• Published 17th Jul 2021
  • 1,630 Views, 54 Comments

Instant Mom - GoebelTron

An expecting Principal Celestia finds a troubled 11th grade student in need of help, along with his little sister.

  • ...

Chapter 6 - The Confession

As the door opened, stepping through the door was a man about the same age as Celestia. Around the same height, and decent build, pale light grayish amber skin, brown to moderate amaranth gradient eyes, his long hair styled as a mullet and a small ponytail and colored blood red, scarlet, and crimson red, along with a trimmed goatee beard and small mustache and buzzed facial hair, and he wore a dark brown leather jacket, a blue flannel shirt with black plaid, and a pair of grayish blue khakis, and dark brown shoes.

He had have been what Celestia was unwilling to tell the kids about. He took off his sunglasses and then eyed Celestia and the kids who were snuggling with her. Their minds were suddenly warped by confusion as Gregory tried to comprehend what was happening because to him, none of it made sense.

“Who’s that?” Maisie asked in a shy tone.

“Children,” Celestia sighed, as she placed her shirt back over her belly and stood up to walk up to the man. “this… is my boyfriend.”

For a few sufficient moments, they were suddenly surprised. Celestia never told them she had a boyfriend. After spending the better part of the day making her feel comfortable and providing both his gratitude and love to her, he somehow felt like she was hiding something from them. While Maisie was nervously whimpering, Gregory was feeling a little confused.

“So, these are the kids you’ve talked about,” the man said with a genuinely warm smile. “Hello. I’m Anton Firestone. It’s nice to meet you two.”

He held out his arm with an open hand. Gregory and Maisie knew what the gesture meant, while Maisie went over to him and gently shook his hand, until Anton playfully pressed his finger on Maisie’s nose, making her giggle with a cute little voice, but Gregory however couldn’t bring himself to it. The feelings of anger, sadness, betrayal and many more emotions that related to them flooded one part of his mind as he felt scared and broken, like she was going to send them away or something worse.

“Is there something wrong?” Anton asked as his face became a slight frown, growing more concerned.

“Ce-Celestia,” Gregory’s voice shuddered with saddened betrayal. “why?”

‘Oh, dear.’ Celestia thought to herself with her fingers on her lips. ‘I knew this was going to happen. Celestia tried putting her hands on Gregory’s shoulders to calm him down. “Gregory, please calm down. Let me explain.”

“Explain what?!” He snapped jerking his body away from her with tears welling in his eyes, shocking her. “You’ve had a boyfriend all along, like the whole time, and you never told me?!” His fists were balled up, filled with anger, sadness and pain. His heart was beyond broken, shattered and disintegrated. “Why did you keep this from us?!”

“Gregory, please listen to me!” Celestia’s pleas fell on him unwilling to listen as he got up, silently sobbing from a broken heart.

“Gregory, if you’d calm down, we can talk this out,” Anton calmly pleaded with Gregory as he threw the door open wide. Like his girlfriend, words had no effect.

“NO!” Gregory screamed, “NO! YOU ALL LIED TO US! EVEN MAISIE!”

“Oh, come on. How dare you?” Anton asked in a calmer stern tone. “HOW DARE I?! HOW DARE YOU?!” Gregory screamed again, until Anton tried to comfort him. “NO! GET AWAY FROM ME! JUST… JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!”

As quickly as he screamed in pain, he ran out of the house and down the street like a storm. As much as she wanted to, Celestia somehow thought it’d be best to leave him alone, knowing his mental state. As she and Anton sat on the couch in silence and placed Maisie with them but on Celestia’s lap as she hugged her shoulders and nestled underneath her chest, Luna walked in, confused by what she saw.

“Tia, what happened with Gregory?” she asked. “I just saw him running out crying but wha-” There, she suddenly took notice of Anton’s presence. It didn’t take her long to figure out what triggered the student’s sudden outburst. “I assume he found out.”

“Afraid so,” Celestia somberly said, rubbing Maisie’s back. “I was… too indecisive about telling them, and how they would feel about it.”

“I honestly never expected him to react that way at all,” Anton sighed. “Plus, it wasn’t your fault, Celestia.”

“But, I… I think he hates me now.” Not wanting to see his girlfriend stress out, Anton pulled her into a loving hug, pecking her on the forehead and then stroking her hair. Though some tears formed, Celestia didn’t cry. She was more worried than sad, worried about the well-being and care of her student and his sister, “I don’t know what to do.”

“Are you gonna send us away?” Maisie asked. “No, sweetie. Of course not,” Celestia said motherly.

