• Published 25th Jun 2021
  • 409 Views, 4 Comments

Polyamory Discussion - mina0fficial

Pharynx and Thorax explains to Sombra and Discord about polyamorous relationships.

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“Wait, wait, wait, let me get this straight,” Discord stopped the two changeling brothers. “You're in love with our marefriends so you’re proposing a three way relationship?”

“Yes,” Thorax said awkwardly after a short pause, then added quickly, “If it’s alright with you, of course.”

“I certainly have no problem with it, if my Luna does not. It is all about consent, after all.” Sombra said, approaching Pharynx, who looked at anywhere but the umbrum.

“It is certainly not alright with me! Celestia is mine, and mine only.” Discord crossed his arms. Then he looked at Thorax curiously, asking, “Say, how does a three way relationship work?”

“Well, from what I know, a three way relationship is also called a throuple or polyamourous. It’s a relationship between three creatures who have all agreed to be in a romantic relationship together with the consent of all creatures involved.” Thorax explained.

“No, I think what we’re proposing is called a vee relationship,” Pharynx said.

“A… ‘V’ relationship?” The younger changeling brother looked confused.

“Yeah,” Pharynx then continued to explain, “A vee relationship is made up of three partners and gets its name from the letter “V,” in which one creature acts as the 'hinge’ partner dating two other creatures. The other two creatures are not romantically or sexually involved with each other.

“These two creatures are known as ‘metamours’ to one another, and it means that two creatures who are dating the same creature, but are not actively dating each other. Metamours in a vee relationship may not know one another, may be acquaintances, or close friends. In some cases, metamours may even live with one another, with or without their partner.”

“Hmm, that is interesting,” Sombra said. “You did some research.”

“Did you just pull all that out from a dictionary?” Discord asked sarcastically.

“Yeah, actually. I went to Twilight to ask about it,” Pharynx confirmed. “Geez, I’ve never seen so many books being pulled out. I only asked one question.”

“Well, that’s Twilight for you.” Discord smiled, shrugging.

“So… How about it?” Thorax asked nervously.

“Sombra said he’s okay with it,” Pharynx grinned.

“Well…” Discord was considering it. Finally, he settled with, “Only if Celly is okay with it.”

“That means we have a chance!” Pharynx grinned.

“But we still have to ask Princesses Celestia and Luna,” said Thorax.

“They gave us the greenlight, so surely the princesses will, too,” Pharynx said confidently.

“It’s not so simple,” Sombra shook his head slightly. “To be in this relationship, they must return your feelings.”


“Well, why don’t we give it a shot?” Thorax asked. “I’ll go with Discord to talk to Princess Celestia, and Pharynx will go with Sombra to talk to Luna.”

“Sounds like a plan,” said a slightly nervous Pharynx. “When do we go?”

The Changeling Brothers looked at Discord and Sombra.

“Well, Luna and I usually meet at Ponyville’s park, eleven at night.” Sombra informed them.

“Oh, I just pop in whenever. Celly doesn’t mind.” Discord said casually.

“At night, then.” Pharynx decided.

“Oh, I should inform you that Celestia is usually asleep at that time,” Discord pointed out. “And she’s usually very busy.”

“Oh. Right. When can I see her?” Thorax asked.

“I usually meet her around 6 o’clock at evening. That’s the only hour she has to breathe and relax.”

“Alright,” Thorax nodded. “Six o’clock, then.”

“Good evening, Celly!” Discord greeted, floating out of a portal and entering the castle’s garden.

“Good evening, Discord,” Celestia smiled, both of them exchanging a short kiss.

“How was your day?” Discord asked.

“It was as usual. Meetings and more meetings.”

“Sounds boring. How do you smile through it?” Discord asked.

“Well, it was a skill I picked up from my mother.” Celestia chuckled.

“Speaking of which, I just have to ask you a question,”

“Go on,” the alicorn nodded.

“How do you feel about a… ‘Vee’ relationship.”

“I’m afraid I don’t know what that is,” Celestia said slowly.

Discord cleared his throat and summoned a scroll of parchment with a snap of his talons. He put on a pair of reading glasses which he pulled out of Faust-knows-where. “A vee relationship is made up of three partners and gets its name from the letter 'V,' in which one creature acts as the 'hinge’ partner dating two other creatures. The other two creatures are not romantically or sexually involved with each other.

“These two creatures are known as ‘metamours’ to one another, and it means that two creatures who are dating the same creature, but are not actively dating each other. Metamours in a vee relationship may not know one another, may be acquaintances, or close friends. In some cases, metamours may even live with one another, with or without their partner.”

After reading, the draconequus made the scroll vanish. “So, how about it?”

“Well, it entirely depends on who this pony is.” Celestia said. She was ready to politely reject whoever was proposing this.

“Oh, he’s a changeling, give me a second,” he snapped his talons and teleported a confused and nervous Thorax. The changeling looked around before looking at Celestia.

“Oh, hello, Princess,” Thorax bowed his head.

“Greetings, Thorax,” Celestia bowed her head slightly. “Are you the one who proposed a polyamory?”

“I- yes… You see I…" Thorax took a deep breathe, then looked at the alicorn. "I have recently developed feelings for you, and I know that you are already in a relationship with someone. So I wanted to ask if you’re alright with polyamory,”

“Why, I-” Celestia was interrupted.

“It’s okay if you don’t want to, of course. I’m not going to force you into it.” Thorax said quickly, blushing and looking ready to leave.

This is the most stupidest thing I’ve ever done, Thorax yelled at himself internally.

“Discord, are you alright with this?” Celestia looked at Discord.

