• Published 7th Sep 2012
  • 2,626 Views, 34 Comments

Sins of the Past - Star Seeker

Equestria has a violent past. What happens when that past comes back to haunt them

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Chapter 1- The start of something

// Story: Sins of the Past
// Chapter 1: The Start of something
// Author: Star Seeker

POOF, a puff of smoke shot out of the library’s top window. Inside, Twilight stood surprised, her face blackened and her mane standing on end. Another failed experiment. She heard giggling. Across the room, Dash sat snugly on a pile of pillows with her head tucked into the latest issue of her favorite series. This one was called: Daring Doo and the Weapon of the Gods. Twilight walked over to her and looked over the top of the book. Dash was trying to contain her laughter. Twilight cleared her throat.

“Hhmm”. Dash looked up. Upon seeing her face and the state of her mane, she could no longer contain her laughter.
“Oh god Twilight!” she said, rolling on the pillows in a fit of laughter. “You should look in the mirror, it looks like you have done a Pinkie Pie and thought inside the chimney”.

Twilights horn glowed and a mirror shot towards her. She looked into it and gasped, dropping the mirror and running towards the sink. She came back a minute later, her face and mane dripping wet, but now clean. Dash had finally stopped laughing and was back into her book.
“So, what were you doing up there again?” she said as she looked up from her book.

“I am trying to make a regeneration potion, so that you and your wings can heal quicker whenever you crash again”. She trotted over and sat down next to Dash, snuggling up in the pillows. “How come you’re here reading? I thought you had clean up duty after last nights storm?”
Dash shifted to face her. “I’ve got Nightshade doing it, he lost the race so I made him do it”.

Twilight had heard about the race that had taken place above the storm clouds last night. A high flier had come from Los Pegasus to live in Ponyville. When he got here and introduced himself, Dash has instantly challenged him to a race, eager to prove her superiority over him. Thinking it would be an easy victory, he accepted and the race had taken place after they had moved the storm in. Nightshade had started to pull ahead at the beginning of the last lap. He would have won too, but he had not yet learnt how to break the sound barrier, so Dash went sonic rainboom and overtook him on the home stretch. Gracious in defeat, he agreed to take over Dash’s portion when it was time for the clean up, on the condition of another race when he had learnt to break the sound barrier.

“I just hope that Applejack had managed to pick all her apples before the storm started, it was more powerful than any of us had expected” Dash go up and put her book back on the shelf.

“Wait. You mean to tell me that you didn’t know that the storm was that strong? I thought that you were told that when you were given the orders to move it in” Twilight go up. Her horn glowed and the book flew back to its original position, which was nowhere near where Dash had put it.
Dash walked back to Twilight. “It was kind of strange. We usually get a couple of weeks notice before we have to bring in a major storm, but the orders for this one came across the day before from somewhere high up the chain of command. We should go see Applejack and see if…”

Applejack barged through the front door. “RAINBOW DASH! I demand to know why you put such a large storm up right at the beginning of the harvest season. That storm was so strong that some of the apple trees uprooted”
Dash shot from the pile of pillows, locking heads with Applejack.
“You don’t demand anything from me, I was just doing my job”. They pushed into each other harder, growling. Twilights’ horn glowed and Dash teleported back to the pile of pillows.
“That’s enough girls. I know that you’re angry, but it wasn’t Dash’s’ fault”.
Applejack sighed. “I’m sorry Rainbow, Twilights right, it wasn’t your fault. It’s just that the storm ripped out a lot of the apple trees and it will take a while to clean everything up, not to mention all the apples we lost”.

“It also ruined some of my fabric”. They all turned to face the door as Rarity walked in. She was wearing her beautiful purple raincoat with matching boots. “Part of my roof collapsed and the fabric got drenched and ran, but in comparison to Applejacks dilemma, it’s no biggie”.
“No biggie! But all those pretty colours are gone!” said Pinkie as she walked out from behind Twilight. No one in he room even blinked, they were all use to Pinkies mysterious appearances. Pinkie shook her mane and the wet mud that was covering it splattered all over Rarity’s’ coat.
“Pinkie! Watch where you’re flicking that!” Rarity took off her coat, inspected the muddy stains, sighed and hung it on the coat hook by the door. “Anyway, has anyone seen Fluttershy? I haven’t seen her since last night”.

