seas and hunting for food.

(Pause at 0:42)

"This is amazing!" Twilight said in wonder. "Real, living dinosaur!"

"Uh, Twi, you do know we've seen living dinosaurs before, right?" Applejack asked.

"Yes, but it's still amazing to see." Twilight replied.

(Resume Video)

"Wait, you guys have seen real dinosaurs before?" Jiminy asked Sunset in surprise.

"It's a long story." Sunset answered with a smile. It was at that moment that calls were made from a huge rock not far from the shore. They turned and saw on top of the rock winged dinosaurs gathered in large groups.

"Hey, look!" Rainbow Dash said in amzement. "Pterodactyls!"

"Rainbow Dash, those are not Pterodactyls." Twilight stated. "They're Pteranodons. Pterodactyls are much smaller than Pteranodons. Yes, they are both winged creatures, but Pterodactyls often walked on land with the help of their hands. Pterodactyls also differ from Pteranodons in that their heads were soft, while Pteranodons have hard heads with large crests atop them." As they spoke, the pteranodons swooped down to hunt for fish in the sea for food. Several of them caught fish or squids, but one unlucky pteranodons caught a fish only to be eaten by a mosasaur.

(Pause at 1:52)

"Yeesh, that's a pretty graphic way to go." Louis said.

"Yeah, but it's just survival of the fittest in nature." Twilight replied. "There are no badguys, even in prehistoric times." Just then, as if on cue, the party felt the presence of something hiding behind the bushes. They party turned to see dinosaurs rising out of the bush, growling and leering. They were velociraptors, and they were hungry.

"Well. if it's survival of the fittest, then let's hope we're fit enought to surive these raptors." Applejack replied.

"Spike, you and Jiminy get Trinity and Louis out of here." Sunset said while getting ready to fight. "We'll handle these guys." Spike nodded before leading the group to the bushes. The Rainbooms fought the raptors off well with moves unknown to their three new friends, but two more seemed to arrive with each one they take down. Pinkie leaped at one raptor, only for it to tail wack her, sending her flying to Fluttershy. One tackled Applejack and Rarity, ramming them into a tree. Another snapped at Twilight's behind and Sunset's arm. And Rainbow got jumped on a bright orange one, clearly the leader of the pack. The group soon became exausted as the raptors closed in from all directions.

"Man, these raptors are tougher than the ones we faced before." Applejack said, unable to stand anymore.

"We'd need a miracle to get out of this." Rainbow Dash replied, and as if on cue, a miracle was heard in the form of a battle cry.

(Pause at 0:03)

Just then, a tall, light blonde-hair, blue-eyed, prehistoric woman, twice as tall as any member of the Rainbooms came flying in, karate kicking a few of the raptors, before swiftly dispatching the rest.

"Wow!" Pinkie Pie said in amazment. "She's tough!"

"Who…who is that?" Fluttershy asked, unsure of the giant woman's intent. The cavewoman then turned to the party with a serious look in her eyes, even observing the members behind the bush.

"Uh, hi." Spike said nervously.

"Do you want something, madam?" Jiminy asked right before the cavewoman jumped infront of Sunset with a big smile on her face.

(Resume Song)

"You strong!" She said with enthusiasm. "What tribe name?"

"We're, uh, the Rainbooms?" Sunset answered.

"Rainbooms name? Good name." The cavewoman said in praise. "Me name? Me Ayla!" As the cavewoman started to sing a rousing song of heroism and courage, the party started to feel comfortable around her, almost as if she was a good friend. Ayla presented to the group her strenght and speed, then showed her eagerness to make friends easily. Ayla then turns to see Jiminy on top of Trinity's shoulder.

"You!" She said to the little conscience. "You tiny, but strong, too!"

"Well, I am a cricket, so it's understandable." Jiminy replied.

"Crick-yett?" Ayla asked in confusion. "What that? Ayla don’t know!"

"It's a kind of insect from the superfamily Grylloidea." Jiminy explained.

"What you say?" Ayla asked with a smile. "No rubbish or Ayla head go boom! Where you from?"

"I, uh, think it might be beyond your grasp." Twilight said while trying to explain things. "We’re from a world that's way older than the day after tomorrow." Ayla couldn't help but laugh at the way Twilight explained herself

"You funny!" She said with a grin. "Ayla like funny person!"

