• Published 8th Sep 2012
  • 866 Views, 14 Comments

Breaking The Mold - Bladecaster

When something goes wrong, Twilight and her friends are left as the new leaders of Equestria.

  • ...

Truth and Change

Chapter 4: The Burden of Truth

When morning finally rolled around, Twilight's eyes were bloodshot. As tired as she was, her mind was too busy to even think about sleeping.

'There's got to be a way to reverse it. There just has to be.' she thought. 'I've got it! I'll visit Spell Tome! I'll ask him if he knows anything.'

And with that she teleported herself to the library.


Even though it was the middle of the day, the lower library was perpetually dark, dusty, and a bit ominous. The heavy shades were drawn across the windows, further plunging the library into darkness.

"I wonder..." Twilight's horn began to glow and the shades snapped open. For the first time in many years, light flooded the library. All of the intricate woodwork and gold inlays shone brightly, and all of the books suddenly became visible. The sheer amount of books shocked Twilight.

"I thank you for finally bringing light back to this dark place, Miss Sparkle."

Twilight turned around, suddenly face to face with Spell Tome.

"I wondered when I would be seeing you again. I though for sure your voracious thirst for knowledge would have lead you here earlier." he said.

"I'm sorry. I'm still trying to get used to the new roles and responsibilities."

"No apology necessary, Miss Sparkle. I completely understand. So do tell me. What have you uncovered so far?"

Twilight gulped.

"Well... All of my studies have pointed to being unable to bring them back. But there's got to be a way to bring them back. I just don't know how or where to look."

"And I suppose you want to use the crystal caves repository?"

"Well, I was hoping to, yes."

Spell Tome thought for a minute, looking Twilight over.

"As much as would love to help you, there are certain... prerequisites that must first be met."

"Prerequisites? Like what?"

"Believe me, you will find out soon enough. Or actually, if I am correct, you and your friends will find out within the next few days."

"What do they have to do with it? What's going to happen?" Twilight asked quizzically.

"Only one of the greatest secrets of pony kind. However, these things you must find out on your own. And don't bother looking for the answers. These secrets are passed on to the Chroniclers alone."

"Fine." said Twilight in a huff.

"And I'm not trying to be the bearer of bad news, but all magic books are stored in the Starswirrled The Bearded wing."

"So there's nothing in here to help me?"

"Unfortunately not. This is actually the public records repository for the entire kingdom. Taxes, permits, you name it. They're in here. Birth records too."

"Wow. I had no idea this existed."

"They do. I've been watching over these for many many years. Yet, I can still tell you where to find the exact document you're looking for."

"How do you do that? I couldn't keep the books straight back in Ponyville if I tried."

"Just a few secrets of mine. However, that is one secret that I can share, but that's for another day." I must get back to work."

"Oh... Okay then. Thanks for the information."

"Anytime Miss Sparkle."

And with that, Spell Tome walked out.

'Drat.' Twilight though. 'Now what?'

On that note, Twilight disappeared with a purple flash and a pop.


Rarity woke up in a grand bed with the finest silk sheets.

"That sleep was marvelous! Eeeeuuuuuuhhhhhhh!" she exclaimed as she stretched. She carefully got out of the bed, careful not to mess up the covers. She walled to the bathroom ans started the tub. As she let the tub fill, she glanced into the mirror. What she saw came caused her to scream.


Applejack cam running in to her room.

"Are ya ok, Rarity?"

"This is the worst. Possible. Thing!"

"What is?"

As Applejack walked around the corner, she stopped dead in her tracks by what she saw.

Rarity had to have grown a hoof taller than the previous day. Her horn had become longer and sharper, as well as something completely foreign to her: She had two small sets of wings on her back.

"Now what in tarnation? What happened last night Rarity?"

"I. I. I. I don't know! As far as I know, I went to bed and I woke up just a few minutes ago. When I walked in here, I found this!"

"Are ya sure, sugarcube? Unicorns just don't sprout wings."

"I know that. But why me?"

"Ah... Ah just don't know. Maybe we should talk to Twi, and probably to Rainbow or Fluttershy for what to do with them."

"That's probably a good idea..."

With that, Fluttershy walked in.

"I hope I'm not interr... Oh my. Rarity!"

"Don't look at me! I'm hideous!"

"Now now. You're beautiful. If I'm right, you're an Alicorn now."

"Say what?" exclaimed Applejack.

"Uh... Well... She has wings... and um... A horn... So that makes her an Alicorn, correct?"

"Ah guess so." said Applejack as she scratched her head.

"We should go talk to Twilight. This is if it's okay by you..."

"Of course it is dear. Let me wash up, and I'll be right out."

"Oh. Of course. I'm sorry to hold you up."

"Nonsense dear. I appreciate you being here for me. However, if these things are permanent, I'll need some pointers on them."

"Of course. I'll be glad to help." said Fluttershy with a smile.

And on Fluttershy's words, Her and Applejack walked out.


Five minutes later, Rarity waled out, her wings stretched wide open.

"These things take for ever to dry. How do you do it Fluttershy?"

"Oh you get used to it after a while. A quick flap or two helps."

"I never though of that." Rarity fluttered her wings, spraying Fluttershy.

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry for that!"

"It's okay. I'm used to giving the animals a bath. I usually get soaked. Especially with Angel."

"Are you sure dear? Here let me help you."

Rarity's horn flared and a gust of wind came over Fluttershy, her mane swept back and a surprised look on her face.

"Oh my. Uh... Fluttershy..." said Rarity with a worried look on her face.

"What is it?"

"Come over here for a second..."

Rarity wandered over to the mirror.

"Why what's wrong?"

"Look for yourself."

Fluttershy looked into into the mirror. She saw her mane swept back, but more surprising, there was a yellow horn in the middle of her forehead.

"Oh my."

"We need to talk to Twilight immediately."

They ran out of the room, like Nightmare Moon herself was chasing them.