“She’s off with Nightshade. She asked him to help her find new homes for the animals that lost theirs last night after he has finished cleaning up” said Twilight. She sat next to Dash on the pillows, everyone sat around them. “Now that everyone that can be here is here, I want to ask you all a question. Why do you think last nights storm was stronger that anyone anticipated?”

“ I might be able to help you with that” came a warm voice from the doorway. Twilight turned to the source. A smile spread across her face.


Everyone in the room was now sitting on one of the pillows, with a mug of hot coca in their hooves.
“Now that we’re all settled,” said Celestia. “I will tell you all why I came here today. As you all know, last nights storm was unexpected and very powerful, causing severe damage to Ponyville and many of the major cities of Equestria. So I did some digging in Cloudsdale and I found out where the orders for the storms came from.” She paused, taking a breath.

“The orders came from Princess Luna”

Dash shot up from the pillow. “ I knew it!” she exclaimed. “She went dark side again. Well I’ll sort her out in a flash!” She turned to the door and was about to bolt when Celestia spoke again.

“Sit down Rainbow Dash, I have not yet finished speaking”. Dash floated back to the pillow, looking embarrassed. “Before Dash interrupted me, I was going to finish saying something important” Das blushed. “While the orders carried Luna’s magic, that’s not the problem. The problem is, Princess Luna has been missing for 3 days.”

Everyone gasped. Rarity dropped her empty coca mug. “But I saw Luna standing on the balcony of the observatory when I caught the train home last night” said Rarity, picking up her mug.
“I can explain that,” said Celestia, shifting into a more comfy position. “In order to stop any mass hysteria, we hired Chrysalis to impersonate Luna until we find her again”.
Pinkies jaw dropped.
Applejack spoke “You hired Chrysalis, the one who tried to take over the kingdom a few years ago? No to cause any offense mam, but is your head screwed on right?”

Celestia smiled. “Don’t worry, I have placed several binding runes upon her so that she can only change into Luna. She feeds on the passive love that most ponies have towards Luna, so she doesn’t have to and wont be able to go and feed on anyone else”

Twilight considered this for a moment. “I guess considering that the panic that would have happened if this Luna’s disappearance was discovered outweighs the risk of Chrysalis being here.” ‘
Celestia nodded. “I had hoped that you would see it that way. Now all we need to do is find out what happened to Luna”

“And cue the bad guy” came a disembodied voice. Everyone jumped at the sound. Celestia horn flared to life.
“Who are you? Show yourself!” she spun, looking around the room for the source of the voice.
“Oh come now, is that any way to treat a guest?” said the voice. Celestia located the voice as the dark corner of the room. Her horn flared brighter.
“Fine, have it your way” said the voice. A wave of darkness erupted from the shadowy corner. Her horn flared one again and she enveloped everyone in a glowing bubble. The wave smacked into the bubble and sent into a wall. The bubble shattered upon impact.
“ I expected more from you, considering you have had an extra thousand years to practice.” A hooded figure emerged from the shadows.
Celestia paled. “No, it can’t possibly be…”
“ I told you that you couldn’t keep my imprisoned forever” he removed the hood and tossed his robe, his golden blonde hair spilling out and the marks on his shoulders glowing faintly.
“Princess, who is that?” asked Twilight, as she helped Applejack stand up.
“He’s someone who I locked away many years ago, when we were first establishing Canterlot. He’s a human”. She stood up. Her horn flared again and a beam of light shot towards the figure. It raised its hand and another wall of darkness rose in front of him, absorbing the light.
“Seriously, I thought you would have learnt the first time.” He raised his hand and tendrils of darkness rose up from Celestials’ shadow and pinned her to the ground.
“This magic. Its so familiar…” Her eyes widened. “This is Luna’s magic!”
“Gees, took your time. I though you would never guess. I was the one who kidnapped Luna and stole her magic from her!” He made a fist above his head and brought it down, making darkness smash down upon Celestia.
“Princess!” Twilight shouted, running to her side.
Celestia groaned. She looked up at Twilight. “You must go to the tower. Get the Elements of Harmony and stop him”. Twilight nodded.
“Come on girls, we have to go get the Element.” They started to move towards the door.