"It’s no use..." Twilight said exaustedly. Ayla then encouraged the party to come to her village for a celebration. Twilight said that they would love to accept the invite, but explained that they're searching for a dream stone. Ayla explains that there are plenty of dream stones in her village, so Twilight agrees to go. Ayla took the lead as the party followed behind her and introduced each member by name. Sunset and Trinity took up the rear of the group as thoughts came through Trinity's mind.

"Uh, Sunset?" She began. "Where did you learn those combat moves?"

"Oh, well, we learned them from some special friends of ours in a big city named New York." Sunset answered. "We'll have to introduce you to them sometime." Soon, our heroes arrived at a prehistoric village, where they saw many cave people living in the land. Among them was a young man in his early 20s, he has blonde hair tied in a ponytail and a half fringe on the forehead. His clothes seem to be made of the same fabric as Ayla's, consisting of grey fur. He wore a tunic that goes down to his upper legs and leaves his left shoulder and a part of his left chest showing. The tunic is held closed by a belt made from the same fur as the tunic. He also sported wristbands on both his wrists made from the same fur, and the same on his ankles, and a gold ring made of stone. They all seemed to listen when Ayla made an announcement with her booming voice.

"Listen Ayla!" She said with a smile "We make new friends! New friends, Trinity, Sunset, Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Spike. Louis, Jiminy!"

"OOGAH!" Everyone of the cavepeople said in awe.

"Now, dance Bobonga!" Ayla exclaimed in enthusiasm.

"DANCE BOBONGA!" The whole tribe said in joy as the young caveman approached the group.

"Me Kino." He said. "You no Ioka person, but you welcome in village!"

"Uh, should I or shouldn’t I..." Fluttershy said, unsure of what to do.

"Is this really the best use of our time?" Rarity asked in concern.

"Come on, guys, let’s have fun!" Pinkie said in excitment as she joined in the celebration. The rest of our heroes then join in the party, eating the primitive yet delectable food, mingling with the friendly locals, and enjoying the music provided by the prehistoric band. At one point, Ayla passed small bowls contaning a kind of drink to each of the Rainbooms.

"Friends try drink?" Ayla asked. "This, only special time drink! Good drink! Name skull-smash! Next day, skull feel like smash!"

"This fluid contains immeasurable impurities!" Jiminy said in irritation.

"Hey guys, you’ve got to try that stuff! It's good!" Pinkie said while enjoying the drink.

"How were you able to drink that in one gulp?" Fluttershy asked in surprise.

"These bowls are equal to a small glass of wine, so it's safe to drink moderately." Pinkie explained in honesty.

"Really?" Louis asked in even more surprise.

"Yeah, I mean moderation is important for a healthy lifestyle." Pinkie said reasonably. So, our heroes all drank their bowls of skull-smash, and they enjoyed it quite well. They then continued to mingle with the locals, learning bits and pieces of the tribe's past. Then, the group went to express their gratitude to Ayla for saving them from the raptors earlier that day.

"Fastfeet hunt in packs." Ayla explained. " Fastfeet very smart. Want to destroy Ioka for food. But Ayla no lose! Only when Ayla dead, stop fight! No more talk that! Red rock look for, this rock?" She then pulled out a red rock from under her chair.

"Y-yes!" Trinity said in excitment. "That’s the dreamstone!"

"Rare, red rock." "Have rock, mean strong person. Ayla most strong Ioka village. So Ayla rock! Rainbooms want, Rainbooms challenge Ayla! Win, Ayla give!"

"I really don’t think…" Rarity began in concern.

"Rainbooms scared?" Ayla said with a grin.

"Us, scared?" Rainbow asked in surprise. "No way! We'll take the challenge!"

"Then Louis and Ayla battle!" Ayla said in excitment. "Ayla go, get more skull-smash!"

"Huh?!?" Louis asked in surprise. "Why me!?!"

"Party now, so drink!" Ayla proclaimed in power. "Louis and Ayla have battle, who drink more!" The two of them started drinking skull-smash in a race to see who can drink the most of the stuff. Bowl after bowl, drink after drink, the two competitors raced each other, but ultimately and to the surprise of all, Louis won the contest. The contest ended with a huge burp and a laugh from Ayla.

"No more, Louis…" She said in merriment as he handed the Dreamstone to Sunset. "Ayla lose, give rock!"

