• Published 7th Oct 2012
  • 1,692 Views, 33 Comments

Storm Hawks : Equestria. - Royal

When a wanna be Sky-Knight ends up being blown into Equestria, how will he react?

  • ...

Dude, where's my ride?

I slowly came back to my senses, which wasn't good. It meant I was waking up, and I was having such a good dream... I was a Sky-Knight, I had my own squad, I had everything. Oh well, time to greet the day. I opened my eyes.


"What the heck!" I shouted as I leapt from the hammock, only to see Carapace staring at me with a confused face.

"What's wrong?"

"Ever heard of personal space...wait were you standing there all night?!"

He slowly nodded his head.

"Dude, that's like the definition of creepy."

"I was not aware." He said with a coy smile.

I brushed my hand against the hilt of my sword and drummed my fingers against it. "Do it again, and we're gonna have a problem." I cracked a smile at his even further confusion. "Just kidding mate, just don't do it again please."

He laughed. "Deal."

I was going to say something, but I noticed Carapace seemed to have seized up. "Hey Carapace...you all right?"

He shook himself, snapping back to attention. "Yes, sorry about that. Now, Chrysalis would like to see you, if that's not an issue that is."

"Sure, I've always got time for the gal who saved my life." I said with smile, I needed to have a chat with her anyway.

He frowned. "Don't call Chrysalis 'gal'." His response was purely serious.

"That a threat?"

"More of a statement."

I nodded. "OK, lead on." He turned and I started to follow him.

I followed Carapace intent on asking him what Chrysalis wanted exactly, but I had enough trouble keeping up with my airborne friend as it was. It didn't take us long to arrive at the very top of the spire emerging onto the...spire of the spire, so to speak. I noticed that when I looked down, I was standing on the huge green crystal that I noticed the day before, it seemed brighter now.

I looked around and spotted Chrysalis sitting at the far end of the crystal, perched at the edge of it. "Any words of advice?" I didn't hear any response. "Carapace?" I looked around, not seeing any trace of my red winged bud, thanks mate.

I started toward Chrysalis and sat down beside her, dangling my legs over the edge of the tower and turning to face my saviour.

"What do you see?" Chrysalis asked me as I noticed her gaze staring far into the distance, covering both the wastelands of her home and the fertile lands of the Equestrian dictators.

"Depends, I see the wastes, but I'm guessing you see something different?" I replied, she glanced sideways at me.

"I see my land, and I see my kind, and what we have been forced to endure at the hooves of our enemies." Chrysalis seemed to be very forlorn during her little speech.

"OK, so why am I here?" She cocked her head at me, looking slightly confused.

"I do not know what could have sent you to this land, but I would like to help you return home if you desire it."

I chuckled. "Actually, I meant why am I here, you know, on top of this tower?"

She giggled at me, considering what I knew of her, that must have been rare. "Apologies, I just assumed."

"I get it, I would like to get home though, if you know anyway that is." She frowned slowly shaking her head, it was clear that she did not hold the solution to my predicament. "So, anyways, why are we sitting up here?"

She turned to face me. staring dead in the eye. "Carapace has informed me that you have magic."

This statement lead me to my first confused look of the day, why did he think I had...oh. "Hehe, I think he heard that wrong, I don't have magic, my swords crystal has magic." I said as I drew the blade, she tensed for a moment and I began to sheath the blade. "I can show you, if that's OK with you that is." She nodded and I slid my blade from its sheath, before gripping the handle and igniting the crystals power, coating the blade in a vibrant blue light, like blue fire.

I glanced at Chrysalis and noted she wasn't even looking at the sword, she was looking behind us, at the crystal we were sitting upon. "Hey Chrysalis, you OK?"

"You were telling the truth, weren't you?"


"You can manipulate crystals, can't you?"

"Well, yeah, anyone can."

"So you did this?" She said whilst pointing a hoof at the large crystal...which was now glowing.

I got to my feet, walking onto the crystal, noting that it was getting brighter for some reason. "I...I've never seen something like this before, was it glowing earlier?"

"Only when you entered the tower, and only faintly, nothing like this." As she spoke the crystal began to glow more brightly, feeling an odd urge I leaned down, brushing my hand along its smooth surface, and creating a small pulse as I came in contact with it. The dull crystal was now a vibrant emerald like color.

I turned back to Chrysalis, her eyes wandering over me curiously, I was curious too...I'd never seen a crystal react like that before.

"I-I gotta go, I me- I need to get my... my bike." I said as I quickly began to sprint from the scene, their was something in Chrysalis' eyes that made me uncomfortable, I guess she thought I was a freak or something. it didn't take long for me to get outside of the tower, it wasn't until then that I stopped to breath... how did I do that? Did I do that? I glanced back to the tower, I probably wasn't welcome there anymore. I turned from it, back towards when I entered this realm, and where my few belongings awaited.