“Well, I’m alright with it if you’re alright with it,” Discord floated to Celestia, putting an arm around the alicorn’s neck. “What do you say?”

“I-I say I’ll just… Leave.” Thorax muttered.

“There is no need,” Celestia smiled reassuringly. “If Discord has- technically- given his consent, then I will give this… ‘Vee’ relationship a try.”

“Wait- really?” Thorax looked at the alicorn immediately, a smile making its way to the changeling’s muzzle after the alicorn nodded. “Thank you, I… This is..!”

He quickly composed himself, yelling internally about manners. “My apologies, thank you for giving me a chance!”

“You’re welcome, Thorax,” Celestia smiled, giving a quick kiss on the changeling’s cheek. “Oh, speaking of which, I have some meetings to attend to. I hope you’re not too busy tonight for some tea.”

“Oh, don’t worry, we’ll be there,” Discord smirked, giving the alicorn princess a kiss. Celestia smiled before leaving. “Well, that went well. Looks like we’re brothers now.”

“She just gave me a kiss..!” Thorax said in disbelief, a small blush forming on his cheeks. He had gotten a kiss from the Princess of the Sun. It felt amazing, how his heart fluttered.

“Oh, I assure you, you’ll be getting more than just a kiss after marriage.” Discord laughed at the stammering, beet-red Thorax.

Sombra warily watched as Pharynx continued to pace around in front of him, muttering something that goes along the lines of, “Okay, so Princess Celestia said yes to my brother, surely Princess Luna will say yes to me, too but what if she doesn’t? I mean, which logical pony wants to be with a changeling? What if-”

“Pharynx, was it?” Sombra said a bit loudly to snap the changeling out of his nervous trance.

“Huh- uh, yeah. I’m Pharynx,” Pharynx looked at the umbrum.

Sombra smiled reassuringly. “Have a seat,” he patted a spot next to him.

“No thanks,” said Pharynx.

“You look like you need it,” Sombra insisted. “Sit.”

Pharynx had no clue what made him feel intimidated by the umbrum, but he did as told. “So, are you gonna say something cheesy?”

“Perhaps,” Sombra shrugged. “You should calm yourself, else you’ll make a complete fool out of yourself in front of her.”

“Geez, alright…” Pharynx sighed. “I’m just nervous, y’know. Before changing, I used to just… Steal the love from ponies. This is the first time I’m actually feeling love and this… Need to have a relationship. With a princess no less. Talk about fairy tales…”

“I understand. We used to be villains, and it can be hard to try and make it up for all the damage we’ve caused,”

“Exactly! I’m not used to all this love thing, but I’m trying,” Pharynx said.

“How are you sure that you are truly in love with Luna?” Sombra asked, curious.

“Well, I don’t know. After I first saw her at Starlight’s graduation, and had a short conversation, I can’t seem to stop thinking about her. I’ve tried to forget her but she just keeps coming back and I just can’t get over how beautiful she is,” Pharynx said. “It’s just that I really want to get to know her better and maybe get closer to her if possible.”

Sombra stared at the changeling before deciding that Pharynx is sincere about his feelings. “Indeed, Luna is quite a mysterious yet beautiful mare.”

“Yeah,” Pharynx smiled. “She is.”

“I thank thee for the compliment,” said Luna’s voice. Both startled males blushed and quickly turned to look behind them, where Luna was standing.

“Ah, Luna!” Sombra smiled rather sheepishly. He made space as Luna walked to sit between them.

“I thought this is a special place for only the two of us?” Luna said, “Why is he here?”

Sombra was about to speak but Pharynx beat him to it. “Do you remember me, Princess? I was the one who -”

“Pharynx, yes, we’ve met before,” Luna nodded. The changeling looked overjoyed, then quickly composed himself. “What brings you here? This is a place for me and my partner.”

“You see, I have uhh…” Great Faust, why does he have trouble speaking? This does not usually happen. Where the hell are his words? “Well, I gotta ask you something…”

“Take your time…” Luna looked at him weirdly.

“What he wanted to say was,” Sombra said after Pharynx failed to speak. “He wanted to have a relationship with you.”

“Pardon?” asked a shocked Luna.

“A vee relationship,” Pharynx said quickly, explaining what it was before Luna could do or say anything. “...and in some cases, metamours may even live with one another, with or without their partner. So… What do you say?”

“I am not sure…” Luna looked at Sombra. “Are you alright with this?”

“I am, if it makes you happy, darling,” Sombra nuzzled the mare, who blushed.

“Well,” Luna said, “If you are truly sincere with your feelings towards me -”

“That I am.” Pharynx confirmed.

Luna thought for a while, then smiled shyly. Pharynx and Sombra thought it was adorable. “Then I’ll allow it.”

Pharynx looked dumbstruck before smiling. “Wait… Really? You’re not lying?”

“I assure you, I am not lying, nor is this a dream.” Luna said.

Pharynx chuckled. “Wow… This feels nice.”

“Now, why don’t you tell us a bit about yourself? We have to make this relationship work.” Luna said.

“Oh yeah, right. So uhh, I first hatched…” The alicorn and the umbrum listened to the changeling as he told his story, enjoying their night.

I could certainly get used to this, thought Luna, smiling.

Author's Note:

I have recently started shipping them so I have to do a fic about it. Do tell me if I made a mistake and I'll fix them, especially about the polyamory parts as I have no experience.

Comments ( 4 )

Wait so the word Polyamory is wrong? I'm so sorry if I offended you. Which word should I use instead? ^^" /gen

Relax, it was a joke.

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