“Well, Tia,” Luna thought for a moment. “we’ve gotten him back from the very brink before. This time, it shouldn’t be any different than last time.”

“But, we don’t know what’s eating him so much.”

“Let me look through his bedroom so that we might know.”

“Very well.”

Luna walked down the hall and into Gregory’s room. It looked like his old room in the house near the Narrows, a bit less on the messy side and mostly kept orderly as it was meant to be, but inside Celestia and Luna’s house this time. Slowly but carefully, Luna scanned the room, checking anywhere from his closet to his drawers until his nightstand was left, but saw Maisie in front of her. “Maisie? What is it, sweetheart?”

Maisie showed Luna what she found, two pieces of paper, which were very much a drawing by Maisie and a note from Gregory. Unfolding them, Luna skimmed through them until she nodded. “Thank you for telling me, dear. Now let’s go tell my sister and her boyfriend.” Maisie nodded and then followed Luna. Walking back to the living room, she suddenly saw Cadance on the couch. “Oh, Cadance! I didn’t see you there!”

“I’ve heard about what happened so I thought I’d help,” Cadance said, before she saw Maisie hiding behind Luna’s legs. “I guess she knew too?”

Maisie nodded and then nervously walked over to Cadance and then she lifted Maisie up and placed the little girl on her lap.

“What did you find, Luna?” Celestia asked.

“I think it’s best if I read the letter first before you see it, and the drawing,” Straightening the paper with a gulp of air, Luna composed herself as she prepared to read the entire note.

‘Well, me and Maisie are finally free in more ways than one. From school and the worries of our old home life, none of them will be troubling me anymore. For that, me and my sister Maisie all give our gratitude to Principal Celestia. If it weren’t for her, we might not have made it for a brighter future, meaning I may not have made it through school or worse, I could’ve died, and Maisie. On the first day where she brought me and Maisie to live with her and Luna, I had the most vivid dream of her. She looked like an angel, or probably a Greek goddess, so beautiful, gorgeous and serene. Yet, her aura was very motherly. After that, I became split on what to see her as. She’s beautiful and attractive but really motherly and caring towards me and Maisie. Maybe later today, if I’ll confront her about this by asking and tell her the truth, she’ll definitely understand. No matter what, I’ll still love her, and maybe give Maisie a chance as well while Mom still lives in our hearts.’

They were all feeling speechless over the heartfelt note. Despite bringing them to their house, Gregory rarely even talked about his feelings. For Celestia, the note explained much about his thoughts. He cared deeply for her so much, clearly seen when he defended her from his father.

Maisie then shot off Cadance’s lap and walked over to Celestia, and then showed her drawing fro she and Anton could see. It was about Maisie, Gregory and Celestia, including her baby holding hands, but her baby was held in Celestia’s arm. They were in a sunny day in the park. The top said “WE LOVE YOU!” and had hearts on each side.

She then smiled and hugged Maisie, before she began to cry. Even though, she realized Gregory’s thoughts about her were conflicted and twisted with confusion, and Maisie just likes her.

“Goodness,” Celestia sighed as she sat back on the couch, “It’s that bad, isn’t it?”

“It looks that way,” Cadance said as she took Maisie and comforted her with a hug while sitting her on her lap as the little girl laid her head underneath her bosom.

“And that makes the situation more precarious for him,” Anton remarked as he sat up, straightening his jacket. Having a diploma for arts of negotiations, since he was somehow a lawyer, but also doctorate in therapy, and as a professional doctor of psychology, psychiatry, and psychoanalysis, he knew exactly where Gregory would likely end up if his conflict is left unresolved. As a result, he shared the exact same concerns as Celestia. Though he knew that he didn’t know him, but probably hated him for stealing Celestia, Anton realized that only talking to Gregory and making calm negotiations will help him. “I’m going to go find him.”

“Are you sure he’ll respond to you?” Celestia worriedly asked in concern.

“It’s only worth a shot,” he said as he grabbed his keys and wallet. “I’m just concerned about him as you are, Tia. And Maisie too. I want to help them out. Just give me one shot and I’ll bring him back safe and sound. I promise.” Walking over to her, Anton gently embraced Celestia as she placed her hands on his shoulders and he planted a quick kiss on her lips. Breaking it, she placed a hand on his cheek with a smile most warm, but still felt concerned about him.

“Please bring him back.”

“I promise,” Anton said, until he left the house and drove off to find Gregory.