Chrysalis did not understand why Raider had fled, clearly he had an incredible power at his command, yet did not seem to want it. She needed to test him however, if any of her plans were to commence, she needed to have an idea of what this creature could do. 'Carapace?' She sent out a telepathic wave, it was time for its test.

'Yes my Queen.'

'Follow him, and ensure he returns.'

'Yes my Queen.'

'Also, are the volunteers prepared?'

'Yes my Queen, the preparations have been made, and the chosen are ready.'

Chrysalis smiled. It was time for a test.

It didn't take me long to get back to where I first met Chrysalis, in the light it was easy to make out where my skimmer had crashed in the distance. Only thing that was bothering me about the wreckage was this: No guards. The day before they were swarming all over the bike, but I could clearly see from here that it was abandoned now. Guess alien technology isn't big on their priorities list?

I very cautiously made my way toward the crash site, I may not see anything, but they had magic as well, or at least that's what I'd gathered. I stopped when I reached my ride and looked around. I think a minute passed before I moved, and it was only then I realised that I had been gripping the hilt of my sword.

"You OK?"

I instantly ripped my sword from its place on my back and dropped into a defensive crouch, searching for the source of the voice. It was only when I spotted Carapace floating in the air above me that I relaxed, holstering my sword and standing up straight.

"You have gotta stop coming outta no where man, it's gonna get you hurt one of these days."

"Hehe, I'm am unaccustomed to ways outside of the hive." He said with a smirk on his face, I just rolled my eyes and turned back to my skimmer, it was surprisingly mostly intact. The left side engine was gone, just gone, thankfully the right just seemed to have lost power, as easy fix. The over all frame had some bits and pieces missing, but nothing that couldn't be patched. Two major, MAJOR plus sides were that the wheels and wings were fine, those would have been a serious pain without the correct tools.

"Is your flying machine working?" I heard Carapace ask from behind me along with the sound of his hooves hitting the ground.

"Ahh, no, but it's fixable... think you could lift it?" I said turning to him, he looked confused for a moment before he realised what I was asking.

"I could try." He offered simply, I nodded as I watched his horn become encompassed in a bright green glow, quickly followed by my ride. For a few moments it appeared to be working, everything lifted aaaaand then fell back to the ground. "My apologies, it is to heavy for me alone."

I walked up and patted him on the back. "It's the thought that counts." We both laughed a little at that. It was when we both sat down together, my eyes idly wandering over my ride that I remembered the crates that I had stolen from the Cyclonians were sticking out of the ground a few feet away. They really did make those crates strong. I got up and attempted to pull free the first box, unsuccessfully until Carapace added his magic to my struggle, resulting in me falling flat on my back when it did finally pop loose.

I groaned as I got back to my feet, and noticed Carapace was staring into the now open box.

"Let me guess, it's something shiny?" I muttered as I went over to join him, only to be taken aback by the boxes contents. It was both books and crystals, both marked. Delivery shipment for Master Cyclonis If I was in Atmosia at the moment I'd winging it to the nearest Sky-Knight squadron, probably the, but now... I didn't know what to do with them. I lifted a book out of it, which was burned and badly damaged, but still legible I hoped. I opened the first page and was pretty stunned by what I saw. 'Pipers Crystal Guide' If I was right in assuming, this belonged to Piper of the Storm Hawks. Which meant that I had a crystal guide. This was a find that would be useful till the day I die. I flicked through it, fortunately it was neatly laid out with a table of contents and all, I laughed as I slipped it into my back pocket.

"It's just some gems and books, why are you so happy?" Carapace said to me in a baffled tone.

"Cause this stuff explains how to make gems work, even lesser known ones."

He nodded slowly, but I doubt he really understood, but hell, he might soon enough.

"Think you could lift out the other one, so I don't end up with a broken back today?"

He wasted no time in wrenching this one from the ground, before placing it down in front of me, I thanked him before gently lifting the lid of the container and placing it to the side. Inside there was a large assortment of crystals, ranging from Solaris, to Floaters, Phoenix to Blizzard. I also think when I saw them I made a very unusual noise.

"Carapace. I think I just hit the mother load."

He glanced into the box, before pulling back. "They are very...shiny?"

"Yep, shiny." I said reaching for the Phoenix Crystal. "And-" I was cut off by the sound of what could only have been an explosion in the distance. Back towards the Spire.

Carapace instantly took to the sky, before slamming down next to me. "We have to get back! The Spire is being assaulted!"

I nodded reaching into the box and pulling out another crystal. "Alright, think you can lift me?" Before I had even finished the green glow of his magic had ensnared me, lifting me into the air trailing behind him and I have to admit, without a chute, ride, or glider holding me up I was really damn scared...