"Th...thanks… so much..." Louis said with a slur.

"Louis drink good." Ayla said happily. "Drink one more! To strong Louis!"

"Oh please no…" Louis said shakingly.

"POUR!" Ayla proclaimed as the festivities reached their peak, although Louis felt a bit ill in the stomach following the competition. But before too long, everyone at the party went to sleep one by one until as Louis and Ayla were the last ones awake, and they were about to hit sack too.

"No more skull-smash, please." Louis said sickly before falling asleep.

"Maybe too much drink…" Ayla replied dizzily before collapsing onto the ground, snoring loud enough to shake the earth. The next morning, our heroes have awoken to breath in the fresh air of the land.

"My, this land is very beautiful." Rarity said in awe of the scenery.

"Yes, it's so peaceful and quiet." Fluttershy replied. Our heroes then found Louis and Ayla sleeping in one of the huts.

"Five more minutes, ma..." Louis said in his sleep.

"Rise and shine, sleepy heads." Applejack said before nudging the two of them awake.

"Uhnn… Oh, friends early awake…" Ayla said with a groan.

"Ugh… Urgh… Too much skull-smash…" Louis replied with a gurgle from his throat. Sunset then noticed a picture of Ayla within a group of heroes, consisting of 3 humans as old as she is, one advance robot, and anthropomorphic frog dressed like a knight.

“Hey, Ayla?” She asked in curiosity. “Who are these guys?”

“Those Ayla friends.” Ayla answered as she got up. “Crono, Marle, Lucca, Robo, Frog good friends. Ayla and friends fight together, defeat Lavos.”

“Who in the hay is this Lavos varmint?” Applejack asked in confusion.

“Ayla people word.” Ayla explained. “La mean fire. Vos mean big. Lavos parasite. Sleep within planet, steal life force.”

“That must have been terrifying.” Fluttershy said in fear. Hearing this made the cavewoman laugh.

“Ayla no scared of Lavos." She replied before being honest for a moment. "But Ayla scared when old foe from home world take Ioka tribe from Ayla, worse when take Kino.

"You like Kino, don't you?" Trinity asked, realizing Ayla's feeling for Kino.

"Ayla like Kino BEST!" Ayla answered. "Kino and Ayla heartbound, and care for special Ioka person." Ayla then takes the band to a space in her hut where she revealed to them a baby, almost half a year old, sleeping in a nest held by vines. Upon seeing the bundle of joy, the girls cooed.

"Awwwwww..." They all said.

"Cute little fella." Jiminy said with a chuckle.

"This Dirc." Ayla explained while rubbing the baby's head. "Son of Ayla and Kino."

"You must be prouder than a show horse in a fair to have such a strong child." Applejack replied with a smile.

"Yes..." Ayla said with a sigh. "Dirc strong."

"What ever is the matter?" Rarity asked in concern.

(Continue The Rite of Spring here at 1:52)

"Ayla chief once, but Kino man…" Ayla explained. "Then Ayla have Dirc, now Kino chief. But Ioka tribe still treat Ayla like chief. Ayla not know what do."

"I'm sure it will be fine." Sunset said before getting an idea. "Hey, why don't we all take a walk to clear our heads."

"Walk sound good." Ayla said with a smile. Soon, the group began exploring the deep jungles, entering a swamp with several kinds of dinosaurs, eating, sleeping, and tending to their eggs and offspring. Among these dinosaurs is an elderly Stegosaurus, lumbering through the swamp looking for food. During the walk, the party the started to know each other.

"So, Ayla, how did you get here?" Trinity asked in curiosity.

"Ayla story begin after defeat of Lavos." Ayla began. "Ayla and Kino become heartbound and live happy. However, many days passed by, snow on land made food hard to find. Ayla thought Ioka starve. Then tall man with long beard, blue robe and pointy hat come."

"Master Yen Sid?" Jiminy asked in amazement.

"Yes, that tall man name." Ayla answered. "He say he have temporary home for tribe until homeland warm up. Tribe talk for while, agreed to the offer. Yen Sid lead tribe to a land that looked exactly like home land. He explain that land in endless cycle, start as a land of fire, then become land Ioka know, then then turn to desert becoming a land of fire again. When great circle go dark 10 times, that mean homeland warm and Ioka go back. This last cycle before Ioka return to homeland."

"That must be very exciting!" Pinkie said, happy for Ayla to be going home soon.