“Maisie? Why don’t you tell me about yourself? Like your favorite things to do?” Cadance asked, until she and Maisie began their chat.

The sun was beginning to set as Anton drove around town inside a red Dodge Caliber. Keeping his head on a swiveling focus, he kept his eyes open for any hints of Gregory’s whereabouts. After being told the story about the kids by Celestia, he shared the same worry as his girlfriend. In his mind, he’s a good kid with issues he needed help with, and who is very protective and caring for his little sister, and loves her so much. After years of studying the human psyche in three ways, he knew how to handle it and he had to in any way possible.

After nearly twenty minutes of driving around, his eyes suddenly caught the sight of some hooded figure sitting on some bench near the lake where his dead mother’s grave was. Right away, he knew that it was indeed Gregory, seeking to be far away from human contact. Parking his car, he took a deep breath as he cleared his mind.

‘Alright, Anton, you can do this.’ he thought to himself. ‘Just keep calm and he’ll come around.’

Exiting his car, Anton carefully walked over to the bench as the gentle spring breeze blew against his face. Though he suspected that Gregory was alerted to his presence, he could tell he was in too much pain and sorrow to care. He really didn’t want to talk to anyone or acknowledge them, but not anymore. He wanted to die, after feeling that he wasn’t loved and that he failed to protect his sister. Gregory then took out a gun he found from his dad, and then pointed it at his forehead. With a gasp, Anton ran up to him and tried to get him to see reason, “Hey, hey, hey! Son! Come on! Now, I know you may feel bad, but I assure you that you don’t want to spill your own blood for no good reason why! Just put the gun down, okay?”

Gregory then pouted more sadly and then put down the gun. With a sigh of relief, Anton sat next to Gregory who was still broken-hearted.

“Hey, uh… Gregory,” Anton sighed as he looked down at him. “It’s- I know I’m the last person that you want to see. But, I just want to talk to you.” His words were met with only silence, just as he anticipated. Yet, he had to press on for his and Celestia’s sake. “Like Luna, I’m trained as a doctor and professional therapist of psychology, except but also psychiatry and psychoanalysis, plus I’ve trained as a lawyer for many years, learning under the arts of negotiations. You don’t have to feel ashamed about your thoughts or have to make wrong choices. I’ll listen to you no matter what.”

Again, not a single sigh or a speck of noise from Gregory was made in response. Apart from soft breathing, the air was mostly silent. Anton didn’t jump into the situation thinking that it was going to be really that easy. He knew that nothing worthwhile in life ever was.

“Gregory, I know you hate me, and probably don’t know me. But I swear I didn’t come here expecting you wouldn’t. But, I came here because Celestia wants you back. She’s worried sick about you. Now, you don’t have to like me. All I want for you to do is only hear me out.”

“Why?” Gregory asked, breaking the silence.

“What?” Anton replied in confusion.

“Why does she still care about me?”

“Well, she does because she still loves you.” Anton stated. “She’s really worried about you and so am I. Your sister is too.”

“No she doesn’t! She never did give a goddamn thing about me! All that time of her being nice to me and Maisie was nothing more than a lie!” With that, Gregory’s emotional walls started to crack even further. Anton had seen things like his case. Talking to him or peacefully negotiating with one another would work but he’d needed to be very persistent about this. As quickly as he let his guard down, Gregory could recover just as easily.

“Gregory, through the four months I’ve gotten to know her, she’s the farthest from a big fat liar,” Anton said as he got closer towards Gregory. “As a therapist and local doctor, I see the truth as being better in the long run than a little white lie. But as a lawyer for public services, I can tell you never had a better parent besides your mother to protect you both. I don’t ever lie when I say you’re a good kid. I really do care about you and your sister as much as Celestia and Luna do.”


“Gregory, I know how you feel, and I know deep down inside your heart, but not inside your head, I know how it feels.”


“Look, I know that love is an issue for you. We all know that you suffered an inner conflict about Celestia.”

“How did you know?!”

“Well, Luna and Maisie found that note of yours in your bedroom. She read it to us and now we all know why you acted the way you did. You’re torn up about what you see her as, and your sister drew this as well.”

For a moment, as he looked at Maisie’s drawing, Gregory said nothing. His breathing accelerated as he turned further away from the man next to him. They read the note, the entirety of his heart and mind written on a piece of paper explaining how much he and Maisie enjoy her kindness and caring for them. Feeling embarrassed, he struggled to do or say anything until he felt a bit of warmth on his shoulder as Anton placed his hand on his shoulder. Why would he extend such a gesture to him? Anton had him right where he wanted him and was ready to ask him the question.