“Oh, you mean these Elements?” He said, opening his hand. There was a sudden flash, and then the 6 Elements were orbiting above his open hand, connected to his palm by a small gold glowing chain.
Celestials' eyes widened. “The Elements! But how?”
He looked puzzled. “Seriously? After Discord nicked them from under your noses the first time, I would have thought that you would have searched for the flaw in the spell”. He smiled. “But that will no longer be necessary”.
He made a fist. The Elements started shuddering violently. Suddenly there was a loud CRACK and the Elements fell to pieces. Twilight and the girls there stood still, shocked expressions on their faces.

Celestials' wings glowed gold, and the tendrils dissipated. She stood up, “What are you planning? I demand to know!”
“Seriously, what’s with all this demanding today?” He shrugged. “I guess there’s no harm in telling you now”. He walked towards the window. “I plan to bring my race back from extinction”. He turned to face them. “And then I plan to send yours there”
Celestia look sceptically at him. “And how do you plan on doing that?”
He chuckled. “I know how to find the Genesis Heart”.
Celestials' eyes widened. “How?”
“Well, actually I know how to find the one who knows how to get to it”. He turned back to the window and looked though it.

Dash walked up to the princess. “Genesis Heart? I’ve never heard of that before”
“Neither have I” said Twilight. “And I’ve pretty much read most of the books in both this library and the castles”. Celestia kept staring at the human.
“The Genesis Heart is a magical artifact that was so powerful that many spent their whole lives trying to find it, to no avail. It is said to have unbelievable healing capabilities, and is said to be able to resurrect an entire race if a genetic sample is added to it.” Louder she added. “And who is this pony who knows the location?”
The human walked back towards them. “I believe that the name he has taken this time is Nightshade, and he is, in fact, an Alicorn”.

Dash was shocked. “But he’s a Pegasus. I raced him yesterday”.
Rarity stepped forward. “Never mind that, he’s with Fluttershy right now”.
Celestia turned towards the other. “Twilight, I have a new mission for you. Go and find Nightshade. Help him escape. Once you have that, find the pony with the hourglass cutie-mark. Tell him to take you back to where it all began, he’ll know what to do next”.
Twilight saluted. “You can count on us princess. Lets go girls” They ran towards the door once again.
“Not so fast!” The human reached towards them with his hand. The darkness collects around his arm and shot towards them, but Celestia was quicker, and intercepted it with her own magic. The darkness disappeared. Twilight and the others made it through and the door slammed shut behind them.
“I’ve been around Luna long enough to know how to counter her magic”. She sent another bolt of light towards him. He tried to intercept it with the darkness, but it dissipated on contact and kept coming at him. He sidestepped it at the last second.
“I guess its time to go original now”. He pointed his finger at Celestia. His hand crackled and a bolt of lightning shot out, slamming into Celestia, sending her into a wall. She collapsed there, unconscious.
He waved his hand again and the tendrils of darkness covered Celestia. But when they dissipated this time, there were silver bands around her hooves, waist and neck, with glowing runes flowing through them.

He looked out of the windows once more, watching Twilight and her friend’s race across the horizon for Fluttershy’s last location. When he was certain that they were gone and that Celestia was still unconscious, he open his hand again. The Elements appeared again, orbiting slowly. “They really think I destroyed them? How naïve.” They disappeared again.

He walked over towards Celestials' unconscious form. He placed his hand on her and the darkness wrapped around them both. “Now the fun bit begins” he said and they disappeared.