"Yes, but Ayla still miss adventures with Crono and others." Ayla replied with a bit of sadness before thinking of her past adventures. "When Ayla with Crono and friends, we fight battles, travel through time, and even fly in Epoch."

"Your friends must all have interesting stories." Sunset said in amazement.

"Sunset right." Ayla replied. "Robo from time Lavos destroy world, help prevent Mother Brain from ruling robots. Frog human knight once, turned to frog knight by spell. Marle part of Ayla family many, many moons past. Lucca smart builder, make gadgets to make life better. Crono want do thing others remember, then become hero of time. Only friend Ayla not mention name Magus, once prince name Janus, but Lavos destroy kingdom and pull people across time."

"Awesome!" Rainbow Dash said in awe of such amazing heroes. "Almost makes what you're life seem minor, Sunset." This was responded by an elbow bump on the side by Applejack.

"What Rainbow mean?" Ayla asked in confusion.

"It's kind of a long story." Sunset replied before Pinkie Pie explained everything.

"Sunset's from an alternate world inhabited by magical ponies and other talking creatures, such as griffons and dragons, where she was the student of an alicorn princess there, but had a bit of falling out with said princess, and years later, she stole a crown actually has a magical element embedded in it that helps power up other magical elements, and without it, they don't work anymore, and when she put on the crown, she turned into a raging she demon and tried to turn everyone there into teenage zombies for your own personal army, but an alternate version of Twilight helped Sunset to change her ways and has become a good friend ever since."

"Well, maybe it's not as long a story as I thought." Sunset said, a bit embaressed about the shortness of her story. "But it goes a bit deeper then that?"

"Ayla love learn more of Sunset and friends." Ayla said before turning in a different direction. As a storm grows, she smells the air.

(Pause at 4:54)

“What’s wrong?” Trinity asked in concern.

“Danger come to swamp.” Ayla answered before racing off.

(Continue music)

The others followed her to the farside of the swamp, where they saw the most dangerous of all dinosaurs, The mighty Tyranosaurus Rex, stomping through the swamps like a giant figure of death. The sight of this terrifying monster causes the other dinosaurs to run in terror.

“Black Tyranno.” Ayla said before pulling her club out. “Ayla fight.”

“Wait, what?!” Sunset asked in shock. But before she can say anything, Ayla raced off as the dinosaurs raced into places to hide. Many of them, like a couple of triceratops, and some apatosaurus hid in a lagoon. Many others, most of which run on two legs, ran into the forest to hide in the trees. Only one dinosaur, the elderly stegasaurus was unable to escape as the T-Rex, who grabbed the stegosaurus' tail.

(Pause at 5:28)

“Oh no!” Fluttershy said in fear. “That stegosaurus can’t get away.”

(Resume Video)

"Wait, look!" Jiminy said as the group saw Ayla descend down on the T-Rex. She then took her club, and struck the tyranical lizard in the left eye! The monster roared in agonizing pain as a barbed part of the club broke off and lodged itself into his eye. It's roar then turned into one of rage as Ayla lept off the T-Rex and landed on the stegosaurus.

(Pause at 5:50)

"Wow!" Rainbow Dash said in amazment. "She's very brave."

"Yes, I can she why she was a chief before having Dirc." Rarity replied.

(Resume Video)

"Shh, let's see what happens next." Sunset said as Ayla stared the T-Rex. Then, all of the dinosaurs started to appear as the stegosaurus and the T-Rex began to circle, each one of the combantent's bodies tensed up for the next move. Then, the T-Rex sank it's teeth into the stegosaurus' next as Ayla raced down to swing her club towards the barbed wood sticking out of it's head, cramming it deep into it's eye.

(Pause at 6:18)

"Ouch." Spike said with a wince. "That's gotta hurt."

(Resume Video)

“I’ll say.” Pinkie Pie said as she took a picture of it with her phone. Despite the pain, Ayla got thrown off of the stegosaurus as the T-Rex bit down hard against the his neck, dropping him to the wet ground. The Stegosaurus still had life in him, breathing heavily. He groaned slowly as Ayla approached.

(Pause at 6:28)

"Ayla know." She said as she took a stone dagger out from her pocket.

(Resume Video)

"What's she doing?" Applejack asked before Ayla rammed it into the heart of the stegosaurus, much to the shock of the entire group.