“Now listen to me. I know your heart is really concerned with love. It’s a concept that affects the heart the most, whether it be familial or romantic. And trust me, I’ve heard many cases from many of my clients about that, and dealt with many trials concerning loved ones with the offended. When my patients or clients have or had that sort of conflict, I would ask them a question and now I ask you this: who are you and what do you really want?”

“I-I-I don’t know!” Gregory snapped gaiety tears in his eyes. His every last bit of resistance was beginning to break down. With his mind racing at an exponential rate, he cupped his forehead as he grunted in pain from his confusion. “I mean I love her but… GAH! I DON’T KNOW WHICH WAY!!!”

“And that brings me to my next question. What do you truly see in her: A lover that you want… or maybe a mother that you lack and need? And if you really love her, would she want to send you or Maisie away?”

For a moment, Gregory stared blankly out into space as new thoughts snapped to him. Throughout most of his life, things weren’t well with his parents. Between their relatives disowning them and his father’s resulting addictions and their money problems with bills, he felt isolated, alone, like he never mattered, until Maisie came along. Yet, when Celestia took notice of his plight, going to lengths to help him and to protect Maisie from other dangers, it was like someone else truly cared for him as a true mother would.

”We’re just both concerned that some of your teachers said to us that they’ve somehow seen you unexpectedly napping during class time for the past few weeks.”

”I’m sorry, they treated you like that, and your sister.”

“But what matters now is that you’re safe, and you have your sister who loves you so much. Don’t ever feel ashamed about it. Everything is going to be alright, I swear it.”

“Don’t hold back, let your feelings out.”

“Mother,” Gregory gasped softly. Anton’s gaze drifted back to the young man on the brink of tears. Though it was softly spoken in a broken tone, he understood what it meant. Through all that inner conflict and heartbreak, his mind was able to settle on one view. Celestia, his principal, always had his back, treated him and Maisie, his little sister with love and care when they had nowhere to go. She was like the mother they never had and viewing her as something other than that filled him with complete regret. “Oh, what have I done?!”

Unable to contain himself any longer, Gregory lunged Anton with a hug and began crying on his shoulders. Having gotten him in a moment of weakness, Anton returned the hug, patting him on the back to calm him down. He accomplished what he came over to do but it’s all a matter of how he’s feeling about it. Breaking the hug, Anton smiled upon Gregory as he struggled to compose himself.

“I know that letting go of personal feelings for someone who cares for you is difficult for someone your age. Especially for one in your condition, it’s really a difficult thing to do. But sometimes there always times when you’re offered two choices that really matter to see that person you love and care about being happy. To either let them go, or be there for them. In a relationship, whatever the outcome is, would you rather see the one you love being happy even if it meant letting her go?”

For a moment, Gregory considered Anton’s words. All that time, his romantic interest in Celestia being there for him was purely for his own gratification. Despite all of that, she still showed him, and his sister some love and care. If it meant being there for her, but not romantic, it was still loving nonetheless. As much as he hated too, Gregory then made his decision in order to make her happy, he felt best to let her go, and also be there for her until her baby would arrive, and be there for his sister because she would cry over missing her big brother.

“Okay,” Gregory croaked in a sad tone. “I’ll come home, but, I should also apologize to her for how I’ve acted and treated her.”

“If you want to, it’s your call,” Anton said, as he then reached his phone. “Though, I think she may have already forgiven you.” Pushing a few numbers on the screen of his phone, Anton brought it to his ear.


“Hi, Celestia.”

“Yes, I got him. It’s alright now. I’ve also managed to calm him down.”

“Well, I did give him a talk and I think he understands how he truly feels about you now.”

“But, I think he has something he wants to say to you in person when we return.”

“Okay, very well. I’ll see you in a bit.”

“Love you too, dear. Bye.”

Gregory rubbed his arm as he and Anton stood up, until he looked at him in the eyes, “Come on, Gregory. Let’s go home.” Gregory nodded and followed him to the car.

After pulling up to the driveway, Anton looked at Gregory feeling nervous. Shifting around in his seat, he nervously looked around. Despite being gone for nearly an hour, he was still unsure about how to approach it.

“Gregory,” Anton sighed, and comforted him with a hand on his shoulder. “I know you feel nervous about this. But what you’re about to do takes a lot of courage, so relax and stay calm.”

“I know,” Gregory answered back. “I wonder if she’s still mad at me.”

“Trust me. I don’t think she is. Sometimes, you just need to take a huge leap of faith. But don’t worry, I’ve got your back and I’ll be watching.”

With a nod and soft smile, Gregory climbed out of the car and approached the front door. Gripping the handle, Gregory took a big gulp of air before he opened it. Walking in, he saw Celestia, Luna, Cadance, with Maisie laying on her lap and Clifford next to Luna on all four legs, sitting on the couch. Upon seeing him enter, Celestia’s eyes opened up with a face of relief. She stood up and walked over to him, before seeing Anton behind him as Gregory had a solemn look. “Go ahead, sport,” Anton said.

“Celestia,” Gregory breathed. “I’ve had some time to think about my little outing from recently today. Ever since you brought me and Maisie in, you’ve not only given us hope and a place to live. You’ve given us the l-l… love that I never had. But I somehow misled myself and saw your gestures in the wrong light. I somehow thought that… that I saw you as a lover, but you didn’t see it that way. For that, I took your kindness for granted and believed you saw me as a lover. But, still, you cared for both of us and I still care for you. I know you must hate me after what happened and you have every right to. But know this, if you’re truly happy with Anton, then so am I. For that, I just want to say… I’m sorry.”

The air was silent as the three principals were left without words. Despite expecting than just a hug or silence, they got a heartfelt apology, with no crying and stuttering at the end. To them, he seemed like a kid who’s heart and spirit once broken was all fixed and healed.

With a gulp of air, Gregory felt a great burden lifted from his shoulders. He said what he wanted to say, and then there was nothing else left for him to say.

“But… if you still want to talk to me. I’ll be in my room.” He then turned around and started to walk towards his room. Before his hand touched the handle, a voice that was as smooth as honey called out to him.


As he turned around, Gregory only got a brief glimpse of her before she wrapped him in a tight embrace. As always, it was indeed a loving hug, filled with every bit of warmth in her being and the life she grows within her. As the moment went on, he realized that Anton was right the whole time.

“Celestia,” Gregory stuttered, while his face was smothered within the softness of her breasts. “I… I thought…”

“Oh, Gregory. I was never angry with you, sweetie. And I never hated you and never will,” Celestia whispered in a soft motherly tone, while stroking his hair until he felt the urge to cry and then leaned his head closer, and then he wrapped his arms around her returning the embrace, and felt his skinny body pressed against her round belly. “I was only worried about your well-being. I’ve always known about your infatuation towards me, but it was my indecisiveness that hurt you, not Anton when he entered. I wanted to tell you both about him and surprise you with it, but I didn’t know how to say or how you both would react, but I’m proud your sister took it well. However, I’m so proud that you came to terms with your true feelings and I was really touched by what you said, so thank you.”

“And I’ve meant every single bit of that. If you’re truly happy with him, then I’m happy,” Gregory said, sniffing his tears.

“Gregory, thank you. Now, remember… smile… no matter what happens, if not for me or your sister, but for yourself, too.” As he nodded, they made the hug last a little bit longer until his frown gradually grew into a smile. Celestia then smiled back at him.

“I won’t forget, Ms. Celestia,” Gregory sighed as he nodded, with a few tears left over. “So, are we cool?”

“Yes, dear. We are,” Celestia replied, and then tenderly kissed him on the forehead. They then continued their hug and rocked side by side, since Gregory needed comforting love, but as he suddenly felt better, they broke it so Gregory can relax.

“See, what’d I tell you? I told you she’d understand,” Anton said, placing his hand on his shoulder. “I have to say you’ve handled it pretty well in a mature manner.”

“I did the best I could, Anton,” Gregory said. “I was just scared that you were gonna send me and Maisie away, since you were also a lawyer and stuff.” He sighed as realized something else, “I know that I should put this behind me, but, you have Celestia, and Luna has Time Turner, who’s also my science teacher, Dr. Whooves. Will I ever find that special somebody?”

“Don’t fret over it,” Anton said. “You know, once upon a time, I did have a girlfriend too once. After she dumped me, I too felt the same way you did. But when Celestia came along, she told me that life is sometimes difficult to handle, even when most things aren’t fair. But even though things may seem barren and hopeless, a flower grown from a seed, much like from love, will always bloom.”

“Nice slogan,” Gregory said. “Wait a minute…” He then thought of the slogan for a moment. Flower, Flower, Flower, Flower… Fleur… Fleur De Lis! How could he have forgotten about her? He first met the student from Crystal Prep Academy during the Friendship Games this year. Being paired with her, Gregory formed a close bond with her. At times, she was flirtatiously and seductively attractive, but very beautiful with him, but his tiredness dulled him to her advances.