"That answers that." Spike replied queasily as Ayla turned with a sad look on her face and took a solem bow at the T-rex.

(Pause at 6:47)

"Ayla offer Krog to Black Tyranno." She said with a broken heart. "Eat well and leave in peace."

(Resume Video)

The T-Rex roared loudly as if to annouce either his victory over the battle, or his gratitude for the offering. Ayla and the surrounding audience then left as the T-Rex began his feast. When Ayla rejoined the group, her heart was heavy with grief.

(Pause at 7:08)

"Are you alright, darling?" Rarity asked in concern.

"Physically, yes." Ayla began in sorrow. "Emotionally, no. Ayla knew Korg when Korg hatch from egg. Once strong in body, strong in heart. Now Korg gone, join others who pass on."

"Don't worry." Sunset said while holding the cavewoman's hand in comfort. "He'll still be with you as long as you remember him."

"Thank you, Sunset." Ayla replied. "Ayla always keep Korg in heart." When the group returned to the village, it was high time for bed.

"Well, time to hit the sack." Applejack said with a yawn.

"Yes, sleep well." Ayla said with a smile. "Have big day." Ayla then return to her hut to be with Kino and Dirc. Everyone else went to one of the vacent huts, unrolled their sleeping bags and went to sleep right away. Within the next few days, the group watched Ayla's tribe gather food and water, as if her people are preparing for something big to come, and they spend their nights sleeping in the vacant hut within the village.

(Resume Video)

Then, one day, the group woke up to a blistering heat that they never felt before.

"Good heavens!" Rarity said in shock. "Why did it suddenly get so hot here?"

"Let's go outside and investigate." Sunset suggested. Upon getting outside, the group then saw that the valley had changed. No longer a lush green paradise, it was now a desolate desert. There was very little food and water throughout the land, and both Ayla's tribe and the dinosaurs knew the agony of hunger and thirst. Many of the dinosaurs had to eat the bark from trees, and scour through the mud for water. Whenever water was found, many dinosaurs gathered around the water holes to fight over the precious resources. Our heroes then turned and saw Ayla and Kino packing many of their belongings onto one of the dinosaurs, with Dirc sleeping in a napsack on Ayla's back and approached them.

(Pause at 7:52)

"Ayla, what's going on?" Twilight asked in confusion.

"Time of great heat has come." Ayla answered. "Ioka tribe now go to great mountain. Wait for great circle go dark, return to homeland."

"Dinos come with us, but many not complete journey." Kino replied.

(Resume Video)

"Well, why don't we come with you?" Sunset asked in curiousity. "We're looking for something, and I feel like traveling with you guys should help us find it."

"Sunset and friends welcome." Ayla said with a smile. "But need to prepare for long journey."

"Don't worry." Rainbow Dash said with a smile. "We've packed plenty of supplies in these bags." Each member of the group soon mounted a dinosaur and prepared themselves for a long trip. Trinity, Sunset and Twilight each mounted a stegosaurus, with Jiminy on Sunset's shoulder, and Spike on Twilight's lap. Rainbow Dash and Applejack both mounted a Triceratops, with competitive looks on their eyes. Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie each mounted an Iguanadon, ready to begin. Soon, the group then began quite possibly the longest journey that they have ever been on. They had not gone far before stopping at a piece of land that was extra hot and extra dry.

"Mountain across great desert.” Ayla said while pointing to a mountain for in the distance. "Cross desert to reach mountain."

"Easier said than done." Spike said as everyone began to cross the desert. The heat from the sun combined with the lack of humidity made this prehistoric dessert about less livable then the sahara desert during the longest and hottest day of the year. Along the way, they crossed many dangers, including sink holes, mud pits and dangerous pedators. They saw many wild dinosaurs collapes from exaustion, including a stegosaurus and even t-rex, but the group kept going. Very soon, it was dark and the group found a cave big enough for all of them.

(Pause at 9:18)

"This cave is perfect for us to sleep." Sunset said in satisfaction.

(Resume Video)

"I believe that you are correct." Trinity replied.

"It's been a long day." Jiminy added with a yawn. "We could all use a good rest."

"Then we sleep now." Ayla said with a smile. "Have big day next morning."

The group unloaded and set up tents for the night, and sure enough, everyone went to sleep after a long and eventful day, unaware of the world changing and decaying around them.