“Oh, shit! I hope I’m not too late!” Quickly to the couch and to the household telephone, Gregory quickly dialed in her phone number. After a set of ringing, he was answered by a familiar voice.

“Bonjour?” Fleur sang in reply.

“Uhhh… H-Hey, Fleur,” Gregory answered, “H-H-How… uhh… How are you doing?”

“Gregory! Mon ami, how are you?!”

“Doing good. Very good. Uhhh… listen, I’ve been wondering… if you’re not too busy, I was hoping if you wanna, you know, go hang out this weekend? Like maybe, grab some lunch and… maybe a movie?”

Fleur gasped in excitement, “Are you proposing a date?!”

“What?! No! Errr, I mean… yes, it is.” Gregory internally panicked, as he messed up the delivery message. Way to leave a tied up tongue to ruin a chance to go out with a lady frenemy from a rival school he had a crush on.

Fleur suddenly giggled, “I’d thought you’d never ask.”

“Whoa.” Gregory was suprised. “Uhhh… Wait, really?”

“Oui. I was wondering when you would get the hint back in school, since we both won the Friendship Games.”

“Well, it’s kind of a long story, but maybe we can talk about it over lunch. I’ll even pay.”

“Very well. I look forward to our time together, mon amour.”

“Okay, guess I’ll see you then.” He hung up the phone, and then breathed a sigh of relief. Though he only knew a tiny bit of French or the accents, Gregory somehow guessed her last words meant “my love”. He didn’t normally expect to get into a relationship with her so soon since the last time he saw her during the Friendship Games which is how they met, but he eagerly awaited to see where it’ll go from their point of view.

“See?” Anton teasingly said in singsong. “I told you so.”

“Gregory, is that you?” Maisie’s voice asked, and she was in her pajamas. “Yeah, it’s really me,” Gregory replied. Maisie then ran up to him and then he hugged her back and then Clifford came over and he petted him.

“Children, I’ve also been doing some thinking with Luna, and since you’ve been here since last week, me, Luna and Anton have something to tell you,” Celestia said. “Or instead, why don’t we show you?”

Luna then gave Gregory what appeared to be a clasped lid envelope in yellow and have a label in rainbows and shooting stars, with their names on it. Gregory then opened it and took out what appeared to be adoption papers signed by Celestia, Luna and Anton themselves, until they realized what it means. It was really happening. Celestia was really going to take them both in as her son and daughter, and become the mother they now need even though her own wasn’t born yet.

As Gregory began to well up tears of happiness in his eyes, and Maisie felt excited in a cuter way and with tears, Celestia lowered herself down carefully while being careful with her cargo, and then reached out her arms for Maisie, “Why don’t you come over here? Mommy would like her hug.” Maisie then squeaked with glee and ran over to Celestia and felt her new mommy lift her up for a hug against her shoulders as Maisie felt Celestia hold her as she cradled her belly, and then Gregory joined in the hug crying onto her shoulder as she rubbed his back to calm him down while holding Maisie on one arm as she leaned on her shoulder. While Cadance and Luna looked on at the scene with warm motherly smiles, Anton’s prediction was proven true as the kids’s happiness reached new heights.

“How come you never told us about this either?” Gregory sobbed as he buried his face on her blazer’s shoulder.

“Shhhhhh shhhhhh… it’s okay, my son,” Celestia cooed softly. “Luna and I thought about it before Anton would come home and before school would end for the summertime break and I thought today was in your best interest to your welcome you both into my family. After what you’ve both been through, you two shouldn’t and shall not have to feel alone anymore. You are now loved by me and everyone here. Welcome to the family, children.” Having exhausted his tears, Gregory looked at his now mother in the eyes, wiping away all his tears.

“Celestia… Mom… thank you,” Gregory said as he gave her another quick hug. It had more meaning at he, Celestia and Maisie were now mother, son and daughter. Though not bound by blood, it mattered little to them. They were now family and they now had the mother they needed. “We’re going to have to get used to calling you mom from now on.”

Smiling and enjoying their hug, Gregory and Maisie were now living in happiness while he took in the ambient joy of their new familial connections. It was one of those rare moments where they would experience true happiness. No matter what, they now had a family that he and Maisie can turn to for the rest of their lives.

Author's Note:

I also made Jeffery Combs (voice actor of many characters, including my favorite which is Autobot Ratchet in Transformers Prime) do the voice of Anton Firestone.

And I made him the shared design of this guy right